These Dangerous Girls Placed Me Into Jeopardy

Chapter Volume 3, 11 - Another Corpse Lover Homicidal Maniac

Chapter 11: Another Corpse Lover Homicidal Maniac

Translator: Night FuryProofread by DragonRider

Lately there had been more cops on the street.

Was it because of the murderer who liked to dismember people? I heard that the number of the victims were still increasing… Hmm, however, it was none of my business.

I parked my car in the school parking lot. The moment I opened my car door, I saw two school girls riding their bikes towards me. After they had seen me, they braked and greeted me at once.

“Good morning! Mr. Luo.” ×2. Having closed the car door, I put my car key in my pocket while greeting them with a beaming smile,

“Good morning. It’s only a few days until the college entrance examination. Work harder and hang in there, Meng Lijing and Sun Mengyao.” I kept all the names of the students in this school in my mind.

And I would never get the wrong person.

“Ah, yeah, that’s right!”

“Well, then I’ll go back to the office.” After waving hands to the two students, I left the parking lot first. But I could still hear their discussions about me.

“Alas~ Mr. Luo is so handsome! I feel like I am pumped up for the new day!”

“That’s right! That’s right! It’s such a shame that Mr. Luo only teaches the tenth grade. I envy those junior girls~”

“Hey, did you notice that Mr. Luo recognized us just now? He’s good-looking and considerate. If I could, I really want to…”

“Stop day dreaming. Even Wang Jingyi, the most beautiful girl in our grade, was rejected when she confessed her affection to him! I heard that she was too sad to come to the school anymore…”

“Gosh, what kind of girl does he like…”

“Maybe he prefers the mature type.”

Well, what a pity. I actually preferred the girls who were younger than me.

It was better if she could be lively. And a pure virgin would be the best.

After entering the classroom building, I walked straight to my office which was on the left of the hallway on the third floor.

“Hey! Xu Nan, don’t run about in the hallway!”

“Yo! Luo, good morning! We have a gym class this afternoon. You wanna join us on the football team?”

“I’ll pass that. I still have class this afternoon. Have a good time.”

“Is that so… What a bummer.”

“Don’t forget about your study. If you fail the final exam, I won’t let you go easily this time.” “Haha, I know!”

Although I was very popular among the girls, I also had a good relationship with the boy students. I admitted that I had no interest in those boys but I was also looking for someone like me among them.

If there really was one, maybe I could guide him… However, I had never found a suitable candidate until now.

As you could see, I was a high school teacher.

I taught Chinese in Qingjiang High School.

“You are here early, Mr. Luo.”

“Ah, morning, Miss Jiang. I didn’t run into the traffic jam this morning.” I worked in a perfectly normal environment every day.

Although I had a look which was similar to those leading actors as teachers in the school plays, I didn’t have too many emotional entanglements in the reality.

It was not that I didn’t have any entanglements, but nothing special.

Instead, being a high school teacher was the hardest part. I had to face the teenage girls around seventeen or eighteen who were in their puberty and very unpredictable due to their chaotic thoughts.

If I couldn’t handle it appropriately, I would be dragged into lots of things which had nothing to do with me.

I couldn’t get involved too deeply, nor could I go too far. But I also couldn’t leave those girls to themselves.

The best solution was to keep a friendly relationship with them without being swayed by emotions.

That was what we usually called the Golden Mean.

In this way, I could avoid most of the problems and also blend in this place perfectly without arousing any suspicions from others. In the meantime, I could also keep a good relationship with the people around me.

Since I was a good-looking man, I was popular with others. The students considered me a handsome teacher while my colleagues regarded me as a dutiful young worker.

For a long time, my behaviors helped me to make those impressions on them.

That was my identity in the society.

And those impressions became the labels that others had attached on me, a high school teacher who called Luo Xinhai.

As long as I could keep this identity which could win most of the people’s trusts, I could… Ding— The bell rang.

“Ah, class is over. Sorry I’m not able to finish the rest… But it doesn’t matter, right? It has nothing to do with the exam.”

“What——?” My students asked, “Sir, don’t be like this every time! Please finish the story~”

“Next time I will. Just wait until the next class.”

