This Damned Thirst for Survival

Chapter 126: The Ashram

Chi You, for some reason, felt a deep sense of hostility and disgust towards this uniformed young master from the first moment she saw him.

The uniformed Young master raises his hand, his white-gloved fingers tilting the brim of his hat, his deep brow peeking out from the shadows. He caught Chi You’s eye, but only glanced at Chi You for a brief moment before turning his face away from Jiang Luo.

On the contrary, the adjutant standing behind him looked at Chi You a few times as if he were new.

“Since the Chi family is here, tell me about your dead Chi family,” the uniformed Young master rolled up the newspaper as he led the way into the Chi house, his cloak rolling in his stride, but suddenly stopped in his tracks, turned and picked Jiang Luo’s chin with the newspaper, and said with a half-smile. “Are you sure you’re from the Chi family? How come you don’t look like a Chi family member.”

Jiang Luo was forced to look up, only to feel that the uniformed man in front of him exuded an aura that was extremely familiar to him.

Even the veiled but perverted look in his eyes was familiar.

A few seconds later, Jiang Luo couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows and almost burst out laughing.

This can’t be Chi You itself coming in, can it?

If he had come in, it would have been an instantly interesting scene with the two Chi You’s together. Jiang Luo was about to laugh, but he gritted his teeth and lowered his eyes as if he was afraid.

The newspaper was slapped away by another hand and the teenager stood beside Jiang Luo, raising his arm around Jiang Luo’s shoulders, Chi You smiled, ” Young master , this is my wife Jiang Luo, surnamed Jiang, although married to me, she is not really an authentic Chi family member.”

Jiang Luo is silent, secretly using Yu Guang to gauge the expressions of both the uniformed Young master and the teenager Chi You.

Young master gave a short laugh, “Your lady?”

Chi You looked sideways at Jiang Luo, the hickeys and nail marks on his neck seemingly showing, ” Young master just talk to me if you have anything to say, my lady has just married into the Chi family and he knows very little about the Chi family.”

Saying that, he worriedly hooked the broken hair on the side of Jiang Luo’s ear behind his ear and gently dropped a kiss next to Jiang Luo’s ear, “Madam, do you want to go back to your room to rest first?”

A dangerous gaze falls on Jiang Luo’s ear, and Jiang Luo almost feels as if his ear will be burned. Something was wrong with the atmosphere, wrong with the uniformed Young master, wrong with the soft and affectionate state of the teenager Chi You beside him, there seemed to be an odd confrontation.

Jiang Luo was so enthralled by the play that he could not resist the urge to curl his lips and add more fire to the drama.

When it comes to adding fuel to the fire, Jiang Luo has always been bold.

Jiang Luo smiled, his eyes seemingly full of dangerous ambiguity as he raised his hand to touch the ear that had just been kissed and said with a smirk, “I don’t need to rest.”

The flesh of his full earlobe was gently brushed by his fingertips, and both pairs of eyes rested together unobtrusively on his body.

The uniformed Young master looks straight at them, his eyes slowly moving to Chi You’s hand on Jiang Luo’s shoulder. After a long moment, he smiled slowly, but with a certain invisible aura that seemed to tear people apart.

The man said, “Interesting.”

Jiang Luo is happy.

Hate to go straight to the road and fight fight fight!

The adjutant suddenly interjected, ” Young master , go ahead and check on the dead man.”

Young master looked inside the pool house door, “Right, it’s time to take care of business first.”

He took the lead, followed by Jiang Luo and Chi You. But Jiang Luo had not taken more than a few steps when he suddenly stumbled and fell forward unawares.

Behind him, Chi You’s face froze and he made a conscious effort to pull him back, but the next moment Jiang Luo fell into the arms of the uniformed Young master.

Jiang Luo’s face slammed into the cold, hard iron buttons on the man’s chest, and the dark grey cloak lifted and fell from his face. The man held him firmly in his arms and teased, “Is this all a beauty ploy to keep us from conducting an investigation?”

Beauty ploy my ass –

Jiang Luo’s eyes narrowed slightly as he took hold of the uniformed Young master’s arm and turned his head to look at the ground, the ground where he had just tripped was flat and clean and there was no longer any evidence of what had tripped him up.

But Jiang Luo was sure that he must have tripped over something.

Chi You has played this trick before, when he encountered the Red and White Furies, he deliberately moved a dead wooden branch under Lu Youyi’s feet.

Jiang Luo turned back and gave a sudden smile, but under his cloak he raised his foot and ran it hard over the man’s riding boots.

” Young master , I’m sorry, just had some trouble standing.”

