The World Below Surface

Chapter 35: So, she was already dead

Chapter 35: So, she was already dead


When she heard a faint meowing sound, Wen Qing's heart was filled with doubt and uncertainty. She listened closely but couldn't hear it anymore. She wondered if it was her imagination.

Despite her doubts, Wen Qing wanted to believe it wasn't just her imagination. The meowing was familiar, just like the sound of her own little cat. She thought that while cats and dogs may look similar to most people, only pet owners can distinguish their pets.

Could it be her little cat?

Did she manage to call back her pet?

Wen Qing felt a rush of excitement and joy but remembered the warning from those people earlier. She had to be quiet, as making noise could have unforeseeable consequences. With great effort, she suppressed her excitement and took a few more steps forward, hoping to hear what the little cat might demand.

Unfortunately, the cat didn't make any demands. The cool breeze was still, and there was no more meowing as if everything that had just happened was her imagination.

Doubts filled her mind, but Wen Qing refused to believe it was just her imagination. She tightly clutched the talisman and crouched down, placing it on the ground before continuing to walk. With each step, she whispered her name, but her thoughts were focused on another name as if it would bring back her little cat.

"Wen Qing." Little Mimi...

"Wen Qing." Come out, Little Mimi.


"Is she crazy? What's she doing?" Nie Yun Zhen exclaimed from afar, watching Wen Qing crouch down before continuing to walk.

"Something's off about her," Ye Sheng Ke remarked, frowning. "Senior, have you noticed anything?"

Despite Yun Qian's unconsciousness, they spoke in hushed tones, using lip reading to communicate.

Shi Yan shook her head, unsure of what was happening.

All eyes turned to Chu Xiu, but he had no desire to explain. He gazed ahead quietly into the darkness, his thoughts unknown.

Unnoticed by everyone, Yun Qian, who lay at the back, sat up silently. Her lifeless eyes fixated on the four people ahead of her. Her lips curled into a strange smile that grew wider and wider until it almost reached her ears.

However, the four people ahead were entirely unaware of Yun Qian. They didn't see her sit up in the rearview mirror because her reflection was just an illusion.

"She took another thirteen steps," Nie Yun Zhen incredulously said.

A pair of soft, pale hands gradually stretched forward, about to wrap around Ye Sheng Ke's neck. Just then, Shi Yan suddenly turned around, and the hands quickly retracted. Yun Qian lay there quietly unconscious, her eyes still wet with tears of fear.

"When will she wake up? Should we ask her to call Wen Qing back?" Nie Yun Zhen suggested.

"It's best not to," Chu Xiu replied unexpectedly.

Based on what had happened earlier with Yun Qian playing the game, it was inevitable that she must have encountered some supernatural event. Perhaps she was already being pursued by those things. The reason why they let Yun Qian board the car was that they needed her to coerce Wen Qing to continue playing the game. Otherwise, they should just drop the two girls off and run for safety.

Fortunately, Wen Qing's abnormality was short-lived. The four of them observed her intently as she went beyond the designated area for a few dozen steps before turning back. However, she crouched down at some point as if tying her shoelaces.

Chu Xiu had a clear view and saw that she was tying her shoelaces as a cover, picking up something from the ground and stuffing it into her shoe.

What did she pick up?

Wen Qing approached and opened the car door. Despite her somewhat pale face, she remained composed. Her mental strength surpassed some taskers, which impressed Ye Sheng Ke.

Shi Yan asked, "Did you encounter anything abnormal earlier?"

Wen Qing shook her head, looking concernedly at her still-unconscious friend.

Both NPCs had already played the "game". Their earlier experiences suggest that Yun Qian encountered a supernatural event first, allowing Wen Qing to emerge unscathed. This hypothesis undoubtedly boosted their confidence.

"In that case, let's have little Ye go next," Shi Yan suggested.

Hearing this, Ye Sheng Ke looked at her senior sister gratefully. "Thank you, senior sister..."

Chu Xiu seemed to intend to be the last to play the game. She had no intention of competing with Xiao Ye. As long as she proposed it before Nie Yun Zhen, he wouldn't object.

Indeed, Chu Xiu didn't object, and although Nie Yun Zhen's face darkened for a moment, he ultimately agreed.

Ye Sheng Ke quietly grasped Shi Yan's hand, feeling grateful in his heart. Without hesitation, he opened the car door and stepped out. The car's headlights illuminated the road ahead, casting a long shadow of himself.

In a few moments, he would be stepping on his own shadow, reciting his name step by step.

