The World Serpent

Chapter 75 - 75-The Spirit Lord Of The Terra Clan

The Door of the Office opened as it revealed a Beautiful Thicc Lady with Emerald Green Hair and Crimson Orange Eyes. Her Skin resembled a Brown Oak, and it was Soft and Smooth. The Thicc Lady wore a Dark Brown Military Uniform, and she exuded an Aura of Seriousness and Calmness. Her name was Mayon, A Terran Lord for the Clan of Terra within the Spirit Nobles. As the Thicc Lady entered the Room, She looked around the office and found the Stone Golem that called for her.

"This Emergency must be worth of my time, General. I dislike wasting my Rare Vacation for unimportant subjects." Mayon spoke with a cold voice towards the Stone Golem. She was on a Vacation, and her Real Territory was within the Outskirt Border of the Oriental Region. She thought of having a vacation in the Outskirt Border of the Occidental Region, only to found herself called by a General. She would be displeased if the Emergency didn't need her at all.

"Sorry for disturbing your Vacation, Lord Mayon. We found a Daemon Monster Visitor who went through the Occidental Region." The Stone Golem didn't talk about what he heard long ago as it was shocking for him. He needed a bit of time as the Stone Golem wanted to gather his thoughts before talking to Lord Mayon about the Evolution in the Occidental Region. It would create a Wave within the Calm waters of the Great Forest.

"A Daemon Monster? I thought the Dwarves and Elves were supposed to be guarding or at least patrolling the Occidental Region. How did a Daemon Monster pass through without any problem?" Lord Mayon looked around, and she couldn't see the Daemon Monster. The Stone Golem noticed her looking for the Daemon Monster and gave her a signal on where the Daemon Monster was in the office.

Lord Mayon gazed at the Seat in front of the Stone Golem and saw the Daemon Monster for the first time. It was a Young Girl with a Good Figure. Her Age was possibly 16 in terms of her body, but most spirits knew not to judge someone's Age through one's body. She had White Silver Hair, and she wore High-quality Adventurer Clothing. She carried an Iron Sword strapped on its sheath and a Bag Pack that got placed right beside her. The most intriguing part of her appearance was the Golden Amber Eyes.

'This Girl...' Lord Mayon thought to herself as she could feel a strong force within the Young Girl's Body. For a Force like that to be strapped upon on such body. Mayon couldn't believe it, and nevertheless, The Proof was in front of her. She furrowed her eyebrows as the power of the Young-Girl was more or less the same as her.

"I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Mayon of the Terra Clan. I am a Spirit Noble and a Lord that overseers the Territories near the Oriental Region. The Spirit Lord in this Area is still in the Central Korr Region, so it might take a while for him to come back. So before he comes back, I will be the one taking care of the business." Lord Mayon introduced herself with a Serious and Calm voice. Mayon didn't want to take care of the problem that wasn't in her territory, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Persia stood up, hearing Mayon's Introduction, and took a look at the Spirit Lord. 'Strong... She might not be strong enough to kill me, but it will be hard for me to kill her.' Persia's Defense was strong as she gained complete nullification of Shock and Pierce. It meant that sharpness or bluntness wouldn't be enough to kill her. She even had Elemental Nullification, which made her a bane to Elementalist or Creatures that used Elemental Abilities.

"Mayon of the Terra Clan. My Name is Persia, The Master of the Inquisition in the Occidental Region." With the introduction of Lord Mayon, Persia introduced herself. The Inquisition was still in its first stage, but Persia was confident in its power. The First Storm called the Ork Grand Army wouldn't be able to defeat the Inquisition.

"Inquisition in the Occidental Region?" Mayon was confused as she thought that Persia came from outside the Great Forest. The Stone Golem sighed and stood up. It walked towards Mayon and whispered through her ears. All information the Stone Golem gained got reported to Mayon. As time passed by, Mayon had a magnitude of expressions passing through her face.

"Is what you said true?" Mayon asked towards Persia, who sat back on her Seat long ago. Persia turned her head and gazed at Mayon with her Golden Amber Eyes. "That is correct. I am a Former Daemon Beast that evolved within the Occidental Region. I was originally a Serpent. If you don't mind." Persia spoke with a soothing and calm voice.

"Former Daemon Beast Form isn't something to be frown upon, and there are a lot of Reptile or Serpentine based Sub-races in the Oriental and Korr Region." Lord Mayon spoke with a serious voice as she shook her head and sat on the Seat beside Persia. She thought about Persia's words and found no lies hidden within them. It also meant that there was an Organization born within the Occidental Region.

"From your words... There is an Organization named Inquisition within the Occidental Region, and you are the Master of it. Since there is an Organization within such a region, you probably aren't the only Daemon Monster who evolved in the Occidental Region. It is a surprise for us as there were no signs of Prime Daemon Beast within the Occidental Region. We never thought that Daemon Monsters would spring up in the Region during the Current Era." As Lord Mayon continued her words, She knew that the Peace would get broken.

"Is there a reason why you entered the Korr Region, Lady Persia?" Mayon asked as she wanted to know Persia's business of entering the Korr Region. The Korr Region was a Trade Hub of the Beastfolk, Dwarves, and Elves. It was under the Spirit Race who managed the World Tree of Gaia. The Tree was of great importance to the Great Forest, and anything that passed through the borders would get felt by the Lord near it or the Astral Spirit Lord herself.

