The World Serpent

Chapter 176 - 176-The Vast Wave In The Realm Of Piksyon

Within the Arcanum Region, the Great Rulers inhabiting the Region had sent their armies to invade the Great Forest. Unfortunately, the Beastfolk Race protecting the eastern side of the Great Forest was hard to breakthrough. Along with the help of spirits, The Nation of Bestia successfully defended against each attempt of invasion from the Arcanum Region. 

It has been a while since the Great War had started. Casualties were piling one after another. If they couldn't break through the defense of the Eastern Side of the Great Forest. The Arcanum Region wouldn't have any chances of invading or keeping anything within the Great Forest at all. 

In the Central Part of the Arcanum Region, where the Great Army of the Arcanum Region's Command Center resided, numerous Great Rulers of the Arcanum Region were gathered together in order to talk about the strategy they had on the Great War between the Arcanum Region and the Nation of Bestia. 

The strongest Great Rulers of the Arcanum Region gathered together in one spot. Even three of the Mythical Daemons in the Arcanum Region also entered the meeting. It appears that the situation was severely serious and the Devils and many Races within the Arcanum Region were obsessed with getting the World Tree within the Nation of Astra. 

"We have gathered here together to deal with the Great Wall of Bestia. We underestimated the power of the Great Forest and had severe casualties for it. The order for a temporary retreat has been given, and it is time to reorganize our armies. We aren't dealing with a pesky nation but an Entire Super Continental Region with Four Mythical Daemons."

"I hope you don't forget that." 

The one speaking was the Great Ruler of the Dragons, Invicta. One of the Three Mythical Daemons who were attending the Great War Meeting of the Arcanum Region. As she was a Dragon with old age and wisdom of genesis, she had already known the failure of the First Invasion against the Great Forest. Even with the power of all the Continental Regions, the Great Forest didn't fall and continued to fight on. 

It was unfortunate that the Dragons weren't living in the Great Forest. After all, they were supposed to be the Creatures of Nature. They were supposed to act for Nature, not fight against it. But there was nothing Invicta could do. She wanted the Dragon Race to survive in the Realm of Piksyon, Even if it concludes with the betrayal of the reason why they got created. 

Anyway, the reason why the Arcanum Region underestimated the Great Forest was the fact that they had originally thought that the Great Forest would be unprepared for war. Fortunately for the Great Forest and Unfortunately for them, they were wrong. Even after a thousand years had passed since the Last Great War, the Great Forest continued gathering its strength in order to defend itself for future circumstances.

"They didn't let the calmness and sweetness of peace let their guard down. They continued building their army in secret and constructed various defensive structures all throughout the Great Forest. With this information, it is clear that any Continental Region wouldn't be able to pierce through the defense of the Great Forest."

"We would have to make a strategy for our Great Army to pierce the defenses of the Nation of Bestia. Their Great Wall is heavily fortified. I can't believe they were secretly building such a massive structure. I always wondered why a vast poisonous mist was covering the entire Continental Borders." 

The More Invicta had spoken, the more they realized how well-prepared the Great Forest was. Even Invicta herself couldn't deny the current strength of the Great Forest. If it was the opposite. If the Great Forest had invaded the Arcanum Region. The Arcanum Region would be struck with the greatest calamity and the entire Region itself might sink. 

"Do you have any opinions about the Great War? Great Ruler of the Devils, Malum. I always wondered about what you're thinking about the Great War." Invicta's gazed pierced through the crowd of Great Rulers and gazed upon the Great Ruler of the Devils. The one who started everything. 

Every Great Ruler turned their gaze towards the Great Ruler of the Devils. The Second Mythical Daemon within the Arcanum Region. He was the one who started the Great War and the one who convinced the Foreign Continental Regions to join for profits. He had connections of beings beyond the Realm of Piksyon and with the Origin Skill known as Rebel.

Malum looked at every Great Ruler within the meeting with his red-crimson eyes. He was the Strongest Devil in the Realm of Piksyon. The one who seems to love starting Great Wars and causing endless bloodshed in the lands of Piksyon. Of course, that was to be expected as he was a Devil, not a Saint or an Angel. 

