This World Needs a Hero

Chapter 316:

Chapter 316:



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30 minutes ago, Avalon.

Red warning lights flickered inside the fortress as a dry voice echoed through the air.

[Warning! Enemy drop detected. Assessing the number of enemy units.]

The combat personnel, already on standby, gripped their weapons tightly.

[Detected: Over a hundred high-level demons. Analysis indicates two of them are of legion commander rank.]

It was as Larze had predicted.

The valuable demons had been infused with the demonic energy of the lesser ones, greatly empowering them.

The 5th Legion Commander, Astaon the Scholar of Madness, and the 4th Legion Commander, Meragon the Priest of Solitude, were leading the assault themselves.

[The drop will be completed shortly. All forces, prepare for immediate combat!]


Holograms of Avalon appeared throughout the interior.

Red dots crowded around them.

Euphemia, observing the scene, murmured softly.

"They're splitting their forces in half."

Half of them were headed for the deck.

They likely intended to destroy the turrets and various installations before scattering to infiltrate the interior.

‘Their primary target is probably the engine room.’

The other half were heading for the ground.

They were aiming to disable the tracks and propulsion system—the means of Avalon’s movement.

These were the obvious targets for those who needed to delay Avalon’s advance until the descent ritual was complete.

"What do you plan to do?"

At that moment, Noubelmag, who had just regained his composure, approached, leaning on his staff as he asked the question.

"There’s the option of using the secret weapon here."

But the Emperor decisively rejected the idea.

"No, I intend to reserve that for when we face Theo and Malekia at the 50th sector."

"Then, it’s a full-scale battle... With the main forces pinned down, we must proceed with caution."

Avalon's forces still numbered around 200, twice as many as the enemy.

However, if they engaged the enemy recklessly with their main forces depleted, the casualties would be significant.

"...Yes, we must be cautious."

"Then I’ll head to the bunker with the technicians. Good luck."

Euphemia nodded lightly.

The conditions they needed to uphold in this battle were as follows:

‘First, we must minimize damage to Avalon itself.’

There were still 49 sectors remaining.

Furthermore, they needed Avalon intact to face the legions of Theo and Malekia, who awaited them at the 50th sector.

Along the same lines, they couldn’t afford to lose too many troops.

‘Even in the worst-case scenario, at least half must survive.’

Finally, they needed to avoid slowing down their advance, whether due to the destruction of their means of movement or delays in escaping the core’s explosion radius.

Euphemia smiled bitterly.

"The difficulty level is quite high."

Even someone as accustomed to pressure as she was found it hard to breathe.

But as she thought of her fallen friends, her breath gradually steadied.

‘Was Ted always navigating such operations?’

Her thoughts wandered further.

‘And that guy, too.’

When the doppelgänger first approached the Imperial Palace to propose the "lie," Euphemia had found him unreliable.

But now, he had led them to the doorstep of the Demon King's castle.

She couldn't afford to show poor results to her two friends.

The Emperor mentally reviewed the strategy that would satisfy all these conditions and finally raised his hand.

"Alright, let's begin."

A calm voice followed.

"Take your positions."

* * *


The demon, Kress, spread his massive wings and quickly circled around Avalon.

His rough breath escaped between his teeth, which were clenched in jagged rows.

"Hah... Hah."

He was overwhelmed by the immense demonic energy boiling within him.

This was thanks to having devoured countless lower-ranked monsters and demons.

Though it wasn’t as efficient, he now possessed several times his previous strength. However, Kress's face showed more anxiety than joy.

‘I must get inside this damned hunk of metal, and quickly.’

The demons had abandoned any hope of survival from the outset, launching this assault. The power disparity was too severe.

‘We can’t possibly fight those monsters and elite humans with just our forces.’

Their sole objective was to buy time.

Therefore, he needed to get inside before the doppelgänger appeared and sliced his head off.

Initially, he had aimed for the main hatch on the deck.

But that was already heavily guarded by the chieftain of the ice dragons, a wolf-mounted archer, and some fairies.

After constructing a massive ice wall, they entrenched themselves for a prolonged siege.

"Come at me, you weaklings! The daughter of Dorempa is right here!"

"Volley fire! Let’s add some arrows to decorate their horns!"

Attacking recklessly would only waste time.

So, the 4th Legion Commander ordered some of his troops to scatter and search the entirety of Avalon for an entrance.

