The World Serpent

Chapter 140 - 140-The Arcanum Region

As the Gargantuan Illuminating Hand of Persia created a Vast and Deep Ditch that covered the Great Plateau, She began personally guiding the construction of the Fortress Bastion with her Dominion Control. It took a while for her to get used to the Dominion Control. But after spending her time using it. She finally had Full control over the Dominion Control.

While controlling the Dominion Control, Persia had discovered a dozen possible applications of the Dominion Control. She helped the Construction Drones of the Inquisition to build smoothly, and she even created a lifeline where the Construction Drones would construct under their full potential. Though, Persia found the Treacherous Terrain of the Great Plateau quite problematic.

Without her Dominion Control, The Terrain might have been an annoying problem for Persia. The Aerial Drones and Sub Drones would have to create a pathway for the Ground Drones to traverse around the Great Plateau. Though, It wasn't much of a problem now. After all, Persia had already created a road for Construction Drones using her Dominion Control.

When Persia was guiding the construction of the Fortress Bastion, Ego had woke up from her slumber. She found herself light and soft. Ego didn't know what such feeling was, but she felt some shackles escaping her body. Ego shook her head and thought. 'How long was I asleep?' That was the first thought that passed through her mind after she had awoken. 

Ego has been Persia's right-hand woman for a long time. She was always right beside her Sister day and night. Such life was what she wanted, and she didn't want such moments to end. But with such thinking, Ego forgot to take care of herself. Despite lacking the ability to feel stress, Her body was taking in problems from her inability to perceive her mental health. Even if she had a strong body, Her mind might find itself in a Serious state.

The exhaustion force Ego's body and mind to restart. It forced Ego to take a deep rest which was an excellent way to heal. Well, speaking of such things would be useless now. Persia already had hardened her will on taking a vacation with Ego. She also wanted Ego to take a month off from managing the Inquisition. It was time for Persia to take responsibility for her Organization. With this kind of thinking, she wanted those who led the Inquisition in her place to take a rest. 

"It seems that you have woken up, Ego." Ego heard a Soothing voice echoing right beside her ear. She turned her head and found her Sister staring at herself. Persia's Golden Amber Eyes shone while gazing upon Ego as Ego nodded and replied with a Calm voice. "I apologized for sleeping while everyone is working, Sister." Ego lightly bowed. 

Hearing the words of Ego, Persia sighed and shook her head. She sat on her comfy chair and stared at Ego with a Serious expression. Ego tilted her head in confusion. Was her Sister angry for slacking off? Such a question echoed within Ego's head. Though, it seems that she was wrong about her Question. After all, Persia wanted the opposite. 

"Ego, I want you to take a rest." 

Persia's voice echoed as Ego found herself frozen in confusion. What did her Sister say again? Such a thought passed through her mind. Ego then looked at Persia and asked. "What did you say, Sister?" Ego asked with her calm voice. 

"Take a rest, Ego. I'll give you a month off. I want you to relax. After all, you have been managing the Inquisition ever since its Creation." Persia replied with her Soothing voice. As Persia's reply echoed within Ego's mind, Ego didn't know what to say. From Persia's words, It seemed that Persia wanted Ego to take a rest. But why would she? Ego doesn't want to feel useless, so she obviously wouldn't accept her Sister's words. 

"Before you disagree, I'm not planning on changing my mind," Persia said with a determined voice. It seems that Persia was hellbent on Ego taking a rest. Ego couldn't help but rise and look at her Sister with her Golden Amber Eyes. "Sister, I want to help." Ego muttered while clenching her fist. 

Persia sighed after hearing Ego's words. "I know you want to help, but you have done enough. I want you to take a break and observe. You can do anything you want besides working. Ego, I'm not saying this because I don't want you to work. I'm saying this because I want you to take a rest." Persia smiled as Ego lowered her head. 

"Besides, as the Master of the Inquisition. Why am I letting my Subordinate handle all the work?" Persia mumbled as if she was mocking herself. She was a Bad Leader and Master. The only thing she had was Strength. Other than that, Persia was nothing. She didn't take care of the Inquisition and let others take care of it. The only thing she had done for the Inquisition was being its image. 

