This World Needs a Hero

Chapter 30

Chapter 30



The memories of fallen enemies fattened the successor’s spiritual flesh.

* Progress has been unlocked.

* Understanding has been unlocked.

– The ‘Forge, Firewood, Flames’ category has been unlocked.

– Previous user:

Deepened understanding of ‘Ted Redymer.’

– User’s racial ability:

Completed learning ‘Evolutionary Polymorph.’

Linking related information with the artifact.

– The limit of Evolutionary Polymorph has increased.

– Redemption Ritual: ‘Halo of the First Form’ has been unlocked.

– Some lost memories have been recovered.


Various changes to the Iris of Laplace, similar to when I first acquired it, naturally entered my mind.

But at the moment, those things didn’t immediately catch my eye.


I looked at the book in my hand, covered with dusty fingerprints, at a loss for words.

Its aged and worn-out appearance carried a different meaning now.

‘Coming back every year to reflect on such memories.’

I thought it would contain good memories.

I had no idea it would reveal the density of tragedy during his childhood that was suffocating enough to choke me.

‘I understand the intention, but….’

It’s in the same context as the names of the dead covering my body.

A device to grasp oneself.

To perpetually ignite remorse, it thoroughly contemplates the most horrifying memories.

…A self-examination.

‘…The Iris of Laplace mentioned that there are multiple memories.’

I wonder if everything else was in a similar situation.

I sighed and opened my mouth.

“Surreptitiously watching people is not a good habit, Rosalyn.”

Rosalyn, who had been observing me intently through the gaps in the bookshelves, grinned mischievously.

“Oh, I’m sorry. You seemed to be making such a painful expression.”

“A habit of misunderstanding people is not good either.”

“Should I consider it a misunderstanding?”


“Please give me the book. I’ll organize it for you.”

I handed her the book.

She gently swept her finger over the cover once before returning it to its original place.


Memories flowed through the air, scattering light and dust.

“Does that mean you’ve finished all your business today with this?”

I nodded.

There was one more important matter.

It’s an unconfirmed record, but according to it, Zero Requiem, the owner of the library of memories, has his memories stored here as well.

It was information I received from Nyhill.

“Rosalyn, I have one more question.”

“If I can answer, feel free to ask.”

“Are the memories left by your master also in this library?”

If anyone knows the answer to this question, it would be her, who shares the same origin with this library.

With that expectation, I looked at her.

But she, who had been speaking so confidently, suddenly fell silent as if she had become dumbfounded.

‘What’s going on?’

I sensed a strange change.

Her expression was gradually disappearing.

The humanity and liveliness I felt in her gestures and speech were rapidly evaporating.

It was eerie.

After a few more seconds, Rosalyn transformed into an entirely different being.

Droplets – like rolling glass eyes.

I noticed her gaze shifting towards the Iris of Laplace and my robe, which had stopped its transformation and took on the appearance of Zero’s robe.

“I have confirmed it.”

I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Rosalyn slowly lowered her head.

I realized her ‘true identity.’

“I will greet you again. I am Rosalyn Requiem, the librarian responsible for this library, and…”

‘Memorize’ is a magic that stores the memories of the subject in a specific form.

“I am the vessel containing the memories of the owner.”

That form didn’t necessarily have to be a book.

Recorded magical entity:

Linked with Rosalyn Requiem.

Regarding the changes in this artifact,

I recommend seeking assistance from her.

I said, “I will access you.”

“It’s not possible.”

I opened my mouth again.

“I will access you.”

“It’s not possible.”

A prompt response.

* * *

“Not possible?”

“Don’t be impatient. You’ll see when the time comes.”

The Hero, who was looking into her eyes devoid of any emotion, realized that she had no intention of explaining further about Zero’s memories.

‘For now, I should be satisfied with obtaining a clue.’

As for Zero’s memories, just like before, he didn’t know what conditions needed to be satisfied for them to be unlocked.

The Hero decided to step back.

“Okay, let’s get to the main point.”

“Good idea.”

“The Iris of Laplace is asking for your assistance regarding the changes.”

“What specific aspect are you curious about?”

Among the comments that appeared, there was one item that he couldn’t understand.

“Progress has been unlocked.”