"There is no specified reason other than training myself to become stronger. I thought of heading towards the east only to unintentionally find the Korr Region and gained Basic Knowledge of the Great Forest. From the information I have, I already met the Dwarves. I also took notice of the Elves, which might be the Third Storm that I felt within myself." Persia mumbled to herself as every word she spoke echoed within Mayon's and the Stone Golem's minds.

"You met the Dwarves?" Mayon raised an eyebrow. Persia didn't know of the status quo within the Great Forest. Mayon wondered if she gained a Bad or Good reputation from meeting with the Dwarves. Persia thought about it and answered Mayon's question. "Yes, I met with them a dozen days ago."

"Please forgive me if I might sound interrogating you, but how did you meet?" Mayon asked as her face got riddled with curiosity. It seemed that she thirsts for knowing what happened with the meeting between Persia and the Dwarves. Persia once again thought about it and answered with her soothing and calm voice. "I took a look at them and found them having a meeting."

"I remembered their faces. There was a Buff Man that was a lot stronger than me. Numerous Dwarves were also within the Room. They call themselves Forge Hammers, and they seem to be the Generals. I found them in a Basement deep within their Military Base, and they were talking about the Occidental Region." Persia continued her words as Lord Mayon began chuckling. It slowly turned into a full-blown laugh.

Her voice echoed all over the Officer as it got heard by the Guards outside the Officer. The Guards looked at each other and decided not to think about it. "hahaha! Sorry but, I never thought that you would spy on their safest basement. They must be prioritizing on finding you right now." Mayon felt tears of satisfaction dripping through her face as she wiped them off and stopped laughing at the event that transpired.

"Lady Persia, The Master of the Inquisition. We will have to start a Pentagon Meeting and talk about your matters. It has been a while since we started a Pentagon Meeting. Before the meeting, Why don't you meet with the Astral Spirit Lord. The one who is at the Zenith of the Spirit Race." Lord Mayon suggested as Persia thought about it and answered.

"Though, I'd like to train myself. I found the suggestion of meeting the Astral Spirit Lord, Intriguing." Persia agreed with the suggestion Lord Mayon gave. She wanted to know if she could survive against the Spirit that stood at the top. From the measurements she currently has, She was Equal in power with Mayon. But her Defense was never fully gauged as Mayon didn't have enough strength to hurt her.

"Well then... Since you passed through the Korr Region. The Astral Spirit Lord must have been already aware of your existence. She might be heading here, and the only thing we need to do is wait for her." Lord Mayon said with her calm voice as she placed her foot on the table and closed her eyelids. The Stone Golem sighed as Lord Mayon didn't have the etiquette typically found in Noble Ladies.

"I'm a bit curious, Lady Persia. Why are you giving us information about you and your Organization without care." The Stone Golem asked in curiosity as Persia was calm and laid back. They didn't found any lies behind her words, and she was honest and an easy-going Young Girl. Some might even underestimate her and call her naive.

"Hmm... The answer to that question is simple..." Persia replied with her soothing and calm voice. The Stone Golem carefully listened to her words. A smirked slowly formed within Persia's face as she spoke towards the Stone Golem with a soothing voice with a tinge of coldness. "Because With or without Information. My force will prevail."

"I see... The Inquisition must be strong." The Stone Golem said as Persia shook her head and denied his words. "They aren't that strong, but they have the potential to be strong. The only thing they need is Guidance, Resource, and Talent to overcome anything that stops them. And if they are fighting against an impossible foe, Their Master is right beside them."

Persia released a Pride of the Inquisition and the Crescents under her. They were her family and whatever they needed. She would always have it. She wanted the Inquisition to rise, and she needed to have connections with other leaders. It might also help her with the upcoming war against the Orks. Though, there was no need to ask for help.

"You have a lot of pride over your Organization." Lord Mayon said as she sat peacefully on the couch while her foot was on top of the table. "I'm only merely stating a simple fact. They are quite strong despite being only a recently evolve Daemon Beast. They need resources and knowledge. It won't take that much time for them to be stronger in this Realm."

"*Sigh* I'd like to meet this Inquisition of yours, but it will take time for the Ancient Pact to get abolished." Lord Mayon sighed as Persia didn't reply and felt something heading towards them with a high speed. She didn't know who it was, but she didn't feel fear within her heart, and she only felt the excitement from it. As even though she didn't know who it was, she already guessed who it was.

Outside the Fort Castle was a Gigantic Mothership that covered the Skies above the Fort Castle. It was Bigger than the Clouds and the Blue Skies above the Castle. It looked futuristic as numerous fighters and forces began leaving it and heading towards Fort Castle. Within one of the Transport Ships heading to the Castle contained a Beautiful Thicc Lady. She was the Astral Spirit Lord, Statera.

"Oh, They're here." Lord Mayon stood right back up and stretched her arms. She looked at Persia, who had no change in her expression, and spoke with a smile.. "It's time for you to meet the Astral Spirit Lord, Lady Persia."


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