This is a Beta Test?! - A Literally Broken System

Chapter 272 51.2 Debuff?

With strength came speed, and with speed came time. I didn't know how we did it, but we somehow, as a group, managed to make our way up to a spitting distance in front of our friends. Of course, that didn't mean that we were even within earshot of them, but we could at least see that they were still alive.

"They're alive..." Shizu whispered to my left side, the relief in her voice palpable as her breath hitched. "We actually made it..."

"But that doesn't mean that we're out of the woods yet," I reminded her. "We still have to make contact, which is starting to look more complicated than it should be."

As much as we'd like to charge in and save Shade and his party from being virtually surrounded, the fact that we were also facing our own problems put a damper on such plans. Currently, we were hiding in a ruined portion of what seemed to be a bakery. The broken walls and windows did decently to hide our presence from all of the Academics currently rushing in to pacify our friends. The number of people just running into what felt like their deaths was kind of morbid to think about, but that was just the reality of our situation now.

"What's the plan, Moriya?"

Turning to Guidance, I answered her question with one of my own as I awkwardly asked, "Any ideas?"

My girlfriend gave me a look that obviously told me that she really didn't want to think right now. Regardless, I knew she would have better ideas for this than I would ever have on my own.

So instead of backing down, I kept my gaze leveled, peering into her eyes until she started blushing.

"Stop looking at me like that," the dev weakly mumbled. "You're making me self-conscious here."

"If that's what it'll take for you to have an idea, then I'll do it for as long as I possibly can," I chuckled. "Besides, you look pretty enough that I don't want to look anywhere else anyway."

Guidance blushed even further after that, and I couldn't help but inwardly smirk at my words. I didn't think I had it in me to be that smooth especially at a time like this, but I guess the stressful circumstances can do a lot to a person's imagination.

"Now you're just flirting with me," she rolled her eyes, her cheeks still burning despite her reaction. "And right in front of Shizu too."

"Hey, Shizu doesn't seem to mind," I jokingly retorted, turning around to give the aforementioned princess a look. "Right, Shizu?"

To my surprise, Shizu did seem kind of affected by what Guidance and I were talking about. She was just as red as the dev right now, and her golden eyes were clearly taken off guard as they quickly averted from my gaze.

"W-Wha- Oh, I'm fine," Shizu vehemently nodded, her shoulders shaking from just how hard she tried to shake her head. "I'm just... No, never mind."

"No, we insist," Guidance followed up as she quickly took up the slack of the conversation. "What's wrong? Does hearing us being like this bother you?"

I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at what I was seeing. We were getting stalled again, this time with us playing psychologist on our resident local. I knew I should get us back on track, but taking one look out of the cracked glass window instantly told me that going out right now was a bad idea. There was this one woman with a cigarette clearly shouting out orders, her cane clacking against the ground as the perpetual frown on her face barely managed to hide the obvious beauty she had....

Great, now I was getting sidetracked watching this woman.

Turning around, I restricted myself to being distracted by the only women I'd had actual relations with. It was the least I could do, especially now that Shizu seemed to have something to share.

"W-Well..." the princess stuttered, her cheeks burning up as her eyes flitted between me and Guidance. "It's just that..."

"You can tell us, Shizu," Guidance warmly reassured her. "We won't judge."

"Indeed," I nodded. "No matter what it is, we won't think any different of you."

After all, what kind of ground did Guidance and I stood on for us to be even qualified to do such a thing? We were both weird in one way or another, and we weren't conceited enough to think that we were above everyone else just because we were otherworlders and all of that stuff.

Well, maybe Guidance did have some ground to act all high and mighty. But with how messed up her game had become, she really didn't have the heart to be proud of something that she knew she didn't do a good job at making.

"Truly? Well..." Shizu took a deep breath, doing her best to center herself before she continued. "It's just... I want to be with you two."

"And?" I followed up, sensing the fact that she wasn't done with her point in the slightest.

Looking up at me, I saw the minute flinch that Shizu saw before she shook her head and continued. "I... I've seen you two... In bed constantly for a while now... and I want to offer myself to you two in the way that I once did that one time..."



The silence that settled between us was telling about the current feelings circulating between the three of us. In the backdrop of literal war and death, here we were seemingly talking about our sex lives along with the fact that Shizu had apparently watched Guidance and I go at it for what sounds to be quite some time now.

I could feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment as I turned to Guidance, my lover also sporting her own blush as she gave me a look of utter shame and embarrassment. How did Shizu even manage to do such a thing?

"W-Were we that loud?" Guidance weakly asked, turning her gaze back to Shizu. "Did we... wake you?"

To add to the train of embarrassment, Shizu's blush intensified as she quickly averted her gaze. "W-Well, no.... But my eyes... I could see you two..."

And just like that, the mystery of how she even did it finally made itself clear. Then again, Guidance and I kind of should've known that Shizu's [Code Watcher] would be able to see through walls. After all, why would the woman who could literally see the code of the universe not be able to do such a thing?

"I-I see," Guidance awkwardly stammered. "I guess that's my fault, huh..."

"W-What? No!-"

My eyes widened as I quickly shushed Shizu from being too loud. Guidance also joined in as she quickly became self-conscious of her own voice, and the princess quickly got my drift and forced herself to calm down.

"W-What I mean to say is that it wasn't any of you two's faults," Shizu corrected herself, her tone now taking on a more subdued volume. "If anything, it's mine since I decided to practice my [Code Watcher] in the middle of the night."

I couldn't help but let out a sigh as I shook my head. Giving Guidance a look, we both shared a nod as I turned my head back to Shizu. "No, Shizu. If anything, it's our fault for, well... being promiscuous."

"That's right," Guidance nodded in agreement. "You don't have to be at fault for just wanting to practice your abilities. It's just natural."

"In the same way that... making love with your lover is, right?" Shizu awkwardly rebutted, some of her cheek coming back to her as she weakly smiled. "I refuse to let you two take the blame for my faults this time... Which is why I wanted to do this in the first place."

Before Guidance and I could try and stop her, Shizu had already leaned in close to us, her eyes glowing with reverence and mischief as she quickly gave us a peck on our respective lips. I was stunned, and so was Guidance as we stared at Shizu like she had just done something that she really shouldn't have.

"After all of this is over, I want to offer myself to you two," Shizu vehemently declared, the seriousness in her voice only making her declaration more potent. "I want to... No, I need to reach that peak again. The very heights of happiness that I never thought I'd ever even get a glimpse of."


After hearing all of that, I couldn't help but turn to Guidance for what was hopefully an answer to Shizu's insistence. This was the most forward she had ever been with her desire to join our bed after that one time, and I didn't think we could even refuse her anymore if she was being this forward about it.

"Shizu, we're... honored to have you with us, but-"

"No, I won't take no for an answer anymore." To Guidance and I's surprise, Shizu cut her off, a sharp smile showing itself on her face as she spoke. "I want to offer my worship in the most complete possible form, and this is the way to do it."



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