The World Serpent

Chapter 72 - 72-Leaving The Inquisition To Train

As the Golden Bright Sun fully rose from the Horizon, It was the start of a New Peaceful Day within the Realm of Piksyon. The Bright Sunlight shone over the World, giving an End to the Eternal Darkness brought by the Night. The Bright Twinkling Stars faded within the Night skies as a Blue Azure Color engulfed it. The Fluffy White Clouds passed through the Heavens as they got carried by the Breeze of Wind that goes through Heaven and the Earth.

The Leaves rustled as some fell to the light to the Ground. The Gigantic Trees created strange leaning shadows, Which created good scenery within the Forest. The Waters within the Great Forest were calm as they Sparkled upon the Introduction of the Bright Sunlight illuminating from the Sun. It was Early in the Morning as the Daemon Beast woke up from their Slumber and began their Life within the Great Forest of Piksyon.

In a Great Patch of Land within the Great Forest was a New Force, slowly rising within the Occidental Region. The New Force named Inquisition was rising without any problems, but Destiny wasn't something that would give anyone a Time of Peace. Numerous Storms were brewing within the Great Forest, and the Inquisition was in the Center of it.

Within the Inquisition, Settlement was the Crescents lining up Together in a Large Area. They waited calmly without any of their Concentration broken. They got ordered to stay within the Large Area and wait for their Leaders to rise on the Small Stage recently built within the Settlement. A Figure then walked up to the Small Stage and was followed by another Figure behind it.

One had Silver White Hair, and she was a Beautiful Young Girl with Golden Amber Eyes. They glowed brightly, resembling a Dragon's Eye of Domination. Her name was Persia, The Current Master of the Crescent and the Leader of the Inquisition. Following behind Persia was a Young Girl with Dark Ashen Hair. She had a Face that resembled neutrality, and her Expression was Emotionless and near robotic.

Persia stood upon the Small Stage and looked at the Crescents in front of her. Her Golden Amber Eyes released a Strong Aura of Dominion and enveloped the Crescents in front of her. A Strong Wave surged towards the Crescents and passed through them. The Crescents had no change of expression and seeing the result. Persia smirked as she was proud that the Training for the Crescents was working.

"It has been a Dozen Days since the Magic Training Regiment began. The Result of such Training is quite satisfying but in the Realm of Piksyon. Your Current Strength isn't enough." Persia said with a Cold Voice as she was serious about this. The Storms brewing within the Great Forest was something the Inquisition would face. She wanted her people to prepare and get serious about the problem they would face in the future.

"After completing your Magic Training Regiment, It will be time for you to start on your Daemon Military Training Regiment. It would be the second stage as Magic Training wouldn't be enough for you." Persia continued her words and announced that a New Regiment would get created after the Magic Training Regiment. It was clear that the Magic Training Regiment wouldn't be enough for the Crescents to be a Good Force for the Inquisition.

"The Daemon Military Training Regiment would be about Teaching you about the Inquisition Military Rules, Ways, and Strategies. As the Inquisition is a Small Elite Force, there is no need to use strategies that need Numbers for now. The Training would test your Mental and Physical Strength. Your Intelligence and Wisdom. Your Physical and Mental Adaptability. Your Charisma and Persona. And Many more would appear in the later stages of the Training." Persia explained the Daemon Military Training Regiment as the Crescents nodded at the same time.

"Is there any questions?' Persia asked as her Voice echoed within the Inquisition Settlement. The Crescents in front of her began thinking of a Question, and one of them raised her hand. Persia looked at the Crescent and nodded towards her. The Crescent then asked a question that has been bugging her mind since the Birthday of their Master.

"Should we call Master, Young Master?" The Crescent asked with a nervous voice as the Crescents around her began thinking about it. They pieced every information within their mind and arrived at the same question. Persia tilted her head after hearing such an unexpected question. Ego, who stood right beside Persia, began whispering towards Persia with a monotone voice.

"Sister, They have heard about your Current Age." Ego whispered as Persia raised an eyebrow. She thought about it and understood the confusion of the Crescents. "There is no need to call my Young Master. Master is enough for me." Persia said towards the Crescents as they nodded at the same time. They weren't bothered by Persia's Age and if they thought about it. Persia would rather be more enigmatic and godlike in their eyes. After all, No one would expect a Year Old Creature to be so Strong.

"We have no questions, for now, Master," Luna said with a calm voice as the Crescents around her nodded at the same time. Seeing their nods, Persia sighed as the Crescents were simple-minded yet cute at the same time. She looked at the Crescents in front of her one last time and announced a declaration that would shock everyone, including Ego, who stood right beside Persia.

"I am planning to leave the Inquisition Settlement and train by myself in the Forest." Persia's words echoed within the Inquisition Settlement as an Eerie Silence followed it. Ego's expression didn't change, but she was looking at Persia with a twitching expression. Before anyone could ask a question, Persia continued her words.

"As the leader of the Inquisition. I would have to continue on my Journey to the Peak of Existence. I will not stop until I reach the Peak, and I would train myself till then." Persia said with a determined voice as Ego sighed. There was nothing she could do to change her Sister's choice. The Crescents thought about it and looked at Persia. Their Soldier act fell to the ground, and they began cheering for Persia's Training.

