Chapter 25: Friend in Need

Chapter 25: Friend in Need

Luke rushed out of his bed. Briefly stopping to grab his armaments before hightailing it down the short hallway. Only to come to a skidding halt when he saw Spiros standing in front of the door, waving. A cheeky grin plastered across his face. Cleary not in need of any help. Taking a deep breath, he walked the rest of the way.

What is it? Luke asked, tiredly rubbing his face.

Just wanted to see how you were doing. Youve been in there for almost an entire day. So, are you okay?

Yeah Im fine. Hows the situation out there?

Not bad. After you left, people started hounding Arya. She tried explaining what she figured out, but couldnt really get anything across. He shrugged his shoulders. I dont know why people thought a Mortal would be able to help them learn a Heros Technique, when the Hero herself cant get it through their skulls. Can you imagine? Idiots.

... That actually makes some sense. I think. Luke looked at him appraisingly.

Of course it does, he leaned against his ever present spear, did you really figure it out though.

Luke navigated to the Skill Tab on his status, and looked at the percentage. Cupping his chin thoughtfully as he stared at the number.

I learned exactly point-zero-two percent of it. So yeah?

What are you doing?

Im thinking. I guess you could say that I got my toe through the door. Luke nodded. Yeah, thats a good way of putting it.

You have the strangest expressions. Thats not bad though. Its more than most of these people have. Spiros grinned at him.


Spiros preened. You didnt think you and Arya were the only geniuses did you. Me, that prick Yarn and some others figured it out not long after you did. So yeah.

Okay! Thats really good! Can you sense your mana now too? Luke asked. For the moment ignoring the sense of pressure that came with the knowledge that other people were making progress as well.

I have to pick up the pace. It would suck if someone stole the mask out from under me.

Yeah. I didnt expect it to happen so fast. I never realized that learning a Technique would unlock it either. That said, I didnt cause quite the scene you did. No one did, actually.

Yeah. Luke frowned. That was really weird. It didnt affect you?

I mean, I felt a little happy. If I hadnt seen what happened to you, I would have chalked it down to just being happy that I could sense it at all, you know? Like, now were really cultivators. Not just some stronger mortals. It feels good. Carim has pretty low standards, but back home, youre not even considered a cultivator until you can sense mana. I guess its not too different here. If you dont have a blue robe, youre just a chore boy.

Yeah, it does feel pretty good. Hey, what was the core of the technique?

I dont know. At least I dont think I do. I just had this realization that no matter what I did, her spear would kill me.

Like it was Inevitable.

Yeah. Kind of like that.

Did Arya say something similar?

Umm. Spiros turned away and scanned the room. A little bit. She was saying something like never being able to get past the shield. Shes right there though, lets just go and talk to her.

Luke looked down at his clothes. Just give me a minute to get less gross. I came running because I thought you were in danger or something.

Take your time. I was just worried that you fell off your bed and hit your head or something.

And I appreciate you checking up on me, thank-you.

Dont mention it. He slapped Luke lightly on the shoulder.

Grinning, Luke leisurely made his way back to his room. I forgot how nice it is to have friends. Even if hes a kid. The smile slipped off his face. A kid who has had to kill. Its easy to forget it with how well everyone seems to be holding up, but we went through some shit didnt we?

He felt his heart race in panic as he remembered killing Nafik, and that guy who he fought on the platforms. I dont even know his name. He hadnt stuck around long enough to see the aftermath of all the explosive talismans he threw, but he wasnt naive enough to think that they had made it out alive.

Mood successfully ruined. Great. Sending everything he was wearing to his inventory, he slapped himself lightly on his cheeks, in an attempt to shake the negative thoughts out of his head.

Taking a quick shower, he practically inhaled the food left on his table, and walked back out into the training room. Idly wondering who or what was making the food, and how they were leaving it for him. Without him ever actually seeing them to boot.

Now that I think about it, there's a lot about this place that doesnt make sense. Is every Hero capable of making something like this, or was the Empress special? I guess shed have practically the entire Island to help her with it, and who knows what mana can actually do.

The God Seed. Possession. Flying. Talismans. Potions. Random rooms full of lava. Hell, she just casually teleports people around, and shes dead. Allegedly. This building doesn't even make any sense. One moment we were walking down a bridge, and now were here. Wherever here is.

For a brief moment, he entertained the idea of her being alive, and personally managing every aspect of the trials. Handwriting every note, cooking the food, making the potions, keeping the monsters fed and alive.

Honestly, if I came back to life, is it too much of a stretch to say someone else cant do it. Now that I think about it, Nefkha clearly didnt think the idea was strange.

I kind of like it though. Theos, the world where everything is possible. Where not even death is the end.

Of course, now I have to be worried about someone possessing me.

Eh, the Seed will take care of it. Wont you? He directed his thoughts to it, only for it to ignore him. Should have expected that.

He stepped out of the hallway, and into the open chamber. Enjoying the feeling of the artificial sunlight on his skin.

