The World Serpent

Chapter 30 - 30-Beneath The Surface Part 1, Hidden Entrance

As Persia dove to the Pond, The Calm Water released small waves. She entered through the Pond and swam through it. She looked around as she was within the Pond. She felt the Cool Water of the Pond. She looked down to find the Bottom and found Blue Lights. She began moving her body to check if she was good at swimming in Deep Water.

'The Pond is too Deep and Large to be called a Pond. I couldn't even see the bottom of this, which means that this Pond is not a Pond but a Lake.' Persia nodded to herself. The Whole Thing wasn't a Pond but a Lake. The Lake's deepness was unknown, and Persia wasn't planning on traversing the Bottom of the Lake. What Creatures could be lurking beneath the Lake?

'It's hard to see in the Water.' Persia thought to herself as she looked around. Although there were Blue Lights within the Pond, It wasn't helping her finding the Hidden Entrance. The Hidden Entrance was in the Northeastern Side of the Pond and 10 Meters Deep Below. She would need to go to the Northeastern Side and Dive 10 meters Deep before arriving at the Hidden Entrance.

'The Night is really Beautiful.' Persia thought to herself as she looked upward. She saw the Starry Night Sky that kept distorting with the waves she created. The Bright Stars kept twinkling, and the Pale Crescent Moon provided Moonlight upon the Darkworld. The Thick Dark Clouds that blocked some of the Starry Night Sky. All of it was beautiful.

'It's time to find the Hidden Entrance.' Persia thought to herself as she looked around. She was finding the direction of the Northeastern Side. It was easy to find, so Persia began swimming towards the Northeastern Side of the Lake. As time passes within the night, she finally arrived right next to the Northern Eastern Side.

'The Lake is strange. It's like a Hole in the Surface of the World. It is very unnatural and strange. There isn't even any shore. There is just a flat surface and rocky wall beneath it.' Persia shook her head. She thought that the Shore was on the opposite side, but it seems that the shore was non-existent in this lake.

'Anyway, 10 meters deep.' Persia thought to herself as she pointed her head downwards and dove down to the Lake. It wasn't easy to dive down with this kind of body. She had to wiggle her snake body to create propulsion. Using this kind of movement, Persia arrived 10 Meters Deep on the Northeastern side of the Lake.

'Now, Where the hell is the entrance.' Persia was 10 meters deep below. She couldn't see any entrance to a cave. The only thing she sees were rocky formations. It was hard to see underwater, so she relied on her tracking skills to create a good sense of her surroundings. She still couldn't find the Hidden Entrance.

'Ego, where is the hidden entrance?' Persia asked Ego while looking around. She still didn't see the bottom of the Lake, which made it strange. There were Rocky Pillars and Weird Stone Formations. All of them were within the Rocky Wall that encased the Lake. She didn't plan on going near the strange stone formation as dangers might be deep within it.

Persia only wanted to find the Hidden Entrance of the Frog's Base. She didn't want something to disrupt her plan and force her to retreat. It would be a disappointing situation if she failed to exterminate the Frogs. They might get revenge with more power. She would rather destroy them than giving them a chance. Ego then answered Persia's question with her Monotone Voice.

<At the Right Side of Sister's Sight and a Meter Downside.>

Persia followed Ego's answer without any hesitation. She looked at the Right Side of her Sight and turned down to looked at a Meter Below it. She found a Strange Rock that resembled a Bird's beak. Persia furrowed her non-existent eyebrow as she looked at the Bird's Beak Rocky Formation.

'An Entrance, hidden within a Bird's beak. Why do I feel like I'm entering an Ancient Temple?' Persia shook her head with a smile plastered on her face. It would be a strange accident to meet a temple while exterminating a Family of Frogs. She didn't let it disturb her, and Persia swam towards the Bird's Beak Formation.

'I never thought that their Hidden Base would be this secretive. Their current intelligence must not get underestimated.' Persia reminded these words deep within her mind. The Frogs kept surprising her, although they got decimated by her in the recent hours. Persia recognizes their ability as intelligent creatures.

Persia swam around the Bird's Beak Formation. She then looked at its mouth below its beak and saw a Small Hole Opening. She decided to slowly enter the Small Hole and felt the Cold Breeze of Wind passing her body. It seems that there was an air sac within the Beak. Persia finally entered the Hidden Entrance of the Strange Frogs.

Her head was currently observing everything above her. She hid her body within the Water as she didn't want to gather the attention of her surroundings. She looked around and found many frogs guarding the Stairs. How can there be Stairs within this Place? It seems that she was wrong on a lot of things.

'It seems that this place is an Ancient Temple. The Strange Frogs are occupying this place. They didn't make any of it. But if there is an Ancient Temple. It would mean that there is a species comparable to humans.' Persia began thinking a lot of theories deep within her mind. She didn't know if humans existed in this world. The Possibility was high, but there wasn't any proof of human civilization.

'I should stop thinking about the Ancient Temple and take care of the Frogs.' Persia thought to herself as she looked around the Entrance Chamber. She could see the Most Clinging to the Rocky Walls and the Wet Surface of the Chamber. She could also hear the Water Dripping from the Rocks. Atop the Stairs were Tunnels that lead to many places.

