The XXX-Gene (Marvel)(Mutant OC)

Chapter 47: Cessily Kincaid

Chapter 47: Cessily Kincaid

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Went with a Cessily POV here~


Cessily Kincaid, otherwise known as her alias ‘Mercury’, had not been having a very good week. Though to be fair, she hadn’t really been having a very good few years. Ever since her mutation manifested itself, Cessily had been living something of a half-life. Were there moments of joy here and there, glimpses of light in the darkness? Sure, but they were few and far in between, and they only made the rest of it harder on her.

She put on a brave face of course. When she first ‘manifested her powers’ (aka becoming a massive blob of literal mercury right in front of her horrified father), Cessily’s parents hadn’t been… as bad as some of her peers at the Xavier Institute had said theirs were. They hadn’t disowned her or claimed she was no longer their daughter.

But they also hadn’t known what to do with her. Her mother and father, the people who brought her into this world, hadn’t known how to deal with her mutation. Well, newsflash, Cessily hadn’t known either. And her parents were supposed to be the ones to help when something happened that she didn’t understand, right?

… She didn’t really hate them, in the end. It was a low, simmering bitterness that Cessily felt whenever she thought of them, not hatred.

Even after being shipped off to the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, things hadn’t exactly been great. They’d gotten better sure, but even among mutants, Cessily was… different. Your average human was still biological, after all. Only a handful were as altered as she was by their powers, but even someone like Colossus could just transform back whenever he wanted.

She didn’t get that luxury. She didn’t get to experience any of the normal, biological things that people got to experience, things that she’d had access to all her life. So yeah, it sucked. Cessily wasn’t suicidal or anything, so she soldiered on anyways, but that didn’t change that her situation well and truly sucked.

… And then these fuckers from ‘The Facility’ had kidnapped her. Cessily had been feeling particularly sorry for herself and decided to go out for a walk. Just when she’d come to the conclusion that doing so had done fuck all for her mental state, an electric bullet had hit her and taken her down. The last thing she’d heard before falling unconscious was that bitch Kimura saying ‘well, that was easy’.

After that had been the Tube. And the taking of ‘samples’. They’d literally took pieces of her for their damn experiments. And while Cessily was very, very durable, she didn’t fucking regenerate like someone like Laura. She wasn’t ever getting those pieces back.

Still, things were finally looking up, at least a bit. She’d been rescued, so that was nice. They’d escaped the illegal underground laboratory before the self-destruct went off… so that was also nice. And it was good seeing Laura again. The no-nonsense mutant might not have it quite as rough as Cessily when it came to mutations, but she more than made up for that with her tragic backstory.

She definitely had Cessily beat in ‘the terrible things that had happened to her’ category. And, well, misery loved company, so they’d been pretty friendly with one another until Laura had gone off with Kitty on a mission of some sorts.

Cessily didn’t know the details, but Kitty was nowhere to be found and there was a big, masked man following Laura around instead. A big, masked man who was strong enough to shatter that damnable tube with literal brute force, when Cessily’s best and sharpest projections hadn’t been able to so much as scratch the inside.

And Laura was faster… way faster. Killing Kimura like that? Cessily knew Laura. She knew the other woman wouldn’t hesitate to kill someone like Kimura, and frankly Cessily wouldn’t blame her. She didn’t have the same qualms about that sort of stuff that others at the Institute would.

However, the speed it took to catch someone like Kimura off guard, to impale her brain through the roof of her mouth before she could react… that was something else.

Laura was faster and stronger than she’d been when Cessily last saw her. And now she was offering Cessily a chance at something… similar? No, she’d said she could maybe learn to control it. Control her form? Like Colossus did?

Cessily doesn’t need to breathe anymore. So one might take the ripple that goes through her form as a sort of shuddering breath as she fortifies herself and really looks at Laura. After peering at the closest thing she has to a friend for a moment, the all-mercury woman slowly nods.