“That’s what you’ve said on the last class! And you changed to another story on today’s lecture! When can we hear a whole story! At least you should tell us the ending!”

“Ah hahaha… Wow, I suddenly remember that I still got exam papers to grade. See you then!”

“Come on! Stop Mr. Luo!” A few students stood up to bar the way. However, I managed to flee from the classroom ahead of them.

I had only told them a few stories which I had been through because I had been in the mood. Little did I know that they would be that interested… Hmm…

“Mr. Luo…”

“Oh? It’s you. What’s wrong?” On my way back to my office, I ran into a girl who was wearing a sad face.

She seemed to have waited for me on purpose. Maybe she had something to discuss with me.

“Sir…! Purr… Sir!” She suddenly burst into tears.

Then I held her shoulders and asked,

“Calm down, what happened?”

“I received a call from Jingyi’s mother. She told me that Jingyi hadn’t come home since last Wednesday… nor had she contacted anyone…”

“What?! Has she run away from home?”

“Yes. Her mother already called the police… But she’s still not found…”

Having drooped my head and pretended to be sad, I said in an upset tone,

“It’s just so… It must be because I have rejected her, I…”

“No, it’s not your fault… I understand your position as a teacher… But Jingyi… Purr…” There were lots of girls running away from their homes. However, as a senior student who always got the highest grades, it was really abnormal for Wang Jingyi to disappear all of a sudden. It was said that the murderer who liked to dismember the victims were still out there. I guessed everyone would assume that Wang Jingyi had been murdered.

And since the girl in front of me was the best friend of Wang Jingyi, she must feel really grieved. Then I patted her shoulder and comforted,

“I wish I could help. Don’t worry, I’ll keep notice on anything related to her. Don’t be so sad.”

“OK… Thanks, sir. If only Jingyi could come back…”

“Ah, that’s right…” What a pity.

‘You won’t see her again,’ I thought.


she had been,

buried by me.

I did have felt pitiful for Wang Jingyi when I had buried her. But her body had already started to rot. So even though I would really love to keep her in my house, I still had to ditch her… If I was rich and powerful enough, I would definitely collect the bodies of all the women that I had killed.

Just imagining the feeling of meeting my favorite women everyday would give me a huge sense of satisfaction… Ah, that would be the best thing in the world.

Unfortunately, I was just an ordinary high school teacher.

That night, Wang Jingyi had wandered on the street because she had been rejected by me. So I had pretended to run into her by accident.

After that, I had tricked her to have sex with me with some simple and sweet words.

I had crushed her maidenhead and teased her body with abandon.

Then, as she had reached her orgasm the first time in her life, I had stabbed a knife in her uterus… I had destroyed her.

With my own hands.

After enjoying her innocent and soft body, I had offered her the pain of being cut and the terror of death in the happiest time of her life.

She had spit blood and looked at me with desperation in her eyes, refusing to believe what had happened… Then she had used her last strength to reach her hands towards me… When I had looked at her at that moment, I had felt… extremely comfortable.

At the moment I fell in love with someone, I would kill that person. By doing that, I could gain a huge amount of pleasant sensation from the grievance of losing the one I loved.

After that, tears would cover my face because I felt I had regained my lover (her corpse).

I had held her corpse in my arms and felt the warmness of her internal organs. After that, I had kissed on her cold lips…

I just couldn’t restrain myself.

I had been interested in assaulting, hurting, tearing apart and destroying the women I fancied.

Unlike the murders who picked their victims randomly, I only killed the women who I thought were valuable.

And I never got tired of creating corpse.

Maybe I was a psychopath who loved women’s corpses.

And if it went on like this, I would be caught sooner or later.

After that, all my crimes would be revealed to the public. Then people would be shocked at what I had done. They would curse me and despise me… so what?

As long as I lived happily, I didn’t care about other people’s deaths.

In the daytime, I pursued a steady life only to make sure that nothing would influence my night’s amusements. I desired more pleasant sensations. And until now, I had already murdered twelve women.

They were all pure virgins.

Once in a while, I would pick a target. Then I would collect her information and make special plans for her… It was like the strategy games where we did things step by step and killed the boss at last.

Normally it would take me around two to three weeks from picking a target to carrying out my plans. After all, I was still a teacher in the daytime and only devoted myself into my interests at night.

