Chapter 4: Luminous Sky Society

Chapter 4: Luminous Sky Society

Luke took in the sights, as he walked towards the administration building. It was impressive to say the least. The memories hed inherited from Max had painted a picture of the world that was tinted through the lens of, not poverty, but of a lower middle class existence in what he was now realizing was a poorer part of the world.

Luminous Sky City was the polar opposite. Every brick exuded wealth. The streets were clean, the people sharply dressed and well groomed as they milled about. There wasnt a single piece of trash to be seen, no matter how hard he looked. It even smelled good. Like woodland and flowers. Just breathing the air made him feel refreshed.

Opening the door to the administration building, he blushed as he walked to the front desk. People stared at him as he did so. No doubt wondering what smelly hole he had crawled out of. Despite being dressed the same as everyone else, Luke felt out of place. Acutely aware of the dead leaves in his hair, and the grime covering every inch of his skin. Not to mention the smell coming off of him. It was bad.

Hi. How can I help you today? A woman in white robes sitting behind the desk asked him.

I have this. Luke slid the token Nefkha had given him earlier across her desk. Idly wondering what the deal was with the robes. In Maxs memories, most people simply dressed in pants, shirts, and dresses if they were women.

Accepting it gingerly with both hands she looked at the token and then at him. Seeming stunned that he possessed it. One moment please, Ill be right back. She got up and disappeared further into the building.

Luke stood there awkwardly for a minute as he looked around the room. Waiting rooms, he concluded, were the same everywhere in the world.

A few painfully long moments later she returned with another woman. Unlike the white robes the receptionist was wearing, she was dressed in the same black robes he wore.

Hi. Im Arya. She stepped around the desk and shook his hand. Welcome to the Luminous Sky Society. Were glad to have you join us. If you follow me, I can take you to your accommodations and get you properly sorted out.

Right. Luke nodded as he walked out after her. So what does the Society actually do?

She looked at him weirdly. Did the Elder not explain anything to you?

Scratching the back of his head, he struggled to come up with a response. Nefkha had made incorrect assumptions about who Luke was, and what he was capable of. Whatever the Society did, he expected Luke to already be aware of it. Instead Luke was completely new to the world, and had no idea how anything here worked.

He mentioned that the dress code is pretty strict?

She stared at him blankly. Thats it? She looked at him blankly.

Um. Yeah. Was he supposed to tell me more?

Suddenly she stopped and stepped into his personal space. Before he knew what was happening, her hand had snaked through the front of his robes, and was resting right over his heart.

What are you doing? Luke asked.

What are you doing here? She asked in turn.

Nefkha asked me to join

She blinked at him owlishly. I dont sense any mana in your body. You havent even begun to draw it in. Youre as mortals as a mortal can be.

He stepped away from her, as he processed her accusation. He was in fact as mortal as a mortal could be. Largely on account of the fact that he had no clue how not to be.

Is that a problem?

Her cheeks turned red. Its not a problem. Its just unusual. Typically, those who join outside of the examinations, already have a foundation in cultivating mana. Thats how they catch the Societys attention.

Mana, his Status said he had none, and that he regenerated none of it every second.

I dont really know how to do that. Luke confessed, carefully thinking over his words. While Nefkha thought he was a powerful man who had fallen on some hard times, he actually had no idea what he was doing. Seeing as he already had no foundation in cultivating mana, now was a good time to get the basics explained to him. If Nefkha looked into his actions, he was likely to assume that he was playing a role. Pretending to be an ignorant mortal he had picked up from the outside. While in fact, an ignorant mortal was exactly who he was.

She opened her mouth and then closed it, before nodding. Why dont you get settled in, and Ill arrange for someone who can walk you through what you need to know tomorrow. She said, leading him to a house on the outskirts of the city.

Is this all for me? Luke walked into an empty living room. Fully stocked with tasteful furniture.

Yes. All members are provided with accommodations and meals. There is a copy of our handbook along with a few other introductory texts already in your house. Id suggest you acquaint yourself with them. They should answer a lot of your questions. Someone will bring you food later in the evening.

Thank you.

Exploring the house, he was pleasantly surprised by it. While it wasnt extravagant, all the furniture was of very high quality, and besides lacking a kitchen, everything else in the house was largely what he expected. Peeking his head into the rooms as he went, he nodded at the large washroom, which thankfully possessed all the modern conveniences he was used to. Before finding a room with a yoga mat in the middle surrounded by shelves, which save for two books and one scroll, were empty. The last room turned out to be a standard bedroom.

Half an hour, and a very thorough shower later, he stepped into the meditation room. Idly peeling a banana that had been left with a basket full of food on his porch, he eyed the books on the shelf. Picking one at random, he decided to try something that he had wanted to do for a while.

Add to inventory. He gave the Seed a mental command, and with a flicker, the book was gone. Excitedly he called up his Status.

Status | Quests | Inventory

Capacity: 0.359 kg of 104 kg


God Seed (Soul Bound)

Tier - Primordial

An artifact forged from the Primal Energy of Chaos by . Guides wielder in their pursuit of godhood.


Tier - Mortal

Just as expected, an entry, this time lacking a description, appeared under the one for the Seed. His eyes lingered at the top of his inventory page where a new piece of information had popped up. He frowned as he tried to make sense of the capacity, before realizing that it was just his Strength attribute multiplied by his Constitution attribute converted to kilograms. While it was disappointing that he didnt have a limitless amount of space, he was happy with the current capacity. Being able to carry a little over a hundred kilograms in mass was nothing to scoff at. More than that, the limit should also improve as those two attributes did. Thinking back to Nefkhas flashing ring, the ability might not be exclusive to him alone.

