This Bastard is Too Competent

Chapter 94: Time to Send Them to Hell

Chapter 94: Time to Send Them to Hell

“All troops forward! To the heart of Bahara, Balrog!”


They were the last to depart. 

But now the soldiers’ morale was at its peak. It was only natural. Ian’s gallant figure on the enormous Blue Emperor succeeded in boosting their morale to a greater height.

Ian grinned as he asked. 

“What are you doing, sir? Do you really intend to give up your title?”

“I-I’m on my way!” 


Nathan grabbed the reins of one of the Blue Kings as if he didn’t want to lose. Galon also climbed on with his signature serious expression. Yet, a hint of nervousness was apparent on his face. 

He looked as if he didn’t know what to do if he fell by chance and embarrassed himself.

However, unlike before, the Blue Kings expressed their obedience to Ian.

The knights were able to climb smoothly this time. 

Of course, Nathan seemed to be having quite a bit of a hard time.  

“Du… dude! Stay still!” 

“What are you doing, Nathan?” 

“No, well, this punk’s rebelling—whoaa!!!”

The Blue King who carried him was defiantly trying to drop him. Nathan’s body rocked back and forth whenever the giant horse shook its hips.

Only after using the power of ‘Swift’ did he finally manage to hold out. 

After struggling for a while, the knights and cavalrymen were all able to mount the Blue King.

With this, the long-awaited preparations were over.

“Well, let’s hurry. We have a long way to go.” 

The soldiers moved quickly at Ian’s words. 

After a short rest, the soldiers were in perfect condition, their faces brimming with confidence. 

It was no wonder they felt so.

The cavalrymen and knights riding the Blue King were marching ahead of them as if escorting them, followed by the massive amount of supplies.

They were confident they would not lose in a fight against anyone now. 

But it wasn’t that there was no one who was not worried.  

Especially Nathan. 

“I think the soldiers are being too lax. What will happen if we get caught in a surprise attack?” 

“It’s rare of you to say the right thing for once, but Nathan has a point, Your Highness.” 

“Hey! What do you mean by that!” 

“The morale is obviously high, but the discipline is lacking. Why don’t you give the soldiers a strong warning? On the battlefield, carelessness calls for death.” 

Fiosen said, turning a deaf ear to Nathan.  

Ian also nodded, agreeing with his words. 

‘The most dangerous moment is when the momentum is at its highest.’ 

It was also the easiest moment to let their guard down.

Therefore, they would be particularly vulnerable to sneak attacks and traps. Not to mention, the soldiers’ tension in the battle had relaxed due to the short break. 

Nevertheless, Ian answered calmly. 

“That’s alright. We’ll keep going.” 

“What? Not a warning or a drill?”

“We can’t drain the soldiers’ strength in the enemy territory where we may fight at any time.” 

On the contrary, this momentum was good. 

The enemy might think their side was careless. This would lead them to let their own guard down instead.

‘My enemy right now is not just Bahara.’ 

But Fiosen didn’t seem to understand Ian’s decision. 

It was just then. 

“Your Highness. It’s a scout.” 

Nathan pointed to one side of the plain. At the end of where his finger was pointing, a glimpse of an object, so far away it appeared like a dot, was spotted. No, it wasn’t just one or two. 

The figures riding mountain goats were unmistakably Bahara’s mountain cavalry.

It was clear that the advance team also doubled as a scouting team.  

“I don’t think there’s only one or two. Looks like it came from a lot of places.” 

Certainly, other than those on the mountain goats, there were some people on horseback on the other side. It was undoubtedly soldiers from other units. 

Ian could tell right away. 

‘They must be the First Princess’ and Brother Louis’ scout.’ 

The enemy and their allies, as well as the scouts from Cantum. 

Everyone was keeping an eye on Ian’s movements.

Ian curled up his lips lightly. 

‘Everyone must be curious about how I move. But I won’t tell them that easily.’ 

Ian called the knights, his eyes gleaming slightly. 

“From now on, we’ll catch all the scouts. We must not let anyone get any information about this place.” 

Even if they found out where Ian’s troops were headed, he would never let the other sides know what they were doing. 

Hearing Ian’s order, Nathan and Fiosen were bewildered. 

