This World Needs a Hero

Chapter 217

Chapter 217

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The ornaments hanging on the womans veil jingled, emitting a clear sound.

In a windless room, the semi-transparent veil swayed gently.

To the faint-hearted, it was eerie enough to suspect the presence of ghosts, yet also a mysterious spectacle.


However, this particular swaying was caused by the womans deep sigh.

The cool gaze beneath the veil turned towards the communication bead.

So, you have no idea what the Heros intentions are?


If Number 3 is clueless, then only the person in question would know the intentions.


The face of the black-haired girl responding remained expressionless.

[There was no mention regarding the matter]

Let me ask one last time. Are you sure?

There was no change in the girls expression.

Mother Ghost observed this intently for a moment before averting her gaze.

In the past few weeks,

Nyhill had diligently and extensively compiled the Hero Reports as instructed by Mother Ghost.

The report was so meticulous that there was no room for suspicion of manipulation or omission, and as a result, the trust between them had somewhat been restored.

What could they possibly be thinking.

Why me, of all people?

They said they needed the best agent of the Shadows.

Mother Ghosts lips twisted.

She wasnt one to simply believe such statements.

Now of all times?

Mother Ghost and the Hero had rarely collaborated under the banner of for the sake of humanity.

Their methods of problem-solving were vastly different, causing a mutual dislike.


Meanwhile, as Mother Ghost muttered to herself, Nyhill quietly reassured herself.

I didnt lie.


If one were to scrutinize, there were actions from the Hero akin to hints.

Hero had asked if Mother Ghost was causing trouble for her and had even mentioned repaying a favor not long ago.

Theres no need to report such conversations.

There was no confirmation that the reason the Hero summoned Mother Ghost southward was because of her.

It was more likely a logistical necessity.

Reporting on past conversations would only cause friction.

Nyhill concluded this decisively, maintaining her poker face.

Yet, she couldnt stop pondering on one side.

If this was indeed the Heros consideration for her


Why go to such lengths?

As Nyhill contemplated the reason, she found herself tapping her foot unconsciously.

Thankfully, the part that wasnt visible on the communication bead.


Having discovered nothing, Mother Ghost ended the communication somewhat irritably.




Just before departure.

Mother Ghost stared silently at the small travel bag placed at her feet.

It contained various items for disguise.

It felt nostalgic.

Its been a while since I went on a mission myself.

Memories of visiting the south for missions several times resurfaced.

Back when she was not the leader of the Shadows, but just an agent.

At that time, the south was, in a word

A barren land of information.

In fact, not much had changed since then.

Information gathering typically starts with reconnaissance and surveillance.

After collecting sufficient basic information.

The next step is to make contact with local residents and build close relationships.

Persuasion, coercion, indoctrination, etc.

Variations follow depending on the situation.

But in the south, they were blocked from the first step.

The fairies of the forest never allowed human attention to fall upon them.

Even if agents of the Shadows tried to approach, they were treated strictly as outsiders.

As a result, the quantity and quality of obtainable information were poor.

These demi-humans

A hint of discomfort crossed Mother Ghosts face, hidden behind the veil and mask.

Living within the safety built upon human sacrifices, what made them so uncooperative?

Things that couldnt survive even for a moment without humans.

In any case, she wasnt pleased with the situation, neither with the mission nor the companion.

The Hero.

As Mother Ghost finally came to that thought, her gaze sharpened.

What exactly

Her suspicion arose recently.

She had noticed discrepancies and oddities in the Heros actions.

As the one handling the most information on the continent, she began to pick up on these deviations.

Yes, it could be an opportunity in a way.

Being able to observe the Hero up close.

Although she was somewhat concerned that the Hero herself had decided on this distance

Nevertheless, an opportunity is an opportunity.

If theres anything hidden, shell uncover it all this time.

Mother Ghost made this resolution as she stepped out of the secret entrance of the mansion.


Only the veil and the white mask remained behind to bid her farewell.

* * *

The Rosenstark estate was vast.

Although countless people resided there, there were certainly places where their eyes and footsteps did not reach.

The secluded training room that Yussi arrived at after receiving the Heros summons in the dead of night was one such place.

Located far from the center of the academy.

As Yussi surveyed the dusty floor and the cobwebs strewn around, a small sigh escaped her lips.

Its been a while.

It was the old training room used when she and the Hero were undergraduates.

Once bustling with students, it naturally fell out of use as state-of-the-art training rooms were established.

And so, it became a place nobody sought out.

Yussi suddenly had this thought.

It feels oddly fitting.

And immediately afterward, she regretted feeling embarrassed.

Absurd, Yussi.

To project herself onto this abandoned training room.

Theres a limit even to sentimentality.

Yussi shook her head with a flushed face.

