This World Needs a Hero

Chapter 156

Chapter 156

[Translator Night]

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All matches, including the 4-player party play, have ended.

The commentary room became silent all of a sudden.

The Hero, watching the audience flowing out like a tide through the front glass window, reminisced about the previous match.


As expected, she demonstrated overwhelming skills and obtained qualification for the extracurricular match.

Her popularity was incredible.

The thunderous cheers still echoed in his ears.

However, what satisfied the Hero was not her excellent skills but another aspect.

Leciel showed a different side from the beginning of the semester.

Although she could have dominated alone, she yielded so that her classmates could shine.

With excellent understanding and combat skills, she showcased organic party play.

That was what the Hero had greatly hoped for Leciel, and she seemed to know that, as she looked back at the commentary room with a proud expression while leaving the arena.


The Hero couldnt help but smile bitterly.

In the end, I failed to find the clue to the seasons.

As the battles took place in different environments, he had hoped for an increase in understanding of the children.

Of course, there were minor gains such as confirming new talents, but it was somewhat disappointing.

If only I could have gotten stronger before leaving for the demonic realm.

After the graduation ceremony, the Heros face stiffened as he recalled the scheduled events.

It soon relaxed at Kasims well-timed voice from behind.

Congratulations on winning the 2-player magic match, Iveta. The prestige of the School of Mysteries was impressive, wasnt it?

Iveta, who had lost his composure, stood with a grim expression.

Approaching them, the Hero spoke.

Professor Iveta, you havent forgotten our promise, have you?

No, I havent forgotten.

Im looking forward to the second semester.

After finishing his words, the Hero grabbed Kasim, whose mouth was twitching.

Kasim was a competent and excellent professor, but when he acted like this, he couldnt help but feel like he had gained another student.

After that, until they left the Arte Hall, Kasim had a smiling face all the time.

Are you going straight to the laboratory, Professor?

What about you?

Professors are having a small gathering Wont you join us?

For several months now, Kassim has often invited him to drinks with young professors.

Its not bad to get to know them, but on a day like today, it would be better to leave them alone to enjoy themselves.

They might feel uncomfortable if I join.

Oh, everyone would love it.

Its a shame, but lets postpone it to the next opportunity.

Several female professors are also coming.

I think its you.

With a dejected Kasim, the Hero parted ways and entered the shortcut to the laboratory.

As they climbed the hill, they saw children passing by, chattering and laughing.

Faces filled with relief and regret.

For the kids who endured harsh training for a semester, this festival was like soldiers vacation.

Watching them walk, the Hero felt that his mood had improved faster than expected.

Yeah, kids should be like that.

In addition to the original purpose of acquiring knowledge and developing abilities, an academy has other meanings.

Hanging out with kids of the same age and accumulating precious moments.

Creating memories to look back on later when we enter a tiring and dry period.

Even just before entering the lab, the Heros eyes contained the childrens laughter.

It was a rare moment when he forgot that Rosenstark was a place that claimed dozens of casualties every year.

* * *

* In accordance with the users request, comprehension scores are provided.

* In accordance with the users request, the subjects are differentiated by affiliation.

* Duplicate affiliations are not separately indicated.

Ted Redymer: 63/100

Cuculli Evans: 40/100

Pia Joyce: 35/100

Ban Dietrich: 33/100

Yussi Glendor: 26/100

Gerald Bryce: 22/100

Kasim Pierre: 20/100

Evergreen Solintail: 19/100

Luke Selsood: 18/100

Leciel Hiyashin: 15/100

Nyhill: 14/100

Karen: 13/100

Zero Requiem: 10/100

Lucas Wellington: 7/100

Labin Hawk: 3/100

Iveta Jambello: 1/100

Euphemia Cecilia: 17/100

Noubelmag: 13/100

Felson Dietrich: 11/100

Barun: 5/100

Larze Gion: 3/100

Ivar Waitanka: 2/100

Aselin Ezeel: 1/100

Dante Qipaso: 1/100

Galure Zeke: 1/100

Terra Banatoni: 1/100

Bucks: 29/100

Delian Cruze: 25/100




Dorempa Evans: 1/100

The changes in comprehension were being recorded each time.

