The World Serpent

Chapter 191 - 191-Contact

As the Azathoth Fleet left the deep underground basement of the Fortress Bastion, the only ones left within the Fortress Bastion were a small number of Inquisitors along with the newly gained civilians. Persia, Ego, and Nyx were gazing upon the heavens by looking through it via opened metallic gate. 

"That was rather fast..." A smile slowly formed Persia's face. It was different from the soothing smile she had always plastered on her face while talking to her daughter. It was the demonic smile that came from the Demon Lord and the World Serpent. She turned her gaze towards Ego and Nyx as she looked at them with her Golden Amber Eyes. 

"I wanted to be with the Nation of Azathoth without causing that many problems. But invaders here, invaders there, it appears that fate really hates me. If it does hate me, I will do everything in my power to severe its string in the Realm of Piksyon. So, Ego... Will you follow me?" A question echoed and escaped from Persia's gracious lips. 

Nyx and Ego instantly kneeled and bowed their heads towards Persia. The peaceful days before would become important, After all, Persia was now getting serious. ""We will follow you until the void of nothingness consumes reality. We are our Older Sister's Spear and Shield."" The two of them said at the same time as Persia released a smile. 

"I have been investigating them for a while, The Outer Gods... Or so, what they call themselves. The Current Realm of Piksyon had been about 2 million years old. By saying that, what I mean is that the oldest history recorded was about 2 million years old. But what about the history that comes before that? The Ancient Civilizations of the Realm of Piksyon." 

"The Ancient Ruins all around the Realm of Piksyon could be a sign of an Ancient Civilization. But most historians would agree that the Ancient Ruins come from foreigners instead. After all, it does connect the Realm of Piksyon towards other worlds. Anyway, there were a lot of discoveries from the Ancient Ruins, and one of them was the Archaeos Race." 

"They are older than anyone or anything. They came before the creation of the Realm of Piksyon. Outsiders who have no home and were the first inhabitants of the Realm. They are extremely powerful, and they could even rival gods in terms of pure power. Lastly, speculations about them staying in the fringes of the Continent arise."

After hearing Persia's explanation, Ego instantly realized what she was trying to tell. Ego furrowed her eyebrows and spoke with her monotone voice. "Is Sister trying to say that the things you found in the fringes of the Continent were the Archaeos? The Old Primordial Race of the Realm of Piksyon?" 

"Well, that is my current theory. After all, someone or something did block an attack that consisted of my whole power. I always wondered how it was possible for the ocean to consume an entire star without any effects. It looks like the answer to my question was in front of me all along." Persia smirked as she could use some new powerful allies. Especially the ones that would rival the Outer Gods. 

"They will be good allies. Since they are the Oldest Inhabitants of the Realm of Piksyon, They might accept our plead for help. I don't know if I could fight against an Outer God. I don't have that much information about them. According to some, they are a little bit weaker than the World Administrator."

"But, even though I defeated a World Administrator before. It was a weakened one. I didn't even manage to kill it. I only forced its consciousness back to the void, so that it won't bother the inhabitants." Persia sighed as she wondered why she was always fighting against strong enemies. Well, it was better than fighting against weaker ones. 

"I can see where you are going, Sister. But are you really sure about it? They can annihilate us during the discussion, and we won't be able to do anything about it." What Ego said was correct. It was too fast and bold to discuss with an Old Primordial Race. 

"There is no need to worry, Ego. I have my ways so that we can escape. Though, what happens after that would be a nightmare." Persia jokingly said while chuckling. Ego and Nyx were in silence as Nyx uttered with her serene voice. "I'm quite lost. What the hell are they talking about?"

"Confused, aren't you, Nyx? Let the two of us handle the technical problems. The only thing I want you to do is to send something like a distress signal when things go bad. Like a nightmare about the Archaeos Race so that we would be able to announce their existence and danger if push comes to shove."

