The World Serpent

Chapter 33 - 33-Beneath The Surface Part 4, Crazy Serpent

Hours passed as Persia slithered through the Small Tunnel. She couldn't move faster, and she couldn't move slower. The Cramp Space within the Tunnel was putting weight on her Body. She continued moving until she reached the End of the Small Tunnel. She wouldn't give up and exterminate the Homoanuras. With this in mind, A Blue Light shone brightly towards Persia.

'The Exit.' Persia thought as she got filled with Hope. She could finally leave the Cramp Tunnel. It was the End of the Small Tunnel. Hours had already passed since the moment she entered the Small Tunnel. It was giving a toll on her Mental and Physical State. It was also worse as she could break the Rocky Walls that encase her. They were too hard for her to break.

She slithered towards the Bright Blue light in the distance. She traversed through the Small Tunnel in her full strength. The Bright Blue Light slowly got bigger as it signified that she was near the Exit. It took a while, but Persia finally reached the Small Tunnel's End. She was about to slither out of the Tunnel and bask in the Blue Light. As the Blue Light engulfed her body, Persia felt Pain all over her body.

Persia quickly went back to the Small Tunnel. She felt pain all over her body, and it didn't disappear. She could see her scales getting burn off. She didn't know how it looked like it got burned by the Flames. She furrowed her Eyebrow as she was confused and cautious at what happened. It wasn't easy for Persia to feel pain as her Pain Resistance was High. To make her feel pain. Persia needed to get exposed to something that could make someone suffer like hell.

'What was that?' Persia thought to herself. She didn't know what happen as she just slithered out of the Tunnel. She couldn't see or sense any attackers. She couldn't see the Fire that could burn her scales off. She just felt pain as she basks within the Blue Light. The Blue Light? Notifications then echoed deep within Persia. The Notification Window automatically appeared in front of her sight.

[You have gained a Skill, Inferior Radiation Resistance.]

[Skill Description: The User can resist External and Internal Radiation. All Radiations will get Resisted. Most of them are harmful ones that the Current Body couldn't take.]

[Skill Status: Weak.]

'Radiation?' Persia thought as she looked at the Notification in front of her. She got a new Resistance Skill which was Radiation Resistance. With the Notifications and with the Brain of Persia. She quickly concluded that the Blue Light was the one that gave off the Radiation. But how the hell did she get hit by High-Level Radiation in the middle of an Ancient Temple?

'Anyway, With the information I got. I need to avoid the Radiation, so I need to turn around.' Persia nodded to herself. She wouldn't want to step into a death trap. It was clear that no Creature would survive exposed to High-Level Radiation. Persia would rather fight the Frogs than meet her death.

<Sister, It seems that you are Exposed to Nuclear Radiation between Beta and Gamma. The Nuclear Radiation got emitted by the Blue Crystals in the Ceiling. The Concentration of Nuclear Radiation within the Vicinity is a Thousand Times more concentrated than the Unnoticeable Radiation from the First Chamber.>

'Isn't this Dangerous? Being Expose to High-level Nuclear Radiation will destroy the Cells of my Body or cause a Mutation. I might die or turn into a more horrible monster. I clearly don't want such a thing to happen to me.' Persia thought as she shook her head and turned around. She couldn't stop or kill the Blue Crystal, so it was better for her to avoid it. A Monotone Voice echoed within Persia's head.

<Sister, I have a Suggestion...>

'What is it?' Persia raised an Eyebrow when she heard what Ego said. A Suggestion in the middle of an Emergency would be a good thing. She wanted Ego to finish her words as she wanted to head back to the Small Tunnel's Entrance. Ego then spoke with her Monotone Voice within Persia's mind.