Over the past few months, there had been considerable progress in the understanding of those mainly affiliated with Rosenstark.

Ban, Cuculli, Yussi, Pia, Gerald, and Kasims core essence had become replicable, and Evergreen and Luke had also reached close.

On the other hand, the understanding of the members of the Dawn Knights had been in a state of stagnation.

Since most of them were involved in the current campaign, it was inevitable.

This made it difficult to engage in conversation or make progress in relationships.

Moreover, communication in the demonic realm was not smooth, and there seemed to be no room for such things.

The contacts had been periodic, with almost only her.

I took out the doll (depicting Larze as a dummy) that I had put in the drawer and placed it in the center of the desk.






[Ah, I was having such a good sleep]

At those words, I looked out the window.

The sunset still lingered in the sky.

Sleeping at this hour?

[Unfortunately, here, theres no distinction between day and night, Mr. Doppleganger]

Perhaps due to drowsiness, Larzes characteristic drowsy voice seemed even more drawn out.

The soft and calm tone of voice began to complain.

[I only manage to get a nap during the time when the demons arent attacking. Its a miserable situation.]

Youve been through a lot.

[All thanks to who!]

To summarize the current situation of the allied forces briefly:

They successfully established a temporary base at the entrance to the demonic realm, designated as Zone 1.

Looking back, it was indeed a secretive and sudden operation.

In just a few days, they gathered all their core forces and swiftly broke through the Central Mountains, then razed Zone 1 of the demonic realm to the ground.

Due to concerns about information leaking to internal traitors, even the participants in the campaign were kept in the dark until the end.

As a result, the demons had no choice but to suffer passively.

While it was anticipated that there would be an attack, no one had dreamed of a full-scale campaign involving the mobilization of humanitys core forces like this.

By setting up stakes and securing demonic supply routes, a significant portion of the forces was withdrawn to the western front.

A golden opportunity for a genius, where the defense line was not properly prepared.

Taking advantage of that gap, the allied forces seized Zone 1 of the demonic realm.

They utilized all the materials they brought back (such as artifacts made by Noubelmag, construction stones, etc.) to fortify the base.

[Well, it was all good until then.]

Has there been no attempt to retake the base?

[The smell of rotting demon corpses is enough to twist my nose]

The doll grabbed its nose, making a wry face.

Hasnt the base become more dangerous?

[Yeah, it seems the higher-ups among the demons are just observing for now, perhaps waiting for orders from above.]

As if I had anticipated it, I nodded.

It would be burdensome for them to launch a full-scale attack hastily. If by any chance they fail, theyll lose more territory, and the return of the demon king will be significantly delayed. Euphemias plan worked out well.

[Im sure theyre wondering what kind of plan youre cooking for you to remain in the West. Well, anyway, thats the end of this story]

[Translator Night]

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Gradually, vitality returned to Larzes voice.

[Since you contacted me, does that mean youre almost ready?]

I nodded.

Yes, all preparations are complete.

I did my best to become stronger during the given time and reached the limit of my abilities.

The halted growth can no longer be postponed.

Even if its dangerous, we must cross the demonic realm and obtain the treasure of the Wolf statue.

We cant fool around anymore. Its time you guys put your lives on the line.

[Admirable. Alright. Shall we finalize the plan?]

The doll stood up and picked up the pen on the desk.


I focused on the words being written down by her no, it.

While the doll began to draw a map of the demonic realm on the parchment.

[As I mentioned before, its impossible to teleport someone within the demonic realm. Even teleporting alone is heavily restricted.]

Additionally, long-distance teleportation is also impossible within the demonic realm.

Even regular teleportation consumes a significant amount of mana, so it must be cast very cautiously, as Larze mentioned before.

If by any chance a magic-savvy demon interferes, it could pose a great risk.

