This Damned Thirst for Survival

Chapter 32

The black mist wrapped around the chauffeur from head to toe, and when it cleared, the strange face of the chauffeur changed into the handsome form of an evil spirit.

It is Chi You.

Jiang Luo takes a drag from his cigarette, his eyes narrowing slightly, a smile flickering from the corner of his mouth. The smoke obscures his smile, and the evil spirits do not notice it.

Jiang Luo had guessed that Chi You would show up in recent days when he banged on his bathroom door during yesterday’s “drowning”. He was going to use a trick to lure Chi You out, but he didn’t expect Chi You to come to him so soon.

Maybe tonight, he will be able to open the Ring of Yin and Yang.

Jiang Luo deliberately frowned, disgusted: “Why you again?”

Such a look made the evil spirit laugh silently.

On Jiang Luo’s unearthly beautiful face, the expression of disgust has an intense beauty, and the more frightened and disgusted he is, the more the evil spirit has a pleasant, brutal desire to indulge him.

The car drove smoothly down the road late at night.

At night there are fewer cars than in the daytime, and the suit is as skilled as a real chauffeur, except for his overly impressive looks, and his speed is textbook-worthy.

“Wasn’t it Jiang who said he wanted to see me?”

The evil spirit said slowly and deliberately.

He was dressed in the same suit Jiang Luo had burned earlier. The black suit was without a wrinkle, meticulous from the legs to the cuffs, too perfect to be a ghost. The jewel-red cufflinks shimmered darkly, the pin on his bow tie resembled the shape of a rose, and there was an understated silvery dark pattern that appeared and disappeared like a rising tide on the suit as he moved.

He was dressed up as if he were on a big death-defying date.

Even Jiang Luo, a fan-turned-black, has to admit that the evil spirit’s appearance is extremely deceptive, that there are many unknown mysteries about him that invite exploration, but that if one is not careful, one can end up dead.

Jiang Luo, however, is unable to appreciate such charms now; after all, the only word that remains to him is “abominable”.

” Chi You ,” Jiang Luo, “can’t you even understand a lie?”

The evil spirit smiled, his pale fingers tapping the steering wheel in a good mood, “I hear you seemed intent on drowning last night for my sake.”

“Is it too easy to die like that?”

Jiang Luo tugged at his lips and asked rhetorically, “And what kind of death is not simple?”

The smile took on a provocative edge, the trails of his eyes trailing mockingly over the well-dressed evil spirit, “Killed without a word, like you?”

A sense of sabre-rattling confrontation erupted in the small compartment as the car’s music skipped to the next song.

The fierce, light-hearted opening is high, and the crescendo of “Who Killed the Mockingbird” is combined with the increasing speed of the car, making it feel like it’s on the road to hell.

The dark-haired young man’s eyes grew brighter as he looked out the window at the rapidly passing scenery. The dim streetlight hit the dark-haired youth’s face moment by moment, reflecting the curved corners of his lips from between his eyebrows to the high bridge of his nose.

The evil spirit looked at him sideways, propped up on the steering wheel, and said meaningfully, “You look like you’re having fun.”

The evil spirit lengthened his tone, “Is it because of the destruction of my puppet or because of the impending death I will bestow upon it?”

Jiang Luo finished the last puff of his cigarette, pressed it out and said lazily, “If you want to die, just die, why are you talking so much?”

Evil spirit: “You are not afraid?”

“Fear is fear, but ……”

Jiang Luo looked at the suspension bridge in front of him and saw a flash in his eyes. He suddenly sprang up and rolled over and pinned the evil spirit in the driver’s seat. Jiang Luo grabbed the evil spirit’s collar and pulled it to him, smiling, “It’s worth it to have you die with me.”

The villain was tugged by his tie to his body, and the two pairs of eyes, equally tinged with madness, looked at each other, nose to nose, and the villain said curiously, “How so?”

Jiang Luo tugged at his lips and pressed his hands against the evil spirit’s hands, his whole body over his body. One of his legs went down, past the evil spirit’s tight thighs, the crook of his knees, and his calves, and he stepped on the accelerator with precision.