Sometimes I had to come home at midnight because I had to stalk my target… But I considered the time I had spent very worthy.

Me in the daytime or in the night time were both part of me… They didn’t contradict with each other.

I imparted knowledge and educated people. I also murdered women and got obsessed with their dead bodies. That was who I am. And I couldn’t live without any part of me.

As far as I could keep balance, I could maintain the present status… However, a few days ago, a person of my same kind came out abruptly. However, this guy left so many traces, which made everyone in the city panicky… That also affected my works. So I had restrained myself for a long time.

After I had laid low until the wind blew over, I could finally restart my work.

But that was not enough… not enough at all… Wang Jingyi only met my lowest standard.

She was like my appetizer. Now I had to pick a main dish.

And I had already chosen my next target… Huh! Go to hell!

Eh, damn it. Why did I recall that woman…? I never wanted that weird woman to be my next target!

The woman who lived upstairs… That super ugly woman.

When I had saw her back at the first time, I had thought that she might be the one I had always expected, my destined one… But it turned out she had an overly ill-looking face.

And the strangest thing was that, this ugly woman still attracted me a lot… This was the first time I ever had such a complicated feeling since I had been born. Now I couldn’t even tell if I was in love with her or hated her.

Therefore, I decided to keep away from this quirky ugly woman.

I tried to avoid her as far as I could and even prepared to move away.

However, about a month ago. I had encountered that woman in the elevator again. My first instinct had been running away at once. However, as I had walked away, I had suddenly seen that… indescribably beautiful face.

I was stunned by that beauty. Never had I ever met such a pretty woman… If the Four Great Beauties were still alive, they wouldn’t be more beautiful than her. Moreover, the stranger thing was that the woman had horns… on her head.

That was a pair of goat horns.

Had I experienced hallucinations?

Or she had done the plastic surgery?

At that moment, I had only felt all the blood in my body welling up to my brain. Also, I had had a boner. The picture of her giving finger to me had kept flashing back in my mind. At last, I even couldn’t help but masturbate myself.

How was it possible that I was obsessed with a woman who I had only met for once!

However, when I had seen that woman again, she had changed back to that ugly face.

Maybe there was something wrong with my mind… that I had imagined that ugly woman to be my Mrs. Right… However, why did it have to be that ugly woman. Eh, that made me sick.

Well, forget about her.

I would like to talk about my new target.

She was not a student from our school. This time, I had chosen a student from Qiangshui High School.

Her name was, An Keling.

She was seventeen with a delicate figure and vivacious behaviors like all those innocent young girls.

This girl’s appearance hit right on my sensitive zone. Even looking at her could get me excited.

I wished I could possess her as soon as possible… I wanted to kiss on her lips, I wanted to hear her screaming, I wanted to see her blushing… And I was dying to rip her belly and hold her corpse in my arms!

Ho ho ho ho… Since I had already set my goal, I would begin from investigating her. How about making a customized plan for her first?

Seeing her walking in the trap I had prepared for her was truly interesting.

Take it easy. It always took a long time to ‘make garment food’. I had to do it slowly. And eventually, I would taste her in an enjoyable way. However, my target this time caused a series of scary chain reactions… That was something I had never expected.

The first time I found something strange was when I came back home on Saturday night.

I found a letter at the front door of my house.

There was no letter in the envelop but only three photos.

The first one was Wang Jingyi’s photo. She smiled shyly in it.

The second one showed An Keling’s angry expression. She looked so adorable when she bulged her face.

And the third one… was the photo of… Wang Jingyi’s corpse.

Half of her face had already rotten with maggots wriggling on it. I even saw the traces of the mud.

I fell into silence for a long while. Then I looked around in the empty hallway, feeling scared.

Was this… some kind of warning?

Or, maybe when I had targeted on An Keling, I had already become someone else’s target… Was that guy trying to tell me to get away from her?

But, I was even more intrigued!

The game would only have more fun when it had more difficulties, right?

I would like to accept the challenge. Before, everything had been too easy for me, so I had never felt nervous.

If that guy wanted to stand in my way, he could bring it on.

I would definitely make An Keling my own capture!


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