After stepping on it, the apprehensive dark-haired youth also said somewhat apologetically.

Although he had long hair, he was still a 5’8″ man, and his toes could have been broken if he had run over him with his full force. But the uniformed Young master did not change his face, and under the cover of his robe, he went so far as to use his fingers to ambiguously outline Jiang Luo’s back in front of a large crowd.

On closer inspection, that still seems to be a line of writing.

“The waist is so thin.”

Three short words reminded Jiang Luo of that boat on the rocking waves, Chi You’s sweaty forehead, his voice low, sensual and flirtatious, pinching him and saying deliberately in his ear, “Why is it so fine here?”

Jiang Luo’s back was instantly covered with an itch like the scurrying of ants.

The young brunette’s apologetic face didn’t change a bit, but he lifted his knee and unceremoniously struck the uniformed Young master in the center of his focus.

The uniformed Young master blushed slightly and let go of him.

Chi You also took Jiang Luo’s hand at the same time, pulling him out of the Young Master’s arms with brute force as he said, seemingly gently, “My lady is out of your hands.”

Jiang Luo, however, deliberately shook him off, as if in anger, “Don’t you touch me either!”

As soon as Chi You froze, he saw Jiang Luo walking in front of him in a fit of rage.

The next thing he knew, Chi You noticed a word in the sentence that was of particular concern to him.


What do you mean by “also”?

Of course, it was only when another person touched him that he said the word “too”.

Chi You could no longer keep up the false façade. He put away his smile and gave the uniformed Young master a look of little emotion.

The uniformed Young master caught sight of him but was unconcerned and caught up with Jiang Luo at a brisk pace.

On the contrary, the adjutant behind him, none other than Ge Wuchen in disguise, blanched instantly at this glance from his teenage master.

Ge Wuchen, the seven-eyed Buddha, is undoubtedly the most perceptive of Chi You’s men, and although he cannot really see through Chi You, he knows what Chi You’s few looks mean.

Like the look in the eyes of the teenager Chi You at this moment, he was moving against them.

But Chi You quickly moved away from looking at the two men, and unobtrusively rushed to Jiang Luo’s side, separating him from the uniformed Young master.

The extremely tense atmosphere entered the calm before the storm, but a few moments later this brief calm was shattered.

Someone in the backyard exclaimed, “A body has been retrieved from the lake!”

The group gave a start, then picked up speed and headed for the lake.

When they reached the lake, the recovered body was placed on the ground next to the lake. Jiang Luo took one look at the body and his eyes flickered.

The nails of the corpse dangled from the grass, their bright red polish conspicuous beyond recognition.

There was only one woman in the whole house who would wear such nail polish.

Jiang Luo quickly walked over and knelt down, sweeping aside the hair covering the victim’s face to reveal a familiar face.

It is Qin Yun.

Qin Yun’s eyes were open and dead. Her clothes were torn from her body and there were bruised struggle marks underneath them. Her mouth rose and her abdomen grew large as Jiang Luo plucked her lips apart and mud and sand abruptly flowed out of her mouth.

It was because his body was filled with mud and sand that Qin Yun’s body never surfaced. It was only because a boy had fallen into the water that Qin Yun was found underwater today with his eyes open like a water ghost.

Jiang Luo stood up expressionlessly and wiped his hands slowly with a handkerchief.

Duan Zi is dead, Du Ge is dead, Qin Yun is dead.

Three people have died.

It was also all three of those four young students.

It’s funny, why did it have to be these three people?

Jiang Luo wouldn’t believe it if he said it wasn’t intentional.

The boy who had found Qin Yun was so frightened that he had been taken back to his room to rest. The uniformed Young master walked over to Qin Yun, looked the body over with his head bowed, and said in the same tone of voice as the teenager Chi You had used to sympathise with Duan Zi in Yi Zhuang, “How sad.”

Jiang Luo could hear the new and frightened whispers of the onlooking maids and boys.

“How did another one die?”

“We’re not going to be next, are we?”

“Is it true that the evil spirit is a member of the Chi family?”

Jiang Luo suddenly turned his head to the uniformed Young master, “What do you think?”

The uniformed Young master said, “Hmm?”

“Rather than a ghost killing her, I think it was a human being,” Jiang Luo said, looking at Qin Yun’s tattered clothes and the obvious signs of her hazed body, “someone raped her and then threw her into the lake.”

The uniformed Young master said smoothly, “What a coincidence, that’s what I thought.”

Chi You always felt prickly as he watched them ask and answer questions. He turned back to the crowd and asked in a cold voice, “Who lives with this maid?”

