The World Serpent

Chapter 62 - 62-Nations

In the Northern Mountain Ranges, A Dozen Thousand Kilometers away from the Occidental Region of the Great Forest. The Occidental Region of the Great Forest was also known as the Current Location of the World Serpent. Within the Mountain, Ranges was a Nation within the Top 10 Rankings of Daemon Monster Races. It was the Dwarves who created the Dwarven Federation.

They had an Aptitude for creating Items using the Flames created by their secret recipe that can burn anything. The only problem they had was the lack of Magic Aptitude, as most races had Magic as their Backbone. The Dwarves didn't give up and created Machines that could rival Magic itself. They weren't Super strong creatures like the Beastfolk, but their Machines were enough to replace such weakness. With their hard work, They managed to reach the Top 10 of the Daemon Monster Ranking. Although they were behind the Beastfolk and the Elves, which was close to them, They were still proud of reaching the Top 10. It was the Sign of their Hardwork which lasted for Millenniums.

A Fortress City is also known as the Capital of Dwarven, was in the Northern Mountain Ranges. It got built on top of the Biggest Mountain within the Mountain Ranges and had Towering Buildings that pierced the Heavens. There were Airships all over the City, and Holes of Tunnels could be found. At the Center of the Fortress City was Tower that pierced everything and went above the Heavens. It was the Castle of the Current Emperor Koldreg.

He stood at the Top of the Tower named Forge. He looked at everything his Ancestors Built and couldn't help but be proud of their success. He was a Buff Man with numerous Scars all over his body. He was Taller than Normal Humans, which was strange for a Dwarf, but it was the Sign that he came from the Imperial Family Wraithforge.

He squinted his eyes while looking at the Occidental Region of the Great Forest. Its Outskirts could be seen from the Top of the Forge Tower. He noticed numerous Daemon Beast escaping the Forest. He took a look at it and focused his gaze towards the Occidental Region. He then found a Pillar of Light piercing through the Heavens. Since it was currently Early in the Morning, The Sun still hasn't risen, and the Darkness still covered the World. The Dwarf Emperor easily noticed the Light without any problems.

"Hmmm..." The Dwarf Emperor fell into his thoughts after seeing the Pillar of Light. He could feel a strong Aura from the Occidental Region, which was strange. The Occidental Region got banned for the Daemon Monsters to passed due to some Old Ancient Treaty. Only Daemon Beast inhabited the Occidental Region. They were strong, but they lack Civilization which made them easy to destroy.

"I should explore that Region. It has been a long time since that Treaty got erected. The only ones that knew the Treaty would be the Leaders of each nation, but I doubt that they would care about such an Ancient Treaty. Well, let us be cautious and wait in the Outskirts before entering." The Dwarf Emperor began talking to himself before reaching for a Thing that looked like a Telephone.


Meanwhile, in the Western Grasslands at the West of the Occidental Region. There was a Race that was right next to the Outskirts of the Occidental Region. They had Greenskins, and their faces slightly resembled a Pig. They were the Ork Race. They were within the Top 50 of the Daemon Monsters. Their Nation resembles a Low Medieval Nation. They lack Industry, and they seemed to lack an important part of a Civilization called Agriculture. How they survive was a good question.

A City got built near the Rivers of the Western Grasslands. The River came from the Occidental Region and seemed to be coming from a Good Place. The City got surrounded by a Barren Grassland, and their Rivers were Dirty. It was not a good place to erect a City, but it seems that the Orks already understood such fact.

A Simple Giant Hut was at the Center of the City. It was the Home of the Ork Chief. The Leader of All Orks in the Nation of Racrud. The Sound of Walls crashing down echoed within the Giant Hunt. It seemed that someone was in a Bad Mood. In the Halls of the Giant Hunt, a Tall Buff Ork was throwing his Stuff everywhere in the Hall. He had an Angry Face that could make Children Cry.

"Tsk... I never thought that the Subjugation Group would get destroyed. Not only that, It seems that they offended a being within the Region." The Chief stop moving as he looked around the Hall. He could see the Orks around him shaking in fear as it was the First time their Chief got angry. There was a Good Reason for him to be angry.

The Chief sighed and sat down on his Throne. He looked at his Subordinates and began thinking about his next moves. He needed to prepare an Army incased the Being invades his Nation. He also needed to be careful for his Actions as other Races might notice his Small Nation in the Outskirts of the Western Grassland and Occidental Region.

"Prepare the Ork Grand Army..." The Chief ordered calmly as the Orks nodded in agreement. They then exited the Giant Hunt and began assembling the Ork Grand Army. The Chief understood that staying within their Area would be a foolish move. They needed to start a mass exodus before their problems would reach the Threshold. He thought that he could use the Occidental Region as his New Place despite the Ancient Treaty. This was why he ordered a Subjugation Group to conquer every Daemon Beast and prepare for the Grand Army to arrive.

He had a Slight Mistake of underestimating the Occidental Region, which led to the destruction of the Subjugation Group. He would have no choice but to begin the assembly of his Army and invade the Occidental Region. Patience wouldn't give him anything as there was nothing to wait for. He needed to be fast before the other Races took a look at the Occidental Region.