Ye Sheng Ke's courage, which had just gathered, suddenly dissipated at the thought. He looked down at his shadow and couldn't help but recall his own experience

"Little Ye, promise me you'll wait for me, okay?" His best friend had said.

That day, they went to a small alley near the school. There were many such alleys near the university town. Some were occupied by small vendors and had become food streets, while others were intentionally or unintentionally ignored by people and had no visitors.

They naturally went to the latter, which took them a long time to find. It was said that a girl had been brutally murdered by a villain here. It had been sealed for a long time, and even during the day, visiting it always gave a creepy feeling. Gradually, fewer people visited it.

His best friend had heard the ghostly rumours and was so frightened that he repeatedly asked Ye Sheng Ke to wait for him.

'What did I say back then?' Ye Sheng Ke thought.

"Don't worry, we're brothers. I'll be waiting for you at the entrance of the alley." Ye Sheng Ke reassured his friend, "Besides, there are no such things as ghosts in this world. Don't scare yourself."

"Okay, okay. Remember to record everything clearly. I'm going to show it to our senior sister."

"Don't worry, I'll capture your bravery and handsomeness on camera. Once it's out, no one will ever call you a coward again."

"Okay! I'm going!"

Without hesitation, he exited the car and started walking forward, step by step.

Just like now, he heard faint footsteps and knew he was trembling, just like him. Despite the fear, he kept moving forward.

"Ye Sheng Ke," his voice echoed in the darkness. "Ye Sheng Ke."

Back then, he crouched at the alley entrance, with the camera in night mode aimed at his good friend. He didn't believe in this kind of thing, and his legs became numb after squatting for a long time. He changed his position, causing the camera to shake slightly. He lowered his head to kill a mosquito before looking back at the camera.

One unforgettable scene played out before him. His good friend took one step after another, muttering to himself and halting after each step. But in the camera's view, a figure draped in a long white dress with flowing locks sat on his friend's shoulder.

Ye Sheng Ke was paralyzed with shock. His blood seemed to be flowing in reverse. Finally, his friend took thirteen steps and turned around to run excitedly toward him.

"Little Ye! I did it! Did you catch it on camera?"

As his friend turned around, the girl on his shoulders also turned her head. Her black hair parted, revealing a section of pale skin. Her hands looked abnormal, dangling bonelessly from her shoulders and wrapping around the man's neck several times like a white scarf.

As if she sensed someone taking her picture, the woman raised her head. Ye Sheng Ke could clearly see the sly, twisted grin on her lips.

"Little Ye?"

Ye Sheng Ke's breathing grew ragged. His entire body felt ice-cold. He looked at his friend, who was still calling out to him while running and seeming confused.

Without any hesitation, he dropped the camera and ran away.

"Little Ye? Little Ye, why are you running? Wait for me, Little Ye..."

Before long, he fled the eerie place and arrived in a bustling downtown area. His hands continued to tremble, and he remained engulfed in fear and anxiety.

It was a ghost... there really was a ghost!

He was as nervous as a bird startled by the twang of a bowstring, seeing everyone as abnormal. He didn't dare to return to the dormitory in the middle of the night, afraid that ghosts might come knocking. He couldn't stay with anyone else, fearing they might be disguised ghosts. He wandered aimlessly, not knowing where he was going. He felt relieved only when the sun rose the next day, and he immediately returned to school.

However, when he returned to school, he realized that his good friend hadn't returned the previous night. No matter who called him, he didn't answer. He had an important experiment the next day, and if his friend didn't show up, he would surely fail the course.

Being responsible, the class monitor rushed into the lab after asking him to help spread the word, leaving Ye Sheng Ke feeling cold.

He wanted to tell everyone about the game and suspected his friend had met with an accident, but he didn't dare speak up. Like an ostrich, he could only comfort himself, telling himself that everything was fine and his friend must be okay.

However, his friend had been missing for several days a good student with perfect attendance had disappeared.

Later, the police found his and his family's bodies, covered in blood, arranged neatly in the room. No one knew the cause of their deaths. Even more surprising was that someone had seen him near the university city that same night, but the autopsy showed that he had died in the early hours of the next day. Looking at his expenditure records, he had not purchased any travel tickets.

No one knew how he had suddenly appeared at home, thousands of miles away, in just a few hours.

Only Ye Sheng Ke knew what had happened; it would be his eternal demon.

"Ye Sheng Ke," a voice echoed for the last time.