Spotting Spiros fighting a monster in one of the arenas, he went over to spectate. Only mildly surprised to see Arya standing outside, with a bow, arrow knocked, and aimed at a large white-scaled kangaroo-esqe creature.

Its kinda cute.

It jumped rapidly from one end of the arena to the other, occasionally trying to land a kick on Spiros. Only to be rebuffed every time. Spiros was too good with his spear to let the creature into his guard, and the creature was too quick for Spiros to land a decisive hit.


Arya glanced at him briefly before returning her attention to the ongoing fight.


Has he been fighting long?

He has. Theyre at a stalemate. From what Ive seen of Spiros though, the alburopod will tire faster than he does.

I dont think Spiros gets tired.

Agreed. You know theres been a lot of talk about you.

Of course. I did make quite the spectacle out of myself didnt I?

What are they saying?

She shrugged her shoulders. Nothing too crazy. Well its a little crazy. Mostly just trying to figure out what happened to you, and why it happened to you. Some of the theories are kind of interesting though.

Really? Luke asked, trying to seem casual, but a sinking feeling in his chest told him that he wouldnt like what he was about to hear.

Mhm. Do you remember Xander?

The guy who showed me around?

Yes. Well, his little brother is here.

Yup. This could be bad.


Luke and Arya both winced as the Spiros grazed the alburopod with his spear. Leaving a long bloody gash in its wake, tracing from the creature's hip all the way to its shoulder.


Well. He told everyone.


Told them what, exactly?

Oh you know. Stuff like, when you joined the Society you were a mortal that didnt even know how to cultivate. How Elder Nefkha personally brought you in after being sent on the task by the Olympians outside of normal recruitment. How you have to be the greatest prodigy the Society has ever seen. I think hes claiming that youll be the Carims next Emperor.

Right. Obviously thats more likely than an Elder housing a wanted man. Emperor though? Where is he getting that from?

At least it started that way. People have been drawing crazier and crazier conclusions. One of the people from the Brotherhood mentioned that he was tasked with standing guard over a towns recently deceased. Apparently the Olympians are looking for a thief. One whose soul escaped somewhere on the Archipelago. They say thats who the Winged-woman was looking for. She said quietly. Eyes still focused on the fight.


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

So are you? She turned to Luke.

I didnt steal anything. Luke replied as nonchalantly as he could.

And thats true. Arke was trying to steal it, I just ended up with it. Even so I have to get the fuck off this Island. Yesterday.

I know, that would be ridiculous. Ive seen the way you fight. The way you move. If you're a thief capable of stealing from literal gods, then Spiros is an alpaca in disguise, and Im a Im something equally ridiculous. It took Luke every ounce of his resolve not to sag in relief.

Even so, she continued, rumors like that are dangerous. Very dangerous. That woman, shes far beyond the Hero-tier, Luke. Stronger than anyone on Carim, and look at what a Hero can accomplish.

Trust me Arya. Ive seen what gods can do. I know. Probably better than you. Ive seen the destruction of an entire world.

Power like that. It has to be respected. Said Arya.

So basically dont say or do anything that will get her attention. I hear you loud and clear Arya, loud and clear.

REEEEEETHHHHH The creature screeched in pain. Spiros landed another attack. Sticking his spear into its shoulder, he tore it out with animalistic ferocity. Taking the things entire arm with it.

Well, there's nothing I can really do to stop people from talking, is there? Or stop them from having funny ideas. So long as everyone understands that drawing attention from powers that much greater than them is a bad idea.

I think they do.

So theres no problem then.

You know. You speak very well for someone who was raised by a Fisherman.

Luke blinked slowly as he mulled over her words. Shes fishing for information. No pun intended.

I was raised by a Fisherman and his Wife. He corrected her. She had high standards. Especially of me. I dont mean to be rude, but I dont appreciate whatever this is. He tore his eyes away from Spiros and looked right at her.

What do you mean?

You're digging.

And whats wrong with wanting some answers?

Nothing really. Theres also nothing wrong with me keeping some things quiet. My business is just that. Mine.

Why did an Elder decide to take you in? What makes you so special? How can you go from being a Mortal without the slightest trace of mana his body, to someone who minutes after awakening it, has more than me? Ive been cultivating for more than six years. Its not, its not normal.

Interesting. So I do have more mana than I should have. Why, though? Is Arcana just hard to improve? I havent had time to cultivate the normal way, but maybe theres some way to test it.

I dont know what to tell you. I guess he just noticed something different about me. Like rising from the dead.

I wonder though. I can guess why Nefkha did what he did. At least roughly. Why did the God Seed choose me though? It wasnt like I was the only soul trapped by Aeolus.

Spiros chose that very moment to stick his spear straight into the heart of his opponent.

Thats gnarly. Thought Luke. Watching him stand over his defeated foe. Splatters of blood littering his face as he grinned in victory.

Lifting his own golden blade, Luke cheered him on silently and with a smile. His eyes were drawn to the sand as it rose up, and engulfed the alburopods body.

A smile that slipped from his face moments later as he felt an arm drape itself over his shoulder and a warm body press against his side.

Does no one in this world respect personal space?


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