“What? Those guys over there? They’re going to run away before that, right?”

“With the Blue King’s legs, we should be able to catch them. We shall see what these rascals are capable of.”

But Blue Emperor seemed to differ. 


It snorted as if such a thing was a piece of cake. 

It was the moment Ian ran toward Bahara’s scouts. 

Suddenly, Bahara soldiers sprang out of the grass. 


“Don’t let any of the Kaistein bastards live!” 

As expected. 

The Bahara scouts who were seen in the distance were decoys.

They were actually lying in ambush. They stabbed the cavalry with poles attached to hooks. It was the same tactic that the Third Prince was subjected to in Ian’s previous life.

Surprised, Nathan and Fiosen shouted.


“It’s an attack! Everyone, watch out!” 

At first glance, the hooks looked dangerous. The cavalry would be incapacitated once they fell to the ground. At this rate, many of them would have been terribly defeated.

But it was then.

“Don’t be afraid of the enemies! Trust the Blue King we are riding!” 

“Your Highness!” 

“Just look ahead and run! No one can stop us!” 

Ian shouted as Blue Emperor lifted its front legs. 

Not stopping at that, he spurred forward.

Fiosen shouted in surprise.

“It’s dangerous, Your Highness!” 

Indeed it was.

Countless hooks were thrust at Ian as he ran. Even if Ian was riding Blue Emperor, at this rate, he would be knocked over in no time.

But right at that very moment, Blue Emperor raised its front leg.


And then. 


It smashed the hooks that came flying their way.  

It didn’t end with that. 

“Good! Run, Blue Emperor!”

At Ian’s command, Blue Emperor rushed forward, still with hooks attached to its body. The enemy soldiers had no choice but to quickly cling to Blue Emperor.

They screamed in surprise. 

“Wh-what the hell is this monster!” 

“Don’t let go of the hook! If you do… you’ll die!” 

The moment the surprised Bahara soldiers were about to tighten their grips on the hooks. 


Blue Emperor kicked them with its hind legs. 


Bahara’s soldiers flew away like sorghum straws. It was an impeccable display of deadly power. Regardless of the grassland they were in, no matter how many soldiers clung to its body for dear life, Blue Emperor wasn’t fazed.

The enemies, who had yet to fling their hooks, were flustered. 

“What kind of monster is that!” 

“It’s not just the hooks. Bows don’t work either!” 

Some of the soldiers began to retreat. 

Taking advantage of mountain goats’ strong characteristics in mountainous areas, they fled to the mountains. But the Blue King caught up with them with great ease. 

“No… no way! It’s faster than a goat in the mountains!” 

“Where the hell did that horse come from! It chases me here!”

“Now is not the time to say such things! Disperse, quick!” 

The Blue King closed in on the enemies in the blink of an eye and ruthlessly trampled them with their hooves.


The mountain goats of Bahara, known for being gentle in nature but powerful in headbutting, collapsed helplessly. 

Rushing like chariots, the Blue King completely decimated the enemy before the cavalry could do anything. They literally paid a great price for standing in the Blue King’s path. 

The thick skin even completely nullified the attacks of the Bahara soldiers.

It was only a matter of time before the helplessly beaten Bahara soldiers were brought to their knees.

Of course, they weren’t the only ones. 


“We’ve caught them.” 

Nathan and Fiosen had caught scouts from the other side. Catching them was a breeze as well since they were distracted by Ian’s fight.

As a result, those who tried to spy on Ian were completely subdued.

“Y, Your… Highness, I just followed the First Princess’s orders to confirm our allies…”

“I am a messenger sent by the Third Prince. Between allies, this is too…”

Of course, they made some excuses. 

But Ian replied in a cold voice. 

“To spy on your allies so secretly, it’s suspicious no matter how you look at it. Sir Nathan, make sure to thoroughly interrogate this man.”

“Yes, Your Highness.” 

“And do messengers not come close and only watch from afar these days? Who can think of such a man as an ally? Until your identity is clear, I will detain you.” 

“Your… Your Highness!” 

Cantum’s scout seemed to have already seen this coming, seeing from how he kept his lips tight. 

Regardless, the Blue King’s first appearance was simply shocking. 