<With Sister's Current Vitality and With the Skill of Regeneration. Sister could last long expose to High-Level Nuclear Radiation without dying. It might cause Sister pain with Sister's Cells getting ripped into existence, but Sister could also increase some of her Skills while basking in Radiation.>

'You're not telling me to bask myself with Nuclear Radiation, right?' Persia nervously thought. She didn't want to try playing with the Force of Nature. The Nuclear Radiation was currently above her Leve,l so it might not be a good thing to mess with it. But Persia could feel that Ego wanted her to step out of the Tunnel.

'I will decline your Suggestion. Only Crazy People would agree with that.' Persia thought before Ego could continue with her suggestion. She didn't want to bask herself in Radiation. Who in the World would want to bask themselves with Radiation. Only Crazy People would try such a stupid thing.

<According to my Research and Archives. Sister could increase the Evolutionary Levels of her Skills. The Name of Such Skills is Mortal Infrared Vision, Mortal Visual Perception, Inferior Regeneration, Superior Pain Resistance, Mortal Shock Disturbance Resistance, and Inferior Radiation Resistance. There is also a possibility of increasing Sister's Attributes while basking in Radiation. Sister also won't have to worry about dying as Regeneration and Augmentation are within her.>

'Speak no More... I am one of the Crazy People that would graciously try with benefits on hand.' Persia slithered out of the Tunnel. The Reasons for accepting the Suggestion already got handed by Ego. Persia would resist the Pain and Gain the Benefits that Ego spoke about. The Blue Light began illuminating her whole body, and she felt it heating up.

'Tsk... My Body is breaking apart.' Persia thought to herself. She endured the pain of her Cells getting shredded. She looked around and found herself near the Blue Crystal that released the Radiation. Her Vision then disappeared and reappeared with her Regeneration. She understood that she got blinded by the Radiation.

Persia's Body was burning itself. She felt the heat inside of her body increasing. She couldn't do anything as she needed to stay near the Blue Crystal. Persia continued to endure the pain and stayed at a small space near the Rocky Wall. She wanted to stay within the Vicinity of the Tunnel in case something happened to her. A Notification then echoed deep within her mind.

[You have gained a Skill, Inferior Heat Resistance.]

[Skill Description: The Skill would help the User resist Internal and External Heat. It can also help regulate the Heat Temperature of the User.]

[Skill Status: Weak.]

'Heat Resistance? A Counterpart of the Cold Resistance.' Persia thought to herself. She was slowly losing consciousness, but she was holding onto it. She felt that a Blizzard broke through her mind and tried to drag out her consciousness. A New Notification then echoed within her mind.

[Two Skills perfect for Fusion are detected.]

[Skill Fusion will activate...]

[Inferior Heat Resistance and Superior Cold Resistance will fuse.]

[Skill Fusion in Progress...]

[Skill Fusion Complete.]

[You have gained Skill, Mortal Thermal Resistance.]

[Skill Description: The Skill would help the User resist Internal and External Thermal Energy. It could also help regulate the Thermal Temperature of the User.]

[Skill Status: Good.]

'Fusion? I can fuse my skills?' Persia got confused as this was the first time she heard such a thing. She could fuse Skills to make a better skill. She didn't know if it was a good thing, but fusing skills was a good option for Persia. She wanted to investigate more about the Fusion, but she needed to hold onto her body.

Persia couldn't focus on other things as she had to resist the Destruction and Pain of her body with all her might. She could see every part of her body burning and regeneration. Her Vision would blacken or go back. Her body was fighting against the Radiation that was destroying her body.

<Sister, You are currently in a Radiation Burn. Inferior Regeneration kept replacing or cloning more cells to regenerate Sister's body. The Stamina inside Sister is currently depleting, but we could try harnessing the Radiation as a power source. I need you to keep going, Sister!!!>

It was the First Time Persia could hear Ego being serious. It was completely different from the neutral Ego. The Benefits will be gain through Suffering and Pain. Without Suffering and Pain, No Benefits will be gain. There was no easy way out. Persia needed to face its frontal assault.

