The World Serpent

Chapter 27 - 27-The Droplet Of Death

A Violet Fluid Toxin levitated in the Air. It was molding into different shapes and was levitating from the ground. The Strange Frogs got surprised at this Revelation. Seeing their Venom Fluid flying above them was shocking. They began charging their second attack while Persia was looking at the Levitating Toxins.

Persia was staring at it as she was curious at how such a thing worked. It defied the laws of physics. It was levitating in the air without anything helping it. Persia looked at the Violet Fluid and felt a slight sting deep within her body. She couldn't continue her observation as the Violet Fluid fell to the Ground.

The Nightfall had already started. Persia couldn't see anything other than the eternal darkness. The Strange Frogs seems to be able to hit her within the darkness. They must have the ability to see or sense her. Persia looked around her body and looked at her Pale White Scales. She already revealed herself as Level Up turned off her Camouflage.

'That's disappointing.' Persia thought to herself while shaking her snakehead. She found it amazing to see something floating from the ground. It defied many things that she considered common sense. It took a moment in the air before it fell to the ground. Persia wondered if she could do it again.

'I feel a slight sting deep within my Body. I wonder what happened?' Persia was curious about what happened within her Body. The Slight Sting wasn't painful, but it was noticeable. Persia wouldn't try to ignore it as it could kill her at any moment. She had no information about the Slight Sting, so she needed to investigate from scratch. Before Persia could begin her investigation, A monotone voice echoed within her head.

<Sister, I wouldn't recommend using the Inferior Toxin Manipulation. It is dangerous and unknown. Research is needed before continuing with the operation to use the Toxin Manipulation.>

Ego didn't want Persia to use the Toxin Manipulation. It was dangerous and needed the training to get used effectively. The Toxin Manipulation could also have side effects on Persia's body. There was a reason why the slight sting causes the Violet Fluid to fall to the ground. The Side effects could also cause Mental and Physical Harm. Ego needed to check if the Skill was considered safe.

'What do you mean?' Persia raised an eyebrow when she heard Ego's words. She wanted to know about what Ego meant in the dangers of using the Skill. It was Useful against Creatures that used poisons and venoms. Persia's current enemy was Frogs that used spitting Venom to attack her. What's stopping her from using it? Persia waited for Ego to give a reasonable answer for her to stop using the Skill.

<The Inferior Toxin Manipulation is in the Type of Skills that are Double Bladed. It got recorded in the Type of Emission and Manipulation Skills. According to the Archives inside me, The Emission and Manipulation Skills needed the energy to work. The Current Energy inside Sister's Body is only her Stamina. It would mean that the Skill would take Stamina from Sister's Body.>

'It needed my Stamina to work. I understand that, but why would I stop using it?' Persia asked Ego. She was confused at why Ego wanted her to stop using the Inferior Toxin Manipulation. While Persia was waiting for Ego to answer, She could feel that Ego just sighed in disappointment inside her head.

<The Main Problem is the Energy inside Sister is the main reason her body is moving. The Inferior Toxin Manipulation is like an Inferior Machine that needed more energy than usual. It even produced crude toxins, and the wasted energy would get discharged through the Air. So the Skill is Inefficient and Weak. It is useless for now.>

'What you're trying to say makes sense, so can you make it useful for me?' Persia asked Ego to make the Skill useful for her. Ego could probably find something within her Archives. The Inferior Toxin Manipulation would probably get recorded in the Archives somewhere. Persia didn't even know what the Archive was. She just took it as a place where general information gets gathered.

<I can't, My Archives only have the general information. I don't have any direct information about the things around me. I could give Sister an Image about it. There is also the Special Skill called Appraisal... I'm useless.>

'Ego, you need to think outside of the box. So consider this a Lesson. Analyze the Skill and give me results. Find ways to make it work in my current situation.' Persia shook her head and gave an order towards Ego. The Order was to find a way to make the Skill efficient and strong. Ego was a logical mind, and the logical mind was limiting her from thinking outside the box.


<I will find a way to give Sister the Ability to use the Skill in the most efficient way possible.>

<Analyzing Skill, Please Wait...>

'I'll wait, but I need to take care of the problem in front of me.' Persia thought to herself while staring at the 50 Strange Frogs. Their Combat Capability was the ability to spit venoms. It was clear that they were probably weak at close range. The Toxin in their Venoms was also powerful to kill a full-grown elephant in days or hours.

The Strange Frogs got finished charging their Venom and began spitting to Persia. Peria seeing the Violet Fluid, was curious if she could do it again, but Ego was still analyzing the Skill, so it was better for Persia not to disturb Ego. She stayed in her original position and waited for Ego to finish. The Violet Fluid flew into the Air and began to bombard.

'Good but Ineffective.' Persia thought to herself as the Violet Fluid engulfed her body. They were Acidic and full of toxins. Persia felt the pain of her flesh getting shredded by the Acid, but it wasn't enough for Persia as it was like a sting from an ant. The Violet Fluid was Sticky and Acidic. They were dangerous for creatures that didn't have defensive capabilities against Acid and Toxin. Persia got Absolute Nullification against Toxin, so she didn't have a problem against the Toxin of the Strange Frogs.

