Chapter 6: Taking Some Hits

Chapter 6: Taking Some Hits

Luke eyed his opponent with caution as he raised his fists in front of him. In what he hoped was a stance that would protect his face. Breaking a nose or anything equivalent was bound to be an unpleasant experience, and something that he wanted to avoid. From the fights hed seen up till now though, none had been particularly vicious. Giving him some hope of getting out of the rings with just some bruises.

Should I be bouncing from foot to foot? Thats what they do in those MMA fights No, Ill look stupid if I'm the only one doing it. Why isnt he doing anything though. Does he want me to make the first move? Fuck it. Might as well get this over with.

Luke stepped forward with his guard still raised, only to step back in order to dodge a sweeping kick. Then dodge again as his opponent immediately moved in with a jab, pushing Luke to the boundary of the ring.

Luke shuffled to the side in an attempt to get away from the edge. Only for his opponent to land a glancing blow on his chest. His knuckles scraping against Lukes skin. Running into the ring, Luke ignored the stinging sensation from the hit, as he tried to find an opening in his opponent's guard.

You know what. He can come to me this time.

Growing impatient, the other disciple threw caution to the wind and recklessly closed the distance, wildly swinging his fists. Seeing a punch go wide, Luke repeated his opponent's earlier strategy, stepping in and burying a fist in his stomach with as much force as he could muster. Unexpectedly, the punch was ineffective, and his opponent took it in stride, without showing even a hint of pain. Taking advantage of Lukes compromised position he moved in even closer and wrapped his arm tightly around Lukes neck.

Gasping for air, Luke knew he should tap and get it over with. Instead, all he wanted to do was win. Throwing himself onto the ground, Luke used the added momentum to break free of the hold. Rolling on the floor of the arena, they both desperately tried to maneuver the other into a pin. Until, finally, Luke managed to get behind him and catch his opponent in a choke hold. He attempted to struggle, and after not finding a way out of Lukes hold he relaxed his body, and gently tapped the stage.

Luke won.

Panting, he stumbled onto his feet, and watched the referee run onto the stage. Inspecting both of them for any obvious signs of injury.

That was good, I thought I had you earlier.

You almost did, that was a good fight. Replied Luke.

It was fun! Im Mykanos by the way. He extended his hand.

Im Luke.

Good luck on the next fight. Back to back fights get exhausting fast! Mykonos walked out of the ring, as the next person in line stepped forward.

Oh right. The winner just keeps going until they lose.

Acutely aware of the sweat dripping down the side of his face and the prickling pain from where Mykanos had hit and choked him, Luke thought he should feel awful. Instead, he found himself looking forward to the next fight.

Locking eyes with his opponent, Luke raised his fists in anticipation and widened his stance. The battle began.

He won his second fight, and lost on his third. Then in a decision that surprised even him, he walked back into the line and started the process over again. Sometimes managing to stay in the ring for multiple matches, and sometimes losing after a single one.

Hours later, when the nine suns of Theos set below the horizon, Luke stumbled home. A smile on his face in spite of being covered in bruises, and aching in ways he didnt know he could.

I did not expect fighting to be that fun.

The next morning, he was happy to see that his suffering came with a reward.

Status | Quests | Inventory

Name: Lukas King

Tier: Mortal

Mana: 7

Rate: 10% per hour

Strength: 9 > 10

Agility: 9 > 10

Constitution: 13 > 14

Arcana: 1

Stat Points: 1

Bloodline: Locked. Conditions not met. (0/10 000)

Charges: 7/10

Gaining a point in every attribute except one was a surprise, a very welcome one. Dropping his spare point back into the Arcana Stat, he refreshed his Status.

Status | Quests | Inventory

Name: Lukas King

Tier: Mortal

Mana: 14

Rate: 10% per hour

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Constitution: 14

Arcana: 2

Stat Points: 0

Bloodline: Locked. Conditions not met. (0/10 000)

Charges: 7/10

So my total mana is just Arcana multiplied by my Constitution divided by two. My regen rate is still the same. Ten hours to recover a whopping fourteen mana seems pretty crap though. The fact that it stayed the same, however, is good. No matter how much mana I have, Ill recover all of it in a set amount of. Not that I even have a way to use it at the moment. Is it the same for everyone though, or is a fixed rate something the Seed gives me.

Speaking of, I still cant feel my mana. Maybe when I enter the middle stage of the mortal tier thatll change. If I keep getting free points like I am now though, I should have a lot of mana, pretty soon though.

Falling back onto his bed, he was tempted to sleep the day away. Unfortunately, unlike his last life he couldnt afford to take it easy. Things seemed calm for the moment, but that could change any second.

If Nefkha suddenly gets cold feet, Im fucked. I need to get to the next tier as fast as I can, or else Im just a sitting duck at everyones mercy. If I can fly, I should be able to hightail it to some random cave and disappear. Hopefully to someplace where no one knows Im wanted by the Olympians.

Forcing himself out of his funk, he took a quick shower before walking to his next destination.

Back to working for a living.

The Mission Hall reminded Luke of a fast food joint. There was a row of white robed people standing behind a counter, with an assortment of mostly black and a small number of blue robed people in line. All silently gazing at the wall behind the clerks, reading the pinned requests that hung on it, like a menu.

It had more jobs, and a greater variety of them than Luke imagined there would be. Hunting down dozens of different creatures causing trouble in the surrounding areas. Guarding merchant caravans coming in and going out of the Society. A few requests for aid in the forges. Hundreds of herb gathering assignments. Requests for sparring partners. Repair work and construction. Recruitments for expeditions seeking lands rich in resources and danger. Delivering letters and parcels, and more. There definitely wasnt a lack of options to pick from.

How can I help you today? Asked the clerk as he finally made it to the counter.

