The Worldview Where Everyone is Destined to Die

Chapter 20: Protective Measures (2)

Chapter 20: Protective Measures (2)

Theodore White found himself dozing off in his chair.

The persistent dimming of his consciousness and the incomplete recovery of his condition have been causing him headaches for the past few days.

'Here it goes again...'

He continued to endure pulsating sensations on both sides of his head and weakness throughout his body. Theodore considered a couple of drug combinations that had proven effective in the past, but then he shook his head.

The fundamental principle at the Aegis Academy was to address symptoms through the body's innate healing processes.

Consciously recognizing oneself as a natural and universal human being without excessive dependence on magic

It remained unclear what other students specialized in, for this reason. However, at least in Theodore's Crown of Thorns class, there was a tendency to be particularly mindful of nature.

"Watcher, I need a moment to step outside."


"Is there a problem?"

"Honestly, yes."

"I see."

Theodore nodded at the unfamiliar cadet stationed outside the door, who didn't bother to look in, and then he reclined on the bed.

Being able to see something might alleviate his discomfort, but the window was boarded up, blocking even the moonlight.

The silk wallpaper, matching the same green as Arthur, emitted a soft glow---the only source of comfort he had.

'It might be wise to visit the manufacturing room before it gets too late.'

For Theodore, the most vulnerable part of his body was his right eye.

This eye had startled him three times: first, when it opened immediately upon his birth; second, because the eyes were of different colors; and third, when the right eye melted like a bubble.

On days when his condition worsened or he experienced pain, the area around his right eye would ache intensely.

While it is not uncommon for newborns to open their eyes, Theodore's situation was unique---both eyes were different colors and one melted upon opening, leading to unfavorable rumors.

The child of the devil, the curse of White family, the inevitable disaster.

'The child of the devil,' 'the curse of the White family,' 'the inevitable disaster'---these were just some of the labels attached to him. However, the incident that had the most profound impact on Theodore's life was the 'Prophet of Death Incident.'

'The scissor... it will fall on your head.'

An incident without connection.

This seemingly unrelated incident involved a pair of scissors flying out of a window and striking his uncle while he was eating dinner.

From that moment on, prophecies of Theodore's impending death started coming true, forcing him to pack his bags as he was kicked out.

This led him to choose enrollment in a prestigious and secluded academy meant to nurture those with extraordinary, unpredictable talents.

'I can't do such things anymore.'

It became unclear whether it was merely the boastful light of his upbringing or if Theodore's genuinely mysterious ability had faded away. One day, Theodore's once-extraordinary skill of predicting death simply vanished.

It would have been better if it had ended there, but misfortune struck Theodore again. This time, it manifested as a talent for black magic, discovered after joining this sect.

"In the end, it's the power of the devil, a transformation from white to black magic!"

And so, Theodore White transitioned from being the Prophet of Death to the Eccentric Dark Mage, spending his adolescence at Aegis Academy.

"Um, I am sorry..."

In the end, Theodore resigned himself to the persistent headache. While it was unfortunate for anyone who might face trouble, Theodore planned to concoct a remedy in his room to alleviate the pain.

Knock knock

It was until he heard a knock at the door.

Around 20 minutes had passed since I walked down the nighttime street with Enoch Clark. He led the way with a flustered look, his bangs covering his face again.

Despite the hurried pace, there was a considerable amount of conversation as we returned to the road leading to the ground.

Upon finally reaching the Crown of Thorns dorms, Enoch gestured towards the entrance.

Given the prior agreement, it seemed like an invitation for them to enter.

I'll lead the way, so please follow me. I'd appreciate it if you could keep the noise to a minimum."

"I understand."

Enoch appeared to have regained his composure, in stark contrast to his previous hesitation.

Upon arriving, I successfully located Theodore White's room on the 5th floor, the dorm's highest level. Standing before Theodore's door, a student from the student council, resembling Enoch, seemed uninterested. However, upon noticing us, he straightened up.

"I apologize for arriving late, but I have some business with Cadet Theodore White."

"Business? At this hour?"

"It is an urgent matter."

Enoch refrained from participating in the conversation and observed silently.

Recognizing the need to expedite matters, I decided to be direct.

"I apologize, but I need you to step away for a moment. If I enter the room, we'll be a group of two, right? It won't violate any security protocols."

"That's true, but."

"It's a rather sensitive matter related to my health, part of my family history, not something to be discussed outside the family."