Even the knights who caught the scouts were as surprised. 

“I never knew they could be so fast and strong. Just what in the world are these horses?” 

“I know, right? They weren’t this strong back in the duchy either. I guess the land was too small, so they must be unable to showcase all their abilities.” 

Ian, however, didn’t care about any of it. 

In the first place, he already knew very well about the Blue King’s capabilities. Instead, he gave orders not only to the knights but also to the cavalry.

“Well, then. From now on, we’ll start the Northern Expedition in earnest.” 

Everyone gulped with anticipation at his words. 


Barlog’s general, Yamanta. 

He was looking down the mountain with a fierce look in his eyes. Ian’s large army, which consisted of a whopping 10,000 men, was setting up a camp.

Then, the adjutant next to him spoke up. 

“Our prey is finally here, General.” 

“Don’t let your guard down. No matter what, he is a successor of Kaistein.” 

“However, General, even if we have our troops supporting another place, can they penetrate this place?”


The adjutant was not wrong. 

This Molar Castle was a natural fortress packed full of countless traps. No matter how great a force the enemy had, it would not be easy to penetrate. No, they would only be buried by the falling rocks and giant logs before they could breach the castle. 

It wouldn’t change a thing even if he sent some of his troops here elsewhere. 

The defense of the Molar Castle was impregnable. 

“Any news from our scouts?” 

“They’ll be right back. I think something’s going on on their side that caused them to be a little late.” 

“Hmm… They didn’t get caught, did they?”

“It can’t be. Albeit only scouts, those Kaisteins would not be able to keep up with our mountain cavalry on mountain goats.”

The mountain cavalry of Bahara rode mountain goats, enabling them to travel through rocky areas which horses couldn’t traverse. It was impossible for a horse to climb a steep mountain in the first place. 

Furthermore, Kaistein had never once truly triumphed over them. 

The Molar Castle’s victory was already set in stone, as it had always been. 

But it was then. 

The adjutant’s expression became strange when he heard about Kaistein’s movement under the mountain. 

“What did you say? The scouts are injured? No, what happened to the guys sent across the mountainous area!”

“What!? All the hidden soldiers? Say it again! Which area is it…!”

He was strangely agitated.

That wasn’t the only problem.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Yamanta and his adjutant sent the scout back to Kaistein’s encampment. However, the news brought by the returned scout made things even more serious. It was inevitable.

“What? What did you say they are doing now?” 


“Speak clearly, adjutant!” 

“They said they’re having a drinking party. They were enjoying themselves with meat and alcohol…” 


It was such a ridiculous story. 


Ian’s camp had been drinking for several days.

Bahara’s troops were watching the scene with incredulous looks on their faces. Normally, they would attack at once, but they were so dumbfounded they hadn’t made any move at all. 

It was frustrating for Nathan all the same. 

“Is this really okay?” 

“It’s okay. Eat comfortably, Sir Nathan.”

Seeing Ian’s smile, Nathan accepted a glass with a puzzled expression. 

He was clearly feeling the strength of Bahara’s forces. As if they had noticed them, more troops were coming.  

No matter how free-spirited he was, it was not easy for him to have a drinking party in the middle of the war. Besides, it was simply unthinkable to be drinking away without setting up a proper defense. 

“Your Highness… You should at least protect yourself…” 

“Don’t worry about that. My sister and Lord Huntill are on the move.”

Ian deliberately camped out and had a drinking party in a conspicuous spot where they could easily see him.  

‘To attack the Molar Castle, I must draw out the enemy.’  

While his sister and Lord Huntill were setting up the camp, they became sweet bait to lure out the enemy.  

And he had to siphon off and eliminate the troops here to attack the Molar Castle.

That was not all. 

At that moment, Ian remembered a piece of paper he kept in his pocket. 

‘That Line. He is definitely getting closer to what he was like in my previous life.’

These were the schemes concocted by Line, who was called the Devil’s Strategist in his previous life.

These were special things he prepared for Ian. Now Ian was going to refer to that scheme.

It was then. 

Ding ding ding!

Those who watched the enemy camp sent a signal.

That was the sign that Bahara was attacking. 

Ian’s eyes gleamed. 

‘It’s finally here.’

It was time to send them to hell.


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