"Let us see where this Future takes us..." The Chief mumbled to himself while making sure that this Humilation would be etched to his being. He would avenge the Destruction of the Subjugation Group. After all, He was a Daemon Monster. Daemon Beast would be conquered by the Monsters of the Realm of Piksyon.


At the Southeastern Outskirts of the Occidental Region, A Race built a Nation on a Giant Part of the Forest. They were the Elves who built massive towering structures with the help of nature. Rumored to be loved by Magic and Nature. The Elves easily reached the Top 10 of the Daemon Monster ranking. They had a Giant Flying Island on top of the Forest as they anchored the Flying Island on top of it.

The Name of the Flying Island was Elvera. It consisted of the Capital City of the Elven Nation Elda. Elvera was a Giant Island that had its own Forest and Mountain. It was probably a Three Thousand Kilometer in Diameter. They conquered the Infra Region of the Great Forest. They were a Strong Nation with their own Industry that makes things considered the Strongest Magical Items and Machinery.

The Dwarves weren't the only ones who got into Industry. With the Help of Magic and Nature, The Elves easily breezed through the Top 10 of the Daemon Monster ranking. They were Beautiful Humanoid Creatures with Pointy Ears. Most of them had Blonde Hairs while some can differ. They were like Creatures sculpted by Gods.

In the Center of Elvera was a Giant Tree. It was the home of the Empress of the Elven Nation. At the Top Branch of the Tree, A Beautiful Lady with Golden Hair and Blue Azure Eyes looked at the Occidental Region. Unlike the remaining Four Regions of the Great Forest. The Occidental Region was the only one untouched by the Daemon Monsters.

"It seems that peace will be broken after a foolish Daemon Race broke the Treaty." The Empress mumbled to herself. The Current Name of the Empress was Drya. Drya had a High Aptitude for Nature and Life. She was the same as her Ancestors. Unlike the destroyers like Beastfolk and Dwarves, They took care of Nature. The only glaring weakness they had was their Pride. They looked at other races as if they were cockroaches. It was quite a problem as it stopped the Elves from peacefully having relations ships with the Other Races. But there was nothing the Empress could do about it as it got retched onto their genes.

"That Man is moving..." The Empress looked in the direction that pointed towards the Northern Mountain Ranges. Despite being ranks higher than the Dwarves. The Elves and Dwarves still had their rivalry. There was also the Beastfolk which took the Oriental Region of the Great Forest. The Empress sighed and began taking out a Phone that looked like a Leaf.

"Prepare the Expeditionary Forces... The Dwarves are moving." The Empress ordered as she sighed. The Peaceful Life she had will finally be broken into pieces. She had an interest in the future and wondered what would happen afterward.


In the Great Patch of Land within the Forest, Persia stood on the Ground while having a good Hug with Ego. This was the First time they could properly hug each other outside of the Soul Core. After hugging each other, They noticed the Sunlight shining towards them. It seems that all of them were naked, which gave Persia a realization. Was she naked since the Start?

She swayed her hand as a White Simple Dress materialized in front of her. Ego had a Dark Ashen Dress that looked the same as Persia, while the Silver Wolves had all kinds of clothes. All of them were standing at the Great Patch of Land as the Silver Wolves quickly kneeled towards Persia. There were Three Young Girls in front of Persia, and they were quite Familiar.

The Young Girls in front of her had White Silver Hair. The Girl at the Center had Purple Amethyst Eyes. The Girl at the Right had Red Crimson Eyes. The Girl at the Left had Blue Azure Eyes. The Young Girls then introduced themselves in front of Persia. They understood that their Humanoid Forms were different than their original Form.

"I am Luna, Master..." "Marx." "Capita." The Trio introduced themselves. The Girl with the Purple Amethyst Eyes was Luna, The Girl with the Red Crimson Eyes was Marx, and The Girl with the Blue Azure Eyes was Capita. Persia nodded as she memorized their faces and eyes. Ego looked at the Trio and nodded at them.

"We finally have our Humanoid Forms, and We evolved into Daemon Monsters. Now that we aren't considered as Daemon Beast. It is time for our name to be scarred onto the Realm of Piksyon." Persia said with a Grand and Noble Voice. Marx then raises her Hand as Persia took a look towards her and nodded.

"Master, Do we have a name?" Marx asked in curiosity as Persia and Ego realized that they didn't have a name for anything. Everything happened too fast that the two of them didn't think of the name. Persia began thinking to herself about the name of her Group. Ego also had done the same.

Luna, Capita, and Marx shook their head as their Master forgot a name. They understood that it had been a Day since they became the Familiars of Master. There was no need to be impatient. Persia shook her head after thinking a lot of things as she could find a good name. She looked at the Three Silver Wolves and spoke with a soothing voice.

"Well, let us not think about the name and go back to the Silver Wolves Home." Persia smiled as the Three Silver Wolves nodded without any hesitation. Persia needed to gather her thoughts as numerous things happened during the Night. The Silver Wolves then began carrying the Corpses of the Shamans that Persia didn't get to eat. It was their instinct to eat anything that can move as they always thought of survival, unlike the Daemon Monsters, who had Nations of their own.

"Also, Ego should be the one to give us a Name." Persia had a teasing smile while walking together with the Humanoid Silver Wolves. Ego shook her head with a smile as she walked right beside Persia.. It seems that she has a lot of work to do after they reach the Silver Wolves Home.


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