That’s why Kress was now flying in circles around Avalon’s massive hull.

"You damned rats!"

Kress hurled a magic blast at the exterior wall in frustration.

But whether it was the human magicians inside giving their all or the barrier was simply active, the shield remained intact.

They might break through with enough time, but they didn’t have that luxury.

Kress’s eyes darted back and forth frantically.

‘…But it’s quieter than I expected. Has the doppelgänger not joined the battle yet?’

…It was at that moment.


A hissing sound pierced through the noise of the battlefield, reaching Kress’s ears.

Startled, Kress turned to see a secondary hatch slowly opening on the side of Avalon.

A small silhouette was sneaking out.

They were likely heading to support the troops on the ground and the tracks.

‘This is my chance!’


Formidable demonic energy concentrated in Kress’s wings.

Like an eagle swooping down on its prey, Kress dived straight for the open hatch.

"Bad luck for you!"

…Under normal circumstances, he might have been a bit more cautious.

But fear that the doppelgänger might show up and slice his head off, coupled with the anxiety of needing to stop Avalon as soon as possible, left him no room for rational thought.

"Everyone, over here! I’ll keep the entrance open!"

Kress thought he was about to crush the girl’s face with his talons.

…Or so he thought.

"No use shouting. They won’t hear you."

Nyhill appeared, disappearing like a mirage before reappearing a few steps away.

Only then did Kress realize that inertia had already carried him into the interior of the mobile fortress.


The auxiliary hatch slammed shut behind him with a loud noise.


And before him stood...

"Demon! Taste the sword of Wellington!"

Lucas’s sword, honed through years of relentless training to avoid disgrace before his friends.


"For the House of Montague!"

"For Her Majesty!"

And then, the swords of the nobles he led came pouring down.

Kress fought back fiercely, releasing amplified demonic energy.

But surrounded by five or six skilled knights, and with daggers flying in from blind spots, he couldn't hold out to the end.

…Operation name: Venus Flytrap.

Kress lay down next to the body of a fellow demon who had been caught earlier.

"You vile…."

"Shut up! As if you're any less vile?!"

With Lucas's roar of anger, recalling a truly 'vile' act he had suffered years ago, Kress lost consciousness.




"Are there any seriously injured?"

"No, sir."

Lucas sighed in relief.

It was indeed worth handpicking only the most outstanding knights.

Despite having faced a high-ranking demon, all had come out with only minor injuries.

'Well, they are the best, after all.'

Though not quite on the level of the Dawn Knights, all of them were heroes renowned across the land even before Lucas ascended to the rank of Duke.

The fact that he could lead them was due to his status.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Lucas looked at another key player.

"Nyhill, you worked hard too. Thanks to you, it was handled easily."

She had taken on the dangerous task of luring the enemy, masked their presence and sound with magic, and even assisted in battle.

"Are you hurt?"



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"Good, I'll count on you next time too."


…It seemed she didn't want to continue the conversation.

Lucas chuckled as he was about to start the hunt again.


Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed, and he quickly turned around.

But Lucas's raised sword lowered again.

"Hey, Evergreen, Luke."

It was the two who had been assigned to another auxiliary hatch on the same floor.

Evergreen glanced at the corpses on the floor and clapped her hands.

"I came to help, but it looks like you didn't need it."

"Ah, thanks. I'll ask if I need it."

In the past, Lucas would have ridiculed and looked down on Evergreen, a country noble, and Luke, a mercenary, but now his attitude had changed 180 degrees.

The Enoch incident had a significant impact, but more so were the attitudes they showed afterward, which deeply moved him.

Evergreen had consistently sent letters of concern and occasionally organized drinking parties with their peers.

Thanks to her, he was able to reconcile with and properly apologize to his estranged comrades.

Luke was equally cool.

‘You were really annoying back then. There were more than a few times I wanted to beat you up.’

With a few words like that, he seemed to have let everything go and treated him kindly.

Lucas was immensely grateful to both of them for many reasons.

"So, how many have you taken down?"



"Two of them came in at once."

Lucas was reminded once again of their exceptional talents.

The surrounding knights were also quite impressed.

"You two might have killed the most."

"Who knows? Cuculli is on the deck, and… more importantly, there's Ban on the ground. I wouldn't bet against him."

"True. Ban and Leciel are a bit special."

Lucas nodded.

