This is a Beta Test?! - A Literally Broken System

Chapter 34 6.4 Tutorial?


With an urgency that I haven't seen from her before, Shizu pulled me by the arm as she dragged me all the way back into the street. It wasn't unlike the last time she did this to me, but her grip right now was leagues stronger than when she still had a teenager's body. I suppose it was a good thing that we were in a hub city. Can't take damage if you're in a non-combat... area... after all...

Huh... For some reason, I'm having war flashbacks.

"So, Stranger... How many Leafs do you have on you?"

At the sound of Shizu's voice, I brought myself back to reality as the world around me seemed to pass me on by. The city seemed... quieter now. I guess it really was nighttime. At least, judging by their standards.

"I don't recall," I answered, managing to find my bearing as I began walking alongside her in earnest. "I still have to check how much I have anyway."

"Oh," Shizu tersely responded. "But you'll have enough, right?"

I almost opened my mouth to ask her about the pricing, only to take it back as I realized that this woman probably didn't have any idea on how much they even charged for room and board. Why should she? She was a literal princess whose problems only seemed to be that she had been sheltered for too long.


"I think I'll have enough," I vaguely replied. "Let me just check first."

"Sure thing."

Letting out a breath, I let the princess take the lead as I turned inward to recall the commands. Guidance already told me how to access the inventory, and I just had to remember what they were. Based on experience, the windows opened regardless of the intent and context when the command was uttered. So if I just cycled through words, it'll probably open eventually.



....Okay? That was awkward.

"You said something?"

"I'm trying to access my Leafs," I quickly responded, hiding the blush forming in my cheeks as my gaze landed on the quiet streets before us. "[Language of the Gods], remember?"

"Oh, right..."

"Yep," I popped through my lips, giving the pondering Shizu the cold shoulder. "Just ignore me for a second."

As silence returned, the sound of our footsteps was the only thing keeping us company as we navigated the streets. I had faith that Shizu knew her own city enough to lead us to an inn, so I returned to my regularly scheduled program of throwing things at the wall and seeing what stuck.

"INV." Nope. "Item Storage." Nope. "Inventory 1." Nothing...

"Did Guidance teach you more [Words of Power] while I was out?" Shizu inquisitively asked, her grip still as tight as a vise despite our relatively moderate pace.

"Yeah," I replied with a frown. "The problem is, I can't seem to remember it." And wasn't that embarrassing...

"I'm sure you'll remember it, Stranger," she smiled. "You're a [Somatic], after all."

That word again... I was sure that it was just a designation in the same way that she kept calling me Stranger despite knowing my name, but the way she said it... "Shizu, what exactly is a [Somatic]?"

Shizu hummed, "I guess I'd say they're powerful warriors capable of wielding [Manifests]. Not a lot is known about them, to be honest. They're so rare that even one can turn the tide of war for those that have them on their command."

Huh... "Legendary warrior then."

"Not just legendary," she corrected with a wondrous zeal. "They're mythical. Borderline on par with the [Eld Gods]. If word got out that you're a [Somatic], Fa- The Emperor will stop at nothing to have you under our military."

I actually felt a shiver run down my spine at her words, "You sounded kind of ominous there at the last second."

Uncharacteristically, Shizu slowed down as her grip faltered. "There's a war going on right now. We're safe here in the capital, but on the outskirts of the Empire, the battle for the [Shallow Deep] rages on against the [Marquean City-State] and the [Vestygian Republic]."

I let out a breath, "War..."

"It's wasteful and despicable," Shizu mumbled out. "So many of our people dying, and for what? To have the undisputed right over this lightless world? I hate it..."


It was the first time that I've heard Shizu this serious. Perhaps it was good writing, or maybe it was actually from Shizu herself, but her delivery alone made me invested in this war story.

"Can you tell me more?"

Shizu sighed, "I'll tell you after we find an inn first, Stranger. And we haven't even gotten beyond this first quest of yours."

Oh, right... "Then maybe this war will be addressed at some point in the future?"

