The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 412: The problem

Chapter 412: The problem

So, what subclass did you get in the end? Victor asked Lily who lay lazily in his arms.

Time Avatar, she replied directly. It was as you expected, an X ranked time-related class

So you can stop time and such? he asked with interest.

And such she replied with a mysterious smile.

What about Yulian?

You will know when you see him, she replied.

Oh so mysterious. Have you tried your skills on someone yet? he asked curiously.

Yup, your cousin Titus, he is now officially a eunuch!

What? Really? Victor who sat up couldnt contain his smile hearing the good news. When did you meet him? he asked.

At the Ashflint auction, he was with that fat scion she said.


Yes, that bastard was trying to be smart and create a discord between his future mistress and her in-laws! Now, he will end up taking all the blame she chuckled. Although I dont think he would die, I believe he would lose a layer of skin at the very least!

He is very thick skinned

Well, more than one layer then! He deserves it for trying to scam me, Lily said

Did you get that jinx girl? Victor, who decided not to ask how Liam offended her, changed the subject. That girl was what really mattered.

Yup I plan to raise her well! Surprisingly she is a very nice and timid girl It makes one wonder what happened to her in the other timeline, Lily sighed.

She is destined to join my harem you know he dropped the bomb.

WHAT! Like hell, I would allow Wait! Are you still going with that crazy plan C? Lily frowned looking at him. It was one of the plans he gave to his private council to look at. It is very dangerous!

I know But now that I have the cauldron and that stupid replacement to fill in for my absence, it will be doable in theory!

In theory? Lily glared at him. He shrugged. All for the girls?

No, they are just the cherry on top!

Like hell I would believe you...... Fine, whatever I guess we will have to wait until your return to see if you can pull it off! Lily puffed her cheek and looked away. How is the other world by the way? she changed the subject.

Mostly sunny with a lot of hot elves

Built a harem of them yet? she spat.

Please! I am not like some teenager who only thinks about women! he flatly said. The first thing a man must do after entering another world is collect all the information he can get about the said world and build a base of operations. Thats what I have been doing! he explained.

I see How many girls do you plan to have in that Base of Operations?

Eh Well As many as needed he kept it brief.

You have some new girls to warm your bed already, dont you?

AhEh Are there any other types? he asked, using the same response he used with Margaret a week earlier.

There is me! she spat.

I already have you he patiently explained.

Arent I enough?

No he said, then quickly realized his mistake. WAIT! I didnt mean it like that! You know what I mean, I have a very big


STOP BITING! THIS IS MY FUCKING SOUL! he yelped as she attacked all of a sudden biting his arm.

PERVERT! she yelled as he pushed her away. She attacked again. She needed to mark his very soul with her teeth to feel satisfied!

WAIT! You dont need to worry about them, you know Victor who held Lily who went rabid at bay said.

I AM NOT WORRIED she attacked again.

Wait Just wait.


You see I tried showing them my true looks he said.

Hsss. she gasped as she relaxed. And they are still alive? Even for her, she almost forgot to breathe when he released his bloodline in front of her for the first time. His charm was devilish!

Half-elves have some very tenacious life Their minds were not that strong though, Victor sighed. I needed to use the soul wine to make them forget!

I seePoor girls she relaxed after hearing him. He had successfully reminded her that at the moment she was the only one who knew what he really looked like.

I know he sighed again. Even Margret didnt get to see his true looks as he was really concerned about her mental health.

So, in the end Why did you call for me? she finally asked. I thought you were having the time of your life in the other world

Well I may have screwed up, its about Mike he sighed and began to tell her what happened on the family island.


Sebastian cursed and cursed as he walked down until he reached the street, shit Where the hell would he be able to get a car? There was no traffic around here!

Excuse me, young man someone suddenly said, making him turn and then jump in fright.

A very old woman was standing right beside him. Holy shit, when did this old hag appear here? Did she drop from the air? Impossible! Was he so absent-minded that he didnt notice her earlier?

Young man, can I ask you a question? the old woman asked as she carefully inspected him.

You are already asking Sebastian, who was in a foul mood, spat.

Ah the old woman frowned, she didnt like his attitude. Can you tell me who this mansion belongs to? she asked, pointing at the gate for Victors mansion.

GO FUCKING ASK THEM YOURSELVE! Sebastian, who didnt want to be reminded of what Hana was doing, spat angrily, turning to leave.



Something hit him from the back, he fell, and then






The old woman began hitting him with her cane.

Insolent young man! Do you think being a Player and such would excuse such a bad temper!

