The Young Lion

Act 1 Ch 22 New Beginnings

Act 1 Ch 22 New Beginnings

[The Tourney Grounds Night Time]

The following night in King's landing tourney grounds. The large stadium had been transformed into a training ground for the king's new royal guard recruits. It was in the dead of night and the only light were the torches that illuminated the arena. Inside were six hundred men standing in ten lines in front of burning fire braziers. They stood bare chested with only their white arming breeches on. They stared in front of them with stoic expressions, not an ounce of emotion showing on their faces.

Their once frail thin bodies had now been transformed into lean strong physiques, thanks to the king's 21st century strength and conditioning regime. As well as the full meals packed with protein and calcium. The once feeble mutts that fought for scraps in the slums of flea bottom had become sated bloodhounds ready to tear into their masters enemies. As they stood at attention the cool night air caressing their skin, Joffrey made his way to the top of the stage. To his right stood Jacelyn Bywater, his second in command and right hand man. To his left stood the master of whispers Varys who had a puzzled look on his face.

His little birds had told him of the king's recruiting efforts and him turning the tourney grounds into the training grounds. He had assumed it was a fruitless endeavor, that the young king was trying to emulate his grandfather and create his own soldiers from the riff raff of flea bottom. Secretly he had thought it to be nothing but a joke like the other small council members, but what stood before him was anything but a joke. The young men boasted lean and strong bodies of seasoned warriors and their intense eyes showed the beasts that hid beneath. 

“How did he accomplish this in just four months?” He thought to himself looking over the king’s first cohort of royal guards.

As he continued to question what methods Joffrey had used, that's when the young king spoke. 

“I told you men when you came here that you were scum.” He said as he walked down the stage steps. “That you were worthless mutts and nothing but trash on the side of the street.”

He then arrived standing in front of the lines of men.

“And it has been true, you all have been nothing but shit that someone scraped off their boots.” He said sternly looking over their unflinching faces. “Until today.” 

Varys perked up upon hearing his words.

“I told you that if you survived the training that one day you would have the chance to become part of something new, to become part of a family. That day is today” He said slowly letting his words sink in. “The day where you forsake your old lives and cleanse yourselves of your past sins has come. Welcome my brothers, welcome to the royal guard.” He said proudly his face breaking out into a smile as he spread his arms wide.

The men all beat their right arms into their chest in unison the sound emulating drums filled the stadium till Joffrey raised his hand for silence.

“From this day to your last day you’re now an extension of the crown. You are the king's sabers, a sword to purge the realm of corruption and darkness. The shield to protect the weak and guard the innocent. From this day till your last day you are all a family forsaking your origins and names and becoming a small piece of something much greater. A better world.”

Joffrey then gestured to one of the servants, who proceeded to go to one of the fire braziers and pulled out a red hot metal brander and brought it to the king who took it. He then looked back to his men.

“Unfortunately the cleansing of one's former identity is one that can only be achieved by fire.” 

He then gestured for the man in front of him to step forward. The man stepped up in front of his king, his face stoic not betraying any emotion. He then signaled for the man to kneel, which he proceeded to do. He then pressed the red hot metal into the man's left peck, the sound of flesh searing could be heard as no one made a sound. The man's face twitched from the intense pain but he refused to scream.

“Embrace the pain, for it is your soul finally being unburdened and freed from the shackles of your past.”

Joffrey then pulled the metal away showing the seven pointed symbol in the shape of a crown on the man’s chest. The man still winced in pain from the burn but the other men remained silent. Joffrey then opened his arms wide inviting the man to embrace him with a loving smile on his face.

“Welcome brother.” He said

The man was moved to near tears before standing to his feet and embracing his king. He held him tightly as he combed his hand through the back of the young man's head. Then the man stepped back, his eyes filled with admiration and fanaticism, before Joffrey handed him the still hot brand. He then nodded his head to which the soldier understood, he then turned around and gestured for the man standing behind him to step forward. He then repeated the process as others came forward to the other lines to do the same. Jacelyn looked on with a proud smile, while Varys wore a shocked one. 

“So this is what he meant by the beginning of the new era.” He thought as he watched the men brand each other their faces proud as they were burned, then embracing each other lovingly.

“He formed his own military that was loyal only to him.” A smile broke out on the plump man's face. “Brilliant, maybe he is the one after all.” He thought.

[The Next Morning]

It was early in the morning and Joffrey had called an emergency small council meeting. He was sitting in the middle seat with Varys and Barristan already in the small council chamber with him. Soon others began to arrive: Lark, Pycelle, Janos, Littlefinger, and finally Cersei all made their way in. As they arrived at their individual seats Joffrey stood up to greet them.