“I’m interested. Fuck, Laura. Of course I’m interested.”

Laura doesn’t smile or anything like that. She doesn’t look like she has Cessily right where she wants her, or like this is all according to some master plan. In fact, the other mutant even hesitates for a moment before slowly nodding back.

“Alright… but not here. We need… somewhere to go?”

She directs that last part towards tall, dark, and strong, turning it into a question. The masked man Laura has brought with her tilts his head to the side before nodding as well.

“Let’s get out of the sewers, and then I’ll make a call.”

Cessily wonders at what that means, that he’s apparently calling the shots. But in the end, she doesn’t question it. Not yet anyways. For the time being, she follows Laura and her mysterious companion out of the sewers and away from the destroyed laboratory.


“… You know Thaddeus, when I recommended for you to seek out the esoteric, I wasn’t expecting you to be quite this… proactive. But yes, I understand. Do what must be done and I’ll make sure the appropriate excuses are made with the University. I’ll still be expecting that debrief at some point though, of course.”

Cessily watches as Laura’s mystery man, now revealed in all of his admittedly handsome glory, chuckles at the words from the woman on the other end of the phone.

“Of course. See you then.”

As he hangs up, he turns to the two of them, slowly nodding.

“Alright… I’m down to try this thing. Not quite sure where to start though.”

Thaddeus wasn’t just super strong, Cessily had noticed. He also had some other powers, because he’d shifted in both facial structure and body type since they’d come up out of the sewers. Now, standing here in this hotel room, he looked… well, he still looked incredibly well-built. But it did make Cessily wonder if it was his real form.

Also, if he didn’t know where to start, then they were really up shit’s creek without a paddle, weren’t they? Because she certainly didn’t know what the fuck was going on, even now.

“The mercury that makes up Cessily’s form isn’t toxic, Thad. So there’s no danger there.”

The big man blinks at that, looking at her in a new light.

“Ah. Well alright then…”

She’s not sure what the lack of toxicity in her form has to do with anything… though suddenly, she has a sinking feeling in her gut. Laura and Thaddeus exchange a glance, with Thaddeus nodding to Laura after a long moment. This in turn prompts the young woman to turn and look at Cessily directly.

“Thad’s mutation is that he gets stronger from having sex. When he has sex with women who have powers, he also gets copies of those powers. And most importantly of all for you, Cessily, he makes the powers of the women he has sex with stronger as well.”

And there it was. The ‘catch’. Cessily had known there would be one. To her credit, even back in the sewers Laura hadn’t sugar coated it. Cessily had asked what control would cost her, and Laura hadn’t said ‘nothing’, she’d said ‘not much’. Still…

“We can’t say for sure that it will give you control, Ms. Kincaid. I was able to help out… someone else in a somewhat similar situation, with a mutation going haywire, but that had less to do with having sex with them and more to do with a mental block I assisted them in overcoming.”

She appreciates the honesty. She’d probably be more leery of the idea if he was boastful or a braggart, expressing ‘certainty’ that he would be able to ‘fix her’. At the same time… boy did Cessily want to be fixed. A permanent way of controlling her powers would be… everything. She’d be willing to give up a lot more than just her body for that sort of thing.

“Alright, let’s do this.”

Thaddeus blinks, as if surprised by her easy acceptance. Laura on the other hand, nods in that no-nonsense way of hers, and immediately begins stripping down. Cessily follows her lead on that, melding the ‘clothes’ she’d been approximating back into her mercury body and giving her feminine figure more… definition. In moments she has nipples protruding from her breasts, and a slit down between her thighs.

… She might have also made her tits a little bit bigger, just because. But if either Laura or Thaddeus notice, they don’t comment. Either way, Cessily watches as Thaddeus strips down to his birthday suit also, clinically analyzing his cock and finding it to be quite large by her estimation.

“How do you want to do this, Ms. Kincaid?”

Cessily hums and shakes her head.

