There is Something Wrong with This Game

B003 – The Seven Stars ❶

B003 – The Seven Stars ❶


[Brynhild Fort: Conference Room]

The next morning, at Brynhild Fort.

Leon came in and sat on one of the chairs inside the conference room. He opened the interface and re-read the dungeon analysis report written by Hecate again.

His mouth couldn't help but grin excitedly.

"To think she can compile such a detailed data alone, she truly deserves the title of the battle strategist."

Once again, Leon was impressed by the depth of her wisdom.

"With this, we can start conquering the B3F of the Sealed Mausoleum that we set aside before."

The dungeon itself was discovered approximately 1 month ago, shortly after Astrid triggered the chain quest in Ornus Village. However, at that time, the monsters was too much and the guild members were too under-leveled.

At most, B2F was the limit they can do.

This report comes out just in time when there is a need to regain the lost level, as well as the trust and confidence of the sponsors. Leon had read this report many times yesterday. But he still needed to memorize the content to his head.

After all, Leon was the guild leader.

And with the strategy based on the data compiled by Hecate, he can build the image of a strong leader.

Though, he felt bad for Hecate for using this report which was the fruit of her labor to build up his prestige. Normally, it should be Hecate who lead the raid party herself, since she was the one who made this data report. But unfortunately, the leading role wasn't suited for her.

Hecate was just too introverted to be able to lead an army!

So, to compensate, Leon wanted to give Hecate a reward after he finished reading the report. As for the reward in question, he could let her decide for herself and ask for anything. As long as her request was something reasonable, Leon didn't mind granting it.

But, before he finished reading, Hecate already disconnected from the chat group.

; ;
  [Hecate has left the chat.]
Shuna So, when will the raid start?

I hope the time won't conflict with my college.

Shuna ...Oh... Hecate-chan is off.
Rena-cchi Waah, Hecate-cchi... why did you leave so soon?

I haven't even finished typing yet.... ( )


She left silently, it was as if she had no interest in reward or anything like that. This attitude of hers greatly increases Leon's impression about her. Such a selfless dedication to the guild.

Now, this is what you call loyalty(?)!!

"It's really a great thing to have a capable loyal(?) subordinate. Not to mention, she's such a cute girl!"

Thinking about a certain loli, Leon's mood brightened.

"Although she didn't seem interested, but I can't let her efforts went unrewarded."

With that in mind, Leon opened the guild interface and send Hecate 1.000.000 GCP. Of course, the previous intended reward is still valid. All she had to do is just ask him.

One hour later, the same place.

The Seven Stars gathered once more in the same room. Leon had called them to gather as soon as possible. As for the reason of this gathering, everyone present already had a guess.

Seat Placement ; <td colspan="22"><big><big><big></big></big></big> <td colspan="3">Leon <td colspan="3">Astrid <td colspan="3">Grim <td colspan="3">Shuna <td colspan="3">KAZU <td colspan="3">Emilia <td colspan="3">Hecate <td colspan="3">Rena-cchi;
 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O

Leon who called them, started the discussion.

"I believe all of you already know what I am about to say."

"Is this about the Sealed Mausoleum?"

Grim was the first one to respond.

Leon nodded and turned his gaze to the man with cat ears and whiskers. He was his best buddy in the college, as well as the one of the 3 founder of Genesis Guild, besides Astrid and himself, who build this guild from scratch.

; ;

Grim, the Trickster, racial class Werecat.

He was in charge of Alchemy, as well as procuring funds in the Trade City.

Grim was the one who creates Sleep Bomb and various supplementary consumables for the guild to use. Kazu's poison also concocted by him, and the effect was very potent.

His jobclass, Trickster has low damage output and can't match pure DPS classes like Archwizard or Archwitch. The defense was also low, far from Knight class. However, this class has its own advantages, namely one of them is being able to copy skills.

And his Werecat racial traits gives him the ability to transform into a cat or a half cat. In that state, his agility will increase by three-fold and he will gain the reduction of fall damage, as long as he landed with his legs.

Since he was a Beastkin, he was very vulnerable to silver.

In this raid, Leon thinks that perhaps Grim's class would be the one that shine the most.

"Yes, that's right. This is also a good chance."

Leon remembered from Hecate's analysis report, there was a monster called Wraith Dead and Banshee Master who have many insta-death skills. And there was the Ghoul Slaughter too with his Assassinate skill. If those skills can be copied by Grim, it would be a great boost to his combat power.

Even if Grim managed to copy any skill, the damage he dealt would still depend on his stats.

But, insta-death skills is different. Because it can directly kills the target!

And then, Leon also talked about the Assassinate skill. This is the strongest DPS skill from Assassin. With the correct usage method, this skill can deal devastating damage to the target. Even though Grim had a low STR stat and might only be able to show 30-40% of the power, but it should be enough to turn most of his enemies into corpses.

