The World Cataclysm

Chapter 97: Attempt on the Devourer

Chapter 97: Attempt on the Devourer

Receiving such a piece of information, Dean Siphon decided to have a closer look at the said monster. If it fit the description given by her subordinate and was too strong for them, the natural advantage provided by the living complex would contrary become a death trap for them.

Therefore, taking a few people with her, she hurried to the guarding team to get a clearer look at the monster. Keeping his thoughts to himself, Dave called over the core members of his team as they trudged after the dean.

If it was truly a Devourer, the best decision would be not to attract needless attention from it. However, if the clash with it was unavoidable, then rushing at it with large numbers would be just suicidal. Low-levelled amateurs without needed skills and battle experience would just serve as food for the Devourer.

Reaching the entry point in no time, they first saw panicked members of the guarding group. They were pale as they seemed to be ready to flee at the first command.

Huh...Well, Dave hadn't expected much from an untrained group of people.

"Where's the monster?" The dean asked coldly as she noticed their pale faces. Even she thought that she was on a long way to raise her subordinates to certain standards. If she had a basic group of soldiers under her command, it would have been much easier to clear her university from all zombies.

"We didn't dare to constantly check it, but it was on our left, close to the place where we fought with all the zombies." The man reported in a rapid manner, showing nervous he was.

Nodding her head, she went forward as she wanted to see what had frightened her people so much. Dave and others followed closely behind the dean, getting a clear look of the said monster almost at the same time with her.

"..." No one said anything as they were greatly shocked by the scene.

The creature rummaging through the corpses of zombies was monstrous in every aspect of that word. Its appearance was even more disgusting than zombies as they still slightly resembled a human appearance.

However, the monster, despite being originated from a fellow human, had nothing to do with it. It stood on its fours like a wild beast and had sharp claws on all four limbs. It had disgusting uneven skin with damaged flesh covering it.

Its outer skin was black in colour and seemed dense as it resembled dark plates covering Hunters' bodies. It was three times bigger than Dave, being three meters tall even slightly larger than low-rank 1 Giants.

"Fuck. What's that?" Finally, Brian broke the standing silence among all the observers. He was deeply shocked by Devourer's outer appearance as it seemed to come from the screens of horror movies.

"Shh, keep your voice down. Do you want to get us dead?" Fortunately, Adam was more sensible than Brian as he hurriedly shut him up.

Having gotten a look at it, they retreated to the entry point where they could discuss the pending matter over.

"So what are we gonna do with it?" Evelyn asked a question that was in everyone's heads.

"Let's just deal with it. We have higher numbers while it's only one." Arthur suggested as he thought they had a natural advantage over it.

" just have triggered a death flag. Be careful. At least, that how people die in stories and movies," Brian said, pitifully glancing at Arthur.

"Heh?" Arthur reacted in confusion.

"Don't be foolish. We don't how strong it is, so we need to decide on a way with the lowest casualties. No one is ready to part with life," Adam immediately put a cross on Arthur's idea.

"Mr David, is this monster what I think?" Dean Siphon asked after some pondering. If it was drawn to zombies, then they had already met with something that had the same interests.

"I fear so." Dave nodded his head as he also thought that it was highly likely to be a Devourer. "It seems to be able to sense or smell them from afar. If it has such an acute smelling sense, locating us might not be a problem to it."

At least, they were safe until the smell of dead zombies completely fades away and dissipates into their surroundings. After that, Devourer would locate them in no time. Moreover, they were trapped in the living complex as the monster was not far away from an entrance.

"Then, the problem remains. We can't leave from here, yet at the same time, we can't remain here for a long time. It's truly a dilemma." Dean Siphon said while pondering. Taking a slight pause to think everything over, she continued decisively, "Then, we have no choice; we need to kill it before it kills us."

Well, Dave had come to the same decision although he was surprised by her decisive tone. Normal people would have just cowered away, staying unconfident over the matter. However, in the end result, such people would just be waiting for their own slaughter.

"You're right. And, at the same time, we need to minimise our casualties. That means there is only one way." Dave said ironically. He had thought that he would have time to observe it first, yet it seemed that he couldn't drag it over.

Understanding what his friend was going to suggest, Adam shook his head as he immediately disagreed with him. "Don't ever think about it, Dave."

"Heh...You're still quick on uptake, but you know it would be the best decision." Dave said to Adam to assure him. Next, he turned to Dean Siphon to say "Remember what I said before. I would deal with it on my own. Don't dare to join me; you would lose more than you could obtain from it."

"That's not right. We can let you fight it alone. At least, let us help you," Rebecca said worriedly.

Smiling bitterly, Dave thought inwardly, 'I'm not letting you join since some of you would die in the end.'

"Sorry, Mr David. But I can't let my student put his life at such risk. I'll be joining you." Dean Siphon said coldly as if cutting all of his excuses.

"But I'm not going to fight it alone. I'll take Richard with me. If it's still not enough you may attack it from a distance, but you shouldn't approach it. I have a way to kill it." Dave said, not letting them approach it.

"Me?!" Richard exclaimed in surprise. He had wanted to wait until everything settled down and Dave took care of it. He didn't care even if Dave died as a result.

"Of course, remember I said I need you to deal with some monster. Your time has come. With your defences and your skill, we should be able to pin it down. I won't take no as an answer," Dave said while nodding his head as it was a matter of fact. "Talking about your skill, you should be able to use it after all the damage you've taken."

"How do you know about it?" Richard asked in awe as he had never told anyone about it.

"Damn, I fought with you, so of course, I have noticed such an obvious requirement," Dave answered as Richard was a retard. However, actually, he had forgotten that he shouldn't reveal too much information.

Next, he took Richard, who followed after him with gritted teeth. Adam, Rebecca and Brian with long-distance skills naturally followed after him, while the dean joined them as she took out a handgun from somewhere.

Seeing it, Dave, who said to her to stay behind, was completely speechless. 'Just who is she?'

It was strange for a university chairman to keep a handgun with her. Considering her late behaviour, words and how calm she may remain calm in different situations, Dave believed that their dean had history on her own.

As they left the building through the entrance, as expected, they were immediately spotted by a Devourer. Raising its head from eating a zombie's corpse, it growled at them, sounding somewhat excited. Well, humans should be much more delicious than rotting zombies.

"Let me first," Dean Siphon said to Dave. Next, she aimed with her handgun at the Devourer's head and decisively shoot a bullet at it. She was confident in her skills as she accurately shot at its forehead. However, the next moment she was greatly shocked.

The bullet hadn't reached its brains as it got stuck in its head, hardly even piercing through its skull.

'What a high defence?!' Noticing it, Dave thought bitterly, holding two swords in his hands; one was his Steel Sword and another was dean's Rusty Sword that he borrowed from her.

As it was shot, although having received almost no damage, it roared in anger, madly dashing at them on its fours. As it ran at them, Dave felt vibrations from the ground caused by its mad dash. Reaching to Dave, it slashed at him with its claws.

It was so fast that Dave was barely able to put his sword to block it. Retreating three steps, Dave issued command as he immediately activated his supportive skills while enhancing both of his swords with mana. "Pull the distance. Richard, attack it with everything you have."

'It seems I can no more save any Free Points for my class advancement. Distribute all 4 Free Points into agility,' Dave inwardly issued a command to the System.

[Your agility has increased by 4 points.]


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