Blaming the recent increase in drinking for it.


She brushed off the dust on the chair roughly and slumped into it.

There were still 15 minutes left until the agreed time with the Hero.

But why did he call me?

The Heros summons.

Originally, there was nothing but excitement and anticipation.

But recently, some unease and discomfort had crept in unintentionally.

This, too, was embarrassing.

Im making a fuss over nothing.

From being sulky, to acting petulant, to blaming herself for her narrow-mindedness

Yussi was ruffling her hair in frustration.

She absentmindedly glared at a few strands of blue hair fallen on the floor.

The Hero probably doesnt think much of it.

Of course, her determination to do her best for the Hero and to help him remained unchanged.

Not long ago, she had readily agreed to his request to borrow some of the stockpiled Holy Stones in the academy.

Even if it was worth several thousand gold.

In this way, the Hero was an entity beyond Yussis understanding and calculation.

Yussi mentally superimposed the Heros face onto the dark space.

He said hes going south again.

Since arriving at the Rosenstark estate, the Hero had been running non-stop as if he were on the battlefield.

Auction houses, Lonkers, the northern region, and so on.

He solved all sorts of problems and fought.

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She used to run alongside him in the past.

The feeling that arose when she took a step back and looked at his back was one that was not easy to get used to.

If the Hero were to leave for the battlefield again someday

Yussi, who had been imagining that far, suddenly twisted her face.

Enough. In times of despair, I should come up with an event plan.

One of the biggest events of the second semester.

The parent-invited event was looming close.

It was a moment when the image of the towering pile of documents in her office came to mind.


Footsteps were heard from outside.

Yussi reflexively stood up.


But she couldnt finish her greeting.

Because she noticed the staff in the Heros hand.

Not a sword, but a staff.

Yussi cocked her head in confusion.

What are you holding in your hand?




The existence of the Eye of God was thoroughly shrouded in secrecy.

Because it was an extra item that could create numerous variables, not just for combat.

Thanks to this, Yussi was completely unaware that the Hero had obtained it.

It was also intended as a kind of surprise gift.

And then the explanation followed.

Well, wait a moment.


What did you just say?

Yussi stumbled over her words unusually.

Her proud composure had vanished without a trace.

So, I mean, this artifact in your hand is supposed to?

Yussi alternated her gaze between the staff and the Hero.

Her pupils were shaking like a child making a wish, unsure if uttering it aloud would make it come true. She couldnt finish her sentence.


The Hero decided to put a period instead.

A very firm one.

I can heal your arm with it.

An unexpected response followed.

Yussis head shook weakly from side to side.


Its not a lie.

Its a lie.

No, its not.

Thats a lie too.

Yussi covered her face with trembling hands.

She herself was caught up in emotions she didnt even know.

How could such a thing be possible? I-Ive never heard of anything like this before.

In life, you sometimes encounter miracles.


And once again, Yussi uttered words beyond the Heros expectations.

If something like this exists, shouldnt it be for you for the Hero to use later?

It had been a long time since her arm had been lost.

With the amount of Holy Stones needed to recover from such an injury, he could recover from countless injuries.

Yussi was saying so.

The Hero asked calmly.

Do you really wish for that?

Surprisingly, Yussi nodded her head.

There was no expression that suggested she thought it was a lie.


It was a moment that moved the Hero.

He chuckled softly and lowered his head.

Though Im grateful, Ive already found the best use for it.

It was a statement that made Yussi, who had been holding back tears, give up.

In the old training room, she shed tears like a child.

Her moist eyes stared straight at the Hero.

Its the second best day of my life.

I thought it was the first.

The day I first met the Hero.

The Hero chuckled lightly.

Im grateful.

And then, the Eye of God emitted a dazzling light.




The flames rose on the broken logs.

Understanding of Yussi Glendor deepens.

Understanding: 26/100 -> 40/100

The next comment from Yussi Glendor is deleted, Unrequited.

A comment is added, Unwavering devotion.

As Yussi quietly accepted the divine power with her eyes closed and the Hero alternated between looking at her and reading the comments filling his field of vision, the Hero suddenly fell into thought.

It was about Ted.

What would he have done in this situation?

Unlike himself, who was a shapeshifter, Ted was a fragile human when it came to injuries.

He was also a person who always considered reason and efficiency.

Would he have judged that it was better to save it for himself rather than using this valuable power on a colleague who had long since retired?

Surely that would have been the more efficient choice.

But the Hero knew.

Even so, Ted would have treated Yussi without hesitation.

So this is

Its also a gift from Ted.

Thats the answer.

The last thought that crossed his mind proved it.

The Hero gained a deeper understanding of Ted Redymer.

Understanding: 70/100 -> 75/100

Salvation Obtained clues about Horizon, the 5th Ritual.

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