The thirteenth step had arrived, and Ye Sheng Ke paused, gazing down at his shadow. A second shadow joined his, revealing the silhouette of a woman. Her hair flowed down her back, swaying with a delicate flutter.

Was she perched on his shoulder now?

As the tension mounted, Ye Sheng Ke instead calmed down and turned towards the car, striding confidently forward.

"Um... Are you alright?" Shi Yan's voice called out from the car, the window rolling down as she looked at him through the glass. Though his face remained somewhat pale, Ye Sheng Ke's relaxed smile put her at ease.

"I'm fine; no harm done." He slipped into the car, trying his best to appear nonchalant. Guilt gnawed at him, but he could not bring himself to reveal the truth.

The group had further convinced themselves that the strange presence had been attracted by Yun Xuan.

The next task fell to Nie Yun Zhen, who quickly and efficiently completed it with a smile of relief.

Shi Yan followed suit, smoothly returning to the car with ease.

The last person was none other than Chu Xiu.

Stepping out of the car, Chu Xiu approached the crossroads with measured steps.

Inside the vehicle, Wen Qing scrutinized his back, her eyebrows furrowed.

Once he returned, the four of them would escort Wen Qing and Xiao Lan back.

Thinking of this, Wen Qing grasped Yun Qian's hand, seeking encouragement.

Unbeknownst to her, pale, boneless arms were inching towards her ankles but abruptly recoiled as if hitting an unseen barrier.


In the dead of night, Lu Yan sat by the window in his solitary hotel room, gazing outside.

The sky was devoid of stars and moon, shrouded in darkness, but neon lights beyond flickered incessantly, leaving the city restless.

Only during moments like this could he truly appreciate normalcy at night.

If not for the occasional visits from taskers, he might have been consumed by the madness and transformed into the same substance as them.

However, this tranquillity was short-lived. Those entities... whether or not he sought them out, they would come knocking, launching preemptive attacks. Only by fighting back could he gain an escape.

Lu Yan watched for a while before settling back at his computer desk. His memory served him well; he could still recall every mission he had undertaken and every tasker he had encountered in the past few years.

He was in the process of searching for information.

In the past, many of his missions were completed with ambiguous outcomes. Even if they were considered successful, many secrets lurked beneath the surface. The world he experienced during and after completing each mission was vastly different. This meant that even if he searched the internet, the information he found at other times would be completely different.

On the computer screen, a promotional video for Red River Village played.

On that day, the region around Red River Village had been reduced to a wasteland, with graveyards covering the mountains and a river of blood flowing across all burial mounds. But now, Red River Village appeared the same as when he first laid eyes on it: pristine and orderly. Even the red river, as depicted in the promotional video, was an elegant shade of crimson.

Everything appeared to be so ordinary.

However, before the world had become "normal," when he opened a webpage, he saw a ghost village!

Lu Yan's gaze settled on the familiar face of the village chief and...He Lou, Shen Na, Zhao Chuan, and the others who had wholly integrated into the village were now assisting the chief. They all seemed content and satisfied.

A hint of mockery flashed across Lu Yan's eyes.

Should he choose illusory beauty or cruel reality?

He would rather confront the brutal truth alone, struggling on the brink of life and death, than live in blissful ignorance.

After gathering more intelligence about the Omniscient Divine Sect, Lu Yan retired to bed to rest.

Drawing on his past experiences, he knew that even if he refrained from approaching them, these people would somehow end up pulling him in.


An SUV pulled up slowly in the hotel's parking lot.

Four individuals alighted from the vehicle Chu Xiu, Nie Yun Zhen, Shi Yan, and Ye Sheng Ke.

Although they had earlier agreed to accompany Wen Qing and Yun Qian back, they couldn't risk their lives, especially since Yun Qian was believed to be a target of supernatural entities. Hence, they left Wen Qing and the still unconscious Yun Qian at the intersection.

As they entered the hotel's lobby, the four reserved four single rooms on the thirteenth floor. Interestingly, to the staff's surprise, they opted for the stairs over the elevator.

People accustomed to missions of this nature would often train rigorously to stay alive. Hence, the thirteenth floor posed no difficulty for them. Taking the elevator was deemed a more significant danger. In places known as hotspots for supernatural occurrences, if a ghost suddenly appeared in the confined space of the elevator, they would have no chance of escaping. Consequently, they developed a habit of taking the stairs when on missions.

"Today's game was relatively safe, but what about tomorrow? Everyone still remembers tomorrow's game, right?" Nie Yun Zhen remarked.