AhAHHWAIT. What do.




AH. STOP. AH FUCK STOP.. Why the fuck did his skills stopped working? He couldnt move a muscle!



Didnt your parents or master tell you to treat old people kindly! the old woman scolded. And dont you dare use that language with me!








Is that how you ask politely! Young men these days need education!




PLEASE STOP. PLEASE.. Sebastian, who for some strange reason couldnt move at all and was getting beaten like a pinata, finally cried. That cane in the old womans hand looked slim, but its strikes hurt like hell!

Who does the mansion belong to? she asked directly as she put her cane down.

Victor Von Weise! Sebastian said fearfully. He didnt even dare to curse. This old woman was unreasonable.

A Von Weise? the old woman raised one eyebrow. Interesting! she added then turned to face Sebastian. Be kind to old people in the future she said as she turned around then began climbing toward the gate.

She stopped and turned back.

Sebastian flinched He was about to dart running away.

Wait You mean his mansion belongs to THAT Victor von Weise? the old woman asked with a weird expression.

Ahh I only know of one Sebastian said as he stepped back. He was not sure as they had no social media in the sect, so he had no idea about how famous Victor was.

The old woman gasped.

She seemed hesitant. She had the expression of a pretty woman who was about to meet a well-known rapist. She swallowed, checking her dress. Making sure there were no openings!

She shook her head and then began to climb again.

Master, I already told you that I chose to be here! Hana said. Young master Victor cured my curse and I need to repay him! She lied. The real reason she wanted to be here was because she got so used to the lavish life here that she never desired to return to that filthy sect ever again.

Here, Victor got her a full fucking lab, all for herself! She no longer needed to share that small alchemy room with stinky old alchemists who only knew how to criticize her!

She no longer needed to beg for materials to experiment with!

Victor gave her whatever she wanted, no questions asked!

I am sure we can repay him in another way! the master said. After hearing her story, her master started insisting that she had to return to the sect with him no matter what.

I have a contract with him! Hana said. We cant simply annul that!

Everything has a price! the Master replied. If Victor refuses, I am sure his family would be more cooperative.

MASTER! I want to be here! Hana said.

You belong to the Eternal Abode sect! the master said. Think about your younger disciple brothers and sisters

What about them? I am not their mother! she said.

They will miss you!

Give them access to the fucking internet and we can talk every now and then!

No, technology corrupts our youth! the master said. And they would use that to watch porn all day! he added, making a valid point.

Hana was feeling very strange. Although her master was usually stubborn and a little unreasonable, this went beyond anything she expected.

Just when Hana was about to call Elise to start implementing plan B which included a lot of soul wine and little maids, someone knocked on the door.

you may enter! Hana said making one little maid enter the lab and then bow politely.

Mistress Hana an old woman is outside for you, she is claiming she is your grandmother! the maid said in uncertainty.

Grandmother? both Master Orion and Hana asked at the same time with a strange expression.

You have a grandmother? Master Orion asked with a frown.

I Before Hana could reply, she noticed the token in the maids hand. Her eyes blurry for a second, then as if a forgotten door in her mind opened, she remembered many things. Yes I have a grandmother Hana said, grabbing the token from the maids hand. Please guide her here respectfully!

I understand! The little maid bowed politely and then ran to get the grandma.

Werent you an orphan? Master Orion asked after five minutes.

Ah I am not sure Hana didnt know how to answer that question. Her parents were dead, but her grandmas were alive and kicking That was what she had just remembered, seeing the family token!

You lied to me? her master asked.

Well. she hesitated.

She is an orphan, I am her great great grandmother an old woman replied to her as soon as she entered the lab.

Hana had seen the matriarch! Hana bowed immediately.

Matriarch? Orion asked with a frown, making the grandmother raise one eyebrow and then flick her finger. The next moment he opened his eyes and mouth wide, gasping as he knelt on one knee. The lowly slave Orion had seen the matriarch! he said with a devoted look in his eyes.

WHAT THE F*CK? Hana was shocked by her masters actions. Was he an agent for her family all this time?

Hana, you have grown up to be more lovelyBut you should watch your tongue in front of me... the grandmother said as she found a seat by herself.


When Louis told me you were no longer at the sect, I was a little surprised, so I thought I would come check on you This diverges from the plan! she said as she looked around. Ignoring Orion who didnt dare to stand up.

Ah Yes, things happened. Hana said, wondering when did Alpha meet the matriarch.

Tell me everything Start from the beginning!

