This Damned Thirst for Survival

Chapter 112

The owner, still in his bathrobe, did look as if he had been awakened by the noise of the crowd.

The people on the ground floor were thrown into a tense mood by his words, but the next moment noticed the smiles in his tone, smiles that relaxed them slightly from their tension as they watched the overly handsome man walk slowly down the stairs.

Jiang Luo is also looking at him.

He sat at the back of the crowd, unmoving as everyone rose to their feet and waited for the host to come downstairs. His pretty face was calm and unmoving, without any extra expression, but his eyes, dulled by long weariness, were refreshed by another look that was so straightforward that it looked like it was going to strip him of his clothes.

The man came down the stairs, his movements casual, but his aura powerful. The hormones that floated in the dark, as if on purpose, were enough to make the heart flutter in submissiveness, in a state of nervousness and instinctive fear.

The Storm, the villa, the mysterious and handsome owner of the villa.

This will undoubtedly plunge the young girl’s mind into peachy fantasies like a wild rose in the morning.

Evil spirits have always had the ability to compel the mind in this aspect of the skin.

But Jiang Luo scoffs silently.

As soon as he sees Chi You, he remembers that Chi You used to be cool to the second …… pfft hahahaha.

Jiang Luo held back his laughter, forcing the image out of his mind, after all, he had made a pact with the evil spirit that no one would remember that event once they left that room.

The evil spirit acted like the eager good host that the housekeeper described, “Did you have a good dinner?”

The sound of a match sparking in the middle of the cooker woke the young men. Qin Yun, her face tinged with red, was the first to reply, “It’s working fine, thank you for your help.”

She answered the evil spirit’s last question again, “We are playing the game of kings, would you like to join us?”

Chi You raised an eyebrow, “The King’s Game?”

Qin Yun gave him a detailed account.

Her voice was the only sound in the whole living room for a moment, and the evil spirit looked focused, its dark eyes seeming to look deep into the girl, but its attention was like a vine climbing on the ground, moss growing on the walls, gradually spreading to Jiang Luo at the end.

Not seen for fourteen days.

The evil spirit thought carelessly, now that he had remembered the number “fourteen days”.

His gaze and aggressive intent, however, defied his diffidence and wrapped around the dark-haired youth quickly with extreme excitement.

After getting Jiang Luo, Chi You felt he would never be interested in Jiang Luo again.

He took Li Sha back to the lair, let her meet the rest of his men, and then went about his plans. Chi You, as he said, did not think much of Jiang Luo that day. But in the quiet of the night, the dark red of his lust haunted Chi You like a curse, and the thoughts that ate away at his senses doubled, and from that night onwards, Jiang Luo’s flushed face, crushed beneath him, flashed before his eyes again and again. The crimson lips that spat out curses, the eyes that burned with water and hostility, every inch of beautifully firm skin ……

All of them raise a swampy, greedy desire in Chi You.

The more the pleasure of getting Jiang Luo rolls around, the more the obscure dark desires of the evil spirits grow perversely and hideously.

Chi You should not have been bothered by such a desire.

He should vent it out – until he is happy.

But then he remembered Jiang Luo’s words and the promise he had made.

— “There will never be a second time.”

Again his irritation rose, exponentially more than before.

This makes the evil spirits even more moody.

He restrained himself for a few days, but then reappeared at Jiang Luo’s side.

Chi You was unable to enter the Lian house and waited patiently for Jiang Luo to leave.

Strangely enough, he hadn’t seen Jiang Luo, but the mere sensation of hiding and waiting by his side excited him, as if he were spying on his prey to come out and then waiting for an opportunity to prey on it – such a wait made the evil spirit look forward to it.

Until today, when he stood at his first floor window and saw Jiang Luo coming towards him in the snow and wind from afar.

Chi You’s breath began to catch, his muscles tensed, his eyes fixed on Jiang Luo, and for a moment he wanted to devour the dark-haired young man who had braved the snow.

It was a new, conquering desire.

He left behind all the words he had ever uttered, not caring whether they would lead to Jiang Luo’s mockery, for they were not as important as satisfying him.

As he once said, sooner or later he would find the answer in Jiang Luo.


The others did not notice Yu Guang in the master’s house, but Jiang Luo, who was being gawked at, could not have failed to notice.

It was even said that the sighting was a deliberate attempt by Chi You to make him discover it.

Jiang Luo snorted and sat as if he was unaware. His hands rested on the table, the winter cold leaving everyone’s skin wrapped in heavy, warm clothing, the only thing exposed being his face and hands and occasionally his neck.

Jiang Luo is also wearing a black turtleneck jumper today, looking handsome and indifferent. His long, slender neck, which the evil spirits had kissed over and over again, was well protected by the collar, so much so that the evil spirits could only pity him by swirling around his bony hands before lazily withdrawing them.

And by this time, Qin Yun had just about finished with the rules of the King’s game.

“So that’s it,” the evil spirit dawned on him, and then smiled with interest, “May I join you?”

Qin Yun looked like she was waiting for him to say that and immediately said, “Of course.”

An extra chair has been added to the dining table.

Qin Yun was about to deal, but Jiang Luo, who had not said a word at the beginning, suddenly said, “I’ll deal.”

