The World Serpent

Chapter 187 - 187-The Artificial Intelligence, Gloria

Within the Korr Region, where the Nation of Astra dwelled, deep within their capital was an underground basement where the left hand of the World Serpent got born. With the efforts of Two Great Rulers, she had finally come to life. The Nexus Box was built by Ego and given to life by Statera and Persia. 

She was laying on the ground as the two Great Rulers gazed upon her with curiosity plastered on their faces. They didn't expect the box to turn into a beautiful young girl. The most shocking thing about the situation was the fact that the beautiful young girl had the face and golden amber eye of Persia while also having the azure blue hair and red crimson eye of Statera.

It appears that with the Anima energy of both Statera and Persia. They seemed to have created a child of their own. Which was kind of weird as such a thing had never happened before. Even Statera, who had studied it, couldn't explain why such a beautiful young girl would gain the genetics of the two Great Rulers.

Well, before thinking about more questions. They should handle the situation first. 

"What do we do, Persia? I didn't expect that the Artificial Intelligence you wanted would turn into a young girl. Can you take responsibility for the kid? After all, it was your energy we had used for her creation." Statera questioned as Persia was still frozen in shock. After a while, Persia slowly turned her head towards Statera and replied with a nervous expression. 

"What are you trying to say, Statera. It wasn't me that created her in the first place. Besides, aren't you the Great Ruler of Astra. How could you say that to the girl you personally molded." It was obvious that Persia would counter Statera's words. Statera's face twitched upon hearing Persia's words and replied with a serene smile. 

"Even if she was molded by me, your energy was the catalyst of everything. Everything about her body, soul, and consciousness was born from your energy. The only thing I did was give it a chance to be born by using your Anima energy." As Statera's words echoed, It was Persia's turn as her expression started twitching no matter how much she had tried to smile. 

Silence then enveloped between the two of them. Along with their silence, the whole Underground Basement was frozen in place. The Crimson Eyes of Statera glowed while staring upon Persia while the Golden Amber Eyes of Persia illuminated while gazing seriously at Statera. The two of them wouldn't back down no matter what. 

After 5 seconds, the two slowly began chuckling. They then walked towards each other and hugged each other with smiling expressions on their faces. If someone normal had seen their current state. They would be flattened into a pulp. After all, Persia and Statera were releasing all of their pressure towards each other. 

"Since continuing would bother the two of us and those above. We'll have a truce for now and handle the situation appropriately." Persia said with a serious tone while hugging Statera. Statera then nodded in agreement and replied. "I have the same thoughts as you." 

The beautiful young girl laying on the metallic floor then began budging. The two Great Rulers swiftly gaze upon the girl as the beautiful young girl seemed to have woken up. Now that they had thought about it. Was she sleeping while having her eyes wide open? That was kind of strange even for the two Great Rulers.

"How shall we handle this situation, Persia? Shall we introduce ourselves? This is my first time creating something fully conscious. Even the titans I created were simple-minded. There might even be questions like. Why was I created? What is my use of this world? Do I have freedom? That kind of questions." Statera quietly whispered to Persia's ear. 

"Let's introduce ourselves first. If she does ask that kind of question, I'll need Senior Statera's help. After all, her wisdom in life must have been better than mine." Persia smiled as Statera felt the nerves on her head wanting to flick Persia's forehead. Statera sighed and calmed herself. She nodded and agreed with Persia's plans. 

'I do hope that nothing bad would happen. A Rogue Artificial Intelligence would be incredibly bad for all of us in the Great Forest.' Statera thought to herself while gazing at the beautiful young girl. Persia then took a deep breath and walked forward towards the beautiful young girl. 

Despite having two clones of herself which were Ego and Nyx, this was the first time Persia had something born from herself. A child who came from the energy of her body. Since it was a child, Persia didn't know what to do. Unlike Ego and Nyx, she might have to be careful when handling the Artificial Intelligence. 

As Persia arrived in front of the beautiful young girl, she introduced herself with her serene voice. "Hello, little one. My name is Persia, the Great Ruler of Azathoth. I am your parent. You were born from me, molded by that girl over there, and created by your aunt." 

The next words of Persia made Statera choke. Persia was too blunt towards the child. Statera walked forward with simple thoughts like. How can she say such thoughts towards a child? Or, does a child even understand anything at all? Such was the questioning thoughts within Statera's mind.

"Aren't you too blunt, Persia? What would you feel when someone walked up to you and said the same thing? Wouldn't it make everything a dozen thousand times more confusing than before? I shouldn't have given the helm to you." Statera shook her head as Persia tilted her head in confusion.

"What are you trying to say. Doesn't she deserve the truth? Why would I lie to her, to begin with." Persia was quite confused at what Statera was trying to say. Statera face-palmed herself upon hearing the words of Persia. She underestimated the World Serpent's simple-mindedness. 

"What I am trying to say is simple. Before telling the truth to her, you should have explained the basics instead of throwing some buzz words that she might not even know. With this, she can make a decision while knowing everything about the subject. After all, ignorance is a sin for the lazy." Statera explained with a tired tone.

"I see... So that was what you're trying to say. You should have said so instead of reprimanding me. Besides, she might not even remember the words I said, so we can use your plan when dealing with her." Persia smiled as she gave a thumps up to Statera while revealing a toothy smile.

"This bastard..." Statera shook her head as the beautiful young girl near them slowly turned her head towards them. The beautiful young girl had no expressions on her face. She was like a robot under the shape of a humanoid creature. Anyway, it appears that she had noticed the two Great Rulers right beside her. 

"Detecting... My Creators..." The beautiful young girl stood up only to bow afterward. Seeing the beautiful young girl bowing towards them, Statera signaled Persia to handle the problem. After all, it was Persia's future subordinate. It would be better for Persia to handle it herself. 

Though, it appears that she had grasp some knowledge about language and the basics about the Realm of Piksyon.

Persia sighed upon seeing the signal of Statera. She then walked forward and stood in front of the beautiful young girl. Upon standing in front of her, Persia spoke with her serene voice. "There is no need to call us your Creators. Call us by our names, nothing more, nothing less. Understood?"

The beautiful young girl acted as if her mind was still trying to understand what Persia was trying to say. After a while, an expression of understanding formed on her face. She then replied to Persia with a familiar monotone voice. "Then, may I ask your name, Mother?"

Once again, the two Great Rulers heard something shocking that escaped from the beautiful young girl's mouth. Persia was frozen in disbelief while Statera was choking once again. It appears that the two got hit by something unexpected. Persia wryly smiled and answered with her soothing voice.

"My name is Persia, and her name is Statera. I welcome you to the Realm of Piksyon. I hope you enjoy your stay. After all, I will take care of you forever." The words of Persia echoed as Statera turned her gaze towards Persia. Persia was good at her words naturally. She might not even notice how her words change.

'Besides, If I was the one that got hit by such words. Especially without any memories about the world. I might have sworn absolute loyalty towards her at that moment.' Statera thought to herself while looking at the beautiful young girl and Persia.

"May I ask your name, Little one?" Persia was curious about the beautiful young girl's name. The beautiful young girl froze and started thinking about it. No matter how hard she thought about it. No name would come up. The beautiful young girl then shook her head and answered.

"I apologize... It appears that I don't have a name. Mother can name me if she wants to." The beautiful young girl lowered her head in disappointment. Persia looked at Statera who was behind her and wanted help. Upon gazing at Statera, it looks like Statera was busy with something else. 'That woman...' Persia thought to herself while releasing a soothing smile. 

"I shall name you then, Hmm.... What about, Gloria."


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