The understanding was undoubtedly referring to ‘Polymorph Understanding.’

It should indicate the understanding of the subject for which Polymorph is to be performed.

But what does ‘Progress’ mean?

“I’m curious about what ‘Progress’ means.”

Rosalyn paused for a moment.

The library fell into temporary silence.

“By now, you might have guessed why my owner created the Iris of Laplace and for what purpose.”

The Hero nodded without insisting on the changed title.

Rosalyn had already concluded the artifact’s role.

“For the salvation of humanity, isn’t it?”

“Yes, that’s correct. As the inheritor of my owner’s legacy, you are the savior who must navigate through that great path.”

Rosalyn’s slender finger touched the eyepiece.

“A series of instructions related to this is embedded inside.”

He felt vibrations in the glasses, and comments started appearing before his eyes.

“Check the progress.”

“The hearth cannot withstand even a slight increase in heat.”

“Damp logs and faded ashes are accumulated.”

“As a result, the embers are weak.”

“The end of winter is still far away.”

When he looked at Rosalyn with questioning eyes, she explained.

“The hearth represents your ‘strength.'”

“My strength?”

“The sentence will change as you grow. Rewards will follow.”

Ways to increase the progress of the hearth were explained:

– Increase understanding of Polymorph.

– Obtain powerful equipment.

– Acquire unique abilities like Gaia’s.

– Transcend through training, among others.

[PR/N: These are comments shown in the artifact, or through it, and not a system message]

“These are the paths for you to become stronger.”

“Logs represent allies.”


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Children or comrades, like Pia, were part of the logs.

Their conditions, indicating the growth of their bodies or minds, were evaluated.

Unity and bonds were considered factors.

“Finally, the flame…”

Rosalyn quietly recited and raised her hand.


As the illusionary magic activated, the landscape of the ruined eastern continent passed before his eyes.

On the ancient human grounds, various grotesque creatures were howling.

“The flame’s sentence represents ‘humanity.'”

Simply put, it indicated how much had been reclaimed from the demons.

The subjugation of high-ranking demons, reclaiming of territory, and cleansing of the demon realm could accelerate progress.

Hearth, logs, flame.

By diligently working towards changes in these three sentences, the Iris of Laplace would provide corresponding rewards.


“These are things that need to be done anyway. But…”

There was something I was curious about

“There must have been a more intuitive way to indicate progress than these sentences. Like a numerical value.”

“I’ll consider that as per your preference.”

“Thank you.”

“Do you have any additional questions?”

Shaking my head in refusal, I watched as she reached her hand toward the void.

“I’ll conclude here.”


A portal appeared in the rear.

It was a summoning spell.

* * *

Ban walked, recalling the events of a few days ago.

…The day he had fainted during the Demonology class.

“Ban, are you okay?”

“But why did you faint?”

“According to Lucas, you often do that.”

“He fainted even in primary and middle academies. Is it still not better?”

As soon as they returned to the dormitory, the barrage of questions from the kids continued.


Ban, though timid, was not foolish.

He well understood that the purpose of those seemingly concerned words was merely to satisfy curiosity.

…Who might have ignited that curiosity could be easily guessed.


The son of the Duke of Wellington.

An “evil friend” he had known since childhood, whether in the social circle or the primary and middle academies.

Throughout history, the guy has spread quite meaningful rumors about him.


If Cuculli hadn’t suddenly intervened this time, it would have been quite embarrassing.

“Oh, are all the weaklings gathered here? Anyone wants to spar?!”

As the kids dispersed in a rush, Cuculli chuckled and went on her way.

‘Even though it passed over so smoothly this time…’

The kids’ interest would not die down quickly.

Ban sighed deeply.

‘Can I break free from this symptom?’

Wielding a sword was fine.

As long as it didn’t escalate beyond the level of controlled sparring, he could manage somehow.

But the moment he thought about piercing and bending something with his own hands, his body stiffened involuntarily.

From the perspective of a swordsman, it could be a fatal disqualification.

‘…Still, I won’t give up.’

Ban remembered the words of the Hero.

‘When you want to give up, remember why you started.’

A Hero.

He, a person of an entirely different kind than himself, would probably find it challenging to understand vulnerability and humility.

Yet, for some reason, Ban felt that this man understood him more deeply than anyone else, providing him with the courage to endure even at the brink.