"Go Ahead, Master!!!" "Don't forget about us!!!" "We'll see you when we are strong enough!!!" "Thank you for giving us this new life, Master!!!" Every crescent had different reactions to Persia's Announcement. Numerous Emotions whirled within the Inquisition Settlement as Persia's Continued Words stopped them. "Though I will come back a Month Later..."

The Crescents were in silence after hearing her Continued Words. They thought that their Master would begin her journey around the Realm of Piksyon. But it seemed that they were wrong in their assumption. Ego shook her head as the Misunderstanding between the Servants and Master finally cleared up.

"I will train for a Month and come back to the Inquisition Settlement. I wouldn't disappear and leave my Family alone in this Forest. Though I like the idea of a Long Journey of Discovery, I have had enough of such a Journey ever since my Birth." Persia said with a calm and soothing voice. The Crescents didn't release a single word while Ego, who stood beside Persia, had a hidden smile plastered on her face.

"While I am training for a Month deep within the Forest. The Inquisition to continue on their Training as the Moment I would come back. A Festival would begin." Persia announced that a Festival would start after her Training. She then continued her words and talked about the Festival. "The Festival is quite simple. It is a Test of the Inquisition Members of their Intellect, Physique, and Magic. The Winner would have a Grand Reward never to get seen as this would be the First Festival that would become a Tradition for the Inquisition."

After hearing the Announcement of a Festival that would begin after their Master's Return, The Crescents talked to each other and thought about her words. The Festival was a Test after their Training. It would be the Test that would give them a chance to display the Results of their Training. Not only that, but The Festival also had a Grand Reward never to be seen in the later years of the Inquisition.

With Persia's words echoing within the Crescents' minds, Determined Expressions began popping out of their Faces. The Crescents thought about their training and were willing to put Effort beyond their Current Effort. Seeing the Determined Expressions of the Crescents, Persia smiled and spoke with a calm voice. "We will see once again in a Month. I hope that my Little Crescents will give me some Entertainment later on."

Persia stepped out of the Small Stage as Ego, who stood right beside her, didn't leave and looked at the Crescents. Ego's Monotone Voice then echoed around the Area. "Please stop talking to each other as it is time to know more about the Daemon Military Training Regiment." The Crescents stopped talking to each other and looked at Ego with serious expressions.

Ego then began explaining everything to the Crescents. She talked about the Inquisition Rules that she would teach in the Daemon Military Training Regiment. Ego also talked about Strategies perfect for the Current Forces of the Inquisition. While talking about Strategies, Ego also informed the Crescents that they would train on Hand to Hand Combat while also Training with their Other Form.

The Inquisition Formation of Forces also got talked about during Ego's Time in the Stage. It was about dividing the Forces for Efficiency. After hard thinking and debates within the First Semi-Inquisition Meeting, The Formation of Forces finally got realized. The Formation of Forces was quite simple.

The Formation of Forces within the Inquisition was a Team of Three Crescents. It was also known as Inquisitor's Triad. The Inquisitor's Triad consists of Three Inquisition Members and an Inquisitor. Inquisition Members would be Members of Inquisition synonymous with Soldiers, while the Inquisitors would be Leaders or Captains. The Festival would be where the Formation of Forces would get decided, which made the Crescents more determined on winning or at least becoming an Inquisitor.

Time passes by within the Inquisition, as it was finally Late Afternoon. The Meeting between Ego and the Crescents took a lot of time and got completed during Noon. A Lot of Things got decided during the Meeting. The Crescents were active participants in the Creation of the Rules that would get written within the Inquisition.

In the Inquisition Settlement, A Young Girl stood right by the Gate of the Settlement. She wore a Simple Adventurer's Clothes. The Young Girl didn't carry any Numerous Bags as the Young Girl would only leave for a Month. Clothing and Food weren't a Necessity for someone like her. The Young Girl had a Sword Sheat right beside her waist as she carried a Bag full of Important Things on her Shoulders.

"Sister, I have given you all Information about Human Techniques and the Ki Power System. There is also a lot of General Knowledge about the Forest that might help you in your Training." Ego said with her Monotone Voice towards her Sister. Persia stood right in front of her with her Soothing smile and replied. "Well, Thank you for your help, Ego. I wouldn't know what to do without you."

Persia patted Ego's Head as she looked at the Crescents that stood behind Ego. "It's time for me to leave. Be sure that you would train during my Abscene, and I expect all of you to give me a good spectacle during the Festival." Persia smirked as she faded away from the Gate of the Inquisition Settlement.

After Persia left the Inquisition Settlement, Ego turned towards the Crescents and spoke with her Monotone Voice. "Let's go back and train until we meet your Master and my Sister." There was a tinge of Sadness hidden within her Monotone Voice. The Crescents nodded with a determined expression as they would train like hell and make their Master proud.

Meanwhile, A Distance away from the Inquisition Settlement. Persia walked through the Forest and turned her head towards the East Direction. 'Let's head there.' Persia thought to herself as she walked towards the Eastern Direction. Never did Persia know that she was walking towards the Korr Region of the Forest.. The Region of the Spirits.


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