The Wife of Hades

Chapter 56 - Narcissist

The next day, An Luxia slept until the sun was long out for several hours already, and to her surprise, when she woke up, Mo Han was still there.

She opened her eyes and snuggled up against his warm body, although the summer temperature was very high already. She tilted her head slightly, lifting her hand out of the blanket and gently moving it over to his lips, tracing them with an amused smile.

Suddenly, his large hand grasped onto hers and his eyes shot open. An Luxia flinched slightly since it was early in the morning and Mo Han's entire movement was very fast.

"I. . ." An Luxia immediately opened her mouth to explain but didn't know what to say and why she was trying to explain herself.

"Don't worry, I know. I am very handsome," Mo Han said without even blinking an eye.

At once, the embarrassment An Luxia felt disappeared as she raised one eyebrow, "Such a narcissist!" 

Mo Han nodded his head proudly, "Indeed."

Just as An Luxia was about to reply, another sound filled the room, coming from a different body part that wasn't supposed to make noise.

She looked up embarrassedly into Mo Han's amused face and frowned, "What are you looking at?! Your wife is starving and you are here smiling!"

Mo Han chuckled before pushing himself up from the bed, "Okay, let's go eat breakfast. Come on, get out of bed now. Let's go!"


Surprisingly, it had rained last night while the two of them were sleeping, and while Mo Han and An Luxia went out to the back garden, they noticed the fresh air after a summer rain and the plants also appeared greener.

"It rarely rains in the summer," An Luxia pointed out as they walked around, the garden much too large to actually be a garden. It was more like a . . . forest. 

After a long walk that almost took up an hour, the two of them returned back to their house.

The rest of the day went by peacefully as the two of them did work together and didn't talk about anything that had happened yesterday anymore. 


On Monday, An Luxia returned to school. The car stopped in front of the school and she got out of the car after saying goodbye to Mo Han.

He refused to have people pack her lunch anymore since he insisted on coming to eat with her every day, which made An Luxia wonder if the leader of the HLX really had nothing to do all day.

She went to her first class, which was a literature class for masters, and it was incredibly boring, so she played games with one of her friends sitting next to her.

During lunchtime, she went to the back parking lot and found Mo Han's car parked back there. She quickly ran over and pulled open the car door, immediately greeted with the delicious smell of food.

As she ate, she remembered and turned around, "Xinyi is alone without me eating with her at lunch. Maybe. . . I should still bring lunch or just buy lunch at school."

Mo Han raised one eyebrow and frowned slightly, obviously not pleased, "It's okay. I'll just go bring the food to the cafeteria then and we can eat there with her."

An Luxia pressed her lips together slightly, worried about the attention it would attract. However, she naturally attracted attention! Why should she care? Food and friends were the most important!

Mo Han grabbed the napkin and gently dabbed at the corners of her lips, which were stained red since he had brought her pasta from the most famous Italian restaurant around.

"Did you know that I was thinking about pasta in class today? Ah, maybe we really do think alike," An Luxia said with a sweet smile, "As a reward for bringing me good food, I'll cook dinner tonight!"

"Really?!" Mo Han's back straightened upon hearing that. He rarely had a great appetite, and could only eat a lot when it was the food An Luxia cooked.

However, she was busy with school and writing her novel so she didn't have much time to cook. He had to celebrate! He should really bring her pasta more often.

After lunch, she entered her first class which was a script reading class she chose to take since the novels she wrote were very similar to many popular dramas and shows at the time.

Yu Xinyi was also required to take this course, so she dragged her here with her. 

The two of them sat down in the middle of the fourth row and pulled out the famous script they were reading in class right now.

The rest of the class slowly filed in and An Luxia pulled out her phone to scroll around since the professor was often late.

"Ah, I wonder if Yuchen ate his lunch yet," Yu Xinyi said, resting her head onto her hand.

An Luxia rolled her eyes, "Ah, I don't understand how you like my brother? What is so attractive about him?"

Yu Xinyi immediately sat up straight and glared at An Luxia, "How could you talk about my Chenchen like that?! I can't be friends with you anymore!" 

An Luxia gaped at Yu Xinyi before shaking her head disappointedly, "Indeed, the saying is right. . . Love is more important than friendship."

Yu Xinyi scoffed and continued to spin her pen around her fingers, closing her eyes with a smile. An Luxia glanced at her and guessed that she was probably daydreaming about An Yuchen again.

She opened up the script to flip to where they left off, and as she was flipping, a familiar voice suddenly rang in her ear.

"Sister, you're here!"

An Luxia's hands froze for a second and she slowly turned her head around, looking up to see the familiar face who she had seen not too long ago.

She narrowed her eyes and stood up, looking directly into the girl's eyes. 

"Li Yilan, what are you doing here?"


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