While Persia was not caring about her current situation, The Strange Frogs were panicking as Persia was still there. During their lifetime. They could kill other creatures. Persia was the first creature that managed to resist their Toxins and Acids. They gathered their confidence and began charging for the next barrage.

Persia stayed in her Original Position with a calm demeanor. She didn't know what she needed to do, so she just waited for Ego to finish analyzing the skill. The Frogs in front of her were perfect test subjects, so Persia didn't want them to die without fulfilling their jobs. A Notification echoed within her mind. It seems that she got something from getting bombarded by the Toxins and Acids of the Frogs. She was curious at what it was, so Persia took a look at the notification window.

[You have gained Skill, Inferior Acid Resistance.]

[Skill Description: The User would gain the Ability to Resist every Acid mentally and Physically.]

[Skill Status: Weak.]

'I have gained a new resistance skill.' Persia thought to herself while reading the notification. It seems that she gained the ability to resist the acidic substance that could harm her body. It was Useful as some creatures in the wild can attack using their acid. While thinking about the acid resistance, An Idea struck Persia's mind.

'Now that I think about it. If I make the frogs bombard me with their Acidic Toxic Violet Fluid. Won't my Acid Resistance Proficiency grow? It is a good plan, and I'm thinking outside of my own box.' Peria thought to herself. She never thought that there would be a time where she would put herself to harm. But since she got the opportunity to make her Resistance stronger and better. Why not?

Persia began her plan. She shook her head and didn't move from her Original Position. She didn't move a single muscle and just waited for Ego to finish analyzing the skill. The Strange Frogs took Persia's actions as the effect of their attack. No one knows where they got such thought, but they got confident and began charging their third barrage.

Persia looked at them with her cold snake eyes. For some reason, The Eyes of Persia caused a disturbance in the formation of the Frogs. She didn't care about their actions, so she just waited. They have a Strong Toxin in their Violet Sticky Fluid. Persia was even curious about how they got such a thing inside their body. The Strange Frogs began firing their Third Barrage, and Violet Acidic Toxin flew through the Air.

'Tsk... All of you are getting annoying.' Persia couldn't help but get pissed at the Strange Frogs. She wasn't annoyed by the Pain but got annoyed that some fluids were getting stickier. She looked around her body and noticed something strange. It seems that she missed something important.

'It seems that I missed something in the Notifications.' Persia thought to herself while staring at her scales. They were healing from the Acidic Substance that kept hitting her body. She was curious about how this happened, but before she could check it. Multiple Notifications echoed within her mind.

[You have increased your Proficiency with Inferior Acid Resistance.]

[Inferior Acid Resistance(0/10)->Inferior Acid Resistance(10/10)]

[Inferior Acid Resistance has reached the Threshold.]


[Skill Evolution Complete.]

[Mortal Acid Resistance has been gained.]

'It evolved... That was fast.' Persia thought to herself. Inferior Acid Resistance evolved at a fast speed. She got surprised at how it evolved at an insane speed. The Strange Frogs noticed that Persia wasn't dead, so they began the Fourth Charge. A Monotone voice then echoed with Persia's head.

<Skill Analyzation Finished.>

<Research is complete. Sister, I have found a way to manipulate the Toxin Manipulation. I can make it strong and efficient. It would also give Sister the ability to make her Enemies died in the most horrifying way possible.>

'How?' Persia was curious at what Ego found within the Toxin Manipulation Skill. Judging from the Words of Ego, It seems that she thought outside the box. Although it wasn't Persia that did the research, she felt proud that Ego was finally growing up. The Way to make the Skill Strong and Efficient while being Inferior makes Ego's Research Ability Useful.

<The Plan I found is easy. I would need to have a Single Drop of Sister's Venom. A droplet of Sister's venom is enough for this plan. With the Droplet of Venom, I could minimally control it without being worried by the Sister's Stamina. It would mean that the Stamina taken from Sister would change from 1 second and 1 percent to 1 minute and 1 percent.>

'That is a good plan. You have full control of the Toxin Manipulation Skill. Consider it as a gift of mine.' Persia calmly thought with a smile plastered on her snake face. If it could work, that would mean that Persia would get an automated attack system within her head. She couldn't help but feel her mood elevated from the thought.

Persia then opened her Jaw, and the Venom slowly got extracted from her Fangs. The Droplet of Venom began levitating in the air. She looked at the Venom and found that it was midnight-black in color. Persia felt really strange seeing something like this within her fangs. She shook her head and waited for Ego to begin the plan.

<With my Sister's Venom that contained Neurotoxin, Cardiotoxin, Hemotoxins, Cytotoxins, and Necrotoxins. It's time for you to shine...>

With Ego's Order, The Midnight-Black Droplet of Death began floating above Persia. It was hard to see the droplet within the darkness of the night. Persia seeing it knew what it means. The Necrotoxins were a toxin she was curious to see.. She wondered what it would do to its targets.


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