The World Serpent

Chapter 206 - 206-A Short Spar

Within the Forsaken Continent, Plains rumbled, Mountains crumbled, and the Heavens fell. A Serpent-like Creature that seemed like an endless mountain range was fighting against a small lady-lire figure. Energy Orbs were thrown everywhere, resulting in radiant light enveloping the mountain ranges of the Forsaken Continent, and what followed after the radiant light was massive mushroom clouds. Thunderous Sound then round applause as shockwave formed pushing the clouds above the dark heavens away from the Forsaken Continent. 

*BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!*

*BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!*

The Lady fighting against the Serpent was dodging all of its attacks and landed atop a mountain peak. She then clenched her fist as if she was trying to us an attack. The mountains around then crumbled as they slowly levitated above the Forsaken Continent. They pointed themselves towards the Serpent and got propelled at a high speed. But before they could hit the Serpent, an invisible shield stopped them, resulting in them crumbling like dust.

*BANG!!!* *BANG!!!* *BANG!!!* *BANG!!!*

Heavy echoes then sounded in the Forsaken Continent. The lady furrowed her eyebrows upon noticing the ineffectiveness of her attack. She stood quietly in the mountain peak as she activated her Origin Skill. Normal Skills wouldn't work between the two of them, only Origin Skills could give them the pleasure they wanted. The Serpent also had the same thought in mind.

The lady concentrated and created a high mana density around her. Her Origin Skill was simple. It was the absolute control of Nature. Two Light Orbs formed on her hands, and its light rivaled the light of creation. The lady smirked as she combined the two light orbs and created a radiant beam that was propelling itself towards the Serpent at light speed. 

Unfortunately, though, the Serpent already had activated its Origin Skill. It was the Origin Skill, Gate. A Silver Gate then formed in front of the Serpent, and the Beam of Radiant Light entered through it. The Serpent then smiled as it formed another Gate behind the Lady. The Lady instantly noticed the Silver Gate behind her and faded from her spot. The Radiant Beam then exited the Silver Gate and disintegrated everything in front of it. 

'That was a close call... I thought that Silver Gate was a simple origin skill. I never thought that it could throw attack backs at its owners. Intriguing.' The Lady thought to herself as the ground below her cracked. The earth below the Lady started floating, and finally, the Forsaken Continent broke apart into multiple pieces. With this, the fight wouldn't be as simple as before.

The Forsaken Continent was far from its original form. Everything was bits and pieces of the Continent. The only noticeable one was the vast body of the Serpent, A Thousand Kilometer seemingly long body. It flew with its demon-like wings, making it look like an Evil Chaotic Dragon found in the fairy tales. It levitated and gazed upon the lady that broke the Forsaken Continent. 

"Now, this should make everything interesting, right, Persia?" The Lady smiled as she disappeared from her spot. The Serpent started looking around to find the Lady and noticed a warm feeling above her. The Serpent turned its head upwards and saw a small star heading towards it. It then activated its Aegis Shield, which enveloped everything single scale on its body. The small star hit the Serpent, causing it to collapse into a minor supernova. 


The Thunderous and Shattering Sound echoed, a bright hue started burning everything in its path. The pieces of the rumbled Forsaken Continent got disintegrated into nothingness. What was left behind was the Serpent, the Lady, and the only single piece left from the Forsaken Continent. Other than them, there was nothing left but the dark heavens above and the eternal void below. 

Statera, who was taking a nap on the single piece of the Forsaken Continent, slowly woke up. She opened her eyelids, revealing her Red Crimson Eyes. She was somewhat confused as she couldn't see anything other than the ground she was taking a nap on. She then noticed a Gigantic Serpent and a Lady fighting against each other. The two of them seemed to be having fun. 

"A Short Spar? It has been rather a while since I saw Persia fighting against a strong opponent. It would be good for her not to underestimate Drya. The Ability of Absolute Control over Nature is highly sought over by everyone and everything. It's a dangerous ability that is as unpredictable as Nature." Statera uttered while eating a pop-corn with luxurious shades.