'Understood, I'll try my Best Ego...' Persia felt the energy going through her Body. She felt her morale getting stronger. The Dangers that lies ahead of her Life. She would face it without fear. She would face it and defeat it. She would survive and live to a New Day.

Persia was near the Main Concentrated Point of the Radiation. As time passes by, She could feel her body changing. It was molding itself to better defend against the Strong Radiation. She didn't know how she lasted this long, but Persia couldn't move, and her body was numb. Her Consciousness was still within her mind, and the only thing she could see was the Blue Light that illuminated her sight.

Hours passed within Persia's life. She was frozen right next to the Rocky Wall. Her body was burning and regenerating. She could still pain even though she was frozen. She didn't know what to do, and she felt that her consciousness was waning. She didn't want to give up, but her body and mind couldn't last long.

'Ego, I'm sorry... I couldn't last lon-' Persia couldn't continue her words. She slowly faded and lost her consciousness. Persia lost the battle of will. It was the first time she lost, but her body was giving up. She couldn't do anything, and with Persia losing her consciousness, she found herself in a new place.

'What? Where am I?' Persia thought to herself while looking around. The Only thing she could see was Pure White. She understood that she was within her Human Body. She was inside her consciousness, but it was different from the Soul Core. She looked around the Pure White Dimension. A Door appeared in front of her, and Persia saw the Blue Light Illuminating.

'The Radiation? Is that the Exit?' Persia thought as she looked at the Door. She needed to be conscious for the Regeneration to activate. It wasn't a passive Skill, so she needed to be wide awake and conscious. She needed to struggle within the Never-ending pain to reach the End. She wouldn't give up. Such words were her words.

'I need to get through the Door.' Persia began crawling towards the Door in her human form. She needed to continue the suffering to get the Rewards. She crawled to the door, and as she finally reached the Door. She holds the Knob of the Door and slowly pushed it with all her strength.

But before Persia could continue, She felt a hand upon her shoulders. She turned her head and saw a Beautiful Young Girl that looked like her. It was Ego herself. Persia was about to speak a single word, but the Hand grabbing her shoulder pulled her away from the Door. Persia wanted to continue Suffering, but Ego stopped her.

"It's my suggestion, Sister. I should take care of it." Ego spoke with a Gentle Smile plastered on her face. It was Persia's first time to see a smiling Ego. She froze as she didn't know how to handle such words. Ego opened the Door and entered through it. The Blue Light of Radiation engulfed her.

Persia didn't move a single muscle within the Pure White Dimension. She then heard multiple Notifications echoing within her. She didn't know what happen, but a Giant Notification Window appeared in front of her. It materialized in front of her.

[You have increased your Proficiency with Mortal Infrared Vision, Mortal Visual Perception, Inferior Regeneration, Superior Pain Resistance, Mortal Shock Disturbance Resistance, and Inferior Radiation Resistance.]

[Mortal Infrared Vision(0/10)-> Mortal Infrared Vision(10/10)]

[Mortal Visual Perception(0/10)-> Mortal Visual Perception(10/10)]

[Inferior Regeneration(0/10)-> Inferior Regeneration(10/10)]

[Superior Pain Resistance(0/10)-> Superior Pain Resistance(10/10)]

[Mortal Shock Disturbance Resistance(0/10)-> Mortal Shock Disturbance Resistance(10/10)]

[Inferior Radiation Resistance(0/10)-> Inferior Radiation Resistance(10/10)]

[Mortal Infrared Vision, Mortal Visual Perception, Inferior Regeneration, Superior Pain Resistance, Mortal Shock Disturbance Resistance, and Inferior Radiation Resistance have reached the Threshold.]


[Skill Evolution Complete.]

[Superior Infrared Vision, Superior Visual Perception, Mortal Regeneration, Grand Pain Resistance, Superior Shock Disturbance Resistance, and Mortal Radiation Resistance have been gained.]

[All Attributes have gained 100 Attribute.....]


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