“Welcome and thank you for arriving here on such short notice.” He said politely and with a smile.

As they all sat down Cersei spoke up.

“Joffrey, why have you called us here at such an early hour?” She asked, still drowsy. 

“I apologize for the earlier call but this meeting is an emergency that couldn't wait.” 

“What emergency, your grace?” Maester Pycelle asked.

“I’m afraid I have received some rather distressing news.” He looked down at the table. “I’ve uncovered a treasonous plot to overthrow me.” He said calmly as he looked at each individual in the room and their reactions.

“What?!” Cersei yelled as Barristan and Lark looked both confused and alarmed.

“I know it must be shocking, but there is no need for concern.”

“Why is that your grace?” Barristan asked.

“I’ve already uncovered the identities of the masterminds.”

Suddenly littlefinger began to move uncomfortably in his seat.

“W-who might that be your grace?” He stuttered.

Joffrey just smiled at his question, not giving him an answer sending a chill down his spine. It reminded him of a predator looking at a dumb animal about to have its lunch. A slight sweat broke out on his brow.

“Who is it!?” Cersei shouted “I’ll have their eyes carved out of their heads!” She yelled her voice filled with venom.

“Well not just them, mother.” He said in a calm voice never breaking eye contact with littlefinger.” All their co-conspirators as well.” He said as he slowly changed his gaze to Slynt who looked perplexed.

“If you know already why are we wasting time with a meeting?!” she yelled. “Let's have them seized before they get wise and slip through our fingers.”

“Oh I wouldn’t worry about that.” He continued to smile.


“Because they’re in this room.” He said before snapping his finger.

Suddenly the multiple council doors swung open, and in walked the royal guards wearing the new armor and uniforms they had received the night prior. It was a munitions grade spring steel armor prototype. They were night black chased with gold with the same seven pointed crown symbol in the middle of their breastplate. They retained the Pauldrons on the shoulders, but he did away with the Rerebraces and Couters leaving the bracers on the forearms. They adored sturmhaube helmets in the shape of black lions with a visor slit, and black greaves on their shins.

In their hands they held black and gold heater style shields with steel plating with matching lances made of tempered carbon steel. At their hips they wore short arming swords with the same type of steel as well as a parazonium style dagger that symbolizes their promotion to royal guards. The armor and weapons offered both better offense, protection, and mobility compared to the churnburg style most knights of the era wore. They then moved forward at the king's gesture taking the traitors into custody.

“Your grace, what is the meaning of this?!” Littlefinger screamed and struggled.

They then moved and took ahold of Janos Slynt.

“What do you think you're doing?! Get your hands off me?!” He yelled

The last two seized Cersei by her arms and a stunned expression broke out across her face.

“Unhand me I am the queen!” She yelled. “Joffrey order them to stop this instant!”

Joffrey looked on, his smiling face gone and replaced with a cold stoic one.

“Take my mother to her chambers and keep her there under guard no one is allowed to see her but me.” He ordered the guards tilted their heads and dragged the queen regent away.

“Have you lost your mind?! I am the queen?!” She continued to scream as she was dragged out of the room and down the hallway.

Joffrey then turned his attention to the worm and snake.

“Take them to the black cells, and prepare them for interrogations.” He said calmly as he looked at the struggling men.

“You can not do this!” Janos Slynt yelled. “My men will rebel for this!”

“Your men are either dead or dying and those that remain will be joining you shortly.” He replied unfazed by the bald worm’s threats.

He and Littlefinger looked stunned at his words.

“Your grace, why are you doing this?!” Littlefinger pleaded.

Joffrey walked closely to the two men before speaking.

“Because my garden has been infested with vipers.” He said looking at Petyr Baelish. “And leeches.” He then turned his head to Janos. “But all of that ends today. Today I stamp out the vermin that has ravaged my city.”

The two men looked stunned at the young king's words. 

“Take them away.” He ordered before turning his back on them.

“No,no!” They continued to scream as they were dragged away.

Joffrey then sat back down in his seat, and began looking over documents that they needed to review that day. While Barristan, Lark, and Pycelle looked on, still shocked by what just occurred. Varys was the only one who didn’t look surprised and helped his king with the documents.

“What are you guys doing?” He asked the three stunned men. “We have work to do, sit down.” He gestured.

The three stunned men then looked at each other before slowly taking their seats. They continued to view proposals and logistics as chaos unfolded in the streets of the city.


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