The World Serpent

Chapter 133 - 133-The Nation Of The Occidental Region

Deep within the Central Part of the Occidental Region was the Great Plateau. Surrounded by a Vast Wasteland, The Great Plateau was one of the most dangerous places in the Great Forest. The Daemon Beasts inhabiting the Great Plateau were unknown as no other Nation in the Great Forest willingly entered the Occidental Region. Even then, The Area was commonly known as being inhabitable as no Daemon Beasts could leave within it. So, the Great Plateau and the Area around it got considered an unhabitable zone. 

Nevertheless, The Inquisition, mainly Persia, wanted to try making the Great Plateau a Fortress or the Capital of the Inquisition. With that, The Demon Crescents were about to transfer themselves into a new area known as the Central Part of the Occidental Region. A New Nation was about to be born during the Year. Though, A War was also about to start in the Realm of Piksyon.

As the Golden Radiant Sun above the Heaves got covered by the Dark Thick Clouds, The White Misty Acidic Poison started covering the Vast Wasteland surrounding the Great Plateau. The Soft Muddy Ground and the Dead Trees found themselves scattered all over the Area. It was a simple sign for those who wanted to thread in the Toxic Region or the Central Part of the Occidental Region. 

A Bright Light then illuminated as a Giant Silver Gate slowly formed. It created a strong breeze of wind which made the mud fly all over the place. Figures then revealed themselves exiting the Giant Silver Gate. All of them had Silver White Hair except one which had Dark Ashened Hair. They were the Inquisition of the Occidental Region. It was an Organization recently created by the New Supreme known as Persia. 

Along with the Demon Crescents were Persia and Ego. They started investigating the Area. It was a lot worse than they had thought, but it was perfect for a building to get erected. The Flat Vast Wasteland around the Great Plateau was the best spot to create a City with the Great Plateau to get turned into the Main Base of the Inquisition. 

"A lot worse than what I had thought, but I can already picture a city in it," Persia muttered to herself. Ego nodded in agreement while investigating the Area. The Toxic Environment in the Area wasn't a problem for the Demons. They can even terraform it to suit their needs. With this line of thought, Ego agreed on building something on this Vast Wasteland.

"I agree with you, Sister. With this Area being the Central Part, It wouldn't be hard to balance our Forces all over the Occidental Region." Ego said with her monotone voice. Persia smiled at hearing Ego's agreement with the City Creation. She then turned her head towards the Demon Crescents standing right beside them. 

"Are your Sisters finished on their preparations?" Persia asked as the Demon Crescents nodded. One of them then answered with a calm voice. "The Main Camp and the Temporary City is under demolition. The Main Force of the Inquisition will arrive here in an Hour." The Demon Crescent reported. 

The Main Camp in the Occidental Region and the Temporary City in the Korr Region was to get demolished under the orders of Persia. After all, There was no need to continue maintaining such structures as they would focus everything on their new home within the Central Part of the Occidental Region. 

During that entire time, Persia expected some opposition, but it seems that the reactions of the Demon Serpent were opposite of what Persia had thought. They got excited after hearing that they would get transferred onto the Central Part, also known as the Famous Toxic Region. It was strange, but it was a sign that they had changed.

"Well, then. Why don't you investigate the Wasteland before the arrival of the Main Force?" Persia ordered with her calm voice. The Demon Crescents nodded and accepted the Orders. They then disappeared from their spot as Persia looked at the Great Plateau. It deserved to get called Great as the Plateau was Vast as the Vast Wasteland surrounding it. 

Looking onto the Great Plateau, Persia turned her gaze towards Ego and asked. "Do you have more information about the Great Plateau?" She was curious about the Real size. Of course, Persia could use her World Eye, but everything would be boring if she used it. That was what Persia had always thought when she was using her World Eye Origin Skill. 

The Information she had gained would be handy, but she might get addicted to effortlessly knowing something or knowing something not Known. Persia wanted to use the Origin Skills into an all-time low as they were her Trump Cards. It wouldn't be Trump Cards if Persia used them in every situation. 

Ego nodded after hearing Persia's question and answered with her monotone voice. 

