The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 10:

Chapter 10:

When Issei went inside the dimensional rift, there's an anomaly happening. Issei's feels someone summoning him, it tries to compel him to answer its call but Issei just snort it off and ignores it. But the compulsion started getting stronger and when he started getting annoyed a gap opened and he went through it.

When Issei opened his eyes he saw that he's on a sky free falling, and from the corner of his eyes he can see fire burning everywhere and a bunch of wyverns flying around, but when they noticed the newcomer they tried to attack him. But when they got near him, their instinct screaming to not mess with the 'man' in front of them, they feels like they are before a King. The king of dragon kin, so they turn tails and fly away as fast as they can, because they know if they do attack him they won't last a single second.

Even though their 'Master' order them to kill all human they see, they can tell this being before them is far from a normal human.

When Issei saw the wyverns tried to attack him, he felt amused that a mere wyvern tries to attack him. But before he can launch an attack of his own, he saw them turn tail and flew away.

So Issei put aside his sight to below him, below him he can see a city with a giant castle in the middle, so he decided to see what's this compulsion that keep bothering him are. He spread his dragon wings and flew down right to the center of the castle because he can feel that's where his 'Summoner' are.

When he arrived at the garden of the castle he saw a giant black dragon stand before him, and he's surprised to see a Dragon here of all places. But he doesn't feel a tiny bit intimidated by it at all, he just feel curious why there's a Dragon here.

While Issei inspecting the Black Dragon, it also do the same as him. It was asleep before because it got bored of killing the humans because they are so weak, so it leave the job to the wyverns. Then it felt an 'Aura' of a Dragon above the sky so it become alarmed and went out right away to inspect it.

It didn't expect the owner of that aura are a human like being, but it knows better that the being before him is not a mere human. It can clearly feel an 'Aura' that's stronger than Its own, far more stronger... If the being wish to kill it then it won't even last 5 second, so it feels fear. Fear for the seemingly small but possess immense power far greater than it.

Whilst Issei still inspecting the Dragon in front of him, he saw it bow down and lay flat on the ground. First he was surprised, but then realized it must have felt his 'Aura'. Then he said "Don't be afraid, I'm only here to see who's summoning me. As long you don't attack me then I won't attack you." The black dragon meekly nodded its head and let him pass.

When Issei arrived in front of a giant door leading to the center of the castle, he heard a clashing sound of weapons.


So he proceeded to open the door.


The collision sound of weapon resounded once more. At this moment, Issei saw clearly. In the middle of the room, two people are battling.

In one side of the fierce combat is a young girl holding a black flag with an evil dragon pattern symbol. She has a taunting look on her face. And on the other side is also a young girl holding a white flag that resembles an Angel with a holy flower pattern symbol. With a concentrated look on her face.

They both have the same kind of weapons, which is a flag albeit with a different color.

But what surprises him the most are they both are look totally the same, their armor, their stature and build, their face. The only things that different between them are the one with a black flag have a pale skin complexion, yellow eyes, long white-blond hair that reach her ankle, and a darker color scheme for her armor, flag, and cape. While the other one have fair skin complexion ,amethyst-colored eyes, long golden radiant blond hair that also reach her ankle but a white color scheme for her gears which totally the opposite with the other party.

Issei couldn't help think them as twins. But he stopped his thoughts when he heard the black one laughing.

Black - Hehe... Haha... Ahahahahahaha!

A laughter full with ridicule, like she's blaspheming. Like she's provoking and just playing with the other party. In her hand The Evil Flag also emitting a phantom. Then she attack once more.

White - Kuh...!?

Her expression congeals, in the foreheads filled with sweat. She hurriedly raise her white holy flag to block the attack from the other party.


The flags collide against each other and produce a flame spark because of their collision.


They keep trading blows after blows with each other, whenever the other one attack the other one defend. They keep the same pace rinse and repeat, he can tell the black one has more furor in her attacks while the white one has compassion in hers.

But Issei can tell that the black one have the winning side. Its not like the white ones are weak but the 'Weight' in her attacks are to soft compared to the black one. The black ones filled ominous aura filled with hate while the white ones filled with compassionate aura like a saintess.

And Issei recognized the symbol on the white flag "That holy flag symbol... If I'm not wrong that symbol belongs to the France... That means I'm in France... And if my guess are right that woman are Saintess Jeanne d'Arc. I have never seen that much holy power and aura on a human before, and only a Saintess can hold that kind of aura. But who is that black one?" He couldn't help but wonder while looking at the black one.

At this moment, the situation had a change.


Under the fierce attacking of the black one, along with a splash of spark, Jeanne cannot insist finally.

