This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

"Your son has a foul mouth!" Zhou Yan's mother angrily walked forward.

Yu Shu's eyelid twitched and she took a step back, holding onto her dad.

The next second, unsurprisingly, she saw her mother's big ear flap slap that long-tongued woman's face.

That clear, loud slap attracted the attention of passersby.

Ah! Refreshing!

Listening to the sound of the slap, Yu Shu's admiration for the bold Ye Lady rose to new heights.

"Got a toilet in your mouth? If you can't talk properly, keep the toilet lid closed!" Ye Lady rolled her eyes to the highest level, "Still got mud spots on your legs that haven't been washed off, yet you're acting high and mighty, unwilling to look at people directly?"

The bold Ye Lady grabbed that shrew's hair and slapped her cheeks with a few smacks, hitting them until they swelled high.N/nêw n0vel chap/ers are published o/n n0v/e/(lb)i(n.)co/m

Without warning, Ye Lady let go of her hand. Zhou Yan's mother was still cursing and struggling fiercely a second ago. The next second, she fell in a sprawl.

Ye Lady took a step back, protecting Yu Shu father and daughter behind her like a mother hen guarding chicks.

Yu Shu couldn't help swallowing, feeling that Ye Lady's boldness was undiminished from the past.

Sitting on the ground throwing a tantrum, Zhou Yan's mother's hair was messy, mixed with tears and snot stuck on her face. She grabbed Zhou Yan's pants and pointed at them, "Son, help me hit them!"

"Get up first."

The veins in Zhou Yan's temples throbbed. He felt like sitting on pins and needles from the onlookers' stares. There were even several gossipy old ladies nearby who had gathered to watch the show. He felt that he had completely lost face.

Zhou Yan cared about face and had concerns, but his father didn't. He rushed forward to push Ye Ping. Yu Shu quickly came forward to protect her mother. In the scuffle, her handbag fell to the ground, and the housing contract and mobile phone inside fell out.

A text message notification tone rang out abruptly, and a line of text appeared on the phone screen: [Wealth Bank] 833,333.33 Yuan was transferred to your savings account ending 4905 on December 15 at 13:31. The balance is now 3,696,688.13 Yuan.

Yu Shu thought to herself, what great timing. It didn't arrive early or late, but it happened to arrive at this moment. She had no choice but to show off.

Forced to show off.

Father and son Zhou were shocked on the spot by the long string of numbers. Ye Lady's eyesight wasn't good, so she didn't see the content of the text message, but the four big words "housing contract" she saw clearly. She glanced at Yu Shu from the corner of her eye.

Yu Shu understood her look: I'll deal with you later.

Yu Shu picked up her phone, contract, and the Dior tote bag that had fallen to the ground. She mentally gave the designer a thumbs up, such a well-designed bag, no zipper or clasp.

After picking everything up, Yu Shu casually dusted off her hands, "It's just a junk car, not even enough for me to go shopping."

Ah! Such satisfying showing off!

Father and son immediately changed their attitude, squeezing out smiles and apologizing, "My mother is impatient, offended you, I'm really sorry. Let me apologize to you on her behalf."

After speaking, Zhou Yan bowed 90 degrees.

Yu Shu and her mother reacted consistently by taking two steps back, "We can't accept, we can't accept."

"Son, you're apologizing to these cheap whores..."

"Shut your mouth!" Zhou Yan's father turned and yelled angrily, "Get up if you can't figure out the situation, stop embarrassing yourself."

Zhou Yan's mother was stunned, then started sobbing.

Yu Shu didn't have much interest in watching the unsightly spectacle continue. She raised her chin and asked, "Take a look to see if the car is damaged. Do I need to compensate you? Do you need me to pay your mother's medical expenses?"

"No need, no need." Zhou Yan shook his head again and again, "It was all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding. I will definitely come to your home to apologize another day."

Ye Ping turned and left without looking back, "Don't come, inauspicious."

"You said you didn't need compensation, don't try to take advantage later." After speaking, Yu Shu supported her father, who had been oblivious to the situation, and left.

Watching the family of three's backs, Zhou Yan's father regretted stamping his feet. He didn't know this family was a gold mine.

The woman next to him was still crying, crying in a way that annoyed him. He turned and slapped her with a big ear slap, "Crying, just crying, I've had bad luck because of your crying! Even a rich daughter-in-law is ruined by you!"

Zhou Yan's father wanted to hit her again but was stopped by Zhou Yan, "Dad, talk at home. Also, with my looks and talents, I won't miss out on a wife."

Zhou Yan had a face full of confidence and an inevitable smile at the corners of his mouth.

His plain face revealed unmatched confidence.

Ye Ping couldn't wait to get home. She dragged Yu Shu into a teahouse and asked for a small private room. She took out the housing contract from her bag and slapped it on the table, "Are you trying to anger me to death? Buying a house without making a sound, not even discussing it with me? Do I still exist as your mother in your eyes? Where did you buy it? Does it hold value? How much is the monthly payment, can you afford it? New build or second hand? What if you encountered an unreliable developer who doesn't finish construction?"

Ye Ping's string of questions left Yu Shu confused. She stammeringly answered the last few questions, "It''s by the square, paid in full, second hand."

Ye Ping's anger abated slightly. That location was good. Buying in the county town meant that Yu Shu would stay in the county town and by her side in the future, which was best.

"I...I bought it for you and Dad..." Yu Shu carefully pushed the contract towards her with one finger.

"Bought it...for me...for us?" Yu Feng pointed at his own finger, which was slightly trembling.

Ye Ping rolled her eyes at both of them, "Is stuttering contagious? Neither father nor daughter can speak properly!"

However, the frequency at which her shaking hands clutched the contract gave her away.

Not until the pot of flower tea on the table didn't have a wisp of heat left did Ye Ping put down the contract and looked at her daughter, who she had thought was useless, with complex emotions.

When Yu Shu was born, Ye Ping felt her daughter was the cutest baby in the world. When Yu Shu was studying, she brought back full mark test papers and piles of certificates, and Ye Ping felt her daughter would definitely have a great future. When Yu Shu got into a top university, Ye Ping felt her daughter would definitely become an outstanding person. But after Yu Shu graduated, they didn't keep in close contact. Most of the little she heard was about how wonderful her life was, saying she just woke up when she called sounding weak...

A girl living alone outside, it was easy to imagine how difficult it must be.

Ye Ping's hopes for her changed to wishing she could live safe and sound, free of illness and disaster. It would be even better if she could marry early and have children.

Ye Ping had thousands of thoughts swirling through her mind and roiling emotions. She didn't know what to say.

"Mommy~" Yu Shu cautiously suggested, "Do you want to go see the house? You'll definitely like it."

Yu Feng also looked at her expectantly.

After a long pause, Ye Ping reluctantly murmured in agreement.

Father and daughter immediately joyfully helped her up and walked out.


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