This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role

Chapter 81: Final 01

Chapter 81

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I just felt weak," Chu Yang reassured them. "Oh right, did you ask for leave?" Chu Yang suddenly thought of.

Jin Yang, the three of them, slapped their foreheads: "Crap, we all forgot!" Then they hurriedly took out their phones to send a message to the teacher asking for leave.

Chi Yan held her other hand in his, and with one hand helped tidy up her slightly messy hair. Jin Yang's three people looked like they couldn't cut in, looked at each other, and then said, "Yang Yang, we brought some of your daily necessities over. See if you need anything else?"

Chu Yang shook her head. "It's okay. Why don't you go back first, I have Chi Yan here. I don't need that many people here either. When I get better, I'll treat you to a meal."

Jin Yang and the others waved their hands. "It's okay, the most important thing is that you're fine. It doesn't matter whether we eat or not, but we'll leave first. If the school prince Chi Yan has something to do, we'll come back to take care of you."


After exhorting for a while, the three Jin Yang left, leaving Chi Yan to take care of her.

After they left, Chi Yan held her hand tightly and asked, "Is it the uncle from the Zhu family?"

Chu Yang could still feel the kind of oppressive feeling now. "Well, he... he's dangerous."

Chi Yan felt very guilty. "I'm sorry, it's all my fault." Chi Yan wrapped his arms around her and buried his head in her neck.

Chu Yang stroked his head. "It's not your fault. I wanted to see it myself. Besides, I think Miss Zhu Ruxin really wanted to kill me. I hit her too. Anyway, I've offended people, but it's okay. This is a society ruled by law. I believe they wouldn't dare make trouble."

Chi Yan gave a muffled "hmm" and said, "I'll protect you well."

In a faraway place, under a castle, there was a basement. Sitting inside was a man who looked to be in his thirties. The man had eagle eyes, and tapped his fingers casually a few times. Suddenly he smiled, originally it was a "hehe" kind of laugh, then it turned into a "hahahaha" loud laugh. The laughter echoed in the basement, giving a kind of creepy feeling.

"Interesting~" the man stood up, "It looks like it's time to go back."

Chu Yang was discharged from the hospital very quickly. Her condition was not serious at all, she just had all her witch power drained. In her daily life recently, she may just feel physically weak and cannot do strenuous exercise.

She couldn't update Weibo recently, so Chu Yang quickly posted a notice that she would stop updating for the near future. Everyone was asking why she stopped updating.

Chu Yang replied to one loyal fan: physical reasons. After her health recovered, she would resume updating very soon.

The fans gave her all kinds of well wishes, hoping that she would recover soon. Some people speculated that maybe the blogger knew too much so was punished, and some people believed those reasons too.

"A great master in our village also said that revealing too much of heaven's secrets would lead to retribution."

"Sigh, I hope the blogger recovers soon."

"I hope this stop to updating is not permanent."


Whether she had witch power or not did not greatly affect her daily life. The literary competition was about to start too.

The venue for the literary competition was at the cultural center near the capital city. It would also be live broadcasted. Chu Yang from University A was the only one who entered the finals. Teacher Li Deyong personally brought her there, accompanied by another teacher. Aside from some judges, there were also a whole bunch of literary masters, of course and some audience members.

Chu Yang had an internal ticket, given by Chi Yan. Her three dorm mates each had one ticket too.

Early in the morning today, the teacher brought Chu Yang to the finals venue. Recently Chu Yang always looked to be in poor health. When Teacher Li Deyong saw her, he even thought she was sick. "Chu Yang, you don't look well. Is there some health issue?"

Chu Yang smiled and waved her hand. "Nothing, I just look unwell. Putting on some make-up will fix it."

The female teacher next to her nodded and said, "Sometimes girls can look pale without makeup. If you feel unwell, tell the teacher."

"Okay, thank you teacher."

As for Chi Yan and the others, they had to make their own way there.

Because it was being broadcast live, only those paying attention to this finals competition would watch online. Some schools even organized students to watch it together.

Today, Chu Yang specially wore her university uniform, a white t-shirt printed with University A's badge and name. Below were jeans and a pair of regular sneakers. Her hair was tied back neatly in a ponytail, looking brisk and efficient. She also applied light make-up. Today she represented University A's image. Even if she didn't place in the top three in the end, she still could not lose face for University A.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the finals officially began. By now, Chu Yang was already seated in her spot, wearing a mic. In front of her was an electronic answer board.

There were 10 people total, 6 females and 4 males. They were all from other famous universities in the country. The girl sitting next to Chu Yang was from University B, and even smiled at her. Chu Yang smiled back.

The finals had a total of 3 parts: written test questions, buzz-in questions, followed by timed mutual Q&A. The first two parts were like normal tests, but the last one was new. No one knew what to expect. Mutual Q&A meant starting to think now about what questions you wanted to ask your opponents, questions that you knew the answers to but they may not.

First the host came up on stage for the opening remarks. Then they started the first part, the written test questions.

The written test questions were chosen by lottery. In other words, the questions each person had to answer were different in both difficulty and content. It depended on luck.

"Alright, we now invite the contestants on stage to draw lots." Who wants to go first?"

Everyone looked hesitantly at one another, all politely declining. To save time, the host said "How about from left to right then? Does everyone agree?"

Everyone voiced their agreement.

Chu Yang drew test volume 12. The screen also displayed the questions she drew for everyone to see, though no one knew how difficult her questions were.

There were a total of 20 test questions to be answered in 15 minutes, which meant that some questions may not get answered due to lack of time.

Soon everyone had drawn their questions. The host checked the time. "Alright, is everyone ready? You have 15 minutes, starting now!"

Chu Yang scanned through all the questions first at lightning speed, taking 2 minutes to sort them from easiest to hardest. Then she started working on them. The girl from University B next to her had already started answering as soon as the host gave the go signal, writing at top speed. But after a while her pace slowed down.

The audience below could clearly see all 10 screens displaying what question each person was on and how they answered. Some judges and literary masters were also quietly discussing among themselves. Some audience members' jaws had already dropped in shock as they took out their phones to search for answers, only to find the search results either incomplete or seemingly wrong.

"Are these really questions a person can answer?"

"As a high school student, I used to think I knew everything. After seeing this, I realized how shallow my knowledge is."

"My god, that University A girl's hand speed is so fast. Ah ah, I haven't even finished reading the question and she's already answered it."

"That University X boy is also amazing. Good looks and strong ability wow."

"Has everyone noticed how nice-looking and hardworking all these top 10 students from the country's best universities are? Really envy them."


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