Shi Yan nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, let's not forget to grab a few apples and a fruit knife. We can carry out our plan in the hotel."

Ye Sheng Ke looked up calmly and asked, "So, who should we invite to join us this time? We only need one more person."

Nie Yun Zhen smiled mischievously and teased, "Do you guys still remember our room numbers?"

At that moment, everyone knew exactly what he meant.

Initially, they planned to book adjacent rooms, but unfortunately, a guest had already checked into the single room in the middle. So, they didn't need to think too hard about who the new player would be.

They laughed heartily and went their separate ways to their rooms.

Chu Xiu walked at the back, his gaze fixed on the three in front of him, his expression deep and inscrutable. He couldn't believe these three had nothing to do with what was happening. Could ghosts really be that benevolent?

The other three probably shared his suspicions, so they talked but kept a distance from each other, ready to bolt at any moment.

As they reached the thirteenth floor, they noticed that the hotel had scrambled the room numbers for privacy and safety reasons. They followed the signs to their respective rooms and found that their keys were for adjacent rooms.

Chu Xiu's thoughts meandered as he passed the door, 'The middle room...'


They were on the outskirts, travelling down a desolate road. This area was already scarcely populated, with taxis unwilling to venture here. Earlier in the day, Wen Qing and Yun Qian took a bus to a nearby stop before walking one or two kilometres to reach their destination.

But now, the four mysterious individuals had left them stranded, with no streetlights to illuminate their path. The stars and moon were obscured behind thick clouds, enveloping everything in darkness.

Even Wen Qing, who was known for her bravery, couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

If only Yun Qian had been conscious, then Wen Qing could take her hand and leave together. However, Yun Qian remained in a state of unconsciousness, leaving Wen Qing feeling helpless. Carrying her was not an option; dragging her would only risk injury, so Wen Qing settled for half-carrying and halfsupporting her as they made their way to the roadside.

The only glimmer of hope provided by the four was the gift of two sleeping bags.

Wen Qing laboured to cover Yun Qian with one of the sleeping bags before crawling into the other. Lying on the hard ground was uncomfortable, so she leaned against a nearby tree, eventually dozing off into a restless slumber.


Meanwhile, in the city's heart, a couple lay fast asleep, a family photo of three positioned atop their bedside table.

Frozen in time, the image of a young Yun Qian smiled back at them from within the frame.

The lady rose from her slumber and headed to the bathroom, rubbing her groggy eyes. After finishing her business, she tried to open the bathroom door, but to her surprise, it wouldn't budge.

"What the heck?" She gripped the doorknob and twisted it left and right, but the door remained eerily still. She pounded on the door and called out for her husband.

Bang, bang, bang! She pounded with even more force.

"Hello? Is anyone out there?"

Little did she know, her voice wasn't carrying beyond the bathroom, and her husband couldn't hear her. She continued banging and yelling for her husband to wake up.

"Hurry up! Don't sleep!" Her knocks grew louder, her frustration building. As she turned her head, she caught her reflection in the mirror and was immediately filled with fear.

She was pounding on the door, but her reflection in the mirror was facing her head on!

The woman in the mirror smiled at her. The harsh lighting made her face look deathly pale.

Confused, she bent down to turn on the faucet and splash water on her face, only to discover that the liquid flowing from the tap wasn't water, but instead, it was a thick stream of fresh blood. Suddenly, the room was filled with an overpowering stench of blood.

The blood washed away pieces of flesh as they fell off the woman's face. In the mirror, the woman smiled at the terrified woman outside and slowly extended her hands.

The woman's limp, boneless, pallid arms wrapped around the victim's neck.

"Help... me..." The plea for help was stifled and unheard.

The restroom had three compartments: the sink on the outer side, the toilet in the middle, and a curtain and barrier concealing the bathtub.

Unbeknownst to her, the man's mangled body was soaked in a large amount of blood in the bathtub. As she turned on the faucet to wash her face, the blood drained out of the bathtub and through the pipe, slowly causing the blood level in the bathtub to drop.


Half awake, Wen Qing heard a mournful and piercing meow that was not her usual little cat's cry, as if driving away something.

It was Little Mimi!

Wen Qing, who was still somewhat tired, immediately opened her eyes.

Wrapped in a sleeping bag, she stared ahead blankly.

In the thick, ink-like darkness, a darker shadow approached her. Its eyes emitted a flickering green light, and at first glance, it appeared to be two floating will-o'-the-wisps!

