There is Something Wrong with This Game

Chapter D006 – Invisibility

Chapter D006 – Invisibility

[Real World: Kyoto Elite Residential District]

In a certain elite residential district of Kyoto City.

The sun has risen signaling the start of the morning. The weather was clear without the slightest cloud in the sky.

Worthy of the title "Elite District", the air management in this place can be said to be very good. They can keep air pollution levels at the lowest possible level.

Air purifier poles are widely installed along the sidewalks.

Not only that, many genetically engineered trees and plants are planted by the roadside. These trees have strong resistance to various kinds of weather and has better absorption of carbon dioxide, but in return, their fruits, leaves and stems become unfit for human use.

Many people coming out from their house to start their activities for the day.

Some people do jogging and other sports to maintain their health, while some people get into their cars to go to their workplace. Garbage cleaning robots pass by every hour at a constant speed to clean the streets, from garbage and fallen leaves.

But on that day, something strange mixed in that place.

Among the people on the street, there was a topless black-haired loli jogging.


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She was only wearing black shorts and nothing on top, revealing her pettan chest for all to see. But strangely, no one paid attention to the loli, as if she didn't exist. No, to be more precise, they could still feel something, but not see the loli.

Because, every time she took a step, there was a clanging sound of bells at her feet.

'Is this the sound of a bell? Maybe it was his?'  (Passerby 1)

'A bell, huh? I don't remember carrying anything like that. Most likely it was from him.' (Passerby 2)

When she ran into someone, they couldn't help but hear the sound of the bell.

But maybe because there were other people nearby, they didn't think much of it and just assumed the sound of the bell was coming from an object, that someone else was carrying. Some people are sharp enough to notice something was wrong and try to locate the sound.

Still, they didn't seem to be able to see the loli at all.

'As expected, these people can't see me.'

Ruri couldn't help but be aroused by the thrill of her little adventure.

She who was in an invisible state was trying her best to regulate her heartbeat as she ran.

Occasionally, she would check the timer on her T-Bracelet from time to time. Every 20 minutes or so, she would pull out a bottle of Improved Invisibility Potion from her inventory and drink its contents in a few gulps.

When Ruri logged out of the game, it was about one and a half hours before sunrise.

Usually, after carrying out such an exhausting hunt, she would take a peaceful sleep until morning comes. But since the previous spider hunt ended unsatisfactorily, she lost the mood to sleep.

Left with doing nothing, Ruri could only spend her time surfing the internet using her T-Bracelet.

At first, she browsed the VR-tube site to watch live streaming videos of some Ascension players. But it didn't take long for her to get bored and eventually switched her browsing targets to R18 sites. And when Ruri saw the reflection of her naked body on the holo-screen, she suddenly had a mischievous idea.

"I want to try going out nude..."

Inspired by some hentai plots, Ruri suddenly wanted to try jogging without wearing clothes outside.

Her face flushed with embarrassment and she couldn't help feeling her body temperature rise. The thought of her running naked down the street completely turned her on. However, she also understood that unlike hentai plots, doing so in real life would have consequences.

For example, getting arrested for indecent exposure.

She could imagine that once she got caught, she would appear on E-News, and go viral as a perverted exhibitionist loli!

But of course, such an outcome could be completely prevented with a certain item.

"If I get caught it will be a problem, but fortunately, I have this thing!"

With a swipe of her hand, she took out a bottle of Improved Invisibility Potion.

"There is no need to be afraid of being caught if no one can see me in the first place!"

Ruri couldn't help but let out a grin.

But of course, for safety(?) reasons, she had to know how effective this potion would be if it were used in real life before carrying out such actions.

Then, after a few experiments, she can conclude a few things.

  1. First, after Ruri drank the potion, a mysterious membrane-like forcefield around her skin appeared.

    It was this forcefield that caused her and anything she was wearing or touching to become invisible, with a duration that was adjusted to the original in-game duration and the dose she took.

    In the game, the potion could make her invisible for 27 minutes only after drinking a full bottle. But in real life, a small amount of the potion could already take effect for a few minutes. And unlike in the game, the duration can be stacked.


  2. Second, invisibility here means that only the visuals are invisible and nothing else was affected.

    Her shadow disappears and her appearance does not reflect in the mirror or camera, but she can still be detected with non-visual sensors such as sound, thermal, infrared, x-ray and other sensors.


  3. Third, the invisibility forcefield will try to extend and engulf to any object she touches within a limited range.

    If the forcefield successfully engulf the object she touches, the object will also become invisible. On the other hand, if for various reasons the forcefield cannot engulf the object, it will quickly give up and withdraw from engulfing the object. In that case, the object will stay visible.

    For example, after drinking the potion, Ruri doesn't automatically become invisible because her feet are still connected to the ground. She will start turn invisible after she took two steps, separating her feet from the ground. In the same way, if she picked up a bottle from the table, it would not become invisible until she lifted it from the table.


