This World Needs a Hero

Chapter 285

Chapter 285


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Ignotus continued with a simple self-introduction.

He explained that as one of the ghosts of the Shadow Division, he was responsible for guiding them through the seal, and he planned to stay with them for a while, assisting with the maintenance of the facility and the convenience of the guardians.

“Not only myself but also a support team to assist with the overall living conditions of the guardians has already arrived and is waiting inside. I will introduce them to you gradually.”

Leciel and Ban nodded and greeted him.

“Oh, I see. Please take good care of us!”

“…We look forward to your assistance.”

After all, combatants alone couldn’t sustain themselves at the sealing ground.

Ban and Leciel could sense presences inside the canyon.

‘This is practically like an outpost.’

For some reason, they felt a bit relieved to be living with the man before them.

Perhaps it was due to his friendly smile and calm demeanor.

Even Leciel, who was not particularly friendly towards others, found herself feeling a subtle fondness for ‘Ignotus.’

“Then, please come inside.”

With a faint smile, Ignotus turned around.




The rough locations and defending forces of the five seals were as follows:

– The 1st seal in the northern ‘Lost Plain’ where Barrett Namsov is located. The defense of the 1st seal is managed by Cuculli and her elite troops, the Namsov family, Izaro, and Maktania. This place is the core of the seals, requiring more effort than other regions.

– The 2nd seal located underground in the Imperial Palace of the capital. The defense of the 2nd seal is managed by the Emperor’s special forces, the Imperial Guards, the elite agents of the Shadow Division, and the former sword saint.

– The 3rd seal located in the depths of the Great Forest, at Laplace’s hiding place. The defense of the 3rd seal is managed by the fairy warriors and some members of the Dawn Knights dispatched there.

– The 4th seal located within Rosenstark in the western continent. The defense of the 4th seal is managed by Rosenstark’s own defensive forces and the elite knights led by Lucas, the new head of the Wellington family.

– Lastly, the 5th seal in the central continent, the Feinell region. Originally, it was defended by half of the Dawn Knights and Larze. However, as the frontline gradually receded, the Lotus Knights and the forces of Arpheus were recruited instead. It was judged that even they were insufficient, so Leciel, known as the strongest sword, was assigned.

“This way, please.”

After briefly introducing the living area, Ignotus led them to the deepest part of the canyon.

Passing through dozens of protective barriers and fearsome defensive artifacts (which seemed somewhat familiar to the children), the 5th seal finally revealed itself.


The seal had the shape of a tree, resembling the body of Barrett Namsov.

Centered around a gigantic ancient tree, circular patterns and geometric designs were layered in ripples.

However, since it was a magically created tree, the seal was semi-transparent and emitted a blinding light.


As they approached, they could hear voices coming from an unknown source, whispering words like Keter, Chokhmah, Binah, Chesed….

Simultaneously, the tree’s branches split into countless directions, reaching towards the ceiling.

The branches intertwined, forming a mystical veil.

The children were awestruck by the unfamiliar sight.

Even in Rosenstark, where magic was commonplace, the atmosphere exuded by the seal was overwhelming.

“…So this is the seal we’ve only heard about.”

Ban was the first to ask a question.

“Can you tell us now what is being sealed?”

“Of course. Both of you have the necessary authorization.”


“No matter how many people are tasked with guarding the seal, not everyone knows its true nature. However, those like you, who play a central role in its protection, are naturally allowed to share this information.”

Ban’s eyes gleamed with curiosity at these words.

“…Who determines the granting of authorization? The Emperor? Or perhaps….”

“Well, as I’m just a lower rank, I don’t know that much.”

“I see.”

With a faint smile, Ignotus continued.

“Anyway, to explain, you both know that four years ago, Hero Ted Redymer injured the Demon King, forcing him into retreat. As a result, for the next year, the demons put a lot of effort into gathering demonic energy to heal the Demon King.”

“Yes, we are well aware of that.”

It was a story from when they were freshmen.

