There's No Way My Dad Is A Legendary Cultivator

Chapter 135 - The Conversation on the Roof

Chapter 135 The Conversation on the Roof

Yan’er said to Wan’er.

“Wan’er, we don’t have to go to school tomorrow!”

Liu’er also said to her eldest sister.

“Yes, yes. Sister Wan’er, don’t you like to cultivate the most?”

Wan’er looked at her two younger sisters. In order not to let her two younger sisters down, she had to force a smile.

“Thank you, Yan’er, Liu’er. I’m very happy.”

The adults at the dining table looked at this forced smile.

It was especially forced and perfunctory.

But the two little girls would not think so much.

They just felt that they had helped their eldest sister, and a sense of superiority arose in their hearts.

Jiang Ping looked at Wan’er’s expression and sighed quietly. “Then why aren’t you eating quickly? Otherwise, you won’t have the energy to cultivate tomorrow. Don’t complain when you’re tired.”

Yan’er and Liu’er made an “oh” sound and then began to eat.

Seeing Wan’er still eating slowly, Qiu Chi felt that he no longer had an opponent.

His appetite was also reduced by more than half.

After eating, Jiang Ping coaxed the three little girls to sleep.

Then he walked out of their room and went back to his bedroom.

Just as Jiang Ping walked out of the door. Wan’er quietly opened her eyes.

Then she tiptoed to get up.

Afraid of waking the two little girls, Wan’er didn’t put on her shoes.

She carried her little shoes with both hands and tiptoed to go out.

After she went out, she gently closed the door and slowly put on her shoes.

After putting on her shoes, the little girl came to a courtyard wall.

She raised her head to look at the courtyard wall, then reached out to grab the protruding part of the wall.

She grabbed it, stepped on the protruding bricks outside the courtyard wall, and slowly climbed to the roof.

Then, she carefully climbed to the highest point of the roof and sat down on the roof ridge.

Her feet stepped on the tiles, and she put her feet together.

Her elbows rested on her knees, and her palms supported her small face as she looked at the moon hanging in the sky.

Jiang Ping was just about to take off his clothes and lie down on the bed when he returned to his room.

Suddenly, he used his spiritual energy to investigate the area within the Jiang Mansion.

When his spiritual energy swept across the roof, Jiang Ping was stunned for a moment before he smiled.

He put on the robe that he had taken off halfway, then took a blanket from the bed and walked out of the room. On the roof ridge, the little girl was sitting quietly. Jiang Ping quietly flew behind the little girl. He covered Wan’er with the blanket.

“It’s autumn now, and you didn’t put on more clothes. Aren’t you afraid of catching a cold?”

The little girl heard her father’s voice and looked back in surprise.

Jiang Ping smiled gently at the little girl.

Then, he followed the little girl and sat down on the roof, holding his face with his hand. “Daddy, why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be asleep?”

Jiang Ping flicked the little girl’s forehead.

“It’s because there’s a little rascal who has been troubled the whole day. How can daddy sleep?”

Wan’er used her hand to cover her forehead. She was a little embarrassed, and her ears were slightly red.

Jiang Ping turned his head away from Wan’er and said while looking at the moon.

“Tell me, what’s going on with my eldest daughter, who usually makes me worry the most?”

Of course, Jiang Ping knew what Wan’er was worried about, but he still wanted to hear it from Wan’er.

Wan’er also turned her head and looked at the moon.

“I will ask daddy a few questions. Can daddy answer me seriously?”

Jiang Ping nodded and waited for the little girl to ask questions.

“Daddy, did you go and fight whenever you said that you were going to reason with someone?”

Jiang Ping didn’t lie. He nodded and acknowledged. “Yes.”

“Then, you would deliberately send the three of us away every time so that we wouldn’t worry, right?”


“Then, each time you get injured from fighting, you didn’t tell us, right?”

When she asked the third question, the little girl sounded a little anxious.

Her breathing also became heavier and heavier.

After Jiang Ping noticed that something was wrong with Wan’er, he reached out and patted the little girl’s head to calm her down.

“Yes and no, it depends on who the other party is. Daddy is very powerful.”

“Not just anyone can hurt daddy.”

The little girl asked one last question.

“Then did you suffer a very, very serious injury today?”

When she asked this, there was a slight sob in her voice.

Jiang Ping nodded.

“Relatively speaking, today I suffered the most serious injuries.”

“But didn’t daddy come back safely?”

For some reason, the little girl bit Jiang Ping’s


After biting, she stood up and shouted at Jiang


“Why did you hide it from us? I’m also very strong. I can help you to beat up bad people.” Before the little girl shouted, Jiang Ping used his spiritual energy to isolate their voices.

He didn’t want to wake up the other two little girls.

Jiang Ping held the little girl’s hand and pulled her to sit down.

He patted her back gently.

“Of course, I know that Wan’er is very strong. You can help daddy to protect your sisters.”

“But if daddy is injured. How can you guarantee that you can chase away the bad


The little girl pouted and shed tears. She did not answer.

Jiang Ping quietly wiped away the little girl’s tears.


“You are crying like a little kitten.” “The little warrior who left home alone in Xiaoyu Town and went to the demonic wolf mountain range to train won’t cry.”

Wan’er didn’t even need Jiang Ping to wipe her tears when she heard this.

Her tears instantly stopped, and she raised her little hand to wipe away the remaining tears on her face.

Jiang Ping smiled. His eldest daughter was quite strong

The little girl took a deep breath and sniffed back the two little strings of snot that were about to drip down her lips into her nostril.

“Then I will work hard to help daddy protect my younger sisters in the future.”

“I can do it.”

Jiang Ping tilted his head and looked at Wan’er.

“Okay, but you have to promise daddy that you can’t act tough.”

“If there’s a trouble that can’t be solved, you have to tell daddy.”

The little girl hesitated for a while and didn’t answer Jiang Ping immediately. Seeing this, Jiang Ping turned his head away and deliberately didn’t look at the little girl.

“If you don’t agree, daddy won’t allow you to help me protect your younger sisters in the future.”

Wan’er nodded her head in panic.

“Yes, I agree.” “But you can’t lie to me in the future.”

“I won’t tell Yan’er and Liu’er either, lest they worry.”

Jiang Ping gave the little girl his pinky.

“We agreed to pinky swear.”

The little girl broke into a smile and also gave her pinky.

The two pinkies hooked together and made an agreement that only belonged to the two of them.

Jiang Ping sighed. His daughter had finally grown up. In the near future, the other two little girls might also be angry at him for hiding it from them.

Who cares? He will talk about that in the future. At most, he would let the two little girls bite his arm.

It was fine if he admitted defeat.

The two of them sat on the roof ridge just like that.

They looked at the moon in front of them, which was not full tonight.


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