Qin Yun was happy to have a handsome boy to take over the job. She handed the cards to Jiang Luo, who shuffled them again and handed them out to everyone.

He made a deliberate detour and by the time it was Chi You’s turn, the evil spirit had only gained the last card in Jiang Luo’s hand.

He laughed silently and reached out to take the cardboard, his pale, cold fingertips not hiding the features of an evil spirit as they skimmed seemingly over Jiang Luo’s knuckles.


Jiang Luo smiled at him with raised lips, “You’re welcome.”

There is also a dark card placed in the middle of the table, which is another card that acts as the king. As a result, the king’s orders sometimes involve himself, which makes this game even more interesting.

Jiang Luo sat down and looked at the cards in his hand, although his luck was not very good, he still had some hopes of becoming king. But to his disappointment, Jiang Luo was dealt an ordinary three of spades.

He laid down his cards and waited for the man who got the king to come forward.

Lian Xue, not so sure, turned over the ghost card in his hand to show everyone, “I guess I’m the king of this game.”

Jiang Luo was relieved to see that she was the king, as long as it wasn’t Chi You.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Lian Xue glanced at the dark sign with little certainty, fearing in her mind that it would be she who received the order, and therefore gave the simple order, “Numbers 5 and 10, and collect the dried duvet in a moment.”

The number 5 is Lian Qiang and the number 10 is Li Xiao, who has never spoken before, and they both nod in relief together.

The first game was a simple order, but at least it got off to a good start. The second game resumed and this time the king was Duan Zi who had an equally low presence.

Duan Zi took the ghost sign, his face was a bit hesitant, he broke off, “I have some hobbies about spirits but haven’t tried …… If you guys feel scared you can also not do it …… but ……”

Qin Yun was a little impatient, “Go ahead, since everyone is in the game, they won’t be able to afford to play.”

“Well,” Duan Zi said, “6 and 9, I want you to look in the mirror in the dark at twelve midnight in the toilet, I’ve heard that you can see other things that way and I want to know if the legend is true.”

As soon as this order was spoken, the faces of the others changed.

It’s not the intimacy and jokes that scares you when you play these games, it’s the ones that involve horror.

Duan Zi asked, “Who are the sixes and nines?”

Jiang Luo lifted the poker out of his hand without changing his face, “I’m a six.”

This order had essentially no effect on him.

“And who is 9?” Duan Zi asks again.

At this point, the host family came out slowly, “Oh, it’s me.”

Jiang Luo raised his eyes and locked them with the evil spirit. Both averted their eyes flatly in the next moment, the dark tide hiding beneath a calm surface, neither saying a word of retreat.

Duan Zi was a bit frazzled, this was after all the person who had taken them in to save their lives, “If you don’t want to ……”

“Never mind,” said the host family pleasantly, “I can.”

The game came to a third round.

Qin Yun secretly spat in his heart, the secret excitement that had just risen from playing the game had all wilted, this game is obviously the most suitable for increasing the ambiguity between men and women, why did it become like this?

This time it was her turn to deal the cards and she hoped she could be the kingdom and break back the direction of the game, but she was disappointed once again.

Jiang Luo calmly closed his cards back in.

Gee, this time it’s Q.

“Ah, the king has been drawn by me this time,” the evil spirit suddenly uttered, and after catching the attention of the crowd, he slowly placed the ghost card in his hand on the table with a smile, “I never thought I would be so lucky.”

Jiang Luo stared deadpan at the grinning ghost card, his brow jumping hard as a bad feeling rose up.

The evil spirit leaned back languidly, his damp black hair hanging over his brow bone, his eyes darting through the crowd, “So who is chosen to do the ordering.”

His fingers tapped, and the heartbeat of the bespectacled man couldn’t help but beat in time with the frequency of his fingers. The evil spirit narrowed his eyes in enjoyment, “Then let Queen take the initiative and kiss Kg.”

Qin Yun got excited, that’s what the game is really about!

She coughed her throat, “Who’s Q and K?”

The crowd shook their heads, and after a long silence, their eyes turned to Jiang Luo.

Jiang Luo opens the card expressionlessly and a black Q appears unmistakably in the top left corner of the card.

“And who is the king, is it ……” they looked to the dark card.

Du Ge was closest to the concealed card and he opened it straight away, and it was a king.

The evil spirit said in mock surprise, “Surprised it’s me?”

The handsome, god-like master of the house shrugged helplessly, “Come on, then.”

Jiang Luo laughed coldly, then stood up and walked towards the evil spirit with a smirk on his face.

The evil spirit sat in a chair, his eyes darting obscurely over his body.

Lian Xue’s face reddened as the people next to her stared, and she tightened her grip on Lian Bing’s hand, which made her cry out, “Sister, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts.”

When he reached Chi You, Jiang Luo said courteously, “Sorry to have offended you.”

The evil spirit smothered a laugh, “It’s okay.”

Jiang Luo tugged at his lips, cupped his head and bowed it dryly.

But the moment before the human’s lips fell on the evil spirit’s, a fierce wind rose outside the cabin and abruptly the lights inside suddenly went out.

The villa was plunged into darkness.


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