"Is that true? Okay, I'll be prepared!"

Grim's eyes filled with desire.

If this is true, then those skills can cover the weakness of his class. The copied skills usable for only 3 days before disappearing, but there are many ways to pass the skill to others and then relearn it again!

In the side, Kazu can only be astonished after hearing Leon's words.

It was true that Assassinate was a skill of Assassin class. Obviously, Kazu as the Shadow Assassin can also learn this skill if he wanted to. However, the requirement to learn this skill was steep. Kazu didn't dare to learn this skill. 

To learn this skill requires a whooping 150 skill points!

'Damn it, I'm kinda jealous of Grim-san's ability to copy skills.'

Learning this skill means he had to give up some of Shadow Assassin skills, which he can't afford to do. His brain response was just average. All this time, he had relied on the powerful Shadow Assassin skills to make a living.

Phantom Step, Presence Concealment, Shadow Illusion...

...and many other skills had to be given up for the sake of a single skill. But, without those powerful skills, he would be just a scum. This skill was not worth the price.

The change on Kazu's expresion did not went unnoticed by Leon. However, he just ignored it and didn't think too hard.

; ;

Kazu, the Shadow Assassin, racial class Werewolf.

He was in charge of scouting and information gathering. His jobclass, Shadow Assassin was suitable for this job, allowing him to pass through many difficult security and stealing valuable intel, or even assassinating important figure.

The racial traits of Werewolf gives him the ability to transform into a wolf or a half-wolf. In that state, his strength and regeneration will increase by three-fold.

Since he was also a Beastkin, he was very vulnerable to silver.

To be honest, Kazu's recent performance really disappointed Leon.

Although in theory his class should be suited for scouting and reconnaissance, but in this aspect, he was inferior to Hecate who gathered the dungeon data single-handledly. Heck, she wasn't even an Assassin.

Later, he was given the task of gathering information about the Black Phantom. But even after mobilizing reconnaissance units throughout the Rosenhein Kingdom, Leon had not received any positive results. Instead, there were traces of Kazu embezzling some funds for his own use. 

Leon already knew Kazu was using the funds mainly for his sister's treatment. In that case, Leon could only give his understanding. But even so, he couldn't help but disappointed.

Instead of embezzling funds, wouldn't it hurt to directly ask him for help?

'Does he really think I'm a heartless leader who doesn't care about the problems of his subordinates?'

And regarding Kazu combat prowess, the first impression he gave was just reckless, not Assassin-like. He simply just charged in to the enemy and confronting with melee, rarely using any sneak attack. Perhaps he chose a wrong job during the early game.

Rather than an Assassin, he was like a Berserker!

Leon couldn't help but impressed Kazu was able raise his level to the current 108. With the crispy defense of Assassin class, his way of battle was simply suicidal. But after Leon thought about it, Kazu relied on Grim's poison to kill and has Rena-cchi to pump his blood. In that case, Kazu reached level 108 was reasonable.

Though, it may work before, but now that Rena-cchi lost her Healing Wand...

He stealthily stole a glance at Rena-cchi.

; ;

Rena-cchi, the High Priestess, racial class Human.

She was in charge of leading the healing group and cultivating their talent. The healing group consisted of many healer classes, such as Priest/Priestess, and their advancement classes. They were mainly given tasks as a support.

Her racial trait, Human did not give her any racial ability. However, at the same time she doesn't have any weaknesses and can choose most of the subclasses without any restrictions.

Rena-cchi who noticed Leon was staring at her couldn't help but asked.

"What is it, leader? Do you need something from me?"

Looking at her eyes, Leon quickly give an instruction.

"Rena-cchi, I'll give you a task for your group to prepare at least 5.000 bottles of Holy Water. Can you do it?"

"Roger~! I already prepared for this kind of situation, so we stocked more than 30.000 bottles beforehand."

And so, she replied with a cheerful voice. Hearing that, Leon nodded with a satisfied expression.

Rena-cchi who seemed to be a happy-go-lucky girl was actually also a very capable person. Normally, Hecate would be all in her head, but when a serious situation occurred, she was a reliable companion to have.

From what he remembered, right now Rena-cchi seemed to be in the last year of high-school and applied special curriculum to become a doctor.

'In that case, I will talk with the dean of the Faculty of Health Science to give her a recommendation.'

And give her a seat at the Tokyo University, the college he attended.

Of course Kyoto Academy had its own university, and because Rena-cchi took a special curriculum system, she could just enter without taking the entrance exam. However, in terms of cutting-edge technology, naturally Tokyo University still leads by a large margin.

'Whatever your future goal is, I hope you will succeed.'

Taking care of the subordinates' welfare is a prerequisite of a good leader!

Leon then shifted his glance to the other members.


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