[Thats why I suggested going together from the beginning Tsk, I didnt expect you to come out like this.]

Considering the priorities, its natural. Well meet at the designated point as agreed.

Initially, Larze said she would wait at the entrance to the Great Mountain Range and enter the demonic realm with me.

Despite her kindness, I could only give a negative response.

After all, what she is participating in is the campaign that determines the survival of humanity.

Furthermore, she was not just a regular combatant but the most powerful force of humanity.

It would be absurd for her to leave her post for my growth.

Therefore, I made a decision.

Theres no turning back. Ill go to the midpoint of the demonic realm on my own.

There, I will briefly meet Larze and quickly reach the coordinates of the treasure map.

[Hmm, whatever you say.]

The dolls head, much larger than its body, nodded as it spoke.

[But are you sure its okay? If you accidentally end up in the mouth of some nasty demon while coming here, Id feel really sad.]

Her concern was valid.

I also know that penetrating the demonic realm wont be easy.

Its a place where dangers and horrors lurk.

Its an area with a higher concentration of demonic energy than anywhere else on the continent.

Although I had been planning thoroughly for months, it wouldnt guarantee complete safety.

Seeing my determined expression, Larze, using the dolls hand, patted my knee.

[Dont worry too much. Ive prepared a little gift for you.]

A gift?

[Youll find out what it is when you arrive at Canis.]

I raised an eyebrow.

Just tell me in advance.

[Mr. Doppleganger, curiosity is like an unsown seed, it yields fruit the more its hidden.]

The lawless city of Canis.

A place mentioned by the informants of Harlems henchmen, it is a city known for its alliance organizations and notorious criminals, located right next to the Great Mountain Range.

One notable aspect is that its the only entrance among the sixteen entrances to the demonic realm that is not under imperial jurisdiction.

Sometimes it serves as a base camp for illegal demonic exploration teams formed spontaneously.

Before entering the demonic realm.

After entering.

I chose Canis as the entry route to avoid drawing too much attention.

It seemed that Larze had hidden something there.

Having experienced her stubbornness before, I decided to give up neatly.

Then well contact each other just before departure.

[Okay, but]

Larze rarely trailed off.

A dangerous curiosity flickered.

[Do you still not know the identity of the treasure?]

I remained silent for a moment.

Not yet.


The Iris of Laplace designated it as the target, so it must be something that will help with my growth.

[Is that so?]

If it was related to Zero, then revealing the identity of the treasure, which could be assumed to be a blessing, to Larze, who was crazy about anything related to Zero, seemed premature.

But even now, breaking through the depths of the demonic realm without Larzes help was impossible.

So I opted for a compromise.

Incomplete sharing of information.

Therefore, at the moment, Larze only knew the fragmentary fact that the treasure was hidden at those coordinates, but she didnt know that it was likely to be Zeros blessing.

If she realized, it was uncertain what her reaction would be, but that would be something to think about after arriving at the treasure.

At least I wont be intercepted.

I naturally recalled the seven blessings of Zero.

Growth, Insight, Substitution, Severance, Efficiency, Paradox, and Prescience.

While the names were not known to anyone, most people speculated that they were named after the processes that Zero Requiem had gone through until reaching its unique state.

Among the seven blessings, four had unknown owners and intermediaries.

Insight, Severance, Paradox, and Prescience.

If what was hidden at the coordinates was an intermediary of the blessing, it would likely be one of these four.

I briefly recalled the moment I obtained Evolution.

The tremendous rise in growth.

I then thought about what the individuals who obtained the blessings had left in historical records.

I must obtain it before this vacation ends.

If that time comes quickly, I might be able to lend a hand to the campaign.

Euphemia might hate it, but there was no other way.

As I envisioned such a bright future, I realized that the doll had been quiet for some time.



It seemed to have fallen asleep again.


The dolls large head was buried in the desk.




Thus, the day of the graduation ceremony dawned.

Coincidentally, it overlapped with Teachers Day

The Hero was so busy that he completely forgot about it.

[Translator Night]

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