Lian Xue’s face was white as she helped Li Xiao, who was about to faint, out of the crowd. She looked at Qin Yun with an unforgiving gaze and turned her head, “Young master, it’s the two of us.”

“Did she go out last night?”

Lian Xue hesitated for a moment and shook her head, “We slept well last night, I don’t know if she went out.”

Chi You said, “Butler.”

The butler hurriedly came over from the side and said, “Young master.”

Chi You was about to order something, but then suddenly looked into the crowd.

The crowd parted and a young master in gold and silver, with a fat head and brain, hurried from the back with a panicked and fearful face, sweating profusely in the unseasonably hot weather. The sweat was tinged with oil and was sticky and disgusting on his head.

The steward said, “Young Master Chi Tian, what brings you here?”

A little boy whispered and bit his ear, “Doesn’t this young master of the side family never sleep until late afternoon?”

“I guess they heard there was a buzz here specifically to watch the action.”

Chi Tian came forward with a stiff smile, and upon seeing the two men in military uniform, a look of fear flashed across his face, and then he fawned over the uniformed Young master and kept bending down to smile ingratiatingly, “Sir, you two are here to check on the dead man, right?”

The uniformed Young master looked down at him, condescending, and did not speak.

The adjutant coughed up his throat and asked, “What do you know?”

Chi Tian wiped the sweat from his head, his eyes darted from side to side and suddenly looked at Chi You, with a flash in his eyes, he put on a look of gritted teeth and pain and pointed at Chi You, “It’s you, the murderer of the man is you! Look, Master, he’s the one who killed the man and threw him into the lake, take him away!”

A shade crossed Chi You’s eyes as he turned sideways to avoid Chi Tian’s fingers and said faintly, “It wasn’t me.”

“If I say it’s you, it’s you!” Chi Tian didn’t think Chi You would dare to retort, he pushed Chi You in anger, “Who else could it be? Is it me?”

“I saw you rape her and throw her into the lake last night, and you asked me to keep it a secret, but I’m not going to keep it a secret now that someone is investigating the family,” Chi Tian said with fury. I’m going to do something righteous today. Everyone in the Chi family knows how nasty you are, how you pretend to be, but you’re not what you seem. Do you dare say you didn’t do it? I swear on my life that you killed the man, and unless you kill me, I will not change my mind!”

He slammed into Chi You, a whole set of words as familiar as if he’d done it a million times before.

The people gathered around the place put their eyes on Chi You.

Some disbelievers said, “How could the young master do such a thing?”

When this was said, an old man immediately retorted, “Young Master Chi has really done a lot of bad things since he was a child.”

“I heard that he used to steal money and get people killed. It is said that he tried to exorcise ghosts at a young age and ended up killing a family at a young age.”

“That’s really …… unwatchable too.”

“More than that, if you ask me, the side line is too good for the first line. The young master of the first line has done so many unethical things and still firmly occupies the main position, and every time young master Chi has done something bad isn’t it the side line that takes care of the aftermath? I’ve heard that Young Master Chi has …… gotten such a woman killed more than once before.”

“He looks good-natured, but he’s actually so scary that we’re afraid to go near him.”

“Ah, how he is such a man.”

Chi You bowed your head.

The anger is on fire.

But more than anger, there was an unspeakable embarrassment.

Because Jiang Luo was watching him too.

The uniformed Young master was also looking at him from the side.

It was as if the clothes had been stripped off and the monstrous scars, ugly as they were, were on display before them.

What will they think of him?

His fists on either side of his body creaked as the teenager stood in the middle of the crowd, being constantly peeled away from the stains of his past by the young master of the side line.

Chi Tian said aggressively, “Unless you kill me, this is your doing! Do you dare to kill me? Do you dare Chi You?”

He actually knew in his heart that Chi You wouldn’t dare at all.

Chi You has a curse on him, and unless he doesn’t want to live, the first line can’t hurt the second line.

Chi Tian is pleased to think that Chi You is still working so well.

Since he was a child, he has been used to putting the blame on Chi You for everything. He is not the only one who knows that if you get into trouble, you can just blame it on Chi You, from the 89 year olds down to the five year olds.

It was Chi You who did the wrong thing, it was Chi You who got people killed, and now it is Chi You who has killed people.

Chi Tian felt that he no longer had to worry about this and that it was time for him to think about something else. Like what to have for dinner tonight, and whether the chicks at the kiln were thinking about him.

The uniformed Young master stood by and watched the scene with cold eyes.

There was no wavering in his eyes, as if the young man in the middle of his vision, Chi You, who had the exact same experience as his past, was not him.


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