The World Serpent

Chapter 24 - 24-New Creatures To Hunt

As the Golden Bright Sun reached the Center of the Heavens, It was now Noon. The Light of the Golden Bright Sun pierced down the Area and gave its Warm Sunlight. Birds in Echelons were flying through the Blue Skies. Some Fluffy Clouds were gathering together to form a Giant Cloud. It was the Center of the Day.

Within the Western Part of the Central Region was a Patch of Land. It was a Humongous Patch of Land as it covered dozens of Kilometers. There were no Trees within this land. It was named Grassland. Someplace within the Grassland had Grass that towered Two Meter Tall. It was a Forest of Grass instead of Trees.

In the Grassland was the rustling of the Tall Slick Grass. They were moving separately, which signified a creature moving within the Grass. The Soft Breeze of Wind sometimes passed through the Grass, making them sway. But the Rustling and Separating of Grass was strange and unnatural. It seems that a Creature was traveling through the Grass.

As the Grass split up from each other, The Creature within the Grass finally revealed itself. It was a Pale White Snake. It was a Meter Long and was silently slithering through the Tall Slick Grass. It looked around as if it was finding something within the Grass. It shook its head in disappointment and continued traveling through the Tall Slick Grass.

Persia was slithering through the Tall Slick Grass. She wondered through the Grassland with the Intention of Hunting and Eating the Prey she could find. It's been hours since her arrival, and the Sun had finally reached its Center. She was currently in the Western Part of the Central Forest. She still couldn't see any Prey near her. There were other Creatures, but they were too big for Persia to swallow.

'It's been a while since I started traveling through the Grassland. I still couldn't find anything to eat.' Persia thought to herself. The Creatures that she could eat within the Grassland were too scarce. Most of the Creatures she saw were Larger and Stronger. She couldn't even eat a single one of them. While Persia was losing confidence, A Monotone Voice echoed within her mind.

<Be Patient, Sister. Time is with us. Your Safety will be the always important thing during the Hunt. Any unfortunate accident might affect your Life.>

Ego didn't want Persia to grow in her impatient attitude. It was a Dangerous Attitude that could lead to many possibilities. Being Impatient could lead to many things, and being impatient in the forest could lead to death. Persia needed to develop the most important thing in the Predator's instinct. Patience... Most Predators were Patient. They were willing to wait and attacked at the perfect time.

'Understood, I'm just losing confidence in this Area. If there aren't possible prey in this Area, We would have to leave and continue on Our Journey to the West.' It was Persia's First time to roam in this Area. She expected new creatures she could swallow with her current body, but most of them were Larger than her. She also knew that she was getting impatient, and it was a bad thing. She needed to develop Patience, and this place could be the perfect mental training grounds.

<That is True. This Area is rather Barren. But don't underestimate Life. It would find a way to put creatures in every place in this entire World.>

Ego understood what Persia was trying to say. The Whole Grassland lack Creatures that Persia could eat. This would give a problem to Persia as it would force her to leave the Area. She would need to continue heading West and Probably reach the Western Region.

'I guess what you're saying is true. Thanks for the Suggestions." Persia nodded in understanding as she slithered through the Tall Slick Grass at a tenth of her Max Speed. As she talked to Ego, She would automatically lower her Speed as she might get into an incident at her full Speed.

<I'm in your Service, Sister.>

'Anyway, Let's Continue.' Persia slithered through the Tall Slick Grass. She was gaining Speed, and she slowly became faster. She dodges multiple obstacles hidden within the Grass. It took a while, but she finally exited the Path of Grass within the Grassland. She was finally in the Lowlands.

'The Grass here isn't very tall. It must be the Lowland of the Grassland.' Persia thought to herself. She was almost reaching the Border of the Western Region. She was curious about what the Creatures in the Western Region were, but she couldn't leave the Central Region without gaining anything.

She exited the Tall Slick Grass and entered the Lowland. She traversed through it and saw many Creatures. Bison, Giraffes, Dear, and Many More Creatures were in the Lowland. All of them were out of her options, so she decided to ignore them. She would grow bigger and bigger. And When the Time comes, Persia would eat all of them.

'I guess I would have to wait for that time to come.' Persia shook her head and continued slithering in her Max Speed. Her Passive Skills already activated themselves, and she could hear many vibrations. While she was slithering through the Lowland, She noticed a slight vibration. The Slight Vibration elevated Persia's mood. It would mean that a Prey was near her area. The only thing she needed to do was hunt the Prey.

'Prey?' Persia thought to herself as she activated all of her tracking skills. Some of them were high-level, such as Seismic Tracking. Her Range increased by about 1km in Slight Vibration Detection and 100m in Clear Vibration Detection. She also flicked her tongue multiple times to sense a scent in the air.

'There!' Persia slithered towards the direction of the Slight Vibration. She felt that she pinpointed the location of her Prey. No Creature could ambush her within the 100m radius around her. She then traversed through the Lowland at her max speed. She wanted to meet her First Prey within the Grassland.