The Demon King’s army, expected to retreat, had instead rampaged even more, planting stakes everywhere, causing turmoil in the world.

Ban and Leciel, who had personally stopped the northern invasion that was part of that effort, could never forget it.

“But in truth, their purpose for gathering demonic energy was different.”

Ignotus revealed the truth to the children.

The demons had reopened the gateway to the demon realm, and as a result, the Demon King, who returned to his homeland, had not only recovered but potentially enhanced his true form.

“That’s why this seal was created.”

A supreme magic to block the connection between the present world and the demon realm, an achievement unparalleled in human history.

The children, taking in this immense new truth, remained silent for a moment.

It was Leciel, staring at Ignotus with an unreadable expression, who spoke first.

“…So who created this extraordinary seal?”

“As I said, my information is limited….”

“Do you at least know if the second-generation hero participated?”

Second hero.

The choice of words, seeming to affirm the second hero’s existence, made Ban look at Leciel in surprise.

With the same expression as before, Ignotus nodded.

“No, I don’t know.”

“Understood. Thank you for explaining.”

“You’re welcome.”


At that moment, a brief notification sound came from Ignotus’s pocket.

“Excuse me for a moment.”

After checking the communication orb, Ignotus turned back to the children.

“The Lotus Knights and the new hero’s party are arriving soon.”

Saying he needed to leave to prepare, Ignotus began to leave.

“You should continue your training as usual in your living quarters. If you need any supplies or services, let me know. Oh, and of course, information about the seal is classified.”

Just as he was turning to leave, Leciel suddenly spoke up.



Ignotus turned back with a puzzled expression, and Leciel slowly shook her head.

“Never mind. It was a slip of the tongue.”

After Ignotus left, Ban looked at Leciel in disbelief.


“Do you think he’s the professor?”

Leciel shrugged slightly.

“Well… you never know. It’s such an important seal; he wouldn’t be kept in the dark about it.”

Ban’s expression also became slightly perplexed.

“That’s true, but I don’t think he would come to the seal where we are. There’s a risk of being discovered.”

“Well, if it were me, I’d come here.”

Leciel had another reason for thinking so.

A few days ago, she had received a brief message from Yussi.

Once the principal and a student with little interaction, they had become close after Leciel dropped out, maintaining tight contact to find the hero’s whereabouts.

[He came to see me. He might come to you next. If anyone suspicious appears, share it with me immediately.]


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Yussi had left the Lotus Knights to Leciel and was now focusing on monitoring Kasim, Pia, and Noubelmag.

Recalling Yussi’s advice, Leciel answered Ban.

“And his name is strange. It sounds like an alias.”

“…That’s rude, Leciel.”

Your name isn’t that great either.

Ban swallowed the last part.

“In any case, we should keep an eye on him.”

“We might be wrong, though.”

They both stared intently at where Ignotus had left.

Ban was the first to turn his head and speak.

“By the way, are you going to teach Arpheus? Luke says he’s really looking forward to it.”

A subtle change appeared on Leciel’s previously expressionless face.

To an unfamiliar eye, it might have seemed insignificant, but Ban could immediately tell she was quite irritated.

“…If he has the skills to call himself a new hero, I might spend some time with him.”

It was a roundabout way of saying no.

Ban felt sorry for Arpheus, who was probably full of enthusiasm right now.

He had no idea what the word ‘hero’ meant to Leciel.

“Well, anyway, that’s that.”

Ban grinned and patted Leciel on the shoulder.

“Are you ready to see your friends? They’re all really looking forward to it.”


Another change appeared on Leciel’s face.

Her relaxed lips curved into a smile.

“Let’s go.”

* * *

Luke and Gerald barely had time to greet Leciel.

Evergreen and Karen rushed to her first.


The two ran towards her with open arms and hugged the frozen Leciel tightly.

Then, each took one of her ears and began to pour out what they wanted to say.

“How long has it been?”

“Are you eating properly? You look even thinner than the last time we saw you.”

