The Young Lion

Act 1 Ch 7 A Little Wolf’s Gifts

Act 1 Ch 7 A Little Wolf’s Gifts

After Joffrey had finished his business with Tobho he made his way through King's landing. He stopped at three different shops to retrieve items that he would need for today's plans. After finishing his errands he made his way back to the Red Keep. He dismissed his family guards and had the servants take a large jar back to his chamber for him. 

Now that he was back he knew a visit to his betrothed was long overdue. So after freshing himself up, he made his way towards her chambers along with a servant carrying a small box.. He could hear as he approached that she was having an argument with someone.

“Sansa,” a voice spoke.

“Septa,” she replied.

“Now you are being rude.” The old septa said.

Joffrey then made his way into the open chamber interrupting their little spat. They both stood up from their chairs to face him.

“My prince.” the old septa did a curtsy.

“My prince.” Sansa repeated the curtsy.

“My lady.” Joffrey greeted her, giving her a deep bow. “I do hope I’m not interrupting anything?” He said politely.

“No, no of course not my prince.” Sansa quickly assured him.

Joffrey once again was taken aback by the young girl's beauty. She had long bright auburn hair that dazzled in the sunlight, she had fair skin with high cheekbones. Her eyes were deep blue, and despite being thirteen years old, her figure was already very alluring. She would definitely turn into a world class beauty in the future.

Nevertheless despite her beauty, he had no real attraction to her. After all, she was still a child and not yet a woman in his eyes. Especially due to the fact of having the memories of a twenty eight year old man. The idea of sleeping with a preteen made him want to vomit. However he smiled knowing his bride would become a stunning beauty in the future. After calming himself he put on the facade of a true prince charming.

Truthfully Joffrey had no experience in his last life wooing women. So he had to rely on his only source of knowledge to win a young girl's heart. That source being the shoujo light novels that he had read in his previous life. Without any shame he adopted some of the mannerisms and lines that the MC had used. 

“I need to apologize to you my lady.” He said with a sad, sincere tone. “I believe I have behaved monstrously these last few weeks.”

Sansa looked at his face with a neutral expression as he spoke.

“With your permission,” he said, gesturing to his servant holding a small box.

The servant stepped forward and opened the box, revealing a beautiful necklace. The chain consisted of white pears, which connected five blue sapphires lined with gold. Sansa was taken aback by the expensive necklace beauty.

“My, my prince.” she stuttered.

Joffrey then picked up the necklace and gestured to put it on her himself. She turned around and allowed him to do so. 

“They’re beautiful.” She said, turning around to face him smiling.

“You are going to be my queen someday, it's only fitting that you look the part.” He said smiling. “Will you forgive me for my rudeness, my lady?”

“There’s nothing to forgive.” She said looking into his eyes, giving him a loving smile.

“You are my lady from this day to my last day.” He said, caressing her cheek gently. “I swear I shall never cause you grief again, I will never cause you pain again. Do you understand?”

Sansa nodded her head, all the grief and anger she had felt the last two weeks bursting like a bubble. Only looking at the prince with eyes filled with love. She had become completely enamored by Joffrey’s handsome appearance and kind words.  

They then drew close to one another and shared a deep but gentle kiss. As they separated they gazed into one another's eyes lovingly.

Joffrey on the inside was cringing internally at his acting, though if there was one thing shoujo novels had taught him, if you wanted to win the love of a young girl, you had to be handsome and charming, and this was the only way he knew to be charming.

If Joffrey wanted this engagement to work he would need this girl to feel like he was interested. After all he would need her on his side to deal with the north in the coming weeks. The servant and the old septa watched the scene smiling at the young love of their lords.

After a moment of pause Joffrey spoke.

“I have another gift for you my lady.” He said with a smile.

Sansa looked surprised she was happy enough with the necklace, but her future husband was saying he had more to give her.

“What?” she actually asked.

“Unfortunately it's not here, but if you’ll allow me,” He said, holding his arm up to lead her. 

Sansa smiled and draped her arm around his. As the pair began to leave the rooms the servant began to follow until Joffrey stopped them. 

“I think we can find our own way, and I would like some alone time with my lady.”

The two servants bowed their heads following the prince’s wishes. The young pair then left the room and made their way down a hallway. As they walked he noticed the girl was beaming with happiness and her cheeks were flushed.

“Are you happy Sansa?” He asked with a smile.

“Of course I am my prince.” She responded.

“Then can I ask a favor of you?”

“Of course my prince anything.”

“When we are alone like this I want you to address me by my name and not my prince.”

She looked up at him with surprise.

“We are going to be husband and wife one day, I would hope we could be comfortable around each other.” 

“Yes my pri- Joffrey.” She said with a smile her cheeks flushing red

Joffrey just smiled at her and continued to walk arm and arm. They soon arrived at the courtyard with a man standing there with a large crate. As they got closer Joffrey stopped in front of the box reassuring Sansa. He nodded his head to the man who preceded to open the crate.

Inside were two lion cubs, one a boy and the other a girl both barely three months old. Sansa looked down at the box with a shocked expression. He chuckled at the young girl's shocked expression.

“Joffrey, what is this?”  She asked, confused.

“My second gift.” He said coming closer to her.

“I know my mother did a monstrous thing, having your father kill your direwolf. He said with a sad understanding smile as her’s turned sad at the memory of lady.

“It was wrong and petty and I am truly sorry.” He said as he caressed her face. “That's why while I was in the market today I spoke with an animal trader,and adopted these two. She is all yours and I swear no one will take her from you on my honor as the crown prince.” He said, wiping a tear from her cheek.

Sansa was ready to burst into tears before jumping into Joffrey’s embrace and cried into his nape.

“Thank you, thank you Joffrey!” She cried happily while hugging him.

Joffrey just caressed the back of her head as he hugged her. A wide grin appeared on his face that she couldn’t see.

Now when Ned Stark tries to make her and Arya return to Winterfell she will refuse him. She will lead him to the answer on his and his sibling births. Then she will run to his mother to stop her father from breaking the engagement. That's when the dominoes will fall and the war of five kings will begin. Everything was proceeding just as he planned.


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