This is a Miracle

Chapter 45: The Power of Miracles Increases

Chapter 45: The Power of Miracles Increases

Along the way, Bai Luo also inquired about the current familial status of the tree elves descendants.

Luna told Bai Luo that there are currently 81 tree elves descendants.

In addition to Grandpa Andrew, there are exactly 40 males and 40 females.

Among them, there are a total of 20 pairs that became couples and formed families. That is 40 men and women, all adults.

Among the remaining 40, there are 20 underage elves and 20 teenage to young adult elves.

This meant that, excluding the 20 elves who couldnt fight, the remaining 60 people, with the physique of the tree elves that allows them to maintain peak combat effectiveness and their handsome appearance for 500 years, can almost all be counted as combatants.

Its just a pity that according to the pledge between Bai Luo and the tree elves, they have no obligation to participate in battles.

Please rest assured, if a need for battle truly arises, we will undoubtedly stand with the lord.

Luna and grandpa Andrew have already discussed this matter. They have no other choice but to follow in Bai Luos footsteps. This is an isolated island, and the tree elves descendants cannot survive in the sea.

Once a war truly occurs, they have no way out at all. Their only option is to face the enemy head-on.

Our only wish is that you treat us well.

Dont worry about this.

Since the tree elves descendants are so understanding, Bai Luo naturally has to express his sincerity,

You are my people now. Naturally, you will be treated accordingly.

Bai Luo actually had a plan. He plans to integrate the tree elves descendants into the Ardennes.

In the future, the name Ardennes wouldnt only belong to members of the Arden clan. In fact, anyone who has a certain degree of intelligence, can communicate and has the willingness to become one of his subjects can become an Ardennes.

In such a manner, they walked forward while communicating.

During this period, Bai Luo recounted a lot of interesting stories from the outside world, amusing the teenage elven girls who had never stepped out of this island and causing them to constantly giggle.

Bai Luos wit and humor, as well as his gentleness and kindness, made the kind and simple tree elves descendants feel great intimacy.

They didnt know that this was a sign of miracle awakening.

When a miracle race submits to a certain person from the bottom of their heart and produces the desire to follow them to the end, the power of miracles will connect each other.

One day, the power of miracles will bloom like a flower.

[Miracle power: 2%]

So thats how it is.

Just be nice to them and do things that make them truly grateful, and the power of miracles will gradually increase.

The power of miracles has a certain relationship with peoples hearts. Bai Luo would naturally get good results as long as he treats the tree elves descendants nicely.

His Majesty has returned!

The Ardennes are being led by uncle Saros. In front of outsiders, they all called Bai Luo his majesty.

The main reason is to maintain a good facade. They mustnt embarrass Bai Luo in front of other people.

Everyone, let me introduce to you, this is the tree elves clan, Bai Luo said,

This is matriarch Luna and Mr. Andrew.


Luna and Andrew, as representatives of the tree elves descendants, immediately stepped forward to greet them.

On the Ardennes side, Issafeiya and Saros stepped forward to shake hands with them,

Welcome. From now on, we are family.

Arden is very small, counting the two clans, there are only 160 people in total, hence saying that they are family will bridge the distance between them.

Thats right.

Grandpa Andrew hurriedly responded,

We are willing to be your family.

The Ardennes showed great generosity and kindness, much to the relief of the tree elves descendants.

Most importantly, the Ardennes dont look as fierce and vicious as the pirates.

Their clan is composed mostly of children, which doubled the favor of the tree elves descendants that naturally love young creatures and children.

Umm, why are your ears pointy?

Sure enough, as soon as they met, they were asked about their ears, Diana quickly pulled little Helen back and said,

Dont be so rude.

Excuse me, this child is always like this. Im sorry little sister, come, heres some candy.

Diana might be a brave warrior on the battlefield, even a bit maniacal, but in front of her companions and family, she is very gentle and virtuous.

Ah, its okay, its okay, we got used to it a long time ago.

The elf who was asked the question was a very pretty girl,

But I dont know why my ears are pointy.

Big sister, youre so pretty.

This was said by little Helen, but it made the girl very embarrassed. He lowered his head and said,

I, I am a man.

Well, the appearance of the tree elves descendants is too pretty, some of them are so beautiful that its difficult to tell whether theyre male or female.

Fortunately, this situation will get a lot better in adulthood. Once they become adults, their faces will gain more contours and their bodies will also become more developed, making it much easier to distinguish between men and women.

However, during their youth, the line is too blurry. Each one of them is extremely cute and adorable.

Whats this?! The little tree elf shota called Billy exclaimed. 

He was holding candy at the moment. His eyes sparkled as the sweet taste of the candy impacted his taste buds, filling him with happiness,

Its so sweet and so delicious!

Its good that you like it, little brother. Diana smiled gently,

By the way, how old are you; little brother?

Im one hundred and twenty-seven years old. In a few years, Ill be an adult.

Diana froze, seemingly unable to understand the relationship between 127 years old and adult.

Similar occurrences happened in every corner after the exchange between the Ardennes and the tree elves descendants.

Fortunately, despite the difference in culture and race, everyone got along very well. Moreover, in order to enhance the relationship between each other, Bai Luo took out a large amount of tofu prepared by the Ardennes last night.

The tree elves descendants are vegetarian. The old man quickly judged that they might prefer tofu as their main dish. And so, tofu dishes were brought up one after the other.

The Ardennes also love tofu, but they have prepared meat and fish on the side.

Smooth and tender, this food called tofu is so delicious.

At noon, Luna sat with Bai Luo, Issafeiya, Inya, and others.

Hearing Luna complimenting the tofu, Inya smiled and said,

Right, right? Its super delicious, right?

To be able to eat such delicious food

Lunas beautiful eyes were slightly moist,

Its almost like a dream.

The life of the tree elves descendants is obviously not so good. Upon thinking about it, the Arden island didnt have any crops in the past, nor did the tree elves descendants have any seeds at hand.

If it was other people, they could still catch fish and other sea creatures.

Unfortunately, the tree elves dont eat meat, which doomed them to have a very hard life.

Inya nodded repeatedly,

I understand, I understand!

This little iron head didnt understand Lunas meaning at all. She really thought that Luna was crying with joy because of the deliciousness of tofu.

Bai Luo:

Ah, yes, yes, you really understand.

Hehe, I know just a little, just a little. Inya tried to imitate uncle Saros.

On the side, the old man and Old Andrew were communicating.

Grandpa Andrew has lived for over 600 years. Hes simply a living piece of history.

However, the old mans knowledge is even more profound than that of Grandpa Andrew.

He was often the one leading the conversation, and sometimes, he even filled in the gaps in Grandpa Andrews knowledge.

Grandpa Andrew admired the old man very much. He claimed that he had never met such a wise and knowledgeable human being in the past.

More than five hundred years ago, I also ventured out to sea and traveled across the continent, said Grandpa Andrew.

The Arden you are talking about is that prosperous and powerful country in the eastern part of the miracle continent, right?

Yes, thats it, those were our ancestors.

Ah, so nostalgic.

Grandpa Andrew seems to know the former rulers of Arden,

During my journey, I passed through the capital of this country at the time, and I was fortunate enough to be invited to the ruling palace. I also met a very powerful being. Hmm I remember that they called him the God of War.

I felt an unprecedented miracle power from the other party. It was beyond anything that I had ever seen.

Massive, inconceivable.

This information from Grandpa Andrew is very important to the old man,

500 years ago, that is 300 years after the founding of Arden, a time when Ardens God of War was still alive.

You know that person?

In our eyes, five hundred years ago is already a historical time, Even history books dont have many records of that time, said the old man,

However, I have read many pieces of information about the founding of Arden from ancient records.

Theres actually no need for his majesty to mull over awakening our miracle power.

The tree elves descendants had already changed their tone and addressed Bai Luo as their king. Grandpa Andrew is very grateful for Bai Luos hospitality and care,

Success would be wonderful, but even if he fails, we are willing to honor him as our king and live together here.

There might not be a contract, but theres no need for it.

Who said that a contract is necessary in order to become a subject?

Becoming a miracle doesnt mean that one will be forced to be loyal to someone. Its the opposite. Only when someone is truly loyal to their king can they awaken as a miracle.

This is rice, this is soy sauce and hot sauce, here! Try it.

On the other hand, the great foodie Inya seems to have found a common language, and constantly promoted all kinds of Arden delicacies and ways to eat them.


Luna had never eaten such a strange food, the mixture of soy sauce and hot sauce served with rice that could perfectly contain them. It was very delicious! Luna felt an indescribable sense of happiness.

What is this? Such a wonderful sensation.

Lunas eyes were filled with wonder,

But its delicious, so delicious!

Thank you so much, Your Majesty.

Just call me Bai Luo.

Then, Lord Bai Luo.

Luna was still very respectful. The tree elves descendants are an ancient race. Their customs are relatively archaic, especially etiquette. It was elegant but extremely strict.

Etiquette and respect are irrevocable, they should be maintained at all times.


While they were eating and chatting here, there were cheers and shouts on the other side.

Bai Luo glanced at the source of the ruckus. It turned out that everyone was getting heated up and wanted to engage in hand-to-hand combat for fun.

Looking at the members from both sides, it was Noel and Andreson.

They represent the number one warrior of Arden and the number one warrior of the tree elves descendants respectively. Of course, this is on the premise of not counting women, old people, and the king, Bai Luo.

Anderson, what are you doing?

Luna stood up in a panic, she didnt expect her brother to be so reckless.

Its no harm.

Bai Luo smiled and said,

Mens friendships are made out of fights. As the saying goes, you wont truly know each other unless you fight. An occasional competition is a good thing.

Although Bai Luo had defeated the tree elf descendants in seconds, it did not mean that their combat effectiveness was weak.

Lilith also defeated Noel and Jerah in seconds in the past.

You two!

Bai Luo walked over. They were no longer on the beach, but on the edge of the large lake in the southeastern area of the island. To the north was the high central mountain that the old man once mentioned.

The Arden clan and the tree elves descendants have set up camp here, planning to build their settlement here starting this afternoon.

Your Majesty!

Both Noel and Anderson saluted Bai Luo respectfully. Both of them had drunk some wine, so their faces were a bit flushed.

However, do even tree elves get drunk? Bai Luo was a bit curious.

Im not going to scold you. Im just here to tell you that you can compete, but pay attention to measures.

I also want to see the difference between the power of the tree elves descendants and the power of the Ardennes.


Noel is naturally not a maniac, and Anderson is also a calm and easy-going person. Naturally, they wont take sparing too far.

Consequently, the two men distanced themselves a bit and took a fighting stance.

Neither of them picked up their weapons, but only simply used their bodies. By relying solely on unarmed combat, it would be easier to judge the physical fitness and abilities of the two races.

Who do you think will win?

It must be Big Brother Noel, Big Brother Noel is amazing!

Brother Anderson is also very powerful.

Just like the Arden clan, theres a huge difference in combat power among the tree elves descendants. Not all of them are powerful. However, Anderson is indeed an exceptional warrior.

The two exchanged punches and kicks, wrestled, and even used their martial skills to try and take down the other.

However, whether it was Noel or Andreson, they wouldnt take down their opponent. Their power is at a relatively even level.

Strength-wise, Noel has a slight advantage, but Andersons body is more agile and flexible.

The old man quickly came to the conclusion that the average combat power of the tree elves descendants is similar to that of the Arden clan.

Alright, stop.

The two fought for about ten minutes. Their exchange of blows was very exciting. The two displayed exquisite skills that caused the audience to exclaim and cheer many times.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

There isnt much entertainment in this world, and watching a duel is also a source of enjoyment. After being a native of Arden for 20 years, Bai Luo is naturally not an exception. He was also itching to jump in and also fight.

Regretfully, Bai Luo cant join in such activity.

Because he doesnt need to show force.

He not only has the extremely terrifying power of miracles, but also the status of a king.

The king shelters his subjects, but the subjects must guard their king.

If Noel, Anderson, and the others couldnt even guard Bai Luo, then they would be too ashamed. Henceforth, uncle Saros firmly opposed the act of Bai Luo joining such a game.

Even if its just a competition, and the winner would get the title of the number one warrior of Arden, Bai Luo mustnt be involved in such a game.

That is the glory that belongs to his subjects, Bai Luo only needs to applaud.

The men have fought, but the women of Arden are just as good! The old man clearly noticed Lunas desire to fight.

As soon as these words sounded, the big sisters of the Arden clan, as well as the stunning women of the tree elves descendants immediately volunteered.

Is it finally this great generals turn to take action? thought Inya, her face filled with excitement and eagerness.


The old man proudly said to Grandpa Andrew,

Feiya is my favorite student, the number one powerhouse in Arden.

Ill do it!

Hearing this, Luna couldnt sit still, and immediately stood up,

Ill fight you.


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