"If possible, I would like you to send their locations to the foreigners outside. If we die, we would drag them with us." Kind of unexpected of the World Serpent, she was treading everything with cautiousness. She was calculating each possibility. The good ones and the bad ones. The things they could do about each possibility. 

She wasn't as bold as before, and even if she came up with a bold plan. There would be backups in case the plan fails. Although, she wasn't hiding from the Realm of Piksyon like before. Maybe, in the future when the Realm of Piksyon had forgotten the existence of the Nation of Azathoth and the Inquisition.

"If that is what Older Sister wants. I can do it." Nyx nodded in agreement and didn't disagree with Persia's current plan. Ego, on the other hand, was thinking about it. If the danger could push her Sister this much, Ego would have to raise the stakes about the danger. 

"Since the two of you are in agreement. I also agree with it. I do hope that nothing bad would happen or else, instead of making the flames calm down. We would make it worse by introducing the Archaeos Race into the Great War in the Realm of Piksyon." Ego had no choice but to accept it. Since her sisters had reached their conclusion, It was also time for her to do the same.

"Well, then... Shall we go and meet them? I do hope that none of you would get nervous when meeting them." Persia smirked as she conjured a Silver Gate. The Silver Gate emerged in front of Persia, Nyx, and Ego. It was about time for them to enter the fringes of the Continent together. 

Back in the fringes of the continent, A Silver Radiant Gate emerged from thin air. After the emergence of the Silver Radiant Gate, three silver-hair girls exited from it. They were amongst the strongest creatures within the Nation of Azathoth. Ego, the Architect, Persia, the World Serpent, and Nyx, the Nightmare.

As they exited the Silver Radiant Gate, the Gate closed off, and the trio finally could take a look at the scenery of the fringes of the Continent. Nyx and Ego were looking around with pure curiosity plastered on their faces. After all, it was the first time they visited the fringes of the continent.

"It's a lot more desolate than expected. It appears that nothing exists here but a vast wasteland of nothingness. Well, the continent of the Realm of Piksyon is too large no matter how many races inhabited. Though, this does make me wonder about the remaining sides of the continent." Ego said with her monotone voice as she continued looking at the area around her.

The Fringes of the Continent where the trio visited was simply the side of the Endless Grassland. One would wonder about the side of the Calidus Desert, Glacies Tundra, and the Arcanum Region. With how big the Continent was, it wouldn't be surprising to find hidden civilizations unaffected by the Great War or the Nations within the Realm of Piksyon. 

"The place is dead, and the ridges seemed to be at least kilometers tall from the ocean. This is the Perfect Place for an Old Primordial Race to live. Nothing would bother them with their affairs, and they can do anything they want without causing problems." Nyx uttered while gazing at the horizon of the ocean. 

The horizon was quite beautiful. A Vast Oceanic Horizon of Nothingness, it appears that the Realm of Piksyon was as endless as it seems. Nyx and Ego always wondered about the full scale of the Realm of Piksyon. The Continent was already too big, so what was the limit of the vast and endless ocean?

"We aren't here for sightseeing. The two of you can do that after having a discussion with them. After all, that is the reason why I came back to this place." Persia said with a cold and serious voice. This was the place that blew her confidence and pride, The seemingly endless horizon, the untouchable ocean, and the ancient primordial race that inhabited its depths. 

Ego and Nyx nodded their heads at the same time as they looked at Persia, waiting for something to happen. Persia walked forward and activated one of the skills that woke Archaeos up. Seconds later, Ego and Nyx noticed the draining of Persia's energy. They turned their heads upwards and saw something amazing. 

A Star fell from the heavens and propelled itself to the ocean. It landed on the horizon and once again, like before. Nothing happened. The strong attack didn't have any effect on the ocean. Though, it didn't end there. 

A Giant Shadowy Figure slowly rose from the endless ocean. It was bigger than anything Nyx and Ego had seen.. Such was the Archaeos, known as Neptune.


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