Without hesitation, the throttle was pushed to the floor.

The performance sedan scurried off like an arrow, its steering disrupted, and headed straight for the river below the suspension bridge.

It is easy to stimulate a man’s adrenaline with such a fast pace. Jiang Luo presses down on the evil spirit as if he were crushing death beneath him, and he laughs freely, “Surprise, surprise?”

The vehicle plunged straight into the river.

The car’s alarm was blaring harshly, the river bottom was dark and dirty, the water was pouring in so fast that the door was pressed against the outside and could no longer be opened.

It doesn’t feel good to watch yourself trapped in a car, and the evil spirit that fell into the river with Jiang Luo was silent for a few seconds before murmuring an exclamation, “You always surprise me a lot.”

The river flooded half of the demon and Jiang Luo’s body, turning the demon’s expensive gown into a slimy mess of fabric. He did not bother with the water that was about to flood him, but wrapped his arms around Jiang Luo and pulled him into his arms, holding him captive with his arms in a death-defying situation.

The evil spirit laughed with interest, “Let me see what else you can do.”

Jiang Luo’s cheek was forced against the evil spirit’s chest, the cold, dark gold buttons of his suit pressed against the side of his face. With this one movement, the evil spirit signified that Jiang Luo had lost his last retreat.

But if it is impossible to open the Yin-Yang ring, this retreat is not wanted.

The river had already poured most of its water into the car, nearly reaching Jiang Luo’s chin.

Jiang Luo pulled up a smile and hugged the evil spirit as if he wanted to die with it.

A man and a ghost embrace in the cold water of the car, the thoughts of leaving each other to die constantly crossed. The embrace is dangerous, bloody and decidedly not half as warm.

Soon the murky water floods over Jiang Luo’s head and over the bridge of the evil spirit’s nose.

Naturally the evil spirit would not die, and the current would not cause him any distress as he bowed his head and looked at the long-haired youth whose hair was flowing in his arms.

The fair face of the dark-haired youth rested against his chest, a perfect blend of voluptuousness and arrogance between his eyebrows, which, even now, did not show the slightest hint of retreat.

Although the dark-haired youth’s suicidal retaliation looked foolish in his eyes, the evil spirit curled his lips and slowly tangled a strand of Jiang Luo’s black hair.

He was vaguely expecting what further surprises the dark-haired youth could bring him?

Jiang Luo has fallen into a semi-conscious state.

Choking, chest tightness, Jiang Luo ignores these sensations and pools his attention on the Yin-Yang ring.

All sorts of noisy thoughts changed and changed, leaving only one last thought that gradually became clear and firm – he wanted to become stronger.

The metaphysical sensation returns, and in the dim water the Yin-Yang ring on Jiang Luo’s right hand glows with a faint Jin Guang.

The black-haired youth’s heartbeat rose and fell more and more slowly, and the life gradually faded from him.

The interest in the evil spirit’s eyes turned to regret as he let go of Jiang Luo’s hair and instead squeezed his neck.

It was a shame that the evil demon’s palm slowly pushed harder, he had wanted to play slowly with Jiang Luo and keep the dark haired youth crying for mercy in despair. But Jiang Luo fell to his own impulses, and to make sure he got Jiang Luo’s life, the evil spirit had to do it before he died.

The palm of his hand gradually tightened, and a grey, deadly aura gradually clouded the face of the beautifully lifeless dark-haired youth.

The smile on the villain’s lips was disappointing, a smile that was false and cold. The disappointment quickly changed to boredom, and the villain’s eyes turned cold as if he had thrown away a toy that was no longer fun to play with.

But his tightening palm was abruptly gripped by another hand.

Jiang Luo suddenly opened his eyes, his bright, dark eyes looking straight at the evil spirit, the corners of his crimson mouth curled up as if he were a water spirit, and he made a cold gesture towards the evil spirit.

The evil spirit recognized the words, and Jiang Luo was saying, “You’re dead.”


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