I wanted to go on a mission. Preferably a simple herb gathering one.

Can I see your bracelet please?

Of course. Luke slid it off his wrist and handed it to him. Watching curiously as he dropped it onto a blank sheet of paper and became fascinated as words magically appeared over its surface in a uniform black ink.

Just to make sure, you are Luke, yes? The clerk asked, reading his name off the paper.

Thats me.

Okay. Welcome to the Society! You said you were interested in gathering herbs? Thats a good choice, I cant tell you how many of the newer members foolishly choose to hunt a monster on their first missions, only to come back grievously injured if not worse.

Yeah, someone recommended that I start with a safer mission.

Im glad they did. Now, as you can see, he gestured to the wall full of missions behind him, we have quite a few of them. Did you have a particular one in mind, or would you like for me to choose one for you?

If you could, that would be great. Something on the easier end would be nice.

Of course, let me just aha. This one shouldn't cause you too much trouble. Blue Wildflowers are fairly common in the area. The mission is to collect ten of them and the deadline is tomorrow before noon. If you fail at the mission, and it is determined upon investigation that it was due to lack of professionalism and or poor conduct on your behalf, you will be docked five merits. He recited dryly. Am I correct in assuming that you havent collected any herbs before?

You would be.

Alright, in that case. He reached underneath the counter and with a practiced movement pulled out a book. This is the Societys Compendium of Flora, it has a lot of information that youll find useful, as well as instructions on how to correctly harvest the plants. Id suggest you read the entry on any plant you intend to harvest, before you head out into the wilderness.

Thank you. Luke nodded gratefully.

Its no problem. We do Charge two merit points for the book though, which will leave you with eight. You will be deducted ten at the end of the month. The mission youre going on will give you one merit, so you have to complete at least one more within two weeks.

That sounds good to me. Thanks again! Luke waved, before walking out of the building. Flipping through the book as he did so.

Finding the section on Blue WIldflowers, he committed their appearance to memory before reading up on them. The flower, while not rare, wasnt super common in the region. It grew quickly, but only in the wild. According to the book, attempts had been made to cultivate them in green houses, but like most other plants useful for alchemical purposes, the properties that made it useful were lost by doing so. The Blue Wildflower in particular was a common ingredient in many potions, and it needed to be fresh. As such the Society always needed more. Unlike some of the other plants in the book, this one didnt require any particular method to harvest. Only its petals were valuable, so simply tearing the stems was enough.

So Im basically an errand boy. Thought Luke, as he walked into the forest on the east side of the Society. Finding a trail, he began to hike. Nodding politely as he passed other disciples along the way, many of which, like him, were also delving into the forest.

Hey! Luke, right? He heard a voice calling his name.

Oh. Hey Mykonos. Said Luke, smiling as Mykonos and two other people walked into the forest behind him. One of them, he recognized as the person Ethan had pointed out in the Arena. The one likely to become the Societys next Inner Disciple.

Let me guess, you're gathering herbs?


Blue Wildflowers?

You called it.

Im just smart like that. We happen to be looking for them too. Uh, this is Spiros, hes my cousin, and that's June, she is also my cousin. He introduced. Thats Luke, he kicked my ass in the arena yesterday.

Luke waved at the cousins.

Why dont you come with us Luke? Last time we came, we noticed a bunch growing near a small lake.

Uh yeah, are you sure its okay for me to tag along? I dont want to intrude.

Yeah Im sure. Were sure, aren't we guys? Mykonos turned to his cousins.

Yeah, its fine. Said Spiros.

Lets go. Mykonos led the way into the forest.

So how long have all of you been in the Luminous Sky for? Asked Luke, ducking under a branch.

We joined two months ago with all the other new disciples. Didnt you? Said June.

No. I was just kind of minding my business when Nefkah, hes one of the Elders here, asked me to join.

Youre lucky. The test to get in sucked. They made us run laps, until there were only five hundred of us left.

That sounds brutal.

Oh trust me it was. There was even this one kid who shat his pants while he was running. Luke looked at him with wide disbelieving eyes. Im not kidding. I swear on the Deities. He grinned.

Thats insane.

I know right. You know whats even funnier. Youve actually met him alrea Spiros threw a stone at Mykonos.

Will you ever stop telling that story? Spiros yelled. And you know what. I did shit my pants, and I'm proud of it too. I did what I had to do to get here. I have something called resolve! I have commitment!

June burst out laughing. You had poop running down your legs.

Gggghhhh! You guys are so annoying. Never let yourself slip up with them Luke. Im telling you, they will hold everything they can over your head. Right now, it's that I shit myself. Before that it was because Helen turned me down.

Helen is forty years old.

Luke laughed out loud at the absurdity of the situation.

Not you too! Spiros cried.

Sorry, I tried really hard not to laugh, it's just...

Guys! Look. June pointed to a large batch of blue flowers.

Awesome, theres a bunch of them too. Enough for all of us. Spiros started walking toward them.

Wait. Luke called out, pulling him back. You see it?

I do. Said Mykonos, running his hands through his hair. Thats one big snake.

Big is an understatement. Luke took a step back. His eyes locked on the undulating black tube that was the snake. Just barely visible from behind the trees, its dark scales letting it hide near perfectly in the shadows. He didnt know much about the creatures, but he was sure that they weren't supposed to be wider than two humans hugging, or as long as a bus.

It looks like it's full. Spiros pointed to a large lump halfway through its body.

Its staring at us awfully hungry like though. Said June.

I heard snakes have good noses. Maybe you should poop yourself again, and it will just go away?

Shut up, and thats not true.

Move! Luke shouted, pulling both Mykonos and Spiros back. Just in time, as the snake whipped its tail where they were standing seconds later.


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