Ah I have a contract, I cant say everything

Oh, the same with Louise Tell me what you can then the grandmother interrupted, not looking fazed at all.


Wait! the grandmother interrupted again, looking at the door. You girls can come in and sit with us I feel uncomfortable being eavesdropped on! she said, making two girls slowly enter the lab. They were Margret and Lin who quickly put the rope she was carrying away.

They both bowed politely then quickly grabbed a seat wondering what the fuck was going on!

Master Orion was left kneeling.

So, you want me to save your ass after messing up! Lily asked after hearing Victors explanation about the discoveries in his family.

Basically, yes Victor said.

Are you sure about the info about the dragon heart? she asked.

The guy who I asked was a level 100 appraiser who managed an auction house Victor said. That guy was the biggest shot he found in town. And honestly, one would not leave a beating heart and make four monsters guarded if it was not his soul!

Good point Lily said. But sorry, I cant help you! she shrugged.

What do you mean?

I am at the Three Ghosts Dungeon. I plan to conquer it with the girls I have, this will take a week at the very least and after that, I need to set things up for them to act on their own I cant make a trip to the Von Weise archipelago at this time frame! she explained. My own family is still after my ass you know! she said.

You do have a pretty ass

Shut up! Focus! she said, striking his hand that began to move impolitely.

Oh, I already figured you might say that, so I already have a plan he said. Though it would be a little hard


The Crescent Map

Absolutely not! It is too risky even for me! she said. You might not know this, but at this time frame, the map is left with one of the guardians who is loyal to my uncle, and I would never be able to get it in my current schedule anyway! she shook her head. And I have a ton of things to do before returning to my family!

Shit Victor said he had very few options left, and all of them were very dangerous. It had become his habit to always secure the win before every bet. Now he was literally out of good cards.

Dont you have any agents there?

Rita is with Kai at the mansion on the family island They are right outside the Dungeon. For them, it appears like mist in the ocean! Victor explained absentmindedly.

What is Ritas class?

... Sword maid Victor said. Now he was regretting making her take that class. It was on a stupid whim.

Oh Although it is not that strong, why dont you just send her in to destroy the heart? Didnt she do fabulously in the Von Zwei base? Lily asked.

It would be too dangerous as I cant aid her with my skills, They dont work across worlds you see he sighed. I can only see, not touch Like I am at some kind of a strip club.

Oh Lily frowned. I see Thats the problem with you


Why do you feel the need to touch! she said as she pinched his arm. Her husband was a pervert and this was affecting the way he thinks. Just let the strippers do their own thing Lily said. You must trust your girls! she added.


Didnt you tell me that you gave her that ring full of hiding talismans before she went to the Von Zwei base Those must be still with her, she can just use them!

... It would be extremely dangerous Even if she managed to sneak in somehow, she is not fit to face the four protectors! Victor said. He would never put his girls in grave danger without a backup plan. I am not sure what defenses they would have in that hidden lair after all! he sighed.

Who said she needs to enter the hidden lair?

... Victor frowned.

... Lily shrugged.

No Absolutely not! The protectors are important for the family Victor knew what Lily meant. She wanted Rita to just disable the lair hiding array, making the dungeon do the rest of the job. She would only have to sneak in after the protectors were gone and steal the heart!

It is them or Mike And seriously, in the other timeline, they probably died like that It is their destiny!


Your family is strong enough without them And they might pose a problem for your future plans! she said, trying to convince them.

Fine Your plan is the only viable one, I will leave explaining things to Kai and Rita for you!

I will take care of this she said with a very dangerous smile.

Why does it feel like you want the protectors dead so much? Victor frowned and asked. The way she smiled, sent shivers down his spine.

... Lily looked away. Just a little revenge for what your family did to me in my and in the other timeline And those guys are probably not good things She lied. The truth was something she watched those bastards do in her past life after she was killed. They feasted on her flesh! They did that to all the dead in the family.

Still, for his sanity, She was not going to explain it to Victor.

... You are scary Victor said, realizing something but deciding to keep his silence.

You should be scared

I am, but I am not going to stop collecting girls because of that It has become my hobby. AH STOP BITING! he yelled.


STOP BITING. Come on, look I have some good things for you here Victor quickly said, pointing to a pot that had been boiling over the campfire to the side. Inside of it, there were a lot of dim, small marbles.

What are those? Lily sat up and asked.

Food for your soul. Just leftovers from the meal I had here, I have been keeping them warm for you! Victor said. Those were the parts of the soul that contained the authority points the demons here had. And Authority was the thing Lily wanted most at the moment!


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