The Youngest Daughter, Chang Le

Chapter 32: The Lord of Broken Dragon Gate

Chapter 32

When leaving, Zhu Changle looked at the people lying on the ground, and her mood, which had been frustrated for the entire journey, improved considerably.

She lifted her chin and snorted, and as she left, she casually sliced through the signboard of Sky Clarity Manor with a sword strike.

After dealing with the Twin Blade Sect and the Returning Origin Sword Sect in the same manner, the group of four arrived at their final destination, the Dragon-Breaking Sect. Saving the toughest challenge for last was Zhu Changle's habit, just like how she always left the least appetizing food for the end of her meal.

The Dragon-Breaking Sect was situated on a cliff edge atop a mountain, with the entire structure built of stone, giving it a formidable appearance.

"Who goes there!" Following a shout, someone emerged from the shadows, simultaneously throwing a fire starter to light a beacon. In an instant, flames shot skyward.

"Not bad," Zhu Changle smiled. "Quick reaction."

"Not everyone who intrudes upon our gates is so brazen," Dingding revealed her intentions. Heading straight for someone's mountaintop, how could they not know? But then again, the Dragon-Breaking Sect's setup... it had something to it, far beyond what the previous three factions could compare to. No wonder the old man held them in high regard.

Zhu Changle had never intended to conceal her presence, so since things had come to this, she simply cupped her hands around her mouth like a megaphone and shouted, "Zhu Changle has come to pay her respects! Where is the Sect Leader? Come quickly to welcome me!"

Qiuli almost couldn't hold back his laughter. Every time he thought this person was interesting, he discovered that her subsequent actions were even more amusing. In this aspect, she was constantly surpassing herself. From this alone, one could tell she was Zhong Ningmei's disciple.

Following her shout, flames lit up in a winding path from top to bottom, and soon after, a deep voice resonated, "This Que awaits the honored guests."

"Yes, yes, yes, honored guests. Sect Leader knows best what we're worth. I'd like to know how valuable I am, would the Sect Leader care to inform me?"


Zhu Changle's eyes lit up, and she immediately turned to her companion, "Dingding, Dingding, he's not angry!"

It's no wonder she found it miraculous. Most older martial arts practitioners had short tempers and loved to put on airs. Of the people she tried to provoke, she could successfully rile up nine and a half out of ten. The remaining half was this Que Long.

Dingding nodded, "Someone who can use their own name like that is no ordinary person."

Indeed, to name his sect the Dragon-Breaking Sect while his own name was Que Long, Zhu Changle felt she might have underestimated this person. However, with her master as a protective talisman, she wasn't afraid!

"Little Tail, let's run!"

Little Tail swished its tail and followed the torches up the mountain. Qiuli's divine steed, originally of a gentle temperament, had been led astray by Little Tail in just a day and night. At this moment, it very consciously chased after them. Qiuli, twirling his fan, recalled a saying that fit the situation perfectly: It's hard to learn good habits, but bad ones come all too easily.

Reaching the mountaintop, all they could see was an enormous martial arts arena. At this moment, a tall, burly man with a full beard stood in the center with his hands behind his back. Torches blazed all around, making him appear even more heroic and imposing.

Zhu Changle bounced into the arena, and as she approached, she gave a thumbs up, "Sect Leader, what an impressive presence!"

Que Long cupped his hands in greeting, "Just now, this Que was wondering about Fourth Young Miss Zhu's lineage. Surnamed Zhu, with formidable martial arts... thinking it over, one person came to mind."

"That's right, that's right, it's exactly who you're thinking of," Zhu Changle smiled so widely her eyes nearly disappeared. "See, Dingding? I told you I was famous."

"Why don't you ask what kind of fame while you're at it?"

"Of course it's a good reputation, right, Sect Leader?"

Que Long didn't engage in this childish banter. His gaze shifted to Qiuli, and his body instinctively tensed up. "And this is...?"

"My friend. Sect Leader, this isn't right. I'm the main character this time, you don't need to concern yourself with others." Zhu Changle clapped her hands together. "Let's not beat around the bush."

Just as everyone thought she was about to say something significant, she suddenly leaned in close to Que Long, "How much am I worth?"


Qiuli opened his fan to cover his face.

Que Long took a moment to catch up with her train of thought, "One chest of gold."

"How big is the chest?" Zhu Changle gestured to indicate something as big as the sky. Que Long just looked at her. She raised her hands a bit higher, but Que Long still just stared. Zhu Changle slowly reduced the size, and when Que Long still didn't nod, she couldn't take it anymore. "Am I really worth so little?"

"Your father is the valuable one."

Dingding poked her in the back with his staff, "Their target was never you in the first place. You're just a bonus."

Oh, right. Zhu Changle felt better. It wasn't that she wasn't valuable, it was that they didn't even know she was valuable! In Prime Minister Zhu's eyes, her father was the one who needed to be eliminated at any cost. However, she was no longer interested in how much that cost might be. Hmph!

"Then let's talk about something serious."

Que Long extended his hand in invitation.

Zhu Changle's expression turned serious, "The events of seventy years ago, even if Sect Leader didn't witness them personally, you must have heard about them."

Que Long nodded, "Indeed, I have heard of them, and they are also recorded in the martial arts chronicles."

"Then why still break the oath and get involved in the muddy waters of court politics?"

Que Long seemed to smile a little, walking to the side to pick up a long spear from a rack and giving it a few practice swings. "The Dragon-Breaking Sect has over fourteen hundred members. I need to feed them."

Zhu Changle's expression crumbled. How... how could there be so many people?

"If killing you could keep us well-fed for a few years, why shouldn't we do it? As for the oath from seventy years ago..." Que Long truly smiled this time, "For those who didn't witness it personally or experience it firsthand, how many do you think would still remember it?"

His reasoning was so sound that Zhu Changle had no rebuttal. Her master had said the same thing.

"Dealing with tigers, you might not necessarily come out on top," Zhu Changle sat cross-legged on the ground to reason with him. "In terms of martial arts, you could probably beat many people into submission. But when it comes to scheming and plotting, even if there were a dozen Que Longs working together, you'd still be outmaneuvered by those in the capital, believe it or not."

Que Long remained silent. He had considered these things before, but one advantage of having many people was that if the other side really killed them all, they'd have fourteen hundred corpses to deal with. Just finding a place to dispose of the bodies would be a troublesome task. Relying on this, he had accepted this deal.

As for Zhu Changle, while talking about this, she remembered something she had overlooked earlier. "Aunt Feng, you said that among those who ambushed you, there were people from Immortal Lady Wen's group?"

"Yes, I've seen them twice before, and their attire hasn't changed."

"Doesn't something seem off? Still wearing outfits that can be easily identified, isn't that clearly intending for you to recognize them?"

Que Long suddenly asked, "What was the name of that subordinate?"

Aunt Feng glanced at her young miss, "Ban Lian."

Que Long's expression changed slightly, which didn't escape Zhu Changle's watchful eyes. Putting two and two together, she felt that her intuition was once again proving correct. Just a moment's thought had connected all the dots: she was truly a genius!

She excitedly changed from sitting to squatting, "Sect Leader, do you know Ban Lian?"

"I've known her for over ten years."

"How's your relationship?"

Que Long glanced at her, "Extremely close."


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