The World Serpent

Chapter 131 - 131-Preparation For The Upcoming War

Within the Vast Land between the Occidental Region and the Korr Region, A Beautiful Girl stood on the Gargantuan Field. Surrounded by the Best Armies of the Great Forest, The Beautiful Girl started chuckling. Around the Girl were the Great Rulers of the Great Forest, also known as the Supremes. They gazed upon the Beautiful Girl with curiosity blazing in their eyes. After all, they wanted to know what the Beautiful Girl had seen. 

"It seems that you have found some interesting information, Persia," Koldreg remarked with a calm and stern voice. Persia chuckling meant that she had seen something interesting. What it was, was unknown for Koldreg. But Persia might answer him, which fortunately was the case. 

"Yeah, the information of the Foreign Armies was quite intriguing. It seemed that I underestimated them." Persia's voice got colder and colder as she continued speaking her words. The Supremes immediately realized what Persia had meant. It seemed that Persia spied on the enemy for a single second, but it was probably enough for her to gather Significant information.

"Information about the Foreign Armies? From how you reacted, It seems that they are a lot stronger than what you had recently thought of." Drya instantly guessed why Persia started chuckling for no reason. She must have underestimated the enemies, but seeing the enemy's true power was probably intriguing and exciting for her, which was understandable. 

"From the Arcanum Region, Glacies Tundra, and Calidus Desert. They have quite powerful armies gathering together." Persia muttered as a Serious and cold expression got plastered on her face. She looked towards the Supremes as they nodded towards her. Persia activated her Origin Skill Gate for the first time as a Silver Gate formed right beside them.

"Why don't we continue our talk in a secured location," Persia suggested with a Serious voice. The Supremes nodded in agreement as Persia turned her gaze towards Ego and the Three Demon Crescents. "Ego and the three of you, take care of the Inquisition while I am gone." Ego and the Three Demon Crescents nodded in understanding. 

Persia released a Soothing smile as the Supremes entered through the Silver Gate. As Statera entered the Silver Gate, Persia followed as the Silver Gate slowly disappeared. Silence enveloped everything as Ego looked at the Three Demon Crescents beside her and spoke. "Let's go back to the temporary town and call everyone." 

The Three demon Crescents nodded in agreement as the Four of them disappeared from the Spot. The Armies of the Great Forest continued on their preparation. After all, their Great Rulers disappeared on the Spot was normal for them. There was no need to fret over it as it would only take an hour before they would come back. 

"I guess they need to have time together. It might make the Persia easily get along with other races in the Region." Mayon muttered to herself as the Spirit Lords right next to her nodded in agreement. While they were thinking about the Supremes, They noticed an Elven Group, a Dwarven Group, and a Beastfolk Group. Such Groups were the Best of the Best within their respective Nations, which were in comparison to the Spirit Lords of Astra.

Meanwhile, Deep within the Occidental Region of the Great Forest. A Silver Bright Light illuminated over the Small Patch of Forest as a Silver Gate slowly formed. The Silver Gate released an aetherial aura, though the Silver Gate opened, which revealed a Group of People exiting the Silver Gate. They released a Heavy Pressure that would flatten anything alive that was near them. Fortunately, they had excellent control over their auras. 

As the Supremes walked out of the Silver Gate, they started investigating the area and instantly knew they were within the Occidental Region. They were curious about the reasoning on why Persia brought them into the Occidental Region. Kitsune then walked forward and asked with a curious voice. "Is there any reason you brought us here other than the information about the Foreign Armies?"

Persia turned her gaze towards the Supremes as her Golden Amber Eyes glowed with an aura of tyranny and domination. The Dangerous Aura instantly disappeared after Persia shook her head. Persia then looked at the Ancient Gigantic Gate near them. The Supremes and Persia got surrounded by towering Trees that pierced through the skies. They could also see a glimpse of flying islands in the distance.

"This is where I came from," Persia muttered with a soft voice as the Supremes started looking around once again. They noticed the Ancient Ruin, which gave them an idea of what Persia was saying. Statera walked forward and spoke with a calm voice. "So, you're saying that you don't simply come from outside the Great Forest, but you come from outside the Realm of Piksyon?" 