The grip on her Holy Flag in her hands slipped. Then the black one proceeded to attack once more "Ha!" The black flag hit maliciously on Jeanne body.


"Ugh!" Along with the groan of Jeanne, her body got struck away and rolled at the floor until she stopped in place with a palm on the ground while her other hands clutching the place where she got hit and took a deep breath only the look on her eyes are filled with imposing look and determination. The grasps on the Holy Flag also not lessening and she till tightly staring at the opposite party.

Regarding this, the black one only give the opposite party an insult.

Black - "What's wrong? Only this?" Black said with disdain "And here I thought you can give me a challenge as a 'Saintess' of this decayed country!"

Hearing this Issei got the confirmation he need to know that the white one is really Jeanne d'Arc. 'Only why is she still alive? Isn't she supposed to be already dead? Did I somehow travel back in time but the history never mentioned that she has a 'twin'...' When Issei is still thinking she heard her asking the black one.

Jeanne - ....Who are you?

Jeanne asked while biting her lip, she gazes at the other 'her'. With a voice sounds limpid and moving. She asked once more

Jeanne - Why you do this kind of matter?

The matter where there's some kind of war happening outside and with a bunch of wyverns killing humans and burning everything.

Jeanne - If you are really 'me', you should know. Here is our motherland... Do you really want to destroy it?

But the black one only says

Black - ...And here I was wondering what you want to say. Originally are this foolish talk?

She says with disdain and ridicule look.

Black - You are asking me why I want to do this kind of matter? Then I also want to ask you, Why can't you do the same thing as me?!

She loudly says

Black - Think of everything we've done for this country so far! Think of the sacrifices we've made! And what's the repayment they gave us?! They only look when we got captured! They only look when we were falsely accused! They even also only look when we were delivered to the cross, to be burned to ash! Now, you unexpectedly asked why I want to do this matter?!

She says with utter hatred.

Black - Naturally because I must have my revenge! Takes revenge against the humans as well as this country! This is the reason why I did all this!

But Jeanne who's hearing this only become silent, On that exquisite charming face doesn't have a tiny bit of hatred, has not been at a loss, only inexhaustible sadness. "Has sufficed" she says, "Please stop. If you are really me, then please stops". This is what she pleads to the other her. "Because... 'I' have never thought to take a revenge"

From their conversation Issei realized they must be the same Jeanne yet entirely different at the same time. Because they both does the same thing but have a different wish, the black Jeanne wishes for revenge while the white one does not. They have sacrificed everything for the country where they were born. But in the end they finally betrayed by the things they wanted to protect. Just like him...

Black - .....In other words you doesn't acknowledge that 'I' am Jeanne, right?

You can't see her expression because she's looking down but her taunting smiles are nowhere to be seen.

Black - Like me who unable to understand why you do not want to take revenge, you also could not understand me. You denied me, I will also deny you. Lost the title, lose the name, lose the memory, then only this hatred itself I will not lose. Such being the case, I, so long as I have this hatred is sufficed. You want to protect this country and I want to destroy it, then we shall arrive in hell to be burn in stakes together.

She proceeds to lift the flag then in that moment *BOOM!* The Red Lotus Karmic Fire appears. Jeanne was startled, from that flame, Jeanne felt rich resentment and negative sentiment. The thing she doesn't have inside her own flame.

Black - "How? Don't you have such power?" She says with a distorted smile "This flame can only be attained if you accept that stake, and was a determined flame that retaliated all me to obtain, flame of revenge. I was slandered as a witch, then by using this cursed flame I shall let them burn in its Karmic Fire completely and be a witch just like they condemn me for! And you shall also feel it once more just like during your death in the stake!

The words fall, Karmic Fire such as fire storm. Sweeps across to Jeanne. "Kuh!" Jeanne doesn't dare to neglect such attack, then she also lift her holy flag. *Whoosh* Some radiant brilliance immediately emit from the flag, making the dim golden light fill shines in the area.

Black Jeanne liberated own Noble Phantasm True Name loudly.

Black - "All evil is here. The time for revenge has come! This is the roar of my soul that was polished by hatred... <La Grondement Du Haine> !!!"

Karmic Fire inflates immediately, burnt black the floor instantaneously, evaporated the air, resembled the tide to be the same, looks like a wicked dragon's breath, went towards Jeanne body.

Jeanne - "Here's the work of the Lord! My flag, defend our brethrens!... <Luminosit Eternelle> !!!"

Jeanne liberated her own Noble Phantasm True Name similarly. And a bright and radiant golden light also bloomed from Jeanne's Holy Flag and created a barrier surrounding her.

Then the whole room went bright...

(I made both of their hair long like their stage 3 form in FGO)


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