The World Serpent

Chapter 171 - 171-Southern Outskirt

*BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!*

Thunderous explosions sounded in the Southern Outskirts. The location was supposed to be the spear of the Great Army of the Plains along with the Arcanum Region Army. They never thought that the Inquisitors would be there, defending the place. But even with the Inquisitors, they continued on their invasion.

The Arcanum Region Army was sent by the Undead Nation. It had the name known as the Undead Legion. Consisting of Millions of Undead with technology comparable to modern ones. They were quite powerful but even with their power. The Inquisitors defended the area without any problems. Even then, the Undead Legion thought they could overrun.

Or so they thought, the Undead Legion had underestimated the Occidental Region and its power. Despite being young, it had enough strength to easily defend against anyone that dared to invade it. The Inquisitors were already pushing them back, and more reinforcements kept coming without any plans on stopping.

The Undead Commanders within the Undead Legion were in their camps thinking of any plans to defeat the Inquisitors. Silence enveloped the operation room of the Undead Commanders. It looked like a strange dark dungeon room. It was kind of strange as combined with their technology. It made them look like a grimdark fantasy race. 

"General, we are being pushed back by the Inquisitors. We had thought that they would focus their forces on handling the Main Great Army of the Plains. It seems that they still have enough Inquisitors to send towards the Southern Outskirts." An Undead Commander said with a calm voice. They were advancing with tanks, planes, and many more vehicles. But they kept exploding, resulting in massive casualties. 

The Undead General was the strongest of the Undead Commanders. He was one of the 10 Undead Generals in the Undead Nation known as Mors. Looking at the reports of the Undead Commanders, it seems that they had underestimated the power and logistics of the enemy. Reinforcements kept coming, and they didn't seem to get tired. 

"I heard that the Inquisitors could transform themselves into Gigantic Demonic Silver Wolves. Is this information true?" The Undead General asked while slowly putting the reports back to the table. He was looking at the Undead Commanders with his pitch-black eye sockets. A Cold Aura emanated from his body resulting in the temperature of the operation room going down.

"The information is correct and true, General. From the reports of our troops, the Inquisitors can transform into wolves with a height of 200m. They can also manipulate certain elements, and some of them even have abstract abilities. They are incredibly dangerous, and we haven't killed a single one of them."

An Undead Commander reported the information of the Inquisitors. After hearing more of the Inquisitors, the Undead General was impressed. He never thought that he could see such a powerful race within the Occidental Region. If they had been within the Arcanum Region, they would have been a great help. 

"What about the artilleries and bombs. Do they not work against them?" The Undead General questioned as the Undead Nation of Mors was known for their cannons, artilleries, and bombs. It would be embarrassing for their weapons to not work against the Inquisitors. Do the Inquisitors even get injured?

"They do not work against them, General. Their skin seemed to be impenetrable. Even using shockwaves against them doesn't work. Temperature doesn't work, force doesn't work, nothing seemed to work against them. I recommend retreating and returning back to the nation."

The Undead Commander gave a piece of advice. He wanted to go back as the Southern Outskirts appear to be a lost cause. He also didn't want to continue wasting troops to a bone grinder. Even if they had retreated and cause dishonor to the Undead Nation. They could still continue serving the Undead Nation of Mors without getting grinded in the battlefield.

"Don't be a coward. Why would we retreat against some forces in the Occidental Region? We haven't tried everything yet. The Great Ruler ordered us to pierce through the Southern Outskirts, so the only thing we need to do is pierce through it." If the Undead General had a face, he would have been smirking by now. 

Hearing the plans of the Undead General, the Undead Commanders started giving it a thought. They would have to leave the Great Army of the Plains as bait. Though, the Great Army of the Plains was useless as always. The gigantic area of the Occidental Region would give the Inquisitors a hard time finding them.

"So, does anyone disagree with this plan? We will split ourselves apart and gather at a rendezvous point. Whether you would be there at the rendezvous point or not is highly dependent on your ability as a leader." The Undead Commanders couldn't disagree with the plans of the Undead General. It was the only way other than a retreat back to the Undead Nation of Mors. 

