The World Cataclysm

Chapter 76: The Boss

Chapter 76: The Boss

'Interesting...I never heard about them in my past life. With their performance and with an enhancement from System, they would have caught my eye in the past.' Dave thought inwardly as he threw another punch to someone's face.

Brook had tremendous strength and a tough body to withstand blows from others. He was a born tank. Luther was weaker than his burly friend, but he compensated it with high speed and rapid succession of blows. Both of them seemed to fight a lot as they had an apt amount of battle experience.

However, Dave found Oscar more interesting than the two of them. Dave's eyes glistened as he stared at how Oscar fought with other students. Dave stared interestedly at how Oscar swung the pipe in his hands after sending a kick to someone's balls...

His battle style was unique in its own way. Oscar spat, sent a low blow, stepped on a foot, pulled at the shirt and used whatever dirty methods to come up advantageous in the fight.

However, Dave wasn't interested in him just because he fought dirty but also because Oscar had excellent battle senses. He either had high reaction speed or was able to predict the movements of his opponents to dodge it perfectly. However, the most praiseworthy about him was that he hated losing and didn't fear fighting dirty when needed. Oscar didn't acknowledge such things as honour, chivalry or fair fight as there was only winning or losing for him.

Growing tired of the battle, Dave took someone whom he tied with his Mana Threads after knocking him out and threw the student towards at several of them dashing towards him. When they understood that the tied student was thrown against them, their faces changed in colours as they tried to get away from its way. But it was too late...


Five or more students were sent stumbling as they were forcefully knocked to the ground.

Combining the efforts of Dave and the other three, they were able to deal with more than half of the initial number. Staring at students backing away from him, Dave glanced at Nathan who was supposed to be the strongest among them.

'What a sly fox! Although it seems like he is fighting along with everyone, he only comes to a safe distance and retreats backwards rapidly after throwing a hit. While others are fighting, he is observing everything from the sidelines and isn't taking the fight seriously.' Dave thought.


'What a monster!' Nathan thought as he observed how a group of four easily knocked dozen of them in several minutes. 'We would have easily outpowered them if not for that man with a scarred face.' Nathan thought.

Considering the weapon in Dave's hands, Nathan was hesitant to approach him in any way since he guessed Dave had also received an enhancement from the System. Moreover, the blue threads that wrapped around defeated people made him even more cautious of Dave.

Although Nathan was a member of a gang and was revered as the second strongest among them. he didn't have much of a choice at the moment of joining their ranks. He needed to make a decision between his survival and his freedom. So he chose to survive.

Compared to others, he knew when to involve himself with his boss and when to keep his silence to avoid trouble. He was one of a few who saved a beginner's weapon and raised a few levels, growing stronger with the help of System.

Thanks to his athletic constitution and enhancement from System, Nathan gradually became the second strongest among them. However, even then, he still felt pressure from his boss and decided to follow after him if he wanted to survive. Although he didn't approve of all the actions of his boss, he still turned a blind eye to everything he had done as long as it didn't bring any trouble to him.

It was the way he survived so far; he stuck to a winning side. He backed off when needed and kept an indifferent attitude at everything he had seen because he couldn't afford it when his life was at stake.

He was cold and cautious, never doing something that will harm him. Even now, Nathan didn't risk his life and observed everything from the sidelines. 'Idiots that are so desperate for boss's attention. If they had a smarter head on their shoulders, they wouldn't have rushed recklessly like this. But they're doing a great job at causing a commotion. He should have already come after hearing all the noise from here.' Nathan thought.



At the next moment, the metal door at the other end of a circular opened with clang as a dull, hoarse voice sounded from the opening, "What's going on here, fuckers? I said to stay silent for a few hours while I'm minding my own business."

The muscular student went out from the door opening as a female student clung to his arm. Both of them had dishevelled and messy hairs as it was already obvious what "business" they were minding behind the doors, away from others.

The male student was burly and muscular, had several scars on his arms and also had dark, tanned skin with short black hair on his head. He hugged a woman with one of his arms and held a cigarette in the other hand.

The woman was slim and had a curvy body. She didn't possess the natural beauty like Rebecca nor she had a sharp aura like Rachel. Her looks were above average as she had healthy and smooth skin with a cute smile on her face.

As thick cigarette smoke escaped from his mouth, he narrowed his eyes and was surprised to see a full-scale battle on his base. When the gang members heard the angry voice of their boss, they jolted and shook slightly as everyone stopped fighting. Well, except for Oscar who punched someone in the face...

'Finally! The future tyrant of the university from my past life. Well, he looks like a gangster and seems worthy of his reputation.' Dave thought inwardly as he formed Mana Threads to tie up an immobile opponent, stepping forward to welcome the local boss of a gang. He said, "You're Richard, right?"

Staring disinterestedly at Dave, the boss said, "Yes, it's me. What, do you have something to discuss with me?" Getting confirmation for his guesses, Dave heaved a sigh of relief as he found the right person. If he wasn't Richard, Dave didn't know where else he could find him on their campus.

Playing with a Steel Sword in his hands, Dave said indifferently, "You seem to find a nice place to settle in all the chaos happening in the world. Such pathways under our university were a big surprise even for me. I think I need to thank you for leading me down here or I would have never found it on my own."

At his words, Richard shouted angrily, "Who is that tiny fucker? Who did lead him down here and didn't teach him any proper manners on how to behave in front of their seniors." Dave's manner of speech got on his nerves since he made it sound like superior was talking to him. He hated when people looked at him like they were above him.

Smirking, Dave said mockingly, "Well, your people have tried to teach me some manners, but they were so bold and stupid that I decided to teach them a lesson instead. Actually, I was in the process of beating some common sense into them, so if you want to, you can also join us. You seem to have a whackable head."

Reddening from anger, Richard pushed the female student from him, freeing his arm, as it seemed like steam escaped from his ears. In the past month, only a few had talked to him like this and every single of them died at his hands. He wanted to crash the ignorant brat in front of him.

However, noticing a sharp blade of the Steel Sword, he hesitated for a moment. No matter how short-tempered he was, Richard was still a student and had a natural fear of such weapons.

Catching his gaze, Dave smile mockingly and said, "Ha! Are you a coward? I never knew that you were such a wimpy ass, otherwise I would have brought a less intimidating weapon."

Enraged, Richard shouted, "Ignorant brat, you're gonna regret what you said. I would kill you in the most painful way possible. I'm gonna cut small pieces of you and feed them to a zombie right in front of your eyes." However, inwardly, he thought, 'Right!? I'm invincible! Sword won't be able to harm me.'

Smiling coldly, Dave didn't plan to lose to Richard in a verbal battle, "My father was right that there are various kinds of people in the world. It's my first time to see someone shit with their mouth. Your parents must be truly ashamed to have bullshit spouter instead of a son."

A vein popped on his forehead as Richard exclaimed madly, "YOU! I'LL KILL YOU!"


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