While slithering through the Lowland with her speed comparable to a Car, Persia finally arrived at the area where the Slight Vibration kept echoing its songs. She looked and clearly sensed it hiding within the Mound that was currently in front of her. She slowly slithered around the Mound and found a Small Nest.

'Lizard? A Hatchling perhaps.' Persia thought to herself. It seems that the Parents weren't near the Nest. Who would leave their kids in the middle of the wild? But Persia was still fortunate to found a nest without any parents. She was someone that would eat anything that contains Biomass. She would, of course, eat anything, no matter how old or young it was. She stared at the Nest with Cold-blooded eyes.

'Ego, Can you tell me what kind of creatures the hatchling in front of me is? I want to know the information about its Parent.' Persia asked Ego a question about the hatchling in front of her. The Parents were either Strong or Weak. Persia could even give them a favor to meet with their kids. Ego's Monotone Voice then echoed within her mind.

<Detecting Creature...>

<Creature Detected.>

<Observing Creature...>

<Searching the Archives...>

<Creature has been found>

Persia sighed in relief at the last words of Ego. It seems that Ego found a Clue about the Creature in front of her. The Hatchlings in front of Persia didn't bother her and continued doing their own thing. A Monotone Voice then echoed within Persia's mind.

<Creature Name: Gecko, Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Chordata, Class: Reptilia, Order: Squamata, Infraorder: Gekkota.>

<Desciption: Geckos are Mostly small, usually nocturnal reptiles with soft skin. They possessed a stout short body, a large head, and typically well-developed limbs. The ends of each Limb are often equipped with digits Possessing adhesive pads.>

'Gecko? It seems that I need to retreat after eating the Hatchlings.' Persia nodded and stared at the Hatchlings with a Cold Snake Face. She already adapted in the Laws of the jungle that killing anything wasn't anything new for her. But before Persia could continue with her business. She had one thought about Ego.

'Ego, You really did a good job.' Persia said with a smile within her mind. The Information given to her was important. The Archives of Ego must be full of Info about creatures. As Persia praised Ego for doing her suggestion and job well, A Monotone Voice echoed within Persia's mind.

<Thank you for your praise, Sister. My Archives are still incomplete, and some information might have changed. I would not rely too much on it. The Archives are just there to provide Sister a picture in her Enemy.>

'That makes sense, but such information is still useful.' Persia shook her head. Ego was still too serious. But it was expected as they were in the middle of the Wild. Being too relaxed would backfire on Persia. She then slithered towards the Nest and stared at the 5 Hatchlings.

'My Food...' Persia thought as she stared at the Hatchlings with her Cold Snake Eyes. The 5 Hatchlings turned their head and noticed Persia staring at them. Before they could escape, Persia was too fast for them, and they got trapped in their nest. She swallowed all of them one by one.

As time passes by, Persia swallowed all of the hatchlings. After eating them, She then slithered away from the Nest. She had no plan on encountering the Parents and Fighting them. She traversed through the Lowland and found a small hole. She then used her Skill Burrow. It evolved like the skills within her.

She then slowly burrowed within the Ground. She was probably 2 meters below the ground. The Evolve Version was powerful than the last one. She rested within the Burrow and let her digestion finished itself. A Notification then echoed deep within her head.

[You have eaten 4 Reptilian Creatures named Gecko Hatchling... You have gained 50 Biomass.]

[You have reached a Requirement for a Title.]

'Title?' Persia furrowed her non-existent eyebrows as she stared at the notification window. It's been a while since she had gained a Title. Persia wondered what kind of Title she could get in this Adventure of hers. A Notification began ringing deep within her mind. It seems that the Title awards have started.

[You have been awarded the Title: The Youngling Slayer.]

'What?' Persia got confused at what she heard. The name of the title was strange, but judging from the First Title she got on her first day, the Title names make sense. According to the System's standards, The Names were weird and strange, But they were Useful for numerous purposes. She just shook her head and waited for the notifications.

[The Reason why the User had gotten this skill is written on the Requirements below.]

[First: The User must kill many Young Souls in her New World.]

[Second: The User must be merciless on killing Younglings in her New World.]

[Third: The User must have a deep grudge on a Youngling.]

[Fourth: The User must kill the Youngling that had her Grudge.]

[Fifth: The User must not feel guilt for killing Younglings.]

'I never thought that the Requirements were that harsh. All of the Requirements are according to my actions in recent days. To think I change this much in my new life. But I couldn't do anything about it as I am weak and in the middle of the Wild. I'm just following their own rules.' Persia shook her head. She had become less and less a human. She was turning something different. Something Cold and Merciless.

[Title Description: The User will gain the Ability of the Rare Title named, The Youngling Slayer, The Youngling Slayer would automatically put a Fear effect dependant on the User's Charisma Attribute. The Youngling Slayer would also automatically give debuff to those that are younger than the user.]

'I never thought that I would have this kind of Title.' Persia was in deep silence as she could say anything deep within her mind.

Atop the Surface, A Snakehead slowly rose from the ground. It was Persia... Her Adventure would continue even though she met with strange and awkward situations.. She wouldn't give up and continue giving all of her might against her enemies. What would she do if she met something unnatural?


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