Ban had grown so much that Lucas felt foolish for ever being jealous of him.

'By now, even ten of me wouldn't be a match for him.'

विचारान् विदार्य सर्वविवेकान् ज्वालय सुषुप्तं मदनं जागरय।

[TL/N: According to google translate this loosely translates to, “Tear apart thoughts, ignite all discrimination, awaken sleeping passion”.]

Lucas continued speaking.

"We might be able to wipe them out before they even reach the professor."

आत्मानं कंपयन्ति निश्शब्दा: , अराजकस्य आधिपत्यं आगच्छ।

[TL/N: According to google translate this loosely translates to, “Silences that shake themselves: Come to the dominion of chaos.”]

Luke shrugged his shoulders.

"Who knows… if they'll keep going down this easily…."

As Lucas continued the conversation, he suddenly felt a splitting headache.

"Agh. But don't you hear something strange?"

"Sound? What sound?"

"A muttering…."

Luke looked puzzled at Lucas's words.

But it didn't take long for his face to suddenly contort.


The sound of metal.

Lucas stared in shock at the sword that was blocked right in front of his ribs.

It would have pierced his heart if Luke hadn't blocked it.

"…Sir Janice?"

The sword strike had come from one of his own knights standing right beside him.

Dull eyes, lips moving incessantly, irregular breathing.

Though the situation was hard to understand, Lucas's 'intuition' kicked in before 'understanding.'

"Psychic attack!"

Before his shout even finished, numerous sword strikes flew around them.

Some blocked, some struck.

Amazingly, not a single drop of blood was shed, thanks to Luke and Nyhill deflecting all the strikes aimed at their allies.

Luke then shouted, blocking in front of Evergreen.

"Subdue them first!"

So, Luke, Evergreen, Lucas, Nyhill, the four warriors in extreme, pushed and kicked the knights with blurry eyes as they retreated.

"Snap out of it!"

"Damn, they won't listen!"

Evergreen was the strongest among them.

Her fists, strengthened by the immense draw force she used on her bow, left the knights sprawled on the ground like frogs, completely incapacitated.

Their helmets were dented as if a cannonball had hit them.

Luke shuddered, and Lucas spoke, relieved but puzzled.

"What the hell is this…?"

No matter how strong the psychic attack, how could it control people so recklessly?

This was an irrational phenomenon.

But before Lucas could voice his thoughts,


Footsteps echoed from the dark corridor.

Along with the incomprehensible chant.

युवां मम संतती अस्मि, मूलं प्रति प्रतिगच्छ।

[TL/N: This one loosely translates to “You are my offspring, go back to your roots.”]

Hollow eyes gleamed from within the shadows.

The group momentarily forgot to retreat and stared at the uninvited guest.

Their heads turned as if drawn by invisible strings.

"That is…."

The first thing that caught their eyes was the bony, skeletal figure, barely covered by faded rags.

A tall, towering figure, in stark contrast to its frail body.

Because of this, it tilted its head as it looked at them.

The extremely gaunt face gleamed with malevolent energy.

Lucas whispered the identity in a low voice.

"The 5th Legion Commander…."

On that emaciated hand rested a large tome.


The crimson light rising from the open pages softly illuminated the corridor.

Its eyes darted between the book and the group.


The 5th Corps Commander, the Scholar of Madness, Astaon, stood before them.

In that brief moment, Lucas felt a shiver from the intense demonic energy emanating from him.

"Damn it, no wonder the other demons were weaker than expected."

Luke muttered under his breath.

"Yeah… the Legion Commanders must have absorbed the demonic energy. A lot more than their minions."

"He's much stronger than the 6th and 7th Corps Commanders, isn't he?"

"…Stop stating the obvious. Damn it, which idiot let him in through the auxiliary hatch?"

Should they attack or retreat and bring reinforcements?

As they hesitated,

Astaon's lips moved again.

विवेकस्य शृंखला: भङ्क्त्वा मदनस्य समुद्रं च अराजकस्य राज्यं च वोऽनयामि।

Still, the chant was incomprehensible.

But this time, the group understood its meaning.

The mouths of the unconscious knights on the floor opened simultaneously and echoed the interpretation.

"Breaking the chains of reason, I lead you to the sea of madness and the kingdom of chaos."

Astaon's finger pointed straight ahead.

प्रमत्तो भव।

"Go mad."

…It was aimed precisely at Luke.



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