Leafing through the books, his eyes traced over the foreign letters. Possessing Maxs body had come with some welcome side benefits, besides having a body, chief among them was the ability to read and write in this worlds language.

The first book contained all the rules and duties expected of a member of Luminous Sky, and read like those Terms and Conditions you had to agree to before seemingly doing anything on the internet. Contracts which Luke had never once bothered reading. Thankfully the book was rather brief.

The Society was essentially a gathering of people who all had the common goal of pursuing godhood. There were many challenges to doing so, some of them were difficult if not impossible to overcome alone. The Society promised its members among other things, a place where they could exchange resources, learn from those further along the path, a place to live, and security.

In return, its members were required to contribute to it as well. All disciples had to fulfill a quota of missions. At least one a month, with provisions for those missions that took longer than a month to complete. What those entailed, remained to be seen. The Society also acted as a police force in the area. All the cities, towns, and even villages in the region sent monthly tributes, and in exchange the Society dealt with any supernatural threats.

In retrospect, it seemed obvious to Luke that in a world full of gods, there would also be monsters. Monsters that mortals were unequipped to handle.

The Society was divided into ranks. Ranks that determined certain privileges, as well as described a person's power. White robes indicated a person who had attempted to cultivate before being demoted down to clerical duties. They took care of the society's more menial tasks. Black robes were one above that. Those that wore them were referred to as Outer Disciples of the society, and from what Luke had seen on his short trip through the town, were the most populous of the Societys members.

The mortal-tier itself was divided into three broad ranks by the Society, early, mid, and late. Outer Disciples belonged to the early and mid ranks of the tier. Above them were the late mortal-tier individuals who wore blue robes. The divisions inside the mortal-tier however, werent actual thresholds according to the book. Instead, they were meant to signify a difference of ability. Anyone could have their abilities tested, and where you scored within certain parameters informed your rank and progress in the Mortal Tier. Those at the Mortal Tier ranged anywhere from barely stronger than the average human, to having as the handbook described it, the strength of a hundred men.

If you managed to surpass the mortal-tier, and enter the warrior-tier, you would automatically graduate from being a disciple, and instead be given red robes and the title of Elder. Along with an abode on one of the peaks. At the moment, the Society only had nine people in the warrior-tier. All of them holding considerable influence over the Society, and a say in how it operated.

The ability to fly was the hallmark of being in the warrior-tier. Any who demonstrated the ability were instantly promoted to the rank of Elder.

So that's what Nefkha meant by surpassing the threshold.

Having a rough idea of the Societys rules Luke closed the book, and looked at the scroll. Smiling at the novelty of it, he unfurled it. His eyes instantly widened at the contents. With the title, Ascending Past Mortality, it immediately held his interest.

His eyes raked over each word, careful not to miss the slightest detail. After he was done, he put it to the side and sighed. The path of climbing past the Mortal Tier was surprisingly simple. All you had to do was exercise.

According to the scroll, the world was full of energy called mana. Living beings like humans, animals, and even plants could absorb mana from the environment, and learn to manipulate it after accumulating it inside their bodies.

Unfortunately, the ability to gather mana wasnt something that people were born with. Instead, you had to push yourself to your limits, and eventually, how long it actually took depending on something the scroll referred to as talent, your body would develop an affinity for mana. Beginning a process of automatic accumulation. It would then use the energy to reforge your body better and better, until you surpassed the limitations of mortality.

Eventually, you would even gain the ability to sense the mana entering your body, and learn to exert influence over it, choosing what you improved and by how much. The ability to sense and direct mana however, wasnt guaranteed, and you would be eternally stuck at the mid tier of the mortal realm.

Recalling Arya being able to detect his mana, he concluded that she would likely enter the late stage if not the warrior-tier itself eventually.

Having learned the rather mundane secret to godhood, Luke stripped out of his robes, into his underclothes, and started doing push ups. When he couldnt do any more pushups, he rolled onto his back and started doing sit ups. When even those became impossible for him, he stood up and started doing squats. Repeating the process until he could barely move. Sweat beaded on his body as he pushed himself farther than he had ever pushed himself before. Godhood a carrot that he couldnt help but chase.

When the sun set over the horizon, Luke quickly rinsed the sweat off his body, and stumbled onto his bed.

Waking up sorer than he ever remembered being, he couldnt take the smile off his face.

Status | Quests | Inventory

Name: Lukas King

Tier: Mortal

Mana: 0

Rate: 10% per hour

Strength: 8 > 9

Agility: 9

Constitution: 13

Arcana: 0

Stat Points: 1

Bloodline: Locked. Conditions not met. (0/10 000)

Charges: 7/10

His status had changed. Not only had his strength increased by one, he had also gained one stat point, along with a counter next to his bloodline. Eyeing the stat point, he dropped it where he thought he needed it most. The Arcana stat.

Status | Quests | Inventory

Name: Lukas King

Tier: Mortal

Mana: 6.5

Rate: 10% per hour

Strength: 9

Agility: 9

Constitution: 13

Arcana: 1

Stat Points: 0

Bloodline: Locked. Conditions not met. (0/10 000)

Charges: 7/10

Surprisingly he didnt feel any different, nor could he feel the presence of mana inside him. Frowning, he analyzed the numbers. His total mana was half his Constitution stat, while the regen rate was unchanged at ten percent an hour.

Maybe I dont have enough mana to even notice it? Six and a half is decent for other things, but maybe not much when it comes to mana. Ill have to add more points to the Arcana stat, and see if it makes any difference.

Deciding it was what it was, he rolled out of his bed and got ready for the day.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Just in time.


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