'The Numbers of Frogs in the Entrance Chamber is 10. I wonder if reinforcements are coming.' Persia thought to herself. The Other Frogs are probably gathering reinforcements to fight her. She would need to kill the Guarding Frogs and escape from the current position. She would destroy all of them from within and not get trapped in the Entrance Chamber.

'Why would they leave 10 Frogs to guard the Entrance Chamber... Are they underestimating me?' Persia was curious if the Frogs were underestimating her. The Frogs that manage to escape her were 6 Frogs. It would mean that the Frogs in front of her were not the escapees. The Escapees were heading towards their lead which makes sense.

<50 Frogs are currently heading towards the Entrance Chamber. Over a Hundred Frogs are also currently heading towards the Entrance Chamber. 50 Frogs ETA in 4 Minutes and 100 Frogs ETA in 10 Minutes. I suggest for Sister to kill the Guards and escape. It would be good to split the frogs into many more groups for easy extermination.>

'Did you account for the possibility of a Boss within the Strange Frogs?' Persia wondered if Ego already had an idea about the Boss. It would be good for them to assess the Boss first before rampaging to the Footsoldiers. Ego Calmly Answered Persia's Question with her Monotone Voice.

<The Possibility of a Boss among the Strange Frogs is high. I have accounted for the species of Frogs within the Archives, but it seems that I couldn't find a Frog that could rival the Homoanura. I would warn Sister about the possibility of the Boss being stronger than Sister. Be Careful...>

'Thanks for worrying about me. Let's take care of the Frogs in front of us.' Persia thought as she began slithering out of the Water. The Frogs that were guarding the Entrance's Chamber immediately noticed Persia. They began spitting their Venom, but Persia easily dodged them and slithered towards the Frogs.

Persia opened her Jaw and quickly ate the First Frog. She traversed through the Group of Frogs and ate more of them. She didn't stop swallowing the Frogs. She was quite large that she could handle eating a group of Frogs. She also felt her digestive properties being stronger than usual.

A Minute after Persia's attacked, She already swallowed all of the Frogs that were guarding the Entrance's Chamber. It was now time for her to escape the chamber and hunt all of them in groups. She could efficiently exterminate all of them without injuring herself. She also needed to watch out for the Boss.

'Ego, what tunnel leads to the least number of Frogs.' Persia asked Ego a question about the Tunnels. She wanted to attack the Tunnel with the least number of Frogs. She wanted to be ready before attacking the Main Dish. She also needed to be ready as the Strange Frogs might have their own boss that she needed to fight.

<There are approximately Five Tunnels that lead to 5 Chambers. The Other Tunnels are just over construction or natural formation. The Lowest Tunnel is the Left Side or First Tunnel that leads to the 50 Frogs within a Chamber. The Second Lowest Tunnel is on the Right Side. Or the Second to the Last Tunnel leading to 60 Frogs within a Chamber. Beyond the Two, Tunnel is Chambers with over a hundred frogs.>

'Thanks for the Info.' Persia thanked Ego as information was important in unknown territory. She slithered towards the Stairs that lead to the Tunnel that leads to different places. There were 10 Tunnels, and only 5 of them contain Frogs. She was lucky to have Seismic Tracking and Ego for giving info about the Ancient Temple.

It was her first time traversing through a Staircase, and Persia felt the weird movements of her body. She didn't bother about it and continue going through the Stairs until she reached the Top. After reaching the Top, Persia quickly slithered through the First Tunnel. It was the Tunnel leads to the least Number of Frogs.

'Let's be fast and exterminate.' Persia thought to herself as she slithered through the First Tunnel. She went through the Cave's darkness, and she quickly activated the Infrared Vision. It would give her vision of the dark place in the Cave. Persia traversed through the First Tunnel to meet the First Chamber of her Extermination.

As Persia traversed through the First Tunnel, Many Frogs exited the Remaining 4 Tunnels and heads towards the Entrance's Chamber. They were in large numbers and were looking around to find Persia. They didn't find the guards, but there was a possibility that they were within other areas. They began guarding the Entrance's Chamber while sending forces to the Other Chambers.

While the Frogs were gathering in the Entrance's Chamber, Persia was traversing through the First Tunnel. She slithered through it, intending to exterminate every frog within it. She felt the Rocky and Soft Surface below her. She heard the echoes of the water dripping. It was pure darkness, but Persia could still see with her Infrared Vision.

'Since there is air and the Cold Breeze of Wind that keeps bothering me. There is a possibility of a Tunnel that leads to the Surface. There is also a possibility of a Vent hidden in this Temple. Finding it in the middle of darkness will be hard, but I could use the distortion within the Infrared Spectrum to see it.' Persia thought to herself as there must be some way the Wind got through the Caver over 10 meters deep below the surface.

As time passes by, she finally arrived at her destination. It was the First Chamber for Extermination. She felt the light coming from the Chamber. It must be the strange crystals that provided light to the Pond.

'It's time to start the extermination...'


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