There's Something Wrong With This Account

Chapter 262: 262, Unexpectedly, this is foreshadowing

Chapter 262: 262, Unexpectedly, this is foreshadowing

Translator: 549690339

[Species: Human Race, Intermediate Spiritual Sword]

These words appeared in front of Lu Xun, particularly glaring.

“Me? A spirit sword?” Lu Xun muttered to himself.

What the hell!

Humans and spirit swords, can they coexist?

So what am I?

A sword person?

What confused him most was, even if I had really deviated from the path, why wasn’t it displayed on my character panel before, until a few days ago when my senior brother performed the Sword Cultivating Technique on me, then it suddenly appeared?

This left him somewhat puzzled.

“Speaking of which, if I’ve really become a spirit sword, then I should be… quite hard now, right?” Lu Xun murmured to himself.

He raised his right hand, his fingers together, and then condensed a small, sharp Finger-tip Sword Qi.

After condensing it, he gently thrust it into his left palm, but it didn’t penetrate!

Lin Chan sat by the side, watching her master “self-harm”, she was somewhat nervous.

But seeing that Lu Xun didn’t succeed, she couldn’t help but widen her beautiful big eyes in surprise.

“To be a man, you have to be tough on yourself.” Lu Xun muttered to himself, then forcefully thrust.

Surprisingly, the entire Sword Qi couldn’t do any harm to him!

“Could it be that I really have the resilience of an Intermediate Spiritual Sword?” Lu Xun was puzzled.

This is actually easy to understand. A sword is sharp, but also hard.

If you raise your sword to contest with someone and it breaks upon impact, then what’s the point!

With Lu Xun’s current strength, cutting a Magical Sword was not difficult for him, but destroying an Intermediate Spiritual Sword was naturally impossible.

“Well, this doesn’t seem to be a bad thing after all.” Lu Xun muttered to himself.

“Consider it as practicing an additional defensive skill, like the Indestructible Diamond Body Technique?” He reassured himself.

Indestructible Diamond Sword?

What he couldn’t understand was, did he really reach the level of the Intermediate Spiritual Sword just because his senior brother practiced the Sword Cultivating Technique on him?

That seems too exaggerated.

If my senior brother practices a few more times, can I evolve into an Immortal Sword?

Or is it… influenced by other factors?

Lu Xun opened his character panel, scrolled down and saw a progress bar.

[Intermediate Spiritual Sword: 3%]

“Does this mean that when this progress bar is full, I can upgrade to a Superior Spiritual Sword?” He guessed in his heart.

Damn! I actually started to feel anticipation!

Once the sense of anticipation springs up, it seems that I’m sick…

At this time, Lu Xun saw Lin Chan looking at him with concern.

Probably because he was silent one moment, stabbing himself with Sword Qi the next, then silent again, his face changing color, scaring the little mute girl.

He raised his hand and patted Lin Chan’s head, saying, “Don’t worry, Master is fine.”

Lin Chan nodded, her eyes showing a little struggle, as if she had something to say, but was hesitant.

“If you have something to say, just say it. I am your master after all.” Lu Xun saw through her, laughing softly.

After Lin Chan nodded, she gritted her teeth, grabbed Lu Xun’s big hand, and wrote in his palm.

She finally decided to write down what was in her heart.

“Master, sometimes I feel like you are a sword.”

After she finished writing, she averted her eyes slightly, as if she felt guilty for having such an impudent thought and deserved to be punished.

As for the strong impulse in her heart to grasp her master as a sword and swing him around, she couldn’t write it down, it was too embarrassing!

Feeling the words that Little Chan had written, Lu Xun was somewhat surprised.

He slightly frowned and pressed, “When did you start to have this feeling?”

Lin Chan continued to write: “I can’t remember exactly, but it’s been a while.”

Lu Xun fell silent once more.

Seeing her master falling silent made Lin Chan somewhat anxious.

Spotting her unease, Lu Xun lightly tapped her head and said, “It’s not about you. I’ve run into a bit of a problem, but your words have woken me up from my dilemma. You’ve helped me immensely.”

Upon hearing this, Lin Chan immediately lifted her head and looked at Lu Xun. Her eyes were bright, seeming to ask, “Really?”

Lu Xun nodded and said, “You can leave now. I need a moment to adjust.”

Lin Chan nodded and left Lu Xun’s room, gently closing the door behind her.

After Little Chan left, Lu Xun lifted his palms and studied them before taking a good look at himself from top to bottom.

“Little Chan actually sensed that I’m like a sword?” He was somewhat puzzled.

However, Ji Li, another Sword Cultivator, never seemed to have this kind of feeling. She never told Lu Xun that he was like a sword.

If she had, her target might have turned into controlling a sword …

Not just her, but even Ye Sui’an, an Innate Sword Body, probably never had such sensation. Otherwise, given his frankness towards me, he would have mentioned it long ago.

Speaking of which … why did he treat me so frankly?

“In summary, the reason Little Chan might have had this feeling is that she has the highest aptitude for the Sword Dao — the Natural Sword Embryo!”

“So, she’s incredibly sensitive!”

“This also indirectly suggests that from very early on, I’ve been developing a Sword, not just within my Sword Heart, but also within my body?”

“And the oldest brother, who is also a Natural Sword Embryo and has cultivated into the world’s foremost Sword Cultivator at the Great Achievement Realm, did he really notice that I had the tendency to refine the Sword with my body and give me a push, pitching me into this irreversible path?”

The possibility was immensely high!

“Old brother, oh, old brother, I’ve been unconscious for several days, you should have turned back into a vegetable, right?” Lu Xun felt helpless.

He thought about asking the teacher tomorrow. Wait until the teacher wakes up, then go and inquire.

This old man seems to be grumpy after waking up, so it’s inadvisable to disturb his beauty sleep in the middle of the night.

Just as he was preparing to close his eyes and cultivate, the sword sheath on the side of his bed floated up. The black cord on the sheath brushed against Lu Xun’s hand, then pointed at its opening.

It wanted to absorb Sword Qi.

It’s exactly like a pet begging its owner for food.

“Did I starve you by being unconscious for so many days?” Lu Xun joked.

After saying that, he dumped dozens of Sword Qi into the sword sheath, storing them inside.

Looking at the sword sheath acting spoiled towards him, Lu Xun suddenly froze, seeming somewhat out of sorts.

“Thinking about it, since I obtained the sword sheath at Hidden Mountain, it’s always been quite affectionate towards me.”

It’s very clingy, needy, and yet obedient.

At first, Lu Xun didn’t think much of it. He even made fun of it in his mind several times: “With a charisma of 10, even the Sword Sheath Maiden is unable to resist my charm.”

But now thinking about it, this seemed not to be the case.

Lu Xun stood up from his bed, placed the sword sheath on the table, sat on the chair, and stared at her with a serious face.

The two black cords on the sheath attached themselves to its body, like a shy maiden blushing and covering her charming face with her hand.

“So dramatic.” Lu Xun mused silently.

He stared at the sword sheath and said earnestly, “I want to ask you a question. Answer me honestly.”

The black cord on the sheath rubbed against Lu Xun’s hand, as if saying, “How could I ever lie to you?”

It was flirty.

Lu Xun looked at it and said solemnly, “Did you feel …from the very beginning… that I am like a sword?”

The black cord of the sword sheath that was floating in the air paused slightly. After a few seconds, it surprisingly hooked down… nodding!

(ps: It’s a new week, seeking monthly and recommendation votes!)


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