Meanwhile, back to the short spar, the Serpent was rather surprised by the small star from above. It knew that it shouldn't underestimate the Lady in front of it. The Serpent needed to use all of its power to defeat the Lady in front of it. Like the World Administrator, it must use its dangerous technique to win the short spar. 

The Serpent furrowed its non-existent eyebrows and folded the space in front of it. It then used its energy ball and propelled it towards the folded space. Then a strange screech echoed upon the impact between the energy ball and the folded space. A bright light shone, and the energy ball turned into a gigantic wave of energy that enveloped everything in front of it at light speed. 

To counter the attack, the Lady smiled and also folded the space in front of her into many folds. It caused a dimensional fissure which devoured the entire blast of high energy. The attack of the Serpent was a failure though its attack didn't end there. The Serpent manipulated space into one singular point created a black hole instantaneously. Everything lost its light as the eternal void and the dark heaven started warping. 

'That wouldn't work against me, Persia.' The Lady thought to herself as she changed the properties of the black holes, causing it to spill everything within it. Creating the opposite known as white holes, the white holes spilled every dense energy within it. Causing massive explosions stronger than the recent supernova, but it didn't end there.

Near the white holes, silver gates enveloped them. And when the white holes spilled everything inside it, its energy was sent elsewhere. It was sent towards the Lady, who got surrounded by thousands of silver gates from all directions. The energy from the white hole then exited from the silver gates. The Lady was trapped without any way of escaping. A Radiant Light then enveloped everything, including the Lady. 

As seconds passed by, the radiant light faded from the dark heavens. What was left was a single figure fully clad in emerald evergreen armor. Her silver-white hair fluttered along with the breeze of foreign winds. She stood there silently as she noticed her Origin Form being activated. Upon the realization, she chuckled as she never thought that her Junior would easily force her to activate the Origin Form. She was rather disappointed at herself though the short spar still hadn't concluded. 

"That was unexpected, though I advise Persia to activate her Origin Form, or else..." The Lady uttered as the Serpent gazed upon her with Golden Amber Eyes. It then nodded as it activated its Origin Form. The Origin Form of one of the Origin Skills, the Origin Form of Gate, which was Porta. A Silver Radiant Light then enveloped the Serpent as if something was about to be born out of nothingness. 

The Silver Radiant Light faded like the lights before. What was left behind was the Silver Serpent surrounded by thousands of endless gates, Gates that signify connection, entry, and exit. The connection of each World, Realms, and Regions. The Entry and Exit of Life within the Existence of Reality. The Serpent didn't activate the First Form but the Second before the Final Form.

A smile slowly formed on Drya's face as her emerald evergreen armor slowly changed into something alien-like. It became formless and started to warp the space around her. Reality itself was bowing down upon the Lady while Reality was presented its connection to the Serpent. The Next Stage of the Spar was about to start, it was a Spar between the Second before their Final Origin Forms. 

Statera gazed from afar as a serious expression formed on her face. That was what happened during her fight with Persia. She couldn't control herself and almost released all her strength. Those with Origin Forms can only be accomplished by the Mythical Daemons. It appears that Drya had secretly gained her Origin Forms. 

"I'm a bit jealous..." Statera uttered while looking at the two of them from afar. At that moment, their Origin Forms solidified, signifying the start of the next stage of their Battle.

The Serpent and the Lady began charging towards each other. Each of them represented different things. The Concepts of Connection and Nature were intriguing concepts that would warp the laws of Reality. As the two charged towards each other, a rainbow-like hue then formed. And before meeting each other, they were smiling as if they were having fun. 

Great Rulers who had to limit themselves could finally be free from the shackles of responsibility. Even if it was a single moment, it was a moment that significantly changed their lives. 

Upon impact, the dimension of the World of Exterreri cracked into numerous pieces. The Eternal Void and the Dark Heaves got pushed back as the real image of the World of Exterreri revealed itself. It wasn't a Vast Dark World, but a Fallen World. Its beauty was hidden under the Eternal Void and above the Dark Heavens. With the power surge caused by the two, it revealed itself in a single moment.

The night skies that was enveloped by blinking starry stars above, along with the bright and colorful vegetations below. 


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