“They say you’ve been through constant battles, but your skin is still great.”

“You look even prettier.”

“How could you not contact us even once?”

“We missed you so much.”

…Leciel’s small whisper, “Me too,” was quickly drowned out.

“Stop standing around and get us some refreshments, Gerald.”

“We need to hear everything that happened while you were away.”

“Did you have fun with Ban?”

Shouts close to screams erupted.

The men, already looking exasperated, had retreated to the tent’s entrance, and Leciel, though surprised, was blinking rapidly.

But soon enough, Leciel extended her arms to embrace her friends.

“…Have you been well?”

In the embrace of her friends, deep emotions crossed Leciel’s small face.

What a peace she hadn’t felt in so long.

For a moment, they felt as if they had returned to the happiest times of their lives.

The years of tension and hardship slowly melted away.

…In the silence that settled over the tent, the children savored their reunion.




After a bout of greetings and catching up, the topic the children brought up first was, of course, Arpheus.

Karen asked Leciel with a curious expression.

“Are you going to teach him?”

“…First, I’ll see his skills.”

It was a declaration of intent to fight.

Gerald chimed in.

“Well, it’s not a problem for you, but that guy has an abnormal amount of mana.”

“How much are we talking about?”

“It’s immeasurable. What he showed when fighting me was already incredible… but I don’t think that was his full power.”

Arpheus and his entourage had come along with them all the way here.

Thanks to that, they could watch Arpheus’s training every morning….

“The area around his carriage would turn entirely blue.”

“Is that even possible? He’s not a dragon or something.”

“I don’t know. Anyway, it was immediately clear why the higher-ups insisted on including Arpheus as a guardian. With that level of firepower, he could wipe out lesser monsters effortlessly.”

Surely, a formidable opponent.

However, Leciel showed no sign of tension.

Luke read her confidence and asked.

“You’ve figured out how to deal with him, haven’t you?”

“Yeah, you’d know what I’m thinking.”

Luke nodded.

Since he and Leciel had similar abilities, he could roughly guess her thoughts.

He would have considered the same method if he had to face Arpheus.


“…Can you use that in actual combat?”


“You’ve already used it?”


Luke ground his teeth.

Geniuses are really annoying.

…It was at that moment.

Knock, knock—

Arpheus entered their tent with his lieutenants.

Walking in as usual, he momentarily showed a surprised expression and fixed his gaze on one side of the tent.


Ban’s eyebrows slightly furrowed.

He realized why Arpheus was acting that way.

His eyes were locked on Leciel’s face.

After a dozen seconds, Arpheus lightly nodded to the people in the tent and then stated the purpose of his visit.

“I’ve come to respectfully ask when the new Sword Saint might widen my knowledge. I apologize for the intrusion.”

His gaze returned to Leciel.

‘The new Sword Saint.’

Despite the flattering words, Leciel remained expressionless.

“No need to delay. Let’s go.”


“I’ll broaden your knowledge now.”

Without hesitation, she left the tent with only her bare body, leaving the shapeshifter behind.

The children and Arpheus hurriedly followed her as if they had made a pact.

Some of the children looked a bit worried.

Of course, Leciel had also achieved significant growth during their time apart, and they had heard much about her feats, but… their memories were still of the freshman Leciel from three years ago.

Could she truly dominate someone with Arpheus’s monstrous manar?

‘Of course, she’ll win….’

‘Hopefully, she’ll crush him effortlessly.’

Only Luke seemed indifferent.




Five minutes passed.

Arpheus admitted defeat without even drawing his sword.

His immense mana had not manifested even once.

The ‘new hero,’ who was standing dumbfounded, stammered at Leciel before him.

“How… how did you…?”

“I cut it.”

“C-cut what?”

She replied nonchalantly.

“All the flows of your mana.”

…Cutting the uncuttable.

The mental sword that transcends all limits of reality.

Heart Sword.

Leciel had already surpassed the realms they had anticipated.

…Watching in secret, Ignotus.

No, the hero clenched his fist.


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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