But can she be the Master of the Inquisition if she was simply an image of the Organization? The fact that she wasn't doing anything about the Inquisition was bothering her. She didn't know that much about its internal affairs despite being the Inquisition Master. Persia once again sighed as she gazed upon the ceiling. With her help, the Fortress Bastion would get completed faster than before. But she still feels that it wasn't enough. 

Ego looked at her Sister's Golden Amber Eyes and saddened Face. It seems that Persia was having a problem of her own. Though, she never noticed it as she concentrated on managing the Inquisition. She then stood up and gazed upon her Sister as she asked with her Monotone voice. 

"I can teach Sister more about the Inquisition. Does Sister want to educate herself about the Organization?" Ego's words echoed, which made Persia stop gazing at the ceiling. Persia turned her head towards Ego. She noticed Ego's determined Face and smiled. "It seems that the Inquisition's Teacher is about to educate its Master."


Meanwhile, In the Arcanum Region. Deep within the Territory of the Devil Race was the Tower of Sins. Known as the Center of all the Seven Devil Nations of the Arcanum Region. The Tower of Sins was the Fortress Tower where all Devil Monarchs, including the Great Ruler of the Devils, Gather. 

In the Hallways within the Tower of Sins, The Devil of Sloth calmly walked through while holding his Scepter. He was the Devil Monarch who managed the meet the Demon Serpent. The Devil of Sloth understood from its power that the Great Forest was Stronger than they had expected. Such a simple fact was dangerous. He needed to report it to everyone in the Tower of Sins. 

Arriving at the front door leading to the Round Table of the 8 Grandious Devils, The Devil of Sloth opened it as every Devil Monarch had appeared before him. He looked at each of the Devil Monarchs and nodded as he sat on his chair. The Devil of Pride then coughed and spoke towards the Devil Monarchs around him. "An Unexpected Problem had appeared." 

The Devil Monarchs nodded in agreement as they turned their gaze towards the Devil of Sloth. After all, the Devil of Sloth was the one who pushed the Heavy Pressure away from their Armies. It was a piece of good news for the coalition of the Arcanum Region. The Devil of Sloth looked at the Devil Monarchs with a Serious expression. After the event, He couldn't close his eyelids and sleep. It has been bothering him, and he wanted to solve the problem for the Sloth to fall into Deep Slumber. 

"The Great Ruler of the Demons peaked through the Heavens and observed our Armies. The Demon Lord highly resembled a Demonic Serpent which might rival the Dragons. It seems that we have underestimated the Strength of the Great Forest." The Devil of Sloth said with a calm and tired voice. The Devil Monarchs looked at him as the Devil of Pride replied. 

"Even if they are stronger than the Arcanum Region, our Great Emperor has been influencing the Foreign Regions of the North, South, and West to mount an Offensive against the Great Forest." The Devil of Pride said with a Prideful voice though the Devil of Gluttony shook his head and spoke. "The Demon Lord must have already noticed them. After all, our scouts have already reported the mobilization of the Nations within the Great Forest."

"Tsk, We'll have to hear the opinions of the Dragon Lords about the situation." Devil of Sloth said as the Devil Monarchs around him nodded in agreement. The reason why the Devil of Sloth released such words was simple. It was because of the simple fact that the Dragon Lords might defeat the Demon Lord. The Dragon Lords were the Strongest Creatures in the Arcanum Region. Even Great Rulers in the Arcanum Region wouldn't be able to Defeat them without causing a Part of the Region to disintegrate. 

"I agree with that notion. We'll contact the Great Rulers and have a War Meeting together with the Dragon Lords." The Devil of Pride nodded as the Devil Monarchs of the Devil Race have concluded their decision about the problem.

The Eight Great War was inevitable. There was nothing they could do about it as the Great Rulers of the Arcanum Region were Hell-Bent on Annihilating the Great Forest. After all, if not for the Great Forest.. The Nations of the Arcanum Region might have already conquered the Continent. 


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