"I'm moving my devils for a Mass Transfer. I want to pierce through their defenses via the Occidental Region. Even with the Occidental Guardian guarding it or the New Demon Lord protecting it, I am confident of our power to pierce through the borders and attack the Nations via pincer attack."

"I already sent the Undead Legion of the Great Undead Ruler to attack the Occidental Border. The Mass Teleportation was a success, and they are currently helping the Great Army of the Plains fight against the Border Guards." Malum explained with a cold and calm voice. There was no use in hiding anything since there were two Mythical Daemons within the meeting other than him.

"Have you gotten any report about them? What is the strength of the Border Guards? And did the Occidental Guardian interfere with the Invasion?" Invicta had tons of questions. Malum could only sigh as he didn't want to answer the Dragon's question. Invicta looked at him with a serious expression and decided to ignore it for now. 

'There is no use in getting angry about it. We need unity, or we would fall even without the Great Forest touching us. Why do we, the Dragon Race, have to fall in the Region? Was this punishment towards us by the Realm of Piksyon?' Such were the thoughts of Invicta, the punishment of the World. The Dragon Race have been abandoned and were no more the World's Children. 

"Anyway, let us continue with the meeting. The Great Army is too divided apart. We would have to gather our Army and turn it into a spearhead. That would be the only chance we would gain from piercing through the Great Walls of Bestia. Other than that, We would have to create a detailed strategy based on this concept." 

"Does anyone have any other opinions helpful for our strategy?" Invicta asked as no one, and nothing answered. The hierarchy was too obvious, and despite having an alliance, there was no unity. The ones holding it were the Title Mythical Daemons, but even Mythical Daemons have frictions against each other. 

Invicta was lowering herself for the sake of the alliance so that they could defeat the Great Forest. She was the Great Ruler of the Dragon Race. She must make the Dragon Race go back to the World Tree. Such was her wish, her simple wish to the future. 

No one answered her words. They couldn't think of anything and even if they had thought of something. They wouldn't speak of it. They were afraid to offend anyone within the meeting. Only the Mythical Daemons could speak without getting afraid of offending anyone. 

As no one replied, Invicta thought that no one had any opinions about the Great War. She wanted to start the creation of the detailed strategy, but before she could start. The door of the meeting room swiftly opened. A panting devil entered the meeting room and released the news of the invasion force they sent on the Occidental Region. 

"The Invasion Force we had sent in the Occidental Region has been wiped out along with the Great Army of the Plains right beside them. The Great Ruler Massacre also happened, and the Occidental Guardian devoured 10% of the Great Rulers in the Endless Grasslands in one night." 

Hearing the words of the Devil, all Great Rulers within the meeting room were shocked. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. The First One was a surprise as it hasn't been long since the Undead Legion appeared in the borders of the Occidental Region. The Second One was a shock as 10% of the Great Rulers within the Endless Grassland got devoured. It speaks the strength of the Occidental Guardian. 

Malum gazed upon the devil with a serious expression. It appears that his plan failed, and he underestimated the New Demon. It hasn't been a while since the Occidental Region got their Great Ruler. The Occidental Guardian didn't have enough time to gather a sufficient army and enter the Great War. 

In the end, it was his miscalculations. Nevertheless, it wasn't that much of a loss for him. His cards were still numerous, and those outside were about to enter the Realm of Piksyon. But before she could continue with such thoughts, something happened. 

In the Realm of Piksyon, A Vast Wave of Energy swept through the land. It came from the Great Forest, specifically the Occidental Region. Such a Vast Wave of Energy was something rarer than the revelation of the New Demon. After all, the Vast Wave of Energy signified the Evolution of the Mythical Daemon Category. 

"A New Mythical Daemon has been born... And it's the Occidental Guardian." Invicta couldn't believe the words coming from her mouth. Wasn't the Occidental Guardian a newly elected Great Ruler? How did she evolve in a matter of a year? There was no use in asking questions. But Invicta knows for sure the difficulty of invading the Great Forest increased at this very moment. 

With that, The Mythical Daemon Persia has risen into power. 


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