The World Cataclysm

Chapter 19: Survivor's Bat

Chapter 19: Survivor's Bat

As Rebecca calmed down after killing her first zombie, Dave took his Rusty Sword from her hands. She still looked slightly ashen since killing a zombie tipped quite a bit of her mental strength. She still seemed to be scared of them, yet mixed with fear, there was something else hidden in her eyes.

After they helped Rebecca to level up, Brian had scanned their surroundings in an attempt to find another zombie. They had proceeded as usual venturing close to their base. Apparently, the number of zombies had increased significantly over the last few days.

Their numbers were so large that it was possible to find several dozens of them no matter where you look making it quite hard to find a single target. Fortunately, they had Brian to scout their surroundings allowing them to know the number of zombies before they met them.

Even though Dave was able to kill several dozens of them, he didn't want to risk it. If they caused a big commotion, they may attract the attention of all zombies near them making it much more dangerous for them. Dave was confident to escape at the encounter of danger, but the same can't be said about Adam, Brian and Rebecca since they weren't as strong as Dave.

Approaching a relatively smaller group of zombies, Dave saw three zombies in front of them. Each of them was standing silently hibernating and conserving their energies.

"Brian, try chanting your Small Fireball and throw it to the head of a zombie. Aim to its head! Adam, try using your Telekinesis to kill one of the zombies. Rebecca, you will fight with the remaining one. Don't be scared of it, I will cover you up in case something dangerous happens."

Dave quickly shared with them his simple plan. He already had a significant amount of fighting experience, so he wanted to temper his teammates.

"When Brian kills one of it with Small Fireball skill, attack simultaneously."

They had no objection towards his plan as they started to proceed with it. They stood several meters from zombies since during hibernation, zombies had dull senses. Zombies are usually attracted to loud sounds, and they had limited vision. Normally, it wasn't hard to pass through the small group of zombies undetected.

As Brian started to chant the incantation of Small Fireball, others readied themselves for the attack. After 15 seconds of muttering spell in some unknown language, a fireball started forming on his right hand. It burned intensely and was as huge as small throwing ball.

With the power of his will, Brian sent the fireball flying towards the closest zombie. It neatly struck zombie's head which burst and burned under high temperatures.

As the first zombie was killed by Brian, Adam tried to control his broken spear with his mind. Albeit slowly, it followed the will of Adam flying towards another zombie and piercing its brain. Even though the Broken Spear had a bad balance for close combat, but it was a perfect short spear for throwing it at the monsters.

Both zombies were dealt quickly such as even Adam and Brian found it too easy. Rebecca looked stunned at them since both Small Fireball and Telekinesis looked magical to her. Even though she had accepted the fact of zombies' existence, it was still hard for her to believe in magical powers.

"Stop dozing off, otherwise you'll get killed by the remaining zombie."

As the last zombie was rushing towards them, he criticized Rebecca for lowering her guard. If you want to survive in the battle, you need to always remain cautious and vigilant. One moment of carelessness may even cost your life.

When he heard Dave, she was scared by the sight of rushing zombie. It howled and roared as it was sprinting towards them. She tightly gripped the Wooden Club in her hands resolving herself to kill it.

However, when it got close to her, she tried to hit its head with a club, but quickly found herself lying under it. At that moment, everything had slowed down for her. She saw the rotten face of a zombie right before her face as the blood can still be seen inside its mouth. She felt helpless as fear started creeping over her body.

"Don't try to fight with it head-on. Zombies are driven by their instincts, so their movements are dull and predictable. Try to predict its move and dodge its attack. Then, send it tumbling with a strong hit to its head."

At the same time as zombie wanted to bite her, the hand from behind had pulled it away from her. With a swift abdominal kick, Dave sent zombie flying as it landed heavily several meters away from him. Rebecca was still frightened by how close she was towards death as she sat on the ground dazedly.

"Did you understand? If you can't continue fighting, then let me handle it."

"I'm fine, just was scared a little. I'll kill it!"

She gritted her teeth as she stood up from the ground. As the zombie rushed at her again, she dodged it clumsily but wasn't able to attack right after dodging. The third time, she was able to follow her dodge with an attack to its head.

A zombie fell down on the ground as she started banging its head with her club. It reminded to Dave how Brian killed his first zombie as Rebecca. Zombie's head quickly turned into a bloody mess as a bright light burst from its body.

'It seemed she was rewarded for near-death encounter.'

Dave couldn't help but think about it since the Treasure Chest was hard to get. He knew that weaker you are, higher your chances to get a Treasure Chest, but Rebecca had obtained it after her second zombie.

"You're quite lucky. Open it and see what you got."

Dave was expectant to see what she will obtain. In most cases, white Treasure Chests drop low-tier system weapons such as Rusty Sword, Failed Dagger and Broken spear. It also had a slight chance to drop consumable items as Restoration Bread or even Skill Books.

As she opened it, the bat had replaced its place. It looked like a common bat yet full of sharp nails to deal more damage. As Dave glanced to it, the status of a bat had appeared in front of his eyes.

[Survivor's Bat

Attack: 9-11

Durability: 7

Description: The wooden bat was specially modified to smash heads of zombies.]

Dave couldn't help but chuckle inside since all their weapons had their own defects. Rusty Sword, Broken Spear and Failed Dagger, even their names were peculiar in their own way.

As Rebecca tightly held Survivor's Bat in her hands, she looked quite unusual. Survivor's Bat looked even more barbaric than Wooden Club and it also gave her truly apocalyptic vibe. Combined with her big sister vibes, she gave an extremely strange feeling.


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