  4. Fourth, the object she was holding will lose its invisibility after leaving her touch.

    If she put the bottle back to the table, it will still be invisible even if it connected with the table, but once her hand leaves the bottle, it will immediately lose its invisibility.

And so, after knowing the effectiveness of the potion, she was ready for the action...

Though in the end, she didn't have the courage to cross the line too much, so she decided to wear a shorts.


Back to present.

Ruri threw the empty bottle at one of the garbage cleaning robots, and it fell perfectly into the robot's mouth.


[Thank YoU VerY MucH, and HavE A Nice DaY!]

The robot has been programmed to say some lines when people put their trash in its mouth.

And since the robot has been equipped with various sensors and complex calculation algorithms to distinguish explosives and other dangerous substances, of course it can also detect Ruri's presence.

But it was different for the people nearby.

Seeing the robot suddenly turn around and speak into empty air, they couldn't help but be shocked.

"Who the heck is that robot talking to?" (Passerby 3)

"Is that robot malfunctioned?" (Passerby 4)

"I don't think so, I heard the sound of something hitting the robot's mouth." (Passerby 3)

"Wait, it seems the direction of the robot's gaze is where I heard the bell sound..." (Passerby 5)

Various theory emerged from their discussion.

The robot was malfunctioned, someone accurately sniped the robot from afar, a pet cat ghost that dies from traffic accident takes out its owner's trash...

Over time, the theory gets more and more ridiculous.

"Let me see if the robot is malfunctioned or not." (Passerby 4)

[PLeasE DOnT ObsTrucT my WorK, or You WiLL be ReporteD!]

Some people couldn't hold back their curiosity and molest the robot, only to receive a warning from the robot for hindering its work. And some people searched the area where they heard the mysterious bell sound, but found nothing.

As for the culprit herself, Ruri quickly removed the bell ribbon from her ankle and stuffed it into the pocket of her shorts, before silently leaving the place.

'Uh, that was dangerous...!'

She didn't expect that throwing the bottle at the robot would risk exposing her whereabouts.

Previously, she didn't have that kind of problem because she simply threw the bottle anywhere at will. Of course it wasn't a commendable act, but it wasn't like she was a good person anyway.

'I think I overdid it, let's just go home now.'

And so, she ended her little adventure.


Ten minutes later, Ruri returned to her house.

She stood in front of the gate of her house which was tightly locked with an electric lock. The gate of course had a keyhole, but Ruri didn't take any keys with her when she left. However, it was not a problem for her.

Without hesitation, she put her hand into the scanner near the keyhole and said something.

"Open the gate."

The gate automatically open as soon as she said the words.

That's the biometric scanner and speech recognition system developed by SPHERE, a company managed by Katsuragi Group, currently led by Katsuragi Reizan, father of Yasaka Rumiko, and also maternal grandfather of Yasaka Ruri.

With these systems installed at the gate, she doesn't need to carry a key.

The same biometric scanner was also installed on the front door, she only needed to touch the scanner and the door would open automatically.

[Welcome back, master!]

"I'm home."

As soon as Ruri stepped inside her house, the house's AI greeted her.

Ruri tied the ribbon back to her left ankle and threw the shorts into the washing machine before taking a quick shower. It was at this moment, the potion's effect had ended, and her body became visible.

As the water washed away the sweat and dirt from her body, Ruri reminisced about the adventure she had earlier.

'That was fun...! My heart is beating so fast from excitement! Maybe next time I'll do it completely naked!'

But still, wearing the bell proved to be quite risky, as the potion's effect did not erase the sound.

Of course, there were some potions that existed in the game that could erase the sound, but considering her loli body, Ruri didn't think she could drink so much liquid at once.

'I think I've heard of shoes that can erase the sound of its wearer's footsteps. I'll have to check it later.'

And so, after she finished taking a shower, she went to the living room, as usual without bothering to put on anything. 


"Good morning, Kuu."

Noticing Ruri's arrival, the pet plant, Kuu squeaked with affection.

Ruri took out a milk candy from her inventory and gave it to Kuu. While watching Kuu happily chewing the candy, she checked the time and saw the time on her T-Bracelet showed 6 o'clock.

"I suppose I should attend the class today."

There was still nearly one hour before the class.

Before that, she could spend the time practicing Aura breathing method a few times.


Item Name: Improved Invisibility Potion
Type: Consumable
Durability: 15
Crafter: Grim
Effect: Makes the user invisible for 15 minutes.

Crafter's Potion Mastery increased the duration by 6 mins.

Crafter's Brewing Mastery increased the duration by 6 mins.

Description: An improved version of Invisibility Potion that can make the user invisible for the duration of 15 minutes.

With the brewer's skill, the duration has been extended into 27 mins.


Note: During the invisible state, any activity that involves using mana will cause a flicker and may reveal the user's appearance.



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