"Correct." Persia nodded as the Supremes found themselves under their thoughts. They didn't bother that much about Persia's origins. After all, she was on their side. She already gave them hints that she wanted to stay on the Great Forest. The only thing that made them confused was why Persia revealed her Origins to them. 

"I have already concluded such thing the moment I entered the Soul Core." Statera calmly replied as the Supremes turned their heads towards her. They were a bit surprised by Statera's words. They understood that she had been with Persia for a while. Dozens of Persia's secrets must have revealed themselves to Statera, though they were curious about the Secrets as they might not even be related to Persia's origins. 

"Hmm... Is there any reason why you revealed your Origin to us?" Drya questioned with a calm voice. After all, revealing one's Origin would probably be hard. It might give them a strange feeling of estrangement, but even then, releasing an Origin secret was something only revealed to those who they would completely trust. 

"This is my investment to you. The image of my determination on building something for my subordinates. A symbol of trust towards the Supremes of the Great Forest. I hope I wouldn't get disappointed by this choice of mine." Persia looked at the Supremes with a gaze of determination. 

"Ohohoho, Interesting. But before you could speak about building something. Why don't you destroy those who try to make your subordinates crumble?" Koldreg looked at Persia and chuckled. He then spoke with a stern voice as Persia looked at him with an expression of hardened determination. 

"I'll invade the Endless Grassland and make it mine..." Persia clenched her fist and raised it onto the air. Koldreg, Drya, and Kitsune started clapping and cheering Persia in the background. Statera shook her head after seeing her colleagues trying to get along with Junior Supreme. She then turned her gaze towards Persia and asked. 

"So what information did you gain from that little spying gaze of yours?" Statera questioned as Persia stopped acting like a musclehead warlord. Persia slightly coughed as she answered with her calm voice. "A lot of information about the foreign armies. From all the Continental Regions except the Endless Grassland as I want mine to be challenging." 

"Ehem... Please clarify." Drya coughed as Persia nodded and continued explaining the information she had recently gotten. 

"The Arcanum Region is gathering an Army comprised of numerous races. The main ones are the Dragons, Devils, and Dark-kind. They numbered around 100 Million Soldiers. They have hundreds of thousands of airships within the Heavens while consisting of Hundreds of Rulers. They are quite strong though it might take time for them to gather and effectively fight against the Great Forest."

Persia explained the situation of the Arcanum Region. The Supremes nodded in understanding as it seemed that the War was a lot complicated than they expected. Drya looked at Persia and asked. "Do you know of their reasons?" Persia thought about it for a while and nodded. She then answered with a calm voice. "They have two reasons. The Reawakened Demon Race and The World Tree within the Korr Region." 

The Supremes sighed after hearing the reasoning of the Arcanum Region. Persia then continued her explanation. 

"The Glacies Tundra Region is also gathering their own Army. Comprised of numerous races, Glacies Tundra Army is quite strong. After all, they are the ones mainly consisting of a thousand Rulers. They might be weak, but a Ruler is quite dangerous. The Dwarven would have to handle them and carefully terminate their Rulers. Their reasoning is expansion." 

"The Last One is the Calidus Desert Region. A Strange Desert Region that seemed to have found no end. The Calidus Desert Region is the Most Dangerous Region in terms of my opinion. They don't have any technological advancements, but their biological advancements are monstrous. They are the perfect region for me to gobble up. But I would only do that after finishing my First Snack." 

"The reasoning of the Calidus Desert Region is currently unknown. I don't know that much of them, nor do I plan to continue asking information about them." Persia shook her head. She finally completed the explanation of each of the Regions armies. Though, she oversimplified their power. Persia's words would give the Supremes a good idea about their enemies. 

"I see..."


"I can finally use my weapons." 

The Supremes had different reactions from one another. Persia looked at them and slowly backed away. Persia previously had thought that she was the craziest one, but she underestimated the crazy of the Old Rulers. 


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