“Call me Cessily, I got enough of that ‘Ms. Kincaid’ bullshit from those hacks who had me captive this past week. And if we’re going to do this, you might as well just address me by my first name. As for how…”

After a moment she just shrugs and walks over to the bed, climbing up and spreading her legs for him. Thaddeus follows a moment later, with Laura watching almost anticipatorily from the side. Cessily watches, interested, as Thaddeus takes his cock and pushes it against her makeshift slit for a moment, before sliding into her.

She has to approximate the feeling of an actual cunt… but she hadn’t ever had sex before her mutation manifested, so she’s not sure she’s doing a very good job, truth be told. After a moment of thrusting in and out, Thaddeus pauses and looks at her.

“You don’t feel anything, do you?”

Cessily blinks before shrugging.

“Not in the way you meat bags do, no. Just instruct me on how best to pleasure you and we’ll go from there.”

He actually looks discomfited by that, hilariously enough. Like he’s used to wowing every woman who winds up impaled on his cock. But then, from the way Laura is staring at it hungrily from the side, that might not be far off.

Even still, after a halting start, he eventually gets into the swing of things. Telling her to tighten up at first, and then asking if she can do more. Like rhythmically rippling her mercury insides along his shaft or vibrating them all across his cock. She even elongates a hand and reaches down to fondle his balls of her own accord, something that makes him groan in appreciation.

Cessily might not derive any pleasure from this, but it certainly seems to work for Thaddeus, because it’s not long before he hilts himself inside of her with one last heartfelt groan.

She senses his seed entering her, of course. She feels it pooling deep inside of her body. For a brief moment, Cessily wonders if she’s supposed to feel anything else.

And then it hits her. Her eyes widen and her back arches as something strange overcomes her. She can’t explain it. She can’t even begin to describe it… except as euphoria. Pure, utter euphoria.

Even though she doesn’t need to breathe, a gasp leaves her lips all the same. Her eyes fixate on where she and Thaddeus are joined together as she tries to understand what just happened and what it means for her. Something definitely did occur. She got some sort of… sensation that she’d never experienced before.

She’s not suddenly human or anything like that. Her body isn’t suddenly flesh and blood again, and try as she might, she can’t switch forms at the drop of a hat like Colossus could either. And yet… and yet, there’s definitely been a change. And for the first time since her mutation manifested itself, Cessily feels something in her chest. Something like… hope.

“Cessily? How are you feeling?”

Laura’s curious and concerned voice breaks through Cessily’s thoughts, causing her to look at the other woman.

“I… I’m not sure. I felt… something though. Definitely… something.”

Sweeping her gaze back to Thaddeus, Cessily impulsively reaches up, wrapping her limbs around his body… literally.

“Do that again.”

He looks a little amused by her demands, causing Cessily to feel a flash of embarrassment at how childish she’d probably sounded. But that embarrassment only lasts for a second before she glares at him, as if challenging him to deny her. Thaddeus just grins in response.

“Your wish is my command.”

His hands come to her chest now, Cessily constantly managing the consistency of her breasts as he fondles and plays with them. At the same time, his cock is still buried inside of her… and he quickly starts thrusting again, not even going soft in the interim. Cessily grunts. There’s definitely something happening. She wishes she could explain it more than that, she wishes it wasn’t so vague, but alas… ‘something’ is all she can use to define what she’s feeling so far.

And yet, something is better than nothing, right? Something is WAY better than nothing. Feeling a thrill of excitement rush through her, Cessily licks her lips as she continues clinging to Thaddeus for dear life. She pulls out every trick in the book that he’d suggested to her the first time around, intent on making him cum again and again for her as fast as possible.

Physically, she still doesn’t feel much of anything. But mentally, she’s never been more engaged. She was going to drain him fucking dry if it was the last thing she did!

The Vote:
[X] Stick with Cessily POV - 50%
[ ] Switch to Thaddeus POV - 23%

[ ] Switch to Laura POV - 27%


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