This is a Beta Test?! - A Literally Broken System

Chapter 288 54.3R Marathon Fight?



Guidance grumbled as she stirred from her sleep. She was pretty sure that she was dreaming, but the haziness in her mind made it all the harder for her to really determine what exactly she was seeing.

"Rise and shine, pretty."

She immediately mumbled... "Ugh... Shut up..."

It was her usual reply to any and all that tried to wake her up. From alarm clocks to her own mother, there was no way that she'd get up from bed without a fight. Turning over from the source of the wake-up call, she snuggled up to her suspiciously hard bed. It wasn't as soft or comfortable as what she was used to, but she had slept in worse conditions before.

"Okay, be that way..."

She couldn't help but snigger to herself at the man's resigned tone. It would seem that she had won this exchange, and she got to stay a bit longer in dreamland.

Drifting off once more, Guidance found herself seemingly floating in mid-air. Her clothes were still as they were when she first nodded off, but they felt restricting somehow. Her body felt like it was starting to warm up despite the relative coolness of the air around her, and she inevitably found herself stripping down starting from her pants.

"Ahh... Much better..."

She didn't really know what was happening, only that she was getting far more relaxed than she normally would as she then found herself lying on a recliner. How or why she was there, she didn't know. All she cared about was that she was currently pantsless and that the bliss she was feeling was very comfortable.

"This is the life..."

With a sigh, she sank deeper into her recliner. Focusing in on the feelings running through her body, she couldn't help but notice the slight tingling beginning to develop in her nether regions. She was very much aware that she was dreaming, but she wasn't lucid enough to really call upon her reasoning to even try and contest the strange phenomenon.

Instead, she relished the building feelings further. Squirming on the recliner, her voice seemed muted compared to the burning pleasure starting to build up in her pelvis. Her hips bucking, she closed her eyes as she found herself sinking further and further into her dreams.

"Ah... Ngh...."

Guidance mewled as she found herself floating once more. The lack of a relaxing backdrop should've clued her that she should try and wake up, but the pleasure had drowned out all sense of logic that could've tried to make her see reason. The sensations running through her slit was starting to get too much, and before she knew it, she experienced a rather intense climax in her sleep.


Her body jerked and twitched as her insides undulated in sheer bliss. She felt her lower half spitting out her juices in a pleasurable release, and her nerves lit up in ways that she never would've gotten even if she extensively played with herself. It was an anomaly of a release, one that she would, unfortunately, forget the moment she woke up.

Of course, the intense sensation also meant that her mind had been awoken far sooner than she would've liked. Inevitably, she was pulled back into the waking world, her lips feeling dry as she slowly opened her eyes.

"U-Ugh... What happened?"

Sitting up, Guidance held her head as she felt far more refreshed than she was expecting. Looking herself over, a part of her felt like she had been pantsless just a while ago, and the fact that she felt wet down there only solidified the forming hypothesis that made her blush in embarrassment.

"Had a fun dream there, Guidance?"

Quickly turning around, she almost suffered whiplash as her eyes widened at Moriya's suggestive grin. Based on how she felt, along with the fact that her insides felt like they had just been wrung out with sheer pleasure, she just knew that she made a lot of suspicious sounds while she was asleep.

"I suppose so," she quickly replied, averting her gaze from her boyfriend as she composed herself. "Haven't had a dream like that in a while..."

"A dream, huh," Moriya chuckled. "Can I ask what it was?"

Guidance shook her head. If it was any other person, she would've been utterly embarrassed to even try and talk to them after waking up from such a wet dream. Thankfully, she was more than fine with Moriya knowing about such stuff. They've seen everything their bodies had to offer anyway, so what was a bit of a wet dream to that?

Still... "Even if I remembered what it was, I probably wouldn't tell you," she scoffed. "My fantasies will remain a secret until I say otherwise."

"Fair enough," he shrugged. "So I'm taking it that you had a good nap?"

"That and then some," she cheekily chuckled. "I know I need a change of clothes, but I'm sure it'll sort itself out once we die again later."

Dusting herself up, Guidance couldn't help but let out a whimper as she felt her insides shift with each move. Somehow, it felt like she was dripping far more than usual. Not that she minded, but the feeling of fulfillment within her loins made it harder for her to concentrate on the task at hand.

"Need some help there?"

"No thanks," she replied as she sat back down. "I just need a bit to catch my breath somehow."

"It was that good, huh," Moriya chuckled. "I'm glad that you think that."

Guidance raised an eyebrow at his words. "What do you mean by that?"

"Well, you clearly had a wet dream based on how you sounded earlier in your sleep," he pointed out. "And furthermore, you're blushing like crazy, which means that you're still recovering."

She quickly scoffed as a way to try and lessen her blush. "You're just telling me stuff that I already know. You're dodging the question."

As if hurt, Moriya simply waved her off. "Hey, I'm just saying that I'm glad you felt that good even if you were asleep."

Guidance rolled her eyes at her boyfriend. She had an inkling that he was lying somehow, but without any hard evidence of the crime, she had no choice other than to rely on her gut feelings. Well, that, and her literal guts feeling like they've been rearranged was still bothering her to no end.

Somehow, she just knew that Moriya did something to her without even waking her up to enjoy it properly.

"I'm not stupid, Moriya," she accused, hoping that her hypothesis was both right and wrong at the same time. "Did you do something to me while I was asleep?"

As if on cue, Moriya sputtered at her accusation, his hand quickly going to his nape as his gaze averted hers. "Well, I just saw you groaning and mumbling in your sleep... And since we weren't really doing anything, I decided to try and help you along."

Now it was Guidance's turn to blush up a storm. "So... You stripped my pants and fvcked me while I was asleep?"

"A bit," Moriya admitted. "To be fair, you clearly enjoyed it."

Her insides twinged even as she found herself lost in thought. On one hand, she got violated in her sleep by her actual boyfriend. On the other hand, just imagining her being railed while she was unconscious somehow made her aroused more than she would like to admit. The fact that she could now attribute the increased feeling of fluids flowing down her slit to Moriya cumming inside her was both a relief and a frustrating feeling. Seriously...

"Why didn't you just wake me up?" she grumbled in both anger and disappointment. "I would've liked to have actually felt you inside me, you know."

"But you were asleep," Moriya defended himself. "Waking you up then would've just ended up with you not getting enough sleep. And you did tell me not to wake you up."

Guidance rolled her eyes. "Touche... But I would've very much liked to be awake while you railed me in an obviously pleasurable way."

She couldn't help but sigh as she let her hand wander down to her crotch. Even with her pants obscuring her touch, she still felt sensitive enough to let out a small mewl at her own ministrations. Of course, it also meant that she was getting rather hot to the point that she didn't care that they were still technically out in the open.

"Sorry..." Moriya apologized. "I guess I just thought it'd be for the best."

Guidance scoffed at the apology. "You owe me a good time once all this is over, Moriya. You best believe that I want you to do me until I pass out from exhaustion next time."

Shaking her head to get her mind out of the gutter, Guidance stood up and wielded her [Keystroke] once more. With that, along with their promise to Shizu, it would seem that they'll be busy even after all of this has been taken care of.


"Let's get this over with," she shrugged. "I wanna get back on the [Rig] and put this all behind us."

Of course, the tingling in her loins did much to spur her on. Not that she'd say that to the pervert that did her in her sleep.



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