Perhaps, there might be a small hope that this situation could improve.


Ban raised his head and looked at the moonlight reflecting softly on the nearby buildings.

Due to the lack of other facilities nearby, only the sound of chirping crickets filled the silence.

The Library of Memories was one of the reasons he came to Rosenstark.

‘…This is the only place.’

The only space where he could pursue his vanished mother, erased from the family without leaving a trace.

The problem was that he couldn’t access this place until he reached the graduation year.

He had to endure somehow for four years.

Even if he faced any adversity, he became a laughingstock.

He couldn’t give up on this.

At that moment, the bell rang.

Dang! Dang!

It was the signal for curfew.

To avoid getting demerits, he had to return now.

Ban swallowed his disappointment and turned his head.

What he didn’t know was that, just like him, a small-horned Frost Dragon girl was also in front of the Library of Memories.

* * *

In the research lab.

The dimly lit space covered in shadows seemed even quieter today.

‘I wonder if Pia left work early.’

Fortunately, it seemed so.

The Hero didn’t feel like talking with anyone at the moment, so he was grateful.

So, he let the two guys who were lingering around the Library of Memories go first without saying anything.


First, it seemed like he needed to check his gains.

He activated the Iris of Laplace.

‘The limit of the Evolution Polymorph has increased. Understanding of the Hero has elevated, causing further growth in the Polymorph.’

The growth rate was beyond his expectations.

The detailed changes in his abilities would only be apparent by directly wielding the sword in training, but roughly speaking, he felt like he had become twice as powerful compared to before.

Perhaps, he wouldn’t be far behind even against the intermediate demons.


Salvation Ritual – ‘Halo Type 1’ has been unlocked.

The Hero stared at the comment.

“…I didn’t expect to be able to use the Salvation Ritual so quickly.”

The Salvation Ritual was a crucial technique for a Hero.

It was a powerful finishing move that allowed a human to confront transcendent beings by embodying their skills into a ‘ritual.’

‘Halo’ represented the first type.

It significantly enhanced the power of the sword, allowing the wielder to freely transform the properties and form of the sword for a certain period after activation.

The Halo Type 1 would allow him to unleash a vastly more powerful sword energy.

Although he could probably only cast it once with his current skill level, it was potent enough to save his life in a critical situation.

‘With my current skills, I can swing the sword a bit more like a warrior and fight a bit more.’

“…This should be enough for gains.”

The Hero placed the Iris of Laplace on the table.

The visit to the Library of Memories had brought him a significant advancement.

I’ve become stronger.

My goals have become clearer.

The worries I had before coming to the academy seem trivial now, given the smooth situation.


However, the reason my heart is unsettled is probably because of the memories I saw earlier.

The blazing flames.

Beside the river at sunset.

And the boy’s scream.

‘That’s all in the past.’

Humans are said to be beings that go through continuous cycles of growth.

There are no naturally strong humans from birth.

It was a straightforward story.

But why is it different for the Hero?

The hero was considered an exception.

Everyone thought of him as someone who had an iron-like heart and transcendent mental strength from the beginning.

A transcendent being chosen by the gods as the savior.

No one tried to imagine him as anything less.

…The face of the boy standing alone on the rain-soaked battlefield comes to mind.

An inexperienced boy who didn’t know what to do in the face of overwhelming despair.

He became an indomitable Hero.

I wonder what more that boy went through during the time I don’t know.



The shaking glass.

The hero with an unfamiliar expression reflected and disappeared repeatedly.

“Can I be like you?”

In reality, an answer wasn’t necessary.

I knew what he would say.

“Judging the possibility of something you have to do is foolish. Just do it.”

A calm voice seemed to resonate, and I clenched my fist tightly.

What do I have to do?

The task that only I can do.

The path I chose.


The cool and clear breeze of a spring night tickled my forehead.

With a clearer mind, I closed my eyelids.

Yes, now it was my mission.

* * *


A sharp sound of metal.

I pushed with force, shifting my weight, and looked at the face beyond the entangled blades.

The eyes that were always full of mischief were now burning seriously.

“Professor! It’s time for you to pay attention!”

Kasim shouted, full of determination.

…How did things end up like this?


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