"Little Mimi?" Wen Qing was jolted from her sleep, scrambling out of her warm sleeping bag. The frigid wind whipped against her, but she didn't care as she dashed towards the sound. "Is it really you, Little Mimi? You came to visit me and remember me, don't you?"

Rushing up to the source of the voice, she squatted down, suddenly remembering something. With a careful hand, she removed an amulet hidden inside her shoe, then carefully picked up the small, black, fluffy ball.

Like old times, Little Mimi nuzzled her palm, its fur soft and comforting.

"I miss you so much. I'm glad you came to see me. I'll never forget you," Wen Qing whispered.

No matter how much she missed Little Mimi, she knew it was gone forever.

Even though her grandmother often muttered about cats having nine lives, it was just a myth. How could it be true?

What Wen Qing didn't notice was that Yun Qian was slowly awakening behind her. Although she lay motionless on the ground, two pale, soft hands emerged from her shoulders and were about to strike!

Wen Qing hugged Little Mimi tightly and turned to leave, fighting back the tears.

Little Mimi hated baths and never appreciated getting its fur wet.

Even if...even if it was a ghost, Wen Qing hoped to see Little Mimi again and keep it company.

Unbeknownst to her, as soon as she turned around, the little cat in her hands rolled over and leapt down to the ground, standing with its tail raised high.

Despite the dark night, Wen Qing could discern that the fur on the cat's body was bristling and emitted a nearbeastly growl from its throat.

Familiar with its behaviour, Wen Qing knew this was a sign of an imminent attack.

And the object of its growling was none other than Yun Qian!

"Little Mimi, no! She's our friend, remembers?" Wen Qing quickly crouched down, trying to scoop up the cat. But Little Mimi was unwilling to cooperate and nimbly evaded her grasp. Then, with lightningquick movements, it lunged towards Yun Qian, who was still lying on the ground.


Wen Qing shouted loudly and rushed to tightly embrace Little Mimi, disregarding its struggles and keeping it at bay.

At that moment, Little Mimi bore no resemblance to the charming feline it once was. Its sharp fangs jutted out of its mouth, and its nails grew instantly longer, razorsharp, dripping with a noxious and sweet fluid. The supple fur on its body had become coarse and rigid, its body cold and stiff.

"Little Mimi?!"

Wen Qing was so terrified that she immediately flung the cat from her grasp.

That wasn't her beloved Little Mimi.

"It... Has it really turned into a ghost?" she gasped. "Oh no! Yun Qian is in danger!"

Just then, Yun Qian slowly stirred awake. Wen Qing rushed over and swiftly positioned herself in front of Yun Qian, her hands outstretched to block any harm from the Little Mimi. She stared firmly at the creature that had already transformed into a monster, her eyes filled with unwavering determination.

"Qian Qian, come on, let's run!" Wen Qing's legs trembled, but she still clung to the hope that Little Mimi might recognize her. She stood her ground.

Yun Qian was unaware of what had happened but was stunned at the ghastly sight before her. She quickly emerged from her sleeping bag, grabbed Wen Qing's hand, and started running.

"Run! Quickly, let's escape!" Yun Qian shouted.

"It has turned into a monster!" Wen Qing added urgently, firmly clutching Yun Qian's hand and pushing herself to her fastest pace. Soon, they left Little Mimi far behind and vanished.

As their footsteps slowed, Wen Qing panted and said, "Okay, now we're safe..." But she felt a sudden shortness of breath before she could finish her sentence.

A pallid hand, devoid of blood, grasped her neck, hoisting her into the air. The hand belonged to none other than Yun Qian.

Her body twisted unnaturally as she rose to her feet, accompanied by strange and eerie cracking sounds. She grew taller and taller, almost blending in with the towering trees nearby. Her face, ashen and ghastly, was obscured by long, tangled black hair.

She fixed her gaze on Wen Qing, who struggled in vain. Fresh blood trickled down Yun Qian's pallid face, emanating a nauseating stench.

At last, Yun Qian remembered... she had been dead for a long time.

When she played "Shadow", she had actually called back her soul; she meant to say, "Find my... body."

Yun Qian, who had remembered everything, had turned into a vengeful ghost and wanted to kill everyone around her! The first person she wanted to kill was Wen Qing, who was closest to her! But Wen Qing had a protective talisman, so she could not harm her. So, Yun Qian was forced to kill her own parents instead.

And now, with Wen Qing having voluntarily discarded her talisman, which had been her safeguard, Yun Qian was poised to take her revenge and kill her closest friend!


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