"With your silence, I believe we have reached an agreement. We will leave the heavy vehicles for the Great Army of the Plains. It would help them buy more time by fighting against the Inquisitors." Leaving the heavy vehicles made sense, and giving them to the Great Army was a good plan.

Though, amongst the Undead Commanders. One of them didn't agree with the Undead General's plan. He raised his hand in disagreement as the Undead General looked at him. If the Undead General had a face, he would have been furrowing his eyebrows while seriously staring at the Undead Commander that disagreed.

"Why had you disagreed? Is there something in the plan that made you disagree?" The Undead General was curious, so he questioned the Undead Commander. The Undead Commander nodded and replied with a calm voice. "There is a reason why I disagreed with your plan, General. It is mainly about logistics." 


"The Undead Legion comprises of a Million Undeads. With only 19 Generals, including me, we would have to manage tens of thousands of Undeads. The problem doesn't end there. Tens of thousands of Undeads are incredibly dense, which means that it would be extremely hard for us to hide from the Inquisitors. There is also a problem with transportation. Our Light Transport Vehicles wouldn't be able to take tons of Undeads."

"With that, how do you plan on the transportation and management of the Undeads? We would probably scatter, and it would result in the destruction of the Undead Legion. We would fall without the Inquisitors fighting us. That is a lot more dishonorable than a simple retreat, don't you think?" 

What the Undead Commander had said was correct. The Undead Commanders around him had realized how foolish they were. Even the Undead General couldn't help but think back to his plans. They weren't detailed plans but simple ones that sounded plausible but logically hard or maybe implausible. Without the Undead Commander' disagreement, they might have continued with the plan and gotten destroyed without fighting the enemy. 

"What you said made sense. If this plan isn't a good thing for our Legion, then what plan do you propose, Commander?" The Undead General asked with a calm voice. They would still have to continue fighting against the Inquisitors. As seconds passed by within the Operation Room, hundreds of Undeads would have been decimated on the battlefield. 

"I propose a simple plan. We will spearhead the Southern Outskirts and break through their defenses. In order to do that, We would need the heavy vehicles acting as our shield, along with the light vehicles protected in the center. After breaking through, the spear would open up, and the light vehicles would begin their invasion. This would cause a lot of casualties, but the Great Ruler did order us to break through the Southern Outskirts." 

"That is an interesting plan you have. Give us more details about that plans of yours. Whether or not we will agree with your proposal is highly dependent on the details of your plan, Understood?" The Undead Commander nodded in agreement after hearing the words of the Undead General. He then started giving more details to the Undead General resulting in the surprises of the General and the Commanders. 

Meanwhile, within the other side of the Southern Outskirts. On the side of the Occidental Region, the Inquisitors were gathering together. They started building camps for themselves and for the Governor Inquisitors that were about to help them. Some of them had injuries, but they easily got healed by their fellow Inquisitors. With a healer, the Inquisitors seemed to be invincible on the battlefield. 

An Inquisitor quietly stood while gazing in the direction of the battlefield. It had calmed down, unlike before, which was full of explosions, bones, and blood. It was the first time since she had joined a war. A Great War at that. Ever since they became the subordinates of their master, the Silver Wolves, Crescents, or Demons have been rising in the ladder of races.

It was all thanks to their Master and her Sister Ego. If not for them, the Inquisitors would have been like the pitiful Daemon Beast, unaware of the large world. Before she could continue thinking about their Master, she noticed three figures in the distance. They were the Three Governor Inquisitors of the Inquisition. 

"Why did you make me wait? I could have arrived at the battlefield and joined the battle." A cute yet grumpy sound echoed. It was Marx who seemed to be angry. She wanted to join the battle, but before she could escape. The space around the Operation Room got manipulated by Capita, resulting in the entrapment of Marx.

"Don't go charging to the battlefield if you don't want that to happen ever again." Capita's monotone voice echoed along with Luna's calming voice.

"Now, now, We need to help our Sisters, so don't start a fight." 


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