"The Great Plateau is 3,000 km in diameter and 15 kilometers in height. It got divided into several layers, which are surrounding the Great Plateau." Ego stopped and looked at Peria. Ego then slightly coughed as she continued explaining the Information about the Great Plateau.

"The First Layer is 2 kilometers from the Ground and 200 kilometers in vast land before reaching the Second Layer. The Second Layer is 5 kilometers from the Ground and 500 kilometers in vast land before arriving at the Third Layer. The Third Layer is 8 kilometers from the Ground and 800 kilometers in vast land before reaching the Fourth Layer. The Fourth Layer is 12 kilometers from the Ground and 1,200 kilometers in vast land before arriving at the Fifth Layer. The Fifth Layer is 15 kilometers from the Ground and 300 kilometers in diameter." 

"That was a Large Amount of Information, but it's quite good. It seems that you have a Dozen of Information about the Great Plateau. When and where did you get that?" Persia asked as she was curious about the reasons on how Ego managed to get such Information. Ego looked at Persia with an emotionless expression and winked.

"A Trade Secret."

"Heh? I never thought that my Ego would know how to hide a secret from me." Persia smirked as Ego quietly avoided Persia's gaze. Persia slightly chuckled as she turned her head towards the Great Plateau. "Why don't we start going up to the Top?" Persia questioned as Ego nodded in agreement. 

The two of them then entered back to the Silver Gate. A Bright Light illuminated once again as the Silver Gate disappeared from the Vast Wasteland. 

Onto the Peak of the Great Plateau, A Bright Light shone as a Giant Silver Gate formed. Two Figures exited the Silver Gate as they instantly noticed the difference between the Bottom and the Top. Persia and Ego started investigating the Area. It was Vast and Clear. It was also Flat, and the Winds on the Top was strong enough to uproot trees. 

"The oxygen level of this Area is low. It is also Cold. Nothing can fly this high other than Some Gargantuan Flying Creatures. It seems that this is a Perfect Fortress. Though, we might need this to be liveable on the inside." Persia muttered as she felt her Silver White Hair fluttering from the Strong Wings. 

"Correct, the Demon Crescents are strong, but we aren't only planning to make a liveable place for the Demon Crescents." Ego nodded in agreement. She also investigated the Vast and Clear Field of the Peak. Such was a Perfect Spot to create a Fortress. After all, The Inquisition had its way of creating Megastructures. 

Persia and Ego felt someone passing through the Silver Gate. They turned their gaze back onto the Giant Silver Gate and saw Three Demon Crescents exiting it. It was Luna, Capita, and Marx. They started investigating the Area as they instantly felt the change in the environment. "Are the Main Force complete on the Demolition?" Ego asked with her monotone voice. 

Luna nodded and answered. "The Main Forces have completed the Demolition of the Main Camp and the Temporary City. The Main Forces have also gathered the Best Constructors. The Demon Crescents who participated in during the building process of the Temporary City also got included." Luna reported as Ego nodded in satisfaction. 

"That was a good report, Luna." Persia praised as Luna couldn't help but feel embarrassed from the praise of Persia. 

Persia then walked towards a Certain spot.  Ego and the Trio looked at Persia with confusion. They were confused and curious about what Persia was about to do. Persia then crouched and touched the Flat Ground of the Great Plateau. Persia's Golden Amber Eyes illuminated as a Heavy Pressure formed around Persia. The Trio continued gazing upon Persia. They had curiosity and a tinge of excitement written all over their faces. Ego, on the other hand, already understood what her Sister was trying to do. 

'The Dominion Authority, It seems that Sister is finally planting her Dominion.' Ego smiled while gazing upon Persia. The Dominion Authority was a Territory Origin Skill. It means that Persia hasn't been using the Origin Skill to its Full-potential. 

[Dominion Authority planted.]

[The User's Dominion will now start.]

A Dark Light shone below the Ground Persia stood on. The Earth shook as the Heavens rumbled. A Dark Monolith exited the Ground and raised. It pierced through the Heavens as thunders echoed above the Great Plateau.. It was the True form of the Dominion Authority. 


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