As the conversation shifted to family history, the guard appeared uncomfortable and excused himself. Watching them slowly walk away, I knocked on Theodore's door.


The voice was feeble, but it was too late to turn back. I opened the door and stepped into Theodore's room.

'It's messy and quite different from what I had imagined.'

Theodore's room was truly chaotic. Despite objects of similar functions being in their designated spots, the overall appearance was far from tidy.

"Looks like I came at a bad time."

From the tired and pale look on Theodore's face, it was apparent even before he spoke. When alone, his prosthetic eye, usually concealed by an eye-patch, was exposed, shining more brightly.

"It hurts."

Theodore's words carried more of the tone of a 7-year-old child than that of a 19-year-old cadet.

The fact I am older probably makes it easier for Theodore to put his guard down.


"At times."

I didn't have the familiarity with him that Arthur did, and while sympathy arose, the more I contemplated, the more I felt the need to conclude the conversation.

"I'm sorry, given the circumstances, but I can't delay this any longer."


What I was curious about was whether my dreams were influencing reality, and now my task was to understand why this was happening. The key to answering this question lay in discovering the traces left by Theodore, the main character in the dream, besides myself.

"In my dream, I... came out, or it felt like a glimpse of something in the future."

"I can't do it anymore."

"Prognosis? I'm not saying this definitively, just speculating."

Being a patient who had recently left the hospital, my concentration was as limited as Theodore's. If things continued in this manner, either Theodore or I might end up back in bed.

"I mean, have you witnessed anything that might happen in the future in your dreams?"

"No, not at all. Those things..."

"You really don't know anything? Can't you try to recall how the spell was cast on me? Even the smallest details would be helpful."


Theodore responded promptly, but a lingering unease remained on his face. He stood up, grabbed my arm, and led me out of the room.


"Two people make a group."

"What? You're using that now?"

Rather than seeking further explanation from Theodore, who seemed to be acting impulsively, I decided to follow him for the time being.

As we exited the room, the two guards, who had been waiting for our conversation to conclude, leaned against the stair railing and followed us with hurried expressions.

'Aha, it must be because of the protection measures.'

There was a particular place Theodore wanted to go, but it seemed he faced difficulty as the guard wasn't willing to accompany him.

I gestured a faux apology by rubbing my hands together at Enoch's side, someone with whom I had managed to establish a close relationship over the past few days.

Enoch emitted a small sigh, and instead of stopping us, he called out from a distance.

"Where are you going?"

"To the manufacturing room."

"Ah, right, great. I was coming to see you."


"Are you ignoring me? Well, I did say I would borrow some medicine from you for my chronic illness."

Getting an answer from Theodore, who was lost in thought, appeared to be challenging. The only solace was that he was at least listening, even if he wasn't responding.

Theodore, myself, and the two guards headed toward the main building of the Crown of Thorns.

"Can I just come in? No, forget I asked."

The main building of the Crown of Thorns class possessed the most peculiar atmosphere I had ever encountered.

The main building of the Black Lily class boasted architecture that left visitors in awe of its impressive lines and craftsmanship. In contrast, the main building of the Crown of Thorns class seemed to harbor a secret. Its maze-like interior and cold marble floor were off-putting to any unfamiliar visitors.

Theodore guided me to the basement, navigating the labyrinthine layout without hesitation. Descending the spiral staircase, which seemed to twist our movements, we arrived at a massive wooden door.

"Use this."

Theodore suddenly handed me a pair of thin cotton gloves and promptly put on a pair himself.

The moment the manufacturing room, concealed behind Theodore's body, was unveiled, I was genuinely shocked.

A vast laboratory unfolded before us, filled with numerous specimens, herbs, old books, experimental tools, and peculiar silver instruments, each serving a distinct purpose. I swiftly halted the guards attempting to follow us inside.

"This is the manufacturing room."


"Right. I'll take care of it, so you can do what you want."

"Watching might be dangerous."

"Uh, then I will be silent and sit down."

Theodore nodded in agreement with my words and guided me to a corner of the room. It was a spot where only the moonlight filtered through the dense planks.

Meanwhile, Theodore gathered several peculiar stones, a glass beaker, a handful of herbs, mysterious fabrics and dyes, a black velvet cloth, and lit a lamp beneath the beaker.

"So, what exactly are you trying to do now?"

"Self hypnosis?"

"Self... what now?"

"Self Hypnosis. Let me start."


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