"Hopefully..." she hopefully replied. "My memory gets a bit foggy the further from the present I try to remember, but I'll have hope that [Eld God] Guidance is true to her namesake."

My chest sank... That was kind of heavy... If this was a game, I probably wouldn't have felt this nervous at the prospect of war. Maybe even enjoyed it. But now that I was actually living it...

I guess I'll have to face it at some point.

Soon enough, Shizu finally stopped us in front of what looked to be an inn. The building itself looked like an old Eastern temple, only with doors and actual creature comforts attached on its sides. Or at least, I thought they were. The boxes hanging off of the walls looked like air conditioning units from where I stood.

"Let's get inside."

Following Shizu's lead, I walked through the sliding doors of the building. Immediately, we were greeted by an old lady that wore a tightly-fastened kimono. Her graying hair was styled into a bun, her eyes judging us as they lingered on Shizu's form the longest.

"Greetings, honored guests," the old lady greeted. "Welcome to my humble [Inn]. How may I be of service?"


At her words, a pop-up appeared in my vision, a window detailing the services that were available in the current establishment.


[REST: 500 Kattleynan Leafs]

[EAT: 100 Kattleynan Leafs]

Huh... I didn't even need to ask for their prices. Neat.

"Excuse me, do you have any room for us to stay in?" Shizu eagerly opened, stepping forward towards the old lady.

"Yes, we do, young miss," the innkeeper respectfully bowed. "However, I must insist that you two stay in separate rooms."

I blinked... Did I just hear her correctly?

"Why?" the princess quickly asked. "Is there a problem with us sharing room and board?"

To my surprise, the old lady scoffed at my general direction, "I simply see a young woman about to throw her life away for some penniless adventurer."

The silence that followed was deafening. I didn't know whether to be impressed or to be offended as Shizu gaped at the old lady preemptively judging me. I wasn't really one to be affected by those types of words, but I still couldn't help but even feel honored that she thought that I was making moves on Shizu.


"We'll accept it," I cut Shizu off before she blew her gasket off. "How much for two rooms for a night?"

"One night? A thousand Leafs," the old lady nodded in relief before giving us one key each. "Both rooms are adjacent to one another. Pay will be upon leaving."

Gingerly grabbing my key, it honestly looked like something straight out of the old world as I spun the key ring around my finger. I suppose it'll have to do, "Thanks."

"You're welcome, honored guests."

At her bow, I instinctively did the same. Looking to my side, Shizu was surprisingly upright, staring at us like we were doing something utterly foreign to her. A second later, however, she quickly bowed alongside me.

"Thank you," Shizu respectfully bowed, her tone suddenly taking on a more regal tone.

"It's nothing, young miss," the old lady chuckled behind her hand. "Make yourselves comfortable."

Giving her one last nod, I found myself taking the lead as Shizu walked behind me. Arriving at our rooms, we were indeed adjacent with one another as we both turned our respective keys.

"I suppose this is good night then?"

"Yes, Stranger," Shizu smiled. "Good night."

And at that, we finally separated. Walking inside my room, it was spartan with only a room and a bed, but it was certainly much better than leaning on the nearest wall and taking a nap there.

"Not bad..."


[Side Quest: Night Problems COMPLETED]

[REWARDS: 500 Kattleynan Leafs]

Huh... that was deceptively cheap of you, game.

Watching as the window disappeared into motes of light, I then quickly dove onto the comfort of the sheets, relaxing as I stared blankly at the dimly lit ceiling. Looking back, there was still much to be done. I've only completed one main quest so far, and while I've done two side quests now, there was no actual progress being made except for maybe getting personal knowledge about the world that I know find myself in. Still level 2, and still laughably weak, I really wanted to get some progress, especially if Shizu's foreboding war rhetoric was anything to go by.

"And knowing this game, it might just throw me in there prematurely."

Letting out a sigh, I put my hands behind my head as I returned to my current goal of opening my blasted inventory. I still needed to